`Complete and
`Foreword, Bill Gates
`General Editor, Ray Duncan
`Ex 1409, p. 1 of 161
`Ex 1409, p. 2 of 161
`Microsoft Press
`Redmond, Washington
`Ray Duncan, General Editor
`Foreword by Bill Gates
`Ex 1409, p. 3 of 161
`Published by
`Microsoft Press
`A Division of Microsoft Corporation
`16011 NE 36th Way, Box 97017, Redmond, Washington 98073-9717
`Copyright © 1988 by Microsoft Press
`All rights reserved No part of the contents of this book
`may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means
`without the written permission of the publisher
`I Duncan, Ray, 1952-
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`The MS-DOS encyclopedia : versions 1 O through 3 .2 /
`editor, Ray Duncan
`Includes indexes
`1 MS-DOS (Computer operating system)
`II Microsoft Press
`QA76 76 063M74
`005 (cid:52)(cid:39)(cid:52)(cid:126)(cid:45)(cid:100)(cid:99)(cid:49)(cid:57)(cid:32)
`ISBN l-55615-174-8
`Printed and bound in the United States of America
`Distributed to the book trade in the
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`British Cataloging in Publication Data available
`IBM®, IBM AT®, PS/2®, and Top View® are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation
`GW-BASIC®, Microsoft® MS® MS-DOS®, SOFTCARD® and XENIX® are registered trademarks of
`Microsoft Corporation
`Microsoft Press gratefully acknowledges permission to reproduce material listed below
`Page 4: Courtesy The Computer Museum
`Pages 5, 11, 42: Intel 4004, 8008, 8080, 8086, and 80286 microprocessor photographs Courtesy Intel Corporation
`Page 6: Reprinted from Popular Electronics, January 1975 Copyright © 1975 Ziff Communications Company
`Page 13: Reprinted with permission of Rod Brock
`Page 16: Reprinted with permission of The Seattle Times Copyright© 1983
`Pages 19, 34, 42: IBM PC advertisements and photographs of the PC, (cid:80)(cid:67)(cid:47)(cid:88)(cid:84)(cid:126)(cid:32)and PC/AT reproduced with
`permission of International Business Machines Corporation Copyright© 1981, 1982, 1984 All rights reserved
`Page 21: 'Big IBM's 1 ittle Computer' Copyright© 1981 by The New York Times Company Reprinted by
`' IBM Announces Ne.w Microcomputer System· Reprinted with permission of Info World Copyright© 1981
`IBM really gets personal" Reprinted with permission of Personal Computing Copyright© 1981
`'Personal Computer from IBM Reprinted from DATA MAI ION Magazine October 1981 Copyright © by Cahners
`Publishing Company
`IBM's New line likely to Shake up the Market for Personal Computers Reprinted by permission of I he Wall
`Street journal Copyright© Dow Jones & Company, Inc. 1981 All Rights Re.served
`Page 36: Irresistible DOS 3 O and "The Ascent of DOS Reprinted from PC Tech journal
`December 1984 and October 1986 Copyright© 1984 1986 Ziff Communications Company
`' (cid:77)(cid:83)(cid:126)(cid:68)(cid:79)(cid:83)(cid:32)2 00: A Hands-On Tutorial" Reprinted by permission of PC World from Volume 1, Issue 3 March 1983,
`published at 501 Second Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107
`Special thanks to Bob O'Rear; Aaron Reynolds, and Kenichi Ikeda
`Encyclopedia Staff
`Editor-in-Chief: Susan Lammers
`Editorial Ditector: Patricia Pratt
`Senior· Editor: Dorothy l Shattuck
`Senior· Technical Editor: David l Rygmyr
`Special Projects Editor: Sally A. Brunsman
`Editorial Coordinator: Sarah Hersack
`Associate Editors and Technical Editots:
`Pamela Beason, Ann Becherer, Bob Combs,
`Michael Halvorson, Jeff Hinsch, Dean Holmes,
`Chris Kinata, Gary Masters, Claudette Moore,
`Steve Ross, Roger Shanafelt, Eric Stroo,
`Lee I ho mas, JoAnne Woodcock
`Copy Chief: Brianna Morgan Prooffeaders:
`Kathleen Atkins, Julie Carter, Elizabeth
`Eisenhood, Matthew Eliot, Patrick Forgette,
`Alex Hancock, Richard Isomaki, Shawn Peck,
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`Editorial Assistants: Wallis Bolz, Charles Brod,
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`McRhoton, Vilm Nguyen, Cheryl VanGeystel
`Index: Shane-Aimstrong Information Services
`Production: larry Anderson, Jane Bennett, Rick
`Bourgoin, Darcie S Fur Ian, Nick Gregoric, Peggy
`Herman, Iisa Iversen, Rebecca Johnson, Ruth Pettis,
`Russell Steele, Jean Ifenary, Joy Ulskey
`Matketing and Sales Dir'ectol! James Brown
`Dir'ector of Pt'Oduction: Christopher D Banks
`Publishei·: Min S Yee
