`M. Morris Mano .1l
`PANASONIC EX. 1029, p. 1 of 14
`Digital Logic Circuits
`1·1 Digital Computers
`1·2 Logic Gates
`1-3 Boolean Algebra
`Complemmr of a Function I 0
`1-4 Map Simplification
`Prodvct-af·Swru Sfm�Jlifico.tion
`Don't-Care Condirioru
`1-S Combinational Circuits
`Hai{-Mkr 19
`,1-6 Flip-Flop�
`SR FU,.Fiop 22
`0 FU,.Fiop 23
`JK Flip-Flop 24
`T Flip-Flop 24
`E.dgc-Tfiumd Flip.Fiops 25
`Exti!ation Talks
`1-7 Sequential
`Flip-Flop Input Equ4tioru
`SIOU Table 30
`SIOU Oiogr11m 31
`� Proced.at
`PANASONIC EX. 1029, p. 2 of 14
`iv Contents
`Digital Components
`2-1 Integrated
`2-2 Decoders
`NAND Gate Decoder
`Decoder Expansion
`Encoders 47
`2·3 Multiplexers
`2-4 Registers
`Register with Parallel Load 51
`2-5 Shift Registers
`Bidirectional Shift Register with Parallel Load
`2-6 Binary Counters
`Binary Counter with Parallel Load
`2-7 Memory Unit
`Random-Access Memory 60
`Read-Only Memory 61
`Types of ROMs 62
`Data Representation
`3-1 Data Types
`Number Systems 68
`Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers 69
`Decimal Representation
`Alphanumeric Representation
`3-2 Complements
`(r-l)'s Complement
`(r's) Complement 75
`Subtraction of Unsigned Numbers 76
`3-3 Fixed-Point
`Integer Representation
`Arithmetic Addition 79
`Arithmetic Subtraction 80
`Decimal Fixed-Point Representation 81
`PANASONIC EX. 1029, p. 3 of 14
`3-4 Floating-Point
`3-5 Other Binary Codes
`Gray Code 84
`Other Decimal Codes 85
`Ocher Alphanumeric Codes 86
`3-6 Error Detection Codes
`Contents V
`Transfer and Microoperations 93
`4·1 Register Transfer
`4·2 Register
`4-3 Bus and Memory Transfers
`Bus Buffers I 00
`Memory Transfer 10 I
`Arithmetic Microoperations
`Binary Adder 1 03
`Binary Adder-Subtractor
`Binary lncremenrer 1 05
`Arithmetic Circuit I 06
`Logic Microoperations
`List of Logic Microoperations
`1 09
`Hardware Implementation
`Some Applications III
`4-6 Shift Microoperations
`Hardware Implementation II5
`4-7 Arithmetic
`Logic Shift Unit
`and Design 123
`Basic Computer Organization
`5-1 Instruction
`Stored Prowam Organization
`Indirect Address I26
`PANASONIC EX. 1029, p. 4 of 14
`vi Contents
`5-2 Computer Registers
`Common Bus System 1 29
`5-3 Computer Instructions
`1 34
`Instruction Set Completeness
`5-4 Timing and Control
`5-5 Instruction
`Fetch and Decode 1 39
`the Type of Instruction
`1 41
`Register-Reference Instructions
`1 43
`5-6 Memory-Reference
`AND to AC 1 45
`ADD wAC 1 46
`LOA: Load to AC 1 46
`STA: Store AC 1 47
`BUN: Branch UnconditionaUy 1 47
`BSA: Branch and Save Return Address 14 7
`ISZ: Increment and Skip If Zero 149
`Control Flowchart 1 49
`Input-Output and Interrupt
`Input-Output Configuration
`1 51
`Input-Output Instructions
`1 52
`Program Interrupt 15 3
`Interrupt Cycle 1 56
`5-8 Complete Computer Description
`5-9 Design of Basic Computer
`Control Logic Gates 1 60
`Control of Registers and Memory 1 60
`Control of Single Flip-Flops 1 62
`Control of Common Bus 1 62
`5-10 Design of Accumulator
`Control of AC Register 1 65
`Adder and Logic Circuit 1 66
`Programming the Basic Computer 173
`6-1 Introduction
`6-2 Machine Language
`PANASONIC EX. 1029, p. 5 of 14
`Contents vii
`6-3 Assembly Language
`Rules of the Language 1 79
`An Example 1 81
`Translation to Binary 1 82
`6-4 The Assembler
`Representation of Symbolic Program
`in Memory 1 84
`First Pass 1 85
`Secorui Pass 1 87
`6-5 Program Loops
`6-6 Programming
`Arithmetic and Logic
`Multiplication Program 1 93
`Double-Precision Addition 1 96
`Logic Operations 1 97
`Shift Operations 1 97
`6-7 Subroutines
`Subroutines Parameters and Dara Linkage 200
`6-8 Input-Output
`Character Manipulation
`Program Interrupt 205
`Microprogrammed Control 213
`7-1 Control Memory
`7-2 Address Sequencing
`Coruiitional Branching
`Mapping of Instruction
`7-3 Microprogram Example
`Computer Configuration 220
`Microinstruction Format 222
`Symbolic Microinstructions
`The Fetch Routine 226
`Symbolic Microprogram 227
`Binary Microprogram 229
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`viii Contents
`7-4 Design of Control Unit
`Microprogram Sequencer
`Central Processing Unit
`8-1 Introduction
`8-2 General Register
`Control Word 244
`Examples of Microoperations
`8-3 Stack Organization
`Register Stack 247
`Memory Stack 249
`Reverse Polish Notation 251
`Evaluation of Arithmetic Expressions
`Instruction Formats
