`Approved for use through 11/30r2m 1. OMB 06510035
`us Patent and Trademark Cities; US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
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`I hereby revoke all previous powers of attorney given in the application identified in the attached statement under
`37 CFR 3.73 b .
`I hereby appoint:
`Practitioners associated with the Customer Number:
`E] Practitioner(s) named below (if more than ten patent practitioners are to be named. then a customer number must be used):
`The address associated with Customer Number:
`Assignee Name and Address:
`Panasonic Corporation
`1006, Gaza Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka 571 -8501 Japan
`as attorney(s) or agent(s) to represent the undersigned before the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in connection with
`any and all patent applications assigned only to the undersigned according to the USPTO assignment records or assignment documents
`attached to this form in accordance with 37 CFR 3.73tb).
` Please change the correspondence address for the application identified in the attached statement under 37 CFR 3.7303) to:
`lndividuai Name
`A copy of this form, together with a statement under 37 CFR 3.130!) (Form PTOISBI96 or equivalent) is required to be
`filed In each application in which this form is used. The statement under 37 CFR 3.730)) may be completed by one of
`the practitioners appointed in this form if the appointed practitioner ls authorized to act on behalf or the assignee,
`and must ldentl
`the a - «llcation In which this Power of Attorne is to be filed.
`SIGNATURE of Assignee of Record
`The individual whose signature and title is supplied below is authorized to act on behalf of the assigneo
`Generai Manager, Authorized Signing Officer for Panasonic Corporation
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 131, 1.32 and 1.33. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public which is to file (and
`by the USPTO to process) an application Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 111 and 1.14. This colleaion is estimated to take 3 minutes
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`US. Patent and Trademark Office. U.Sr Department of Commerce, PO. Box 1450. Alexandria, VA 22313-1450, 00 NOT SEND FEES 0R COMPLETED
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`Ifyou need assistance in completing the form. cell 1-800-PTO-9199 and select option 2.