`Ex 1409, p. 4 of 161
`Ray Duncan, Genet·alEditm
`Duncan received a BA. in Chemistry from the University of Califor-
`nia, Riverside, and an M D. from the University of California, Los Angeles, and subsequently received
`specialized training in Pediatrics and Neonatology at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles He
`has written many articles for personal computing magazines, including BYTE PC Magazine, Dr. Dobb's
`Journal and 'So/talk/PC, and is the author of the Microsoft Press book Advanced MS-DO.S He is the
`founder of Laboratory Microsystems Incorporated a software house specializing in FORJ H interpreters
`and compilers
`Sreve Bostwick Bostwick holds a B.S in Physics from the University of California, Los Angeles, and
`has over 20 years' experience in scientific and commercial data processing. He is president of Query
`Computing Systems, Inc , a software firm specializing in the creation of systems for applications that
`interface microcomputers with specialized hardware He is also an instructor for the UCI A Extension
`Department of Engineering and Science and helped design their popular Microprocessor Hardware and
`Software Engineering Certificate Program
`Keith Burgoyne
`Born and raised in Orange County, California, Burgoyne began programming in
`1974 on IBM 370 mainframes. In 1979, he began developing microcomputer products for Apples,
`TRS"80s, Ataris, Commodores, and IBM PCs He is presently Senior Systems Engineer at Local Data of
`Ibrrance, California, which is a major producer of IBM 3174/3274 and System 3X protocol conversion
`products His (cid:112)(cid:114)(cid:126)(cid:118)(cid:105)(cid:111)(cid:117)(cid:115)(cid:32)writing credits include numerous user manuals and tutorials
`Robert A. Byet's
`Byers is the author of the bestselling Everyman '.s Database Primer. He is presently
`involved with the Emerald Bay database project with RSPI and Migent, Inc
`Thom Hogan During 11 years working with personal computers, Hogan has been a software devel-
`oper, a programmer, a technical writer, a marketing manager; and a lecturer He has written six books
`numerous magazine articles, and four manuals. Hogan is the author of the forthcoming Microsoft Press
`book PC Programmer '.s Sourcebook.
`/imK,yk Kyle has 23 years' experience in computing Since 1967 he has been a systems program(cid:173)
`mer with strong telecommunications orientation His interest in microcomputers dates from 1975 He is
`currently MIS Administrator for BI I Systems, Inc , the OEM Division of Banclec Inc manufacturers of
`MICR equipment for the banking industry He has written 14 books and numerous magazine articles
`(mostly on ham radio and hobby electronics) and has been primary Forum Administrator for Computer
`Language Magazine s Cl MFORUlvI on CompuServe since early 1985
`Gordon Letwin
`I.etwin is Chief Architect Systems Software Microsoft Corporation He is the author
`of Jn')fde OS/2, published by Microsoft Press
`Charles Petzold
`Petzold holds an M S in Mathematics from Stevens Institute of Technology Before
`launching his writing career, he worked 10 years in the insurance industry, programming and teaching
`programming on IBM mainframes and PCs He is the author of the Microsoft Press book Programming
`Windows 2 0, a contributing editor to PC Magazine and a frequent contributor to the Microsoft (cid:126)(cid:121)(cid:115)(cid:116)(cid:101)(cid:109)(cid:115)(cid:32)
`Chip Rabi'IWWitz Rabinowitz has been a programmer for 11 years He is presently chief program(cid:173)
`mer for Productivity Solutions, a microcomputer consulting firm based in Pennsylvania and has been
`Forum Administrator for the CompuServe MICROSOFT SIG since 1986
`Ex 1409, p. 5 of 161
`Jim Tomlin
`Tomlin holds a B S and an M.S in Mathematics He has programmed at Boeing
`Microsoft, and Opcon and has taught at Seattle Pacific. University He now heads his own company in
`Seattle, which specializes in PC systems programming and industrial machine vision applications
`Richard Wilton Wilton has programmed extensively in PI /1, FORTRAN, FORTH, C, and several
`assembly languages He is the author of Programmer ·s Guide to PC & PS/2 Video (cid:126)(cid:121)(cid:115)(cid:116)(cid:101)(cid:109)(cid:115)(cid:44)(cid:32)published
`by Microsoft Press