`Three-Address Instructions
`Tw:J-Address Instructions
`One-Address Instructions
`Zero-Address Instructions
`RISC Instructions
`8-5 Addressing
`Numerical Example 264
`8-6 Data Transfer
`and Manipulation
`Data Transfer Instructions 267
`Data Manipulation Instructions
`Arithmetic Instructions 269
`Logical and Bit Manipulation Instructions
`Shift Instructions
`8-7 Program Control
`Status Bit Conditions 274
`Conditional Branch Instructions 275
`Subroutine Call and Return 2 78
`Program Interrupt 279
`Types of Interrupts 281
`8-8 Reduced Instruction
`Set Computer (RISC)
`CISC Characteristics
`RISC Characteristics
`PANASONIC EX. 1029, p. 7 of 14
`Overlapped Register Window s 285
`B.,-keley ruse 1 288
`Contents ix
`and Vector Processing 299
`Example: Three-Segment Instruction Pipeline 316
`9-1 Parallel
`9-2 Pipelining
`General Considerations
`9-3 Arithmetic
`9-4 Instruction
`Example: Four-Segment Instruction Pipeline 311
`Data Dependency
`Handling of Branch Instructions 314
`9-5 R ISC Pipeline
`Delayed Load 317
`Delayed Branch 318
`9-6 Vector Processing
`Vector Op.,-ations 321
`Matrix Multiplication
`Memory Interleaving
`9-7 Array Processors
`Attached Array Processor 326
`SIMD Array Processor 327
`Computer Arithmetic 333
`10-1 Introduction
`10.2 Addition
`and Subtraction
`Addition and Subtraction with Signed-Magnitude
`Data 335
`PANASONIC EX. 1029, p. 8 of 14
`X Contents
`Hardware Implementation
`Hardware Algorithm 337
`Addition and Subtraction with Signed-2's
`Complement Data 338
`10-3 Multiplication
`Hardware Implementation for Signed-Magnitude
`Data 341
`Hardware Algorithm 34 2
`Booth Multiplication Algorithm 343
`Array Multiplier
`10-4 Division
`Hardware Implementation for Signed-Magnitude
`Data 349
`Hardware Algorithm 352
`Other Algorithms 35 3
`10-5 Floating-Point
`Arithmetic Operations
`Basic Considerations 354
`Register Configuration 357
`Addition and Subtraction 358
`Division 362
`10-6 Decimal Arithmetic
`BCD Adder 365
`BCD Subtraction 368
`10-7 Decimal Arithmetic
`Addition and Subtraction 3 71
`Division 374
`Floating-Point Operations
`Input-Output Organization
`11-1 Peripheral
`ASCII Alphanumeric Characters 383
`11-2 Input-Output
`110 Bus and Interface Modules 386
`110 versus Memory Bus 387
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`Contents xi
`Isolated versus Memory-Mapped 110 388
`Example of 110 Interface 389
`11-3 Asynchronous
`Data Transfer
`Strobe Control 391
`Handshaking 393
`Asynchronous Serial Transfer 396
`Asynchronous Communication Interface 398
`First-In, First-Out Buffer 400
`11-4 Modes of Transfer
`Example of Programmed 110 403
`Interrupt-Initiated 110 406
`Software Considerations 406
`11-5 Priority
`Daisy-Chaining Priority 408
`Parallel Priority Interrupt 409
`Priority Encoder 411
`Interrupt Cycle 412
`Software Routines 413
`Initial and Final Operations 414
`11-6 Direct Memory Access (DMA)
`DMA Controller 416
`DMA Transfer 418
`11-7 Input-Output
`Processor (lOP)
`CPU-lOP Communication
`IBM 370 110 Channel 423
`Intel 8089 lOP 427
`11-8 Serial Communication
`Character-Oriented Protocol 432
`Transmission Example
`Data Transparency
`Bit-Oriented Protocol 437
`Memory Organization 445
`12-1 Memory Hierarchy
`12-2 Main Memory
`RAM and ROM Chips 449
`PANASONIC EX. 1029, p. 10 of 14
`xii Contents
`Memory Address Map 4 50
`Memory Connection to CPU 452
`12-3 Auxiliary
`Magnetic Disks 454
`Magnetic Tape 455
`12·4 Associative
`Hardware Organization
`March Logic 459
`Read Operation
`Write Operation
`12·5 Cache Memory
`Associative Mapping 464
`Mapping 465
`Set-Associative Mapping
`Writing into Cache 468
`Cache Initialization 469
`12-6 Virrual
`Address Space and Memory Space 4 70
`Address Mapping Using Pages 472
`Associative Memory Page Table 474
`Page Replacement 4 75
`12· 7 Memory Management
`Segmented-Page Mapping 477
`Numerical Example 4 79
`Memory Protection
`13-1 Characteristics
`of Multiprocessors
`13-2 Interconnection
`Time-Shared Common Bus
`Memory 493
`Crossbar Switch 494
`Multistage Switching Network
`Hypercube Interconnection
`13·3 lnterprocessor
`System Bus 500
`PANASONIC EX. 1029, p. 11 of 14
`Contents xiii
`Procedure 502
`Serial Arbitration
`Parallel Arbitration Logic
`Dynamic Arbitration Algorithms 505
`13·4 lnterprocessor
`Communication and
`lnterprocessor Synchronization
`Mutual Exclusion with a Semaphore 508