`Van WolveTton A professional writer since 1963, Wolverton has had bylines as a newspaper reporter,
`editorial writer, political columnist, and technical writer He is the author of Running },f.S-DOS and
`S'upercha-rging MS-DOS, both published by Microsoft Press
`Willlam Wong Wong holds engineering and computer science degrees from Georgia Ie.-ch and
`Rutgers University He is director of PC labs and president of Logic Fusion Inc. His interests include
`operating systems, computer languages, and artificial intelligence He has written numerous magazine
`articles anda book on MS-DOS
`/oAnne Woodcock Woodcock, a former senior editor at Microsoft Press, has been a writer for
`Encyclopaedia Britannica and a freelance and project editor on marine biological studies at the
`University of Southern California She is co-editor (with Michael Halvorson) of _KEND< at Wor:k and
`co-author (with Peter Rinearson) of Microsoft Word Style Sheets both published b'y Microsoft Press
`Special Technical Advisor
`Mark Zbikowski
`Technical Advisors
`Paul Allen
`Steve Ballmer
`Reuben Borman
`Rob Bowman
`John Butler
`Chuck Carroll
`Mark Chamberlain
`David Chell
`Mike Colee
`Mike Courtney
`Mike Dryfoos
`Rachel Duncan
`Kurt Eckhardt
`Eric Evans
`Rick Farmer
`Bill Gates
`Michael Geary
`Bob Griffin
`Doug Hogarth
`James W Johnson
`Kaame-1 Kermaani
`Adrian King
`Reed Koch
`James Landowski
`Chris I.arson
`I ho mas 1.ennon
`Jl..1arc McDonald
`Bruce McKinney
`Pascal Martin
`Estelle Mathers
`Bob Matthews
`David Melin
`Char !es Mergentime
`Randy Nevin
`Dan Newell
`Tani Newell
`David Norris
`IYiike O'Leary
`Mike Olsson
`Iarry Osterman
`Ridge Ostling
`Sunil Pai
`I im Paterson
`Gary Perez
`Chris Peters
`Charles Petzold
`John Pollock
`Aaron Reynolds
`Darryl Rubin
`Ralph Ryan
`Karl Schulmeisters
`Rajen Shah
`Barry Shaw
`Anthony Short
`Ben Slivka
`Betty Stillmaker
`John Stoddard
`Dennis Tillman
`Greg Whitten
`Natalie Yount
`Steve Zeck
`Foreword by Bill Gates
`Preface by Ray Duncan
`Section I: The Development of MS-DOS
`Section II: Programming in the MS-DOS Environment
`Part A: Structur·e of MS-DOS
`Article 1: An Introduction to MS-DOS 51
`Article 2:
`I he Components of MS-DOS 61
`Article 3: MS-DOS Storage Devices 85
`Part B: Progr'alllDling for· MS-DOS
`Article 4:
`Structure of an Application Program 107
`Article 5:
`Character Device Input and Output 149
`Article 6:
`Interrupt-Driven Communications 167
`Article 7:
`File and Record Management 247
`Article 8:
`Disk Directories and Volume Labels 279
`Article 9: Memory Management 297
`Article 10: I he MS-DOS EXEC Function .321
`PartC: CustomizingMS-DOS
`Article 11: I erminate-and-Stay-Resident Utilities 347
`Article 12: Exception Handlers 385
`Article 13: Hardware Interrupt Handlers 409
`Article 14: Writing MS-DOS Filters 429
`Article 15: Installable Device Drivers 44/
`Part D: Dir·ections of MS-DOS
`Article 16: Writing Applications for Upward Compatibility 489
`Article 17: Windows 499
`Part E: Progr·amming Tools
`Article 18: Debugging in the MS-DOS Environment 541
`Article 19: Object Modules 643
`Article 20: The Microsoft Object linker 701
`The MS-DOS Encyclopedia
`Ex 1409, p. 6 of 161
`Subject 1533
`Commands and System Calls 1565
`Section ill: User Commands
`Introduction 725
`User commands are listed in alphabetic order I his section includes ANSI .SYS,
`Section IV: Programming Utilities
`Introduction 963
`CREF 967
`EXE2BIN 971
`IIB 980
`lINK 987
`MAKE 999
`MAPSYM 1004
`MASM 1007
`Micr'Osoft Debugger,;:
`DEBUG 1020
`SYMDEB 1054
`CodeView 1157
`Section V: System Calls
`Introduction 1177
`System calls are listed in numeric order
`Appendix A:
`Appendix I:
`MS-DOS Version 3 3 1433
`Critical Error Codes 1459
`Extended Error Codes 1461
`ASCII and IBM Extended ASCII Character Sets 1465
`EBCDIC Character Set 1469
`ANSI SYS Key and Extended Key Codes 1471
`File Control Block (FCB) Structure 1473
`Program Segment Prefix (PSP) Structure 1477
`8086/8088/80286/80386 Instruction Sets 1479
`Common MS-DOS Filename Extensions 1485
`Segmented (New) EXE File Header Format 1487
`Intel Hexadecimal Object File Format 1499
`8086/8088 Software Compatibility Issues 1507
`An Object Module Dump Utility 1509
`IBM PC BIOS Calls 1513
`The MS-DOS Encyclopedia
`Ex 1409, p. 7 of 161
`Microsoft's MS-DOS is the most popular piece of software in the world It runs on more
`than 10 million personal computers worldwide and is the foundation for at least 20,000
`applications-the largest set of applications in any computer environment As an industiy
`standard for the family of 8086-based microcomputers, MS-DOS has had a central role in
`the personal computer revolution and is the most significant and enduring factor in fwc
`thering Microsoft's original vision- a computer for every desktop and in every home The
`challenge of maintaining a single operating system over the entire range of 8086-based
`microcomputers and applications is incredible, but Microsoft has been committed to meet(cid:173)
`ing this challenge since the release of MS-DOS in 1981 The true measure of our success
`in this effort is MS-DOS's continued prominence in the microcomputer industry
`Since MS-DOS's creation, more powerful and much-improved computers have entered the
`marketplace, yet each new version of MS-DOS reestablishes its position as the foundation
`for new applications as well as for old Tb explain this extraordinary prominence, we must
`look to the origins of the personal computer industry. The tlu·ee most significant factors in
`the creation of MS-DOS were the compatibility revolution, the development of Microsoft
`BASIC and its widespread acceptance by the personal computer industry, and IBM's deci(cid:173)
`sion to build a computer that incorporated 16-bit technology
`I he compatibility revolution began with the Intel 8080 microprocessor I his technolog(cid:173)
`ical breakthrough brought unprecedented opportunities in the emerging microcomputer
`industry, promising continued improvements in power, speed, and cost of desktop com(cid:173)
`puting. In the minicomputer market, every hardware manufacturer had its own special
`instruction set and operating system, so software developed for a specific machine was in(cid:173)
`compatible with the machines of other hardware vendors This specialization also meant
`tremendous duplication of effort - each hardware vendor had to write language compilers,
`databases, and other development tools to fit its particular machine. Microcomputers
`based on the 8080 microprocessor promised to change all this because different manu(cid:173)
`facturers would (cid:98)(cid:126)(cid:121)(cid:32)the same chip with the same instruction set
`From 1975 to 1981(the8-bit era of microcomputing), Microsoft convinced virtually
`every personal computer manufacturer- Radio Shack, Commodore, Apple, and dozens
`of others- to build Microsoft BASIC into its machines For the first time, one common lan(cid:173)
`guage cut across all hardware vendor lines The success of our BASIC demonstrated the
`advantages of compatibility: IO their great benefit, users were finally able to move appli(cid:173)
`cations from one vendor's machine to another
`Most machines produced dwing this early period did not have a built-in disk drive
`Gradually, however, floppy disks, and later fixed disks, became less expensive and more
`common, and a number of disk-based programs, including WordStar and dBASE, entered
`the market A standard disk operating system that could accommodate these develop(cid:173)
`ments became extremely important, leading lifeboat, Microsoft, and Digital Research all to
`support CP/M-80, Digital Research's 8080 DOS
`Ex 1409, p. 8 of 161
`The 8-bit era proved the imp01tance of having a multiple-manufacturer standard that
`permitted the free interchange of programs It was imp01tant that software designed for
`the new 16-bit machines have this same advantage No personal computer manufacturer in
`1980 could have predicted with any accuracy how quickly a third-party software industry
`would grow and get behind a strong standard- a standard that would be the software
`industry's lifeblood The intricacies of how MS-DOS became the most common 16-bit
`operating system, in part through the w01k we did for IBM, is not the key point here The
`key point is that it was inevitable for a popular operating system to emerge for the 16-bit
`machine, just as Microsoft's BASIC had prevailed on the 8-bit systems
`It was overwhelmingly evident that the personal computer had reached broad acceptance
`in the market when Time in 1982 named the personal computer "Man of the Year" MS(cid:173)
`DOS was integral to this acceptance and popularity, and we have continued to adapt