`13-5 Cache Coherence
`Conditions for Incoherence
`to the Cache Coherence
`Problem 510
`PANASONIC EX. 1029, p. 12 of 14
`SECTION l-7 Sequential Circuits 3 1
`The next state of B in the state table is equal to 1 when the present state of A
`is 0 and input x is equal to 1. The output column is derived from the output
`y = Ax ' + Bx'
`of Fig. 1-25
`TABLE 1-4 State Table for Circuit
`state Input state Output
`A B
`0 0
`0 0
`0 1
`0 I
`0 0
`0 I
`0 0 1
`1 0
`0 0 I
`I 0
`0 0
`state table
`The state table of any sequential circuit is obtained by the procedure used
`n input
`in this example. In general, a sequential circuit with m flip-flops,
`state, will contain variables, and p output variables m columns for present
`The columns for inputs, m columns for next state, and p columns for outputs.
`present state and input columns are combined and under them we list the 2m + "
`binary combinations from 0 through 2m . , - 1. The next-state and output
`columns are functions of the present state and input values and are derived
`directly from the circuit or the Boolean equations that describe the circuit.
`state diagram
`State Diagram
`The information available in a state table can be represented graphically in a
`state diagram. In this type of diagram, a state is represented by a circle, and
`the transition between states is indicated by directed lines connecting the
`circles. The state diagram of the sequential circuit of Fig. 1-25 is shown in Fig.
`1-26. The state diagram provides the same information as the state table and
`is obtained directly from Table 1-4. The binary number inside each circle
`identifies the state of the flip-flops. The directed lines are labeled with two
`binary numbers separated by a slash. The input value during the present state
`is labeled first and the number after the slash gives the output during the
`present state. For example, the directed line from state 00 to 01 is labeled 1/0,
`meaning that when the sequential circuit is in the present state 00 and the input
`PANASONIC EX. 1029, p. 13 of 14
`32 CHAPTER O N E Digital Logic Circuits
`Figure 1�26 State diagrams of sequential circuit.
`is 1, the output is 0. After a clock transition, the circuit goes to the next state
`01. The same clock transition may change the input value. If the input changes
`to 0, the output becomes 1, but if the input remains at 1, the output stays at
`0. This information is obtained from the state diagram along the two directed
`lines emanating from the circle representing state 01. A directed line connect
`ing a circle with itself indicates that no change of state occurs.
`There is no difference between a state table and a state diagram except
`in the manner of representation. The state table is easier to derive from a given
`logic diagram and the state diagram follows directly from the state table. The
`state diagram gives a pictorial view of state transitions and is the form suitable
`for human interpretation of the circuit operation. For example, the state dia
`gram of Fig. 1-26 clearly shows that starting from state 00, the output is 0 as
`long as the input stays at 1. The first 0 input after a string of 1's gives an output
`of 1 and transfers the circuit back to the initial state 00.
`Design Example
`The procedure for designing sequential circuits will be demonstrated by a
`specific example. The design procedure consists of first translating the circuit
`specifications into a state diagram. The state diagram is then converted into a
`state table. From the state table we obtain the information for obtaining the
`logic circuit diagram.
`We wish to design a clocked sequential circuit that goes through a se
`quence of repeated binary states 00, 01, 10, and 11 when an external input x
`whenx = 0. This type
`is equal to 1. The state of the circuit remains unchanged
`of circuit is called a 2-bit binary counter because the state sequence is identical
`to the count sequence of two binary digits. Input x is the control variable that
`specifies when the count should proceed.
`The binary counter needs two flip-flops to represent the two bits. The
`state diagram for the sequential circuit is shown in Fig. 1-27. The diagram is
`drawn to show that the states of the circuit follow the binary count as long as
`binary counter
`PANASONIC EX. 1029, p. 14 of 14