`MS-DOS to supp01t more powerful computers without sac1ificing the compatibility that is
`essential to keeping it an industry standard The presence of the 80386 microprocessor
`guarantees that continued investments in Intel-architecture software will be worthwhile
`Our goal with The M.S-DOS Encyclopedia is to provide the most thorough and accessible
`resource available anywhere for MS-DOS programmers The length of this book is many
`times greater than the source listing of the fir st version of MS-DOS- evidence of the
`growing complexity and sophistication of the operating system I he encyclopedia will be
`especially useful to software developers faced with preserving continuity yet enhancing
`the portability of their applications
`Our thriving industry is committed to exploiting the advantages offered by the protected
`mode introduced with the 80286 microprocess01 and the virtual mode introduced with the
`80386 microprocess01 MS-DOS will continue to play an integral part in this eff01t faster
`and more powerful machines running Microsoft OS/2 mean an exciting fliture of multi(cid:173)
`tasking systems, networking, improved levels of data protection, better hardware memory
`management for multiple applications, stunning graphics systems that can display an inno(cid:173)
`vative graphical user interface, and communication subsystems MS-DOS version 3, which
`runs in real mode on 80286-based and 80386-based machines, is a vital link in the Family
`API of OS/2 Users will continue to benefit from ou1 commitment to improved operating(cid:173)
`system performance and usability as the foture unfolds
`Bill Gates
`The M'S-DOS Encyclopedia
`In the space of six years, MS-DOS has become the most widely used computer operating
`system in the world, running on more than 10 million machines. It has grown, matured,
`and stabilized into a flexible, easily extendable system that can support netwm king,
`graphical user interfaces, nearly any peripheral device, and even CD ROMs containing
`massive amounts of on-line information MS-DOS will be with us for many years to come
`as the platform for applications that run on low-cost, 8086/8088-based machines
`Not surprisingly, the success of MS-DOS has drawn many Wiiters and publishers into its
`01 bit The number of books on MS-DOS and its commands, languages, and applications
`dwarfs the list of titles for any other operating system Why, then, yet another book on
`MS-DOS? And what can we say about the operating system that has not been said already?
`First, we have written and edited The MSCDOS Encyclopedia with one audience in mind:
`the community of working programmers We have therefore been free to bypass elemen(cid:173)
`tary subjects such as the number of bits in a byte and the interpretation of hexadecimal
`numbers Instead, we have emphasized detailed technical explanations, working code ex(cid:173)
`amples that can be adapted and incorporated into new applications, and a systems view of
`even the most common MS-DOS commands and utilities
`Second, because we were not subject to size restrictions, we have explored topics in depth
`that other MS-DOS books mention only briefly, such as exception and error handling,
`interrupt-driven communications, debugging strategies, memory management, and install(cid:173)
`able device drivers We have commissioned definitive articles on the relocatable Object
`modules generated by Microsoft language translators, the operation of the Microsoft Ob(cid:173)
`ject linker, and terminate-and-stay-resident utilities We have even interviewed the key
`developers of MS-DOS and drawn on their files and bulletin boards to offer an entertain(cid:173)
`ing, illustrated account of the origins of Microsoft's standard-setting operating system
`Finally, by combining the viewpoints and experience of non-Microsoft programmers and
`writers, the expe1tise and resources of Microsoft software developers, and the publishing
`know-how of lvlicrosoft Press, we have assembled a unique and comprehensive reference
`to MS-DOS services, commands, di1ectives, and utilities In many instances, the manu(cid:173)
`scripts have been reviewed by the autho1s of the Microsoft tools described
`We have made eve1y effort during the creation of this book to ensure that its contents are
`timely and trustworthy In a work of this size, however, it is inevitable that errors and omis(cid:173)
`sions will occur If you discover any such errors, please b1ing them to our attention so that
`they can be repaired in future printings and thus aid your fellow prog1amme1s To this
`end, Microsoft Press has established a bulletin board on MCI Mail for posting corrections
`and comments. Please refer to page xvi' for more information
`Ray Duncan
`Ex 1409, p. 9 of 161
`Updates to Tiie MS-DOS Encyclopedia
`Periodically, the staff of The MS' DOS Encyclopedia will publish updates (cid:126)(cid:111)(cid:110)(cid:116)(cid:97)(cid:105)(cid:114)(cid:105)(cid:105)(cid:105)(cid:106)(cid:103)(cid:32)
`clarifications ·or coriections to- the information -p_res_eilted in_ (cid:116)(cid:104)(cid:105)(cid:126)(cid:32)_curre!lt;editiSn. __ !o __ ob_-·
`tain·iriformation about receiving these updates, .. pleasec.hecktlie·appropr.iate.·boxon.\he
`business reply card in the back of this book, or send yournameand (cid:126)(cid:100)(cid:100)(cid:114)(cid:101)(cid:115)(cid:115)(cid:32)to :MScDOS
`Encyclopedia Update Iriformation, c/o Microsoft Press, 16011NE36thway, Box.97017,
`Redmond, WA 98073-9717
`Microsoft Press is sponsoring a loulletinboard ontvjC! (cid:77)(cid:97)(cid:102)(cid:114)(cid:102)(cid:111)(cid:114)(cid:112)(cid:111)(cid:126)(cid:92)(cid:105)(cid:126)(cid:103)(cid:126)(cid:100)(cid:114)(cid:101)(cid:99)(cid:101)(cid:105)(cid:118)(cid:105)(cid:110)(cid:103)(cid:99)(cid:111)(cid:114)(cid:173)
`rections and comm.entsfor The.MS-DOS Encyclopedia. Jb,use.this serVice, ·log on. to MCI
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`bulletin boards will be displayed; simply choose.MSPressDOSENCYAo eht.er the en(cid:173)
`cyclopedia's bulletin boa1d.
`Special Co1IlparuonDiskOffeJ:' ..
`MicrosoftPress has created a set.of valuable, time saving companion diskst0 !IheM§-DOS
`Encyclopedia, (cid:84)(cid:104)(cid:101)(cid:121)(cid:46)(cid:99)(cid:111)(cid:110)(cid:116)(cid:97)(cid:105)(cid:110)(cid:183)(cid:116)(cid:104)(cid:101)(cid:183)(cid:49)(cid:183)(cid:111)(cid:117)(cid:116)(cid:105)(cid:110)(cid:101)(cid:115)(cid:183)(cid:46)(cid:97)(cid:110)(cid:100)(cid:46)(cid:102)(cid:117)(cid:110)(cid:99)(cid:46)(cid:116)(cid:105)(cid:111)(cid:110)(cid:97)(cid:76)(cid:112)(cid:114)(cid:111)(cid:103)(cid:114)(cid:97)(cid:109)(cid:115)(cid:58)(cid:116)(cid:104)(cid:97)(cid:116)(cid:183)(cid:126)(cid:114)(cid:101)(cid:32)Listedth;oughc
`out. this book (cid:126)(cid:116)(cid:104)(cid:111)(cid:117)(cid:115)(cid:97)(cid:110)(cid:100)(cid:115)(cid:32)of .lines of executable code Conveniently organized, these
`disks will save you hours oftyping time and allow you to start using the code immediately
`The companion disks are only availabledirectly fwm (cid:77)(cid:105)(cid:126)(cid:114)(cid:111)(cid:115)(cid:111)(cid:102)(cid:116)(cid:32)Press To ()Ider, use the
`special bind -in card in the back of the book or send $49.95· for each set of. disks, plus sales
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`The MS'DOS Encyclopedia is the most comprehensive reference work available on
`Microsoft's industry-standard operating system Written for experienced microcomputer
`users and programmers, it contains detailed, version-specific information on all the
`MS-DOS commands, utilities, and system calls, plus atticles by recognized experts in
`specialized areas of MS-DOS programming. This wealth of material is organized into
`major topic areas, each with a format suited to its content Special typographic conven(cid:173)
`tions are also used to clarify the material
`Organization of the Book
`The MS'DOS Encyclopedia is organized into five major sections, plus appendixes Each
`section has a unique internal organization; explanatory introductions are included where
`Section I, The Development of MS-DOS, presents the history of Microsoft's standard(cid:173)
`setting operating system (cid:102)(cid:114)(cid:126)(cid:109)(cid:32)its immediate predecessors through version 3 2 Numerous
`photographs, anecdotes, and quotations ate included
`Section II, Programming in the Ms.:.nos Environment, is divided into five parts: Structure
`of MS-DOS, Programming for MS-DOS, Customizing MS-DOS, Directions of MS-DOS, and
`Programming Tools Each part contains several articles by acknowledged experts on these
`topics The articles include numerous figures, tables, and programming examples that pro(cid:173)
`vide detail about the subject
`Section III, User Commands, presents all the MS-DOS internal and external commands in
`alphabetic order, including ANSI SYS, BATCH, CONFIG SYS, DRIVER SYS, EDLIN,
`RAMDRIVE SYS, and VDISKSYS Each command is presented in a structwe that allows
`the experienced user to quickly review syntax and restrictions on variables; the less(cid:173)
`experienced user can refer to the detailed discussion of the command and its uses
`Section IV, Programming Utilities, uses the same format as the User Commands section to
`present the Microsoft programming aids, including the DEBUG, SYMDEB, and Code View
`debuggers Although some of these utilities are supplied only with Microsoft language
`products and are not included on the !vIS-DOS system or supplemental disks, their use is
`intrinsic to programming for MS-DOS, and they are therefOre included to create a com(cid:173)
`prehensive reference
`The MS-D05 Encyclopedia
`Ex 1409, p. 10 of 161
`Section V, System Calls, documents Interrupts 20H through 27H and Intenupt 2FH The
`Interrupt 21H £Unctions are listed in individual entries. I his section, like the User Com(cid:173)
`mands and Programming Utilities sections, presents a quick review of usage for the ex(cid:173)
`perienced user arid also provides extensive notes for the less-experienced programmer
`The 15 appendixes provide quick-reference materials, including a summary of MS-DOS
`version 3 3, the segmented (new) EXE file header format, an object file dump utility, and
`the Intel hexadecimal object file format. Much of this material is organized into tables or
`bulleted lists for ease of use
`I he book includes two indexes - one organized by subject and one organized by com(cid:173)
`mand name or system-call number The subject index provides comprehensive references
`to the indexed topic; the command index references only the major entry for the com(cid:173)
`mand or system call
`Program Listings
`The MS-DOS Encyclopedia contains numerous program listings in assembly language, C,
`and QuickBASIC, all designed to run on the IBM PC family and compatibles Most of these
`programs are complete utilities; some are routines that can be incorporated into function(cid:173)
`ing programs Vertical ellipses are often used to indicate where additional code would be
`supplied by the user to create a more functional program. All program listings are heavily
`commented and are essentially self-documenting
`The programs were tested using the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) version 4 0, the
`Microsoft C Compiler version 4 0, orthe Microsoft QuickBASIC Compiler version 2 O
`The functional programs and larger routines are also available on disk Instructions for
`ordering are on the page preceding this introduction and on the mail-in card bound into
`this volume
`Typography and Terminology
`Because The MS-DOS Encyclopedia was designed for an advanced audience, the reader
`generally will be familiar with the notation and typographic conventions used in this
`volume However, for ease of use, a few special conventions should be noted
`Typographic conventions
`Capital letters are used for MS-DOS internal and external commands in text and syntax
`lines. Capital letters are also Used for filenames in text
`Italic font indicates userc..supplied variable names, procedure names in text, parameters
`whose values are to be supplied by the user, reserved words in the C programming lan(cid:173)
`guage, messages and return values in text, and, occasionally, emphasis
`A typographic distinction is made between lowercase 1 and the numeral 1 in both text and
`program listings
`Cross .. references appear in the form SECTION NAME: PART NAME, COMMAND NAME, oR IN(cid:173)
`TERRUPT NUMBER: Article Name or Function Number
`Color indicates user input and program examples
`Although not an official IBM name, the term PG'DOS in this book means the IBM imple(cid:173)
`mentation of MS-DOS If PC-DOS is referenced and the information differs from that for
`the related MS-DOS version, the PC-DOS version number is included. To avoid confUsion,
`the term DOS is never used without a modifier
`I he names of special function keys are spelled as they are shown on the IBM PC keyboard.
`In part