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`Searching PAJ
`1/1 /\°-——:‘}
`(43)Date of publication of application : 24.05.1994
`(1 UPublication number :
`82613 19/04
`(21)Appiication number : 04"303389
`(22)Date of filing :
`(72)Inventor : OTSUKA HARUTAKA
`PURPOSE: To facilitate the securing of adhesiveness
`between outer and inner blades both being curved even
`in the direction of reciprocation of the inner biade.
`CONSTITUTEON: In a reciprocation type electric razor,
`an outer blade 1 is curved in the direction of
`reciprocation of an inner biade 2 and the inner blade
`reciprocates along the curved surface of the outer
`biade. The radius R4 of curvature of the inner blade 2 is
`made smaller than the radius Ri of curvature of the
`curving of the outer blade 1
`in the direction of
`reciprocation of the inner blade 2 so that the and part of
`the inner blade 2 also contacts the outer blade 1 with
`the center part of the inner blade 2 accurately in
`contact with the outer blade 1 simply by pressing the
`inner biade 2 on the outer blade 1.


`WW ”mime,“.ngMMWM”mama.”“WWW
`[Claim lJAn outer blade which has many blade holes.
`An inner blade which a both~way drive is carried out and ****Is to an outer blade
`inner surface.
`It is the both-way formula eiectric shaver provided with the above. and a curvature
`radius of an inner blade is made smalier than a curvature radius of the
`above—mentioned curve of an outer blade in a reciprocating direction of an inner
`[Claim 2]The both—way formula electric shaver according to claim 1, wherein an
`outer blade is attached to an outer blade frame at both ends of a reciprocating
`direction of an inner blade.
`[Claim 3]The both-way formula electric shaver according to claim 1, wherein a
`mounting boss for support of an outer blade in an outer blade frame is located in a
`line on a circle which a curve in an inner blade reciprocating direction of an outer
`blade makes, and a concentric circle.
`[Claim 4]The both—way formula electric shaver according to claim 1 having a notch
`at the end of a direction which an outer blade is a center section in a reciprocating
`direction of an inner blade, and intersects perpendicularly with a reciprocating
`mmwmwwwlmwwmu«mmwmmflammemrm4mzwwmumm<mwuummWWannmmmamum‘Wam “Jamuww
`[Detailed Description of the Invention]
`[Industrial ApplicatiorflThis invention relates to a both—way formula electric shaver
`and the both—"way formula electric shaver in which the outer blade is what curved
`aiso in the reciprocating direction of an inner blade especially.
`[Description of the Prior ArtlAlthough the outer blade usually serves as shape which
`is not curving about the reciprocating direction of an inner blade by the section


`voussure which is curving only in the direction which intersects perpendicularly with
`the reciprocating direction of an inner blade in the both-way formula electric shaver,
`in this case, when shaving infragnathia and hollow hair like **, that outer blade will
`not stick to skin. therefore woolen cutting efficiency will fail greatly.
`[OOOBEFor this reason. while incurvating an outer blade also in the reciprocating
`direction of an inner blade as shown in dP,57-53748,B. there is a both-way formula
`electric shaver which makes an inner blade reciprocate so that the inner surface of
`this outer blade may be accompanied.
`{Problem(s) to be Solved by the InventionJhowever -- comparing, when the outer
`blade is curving only in the direction which intersects perpendicularly with the
`reciprocating direction of an inner blade in what was incurvated in this way -- the
`curvature radius of an outer blade inner surface, and the curvature radius of an
`inner blade outside surface —- strict -- coincidence ** ~- being hard _.- to a sake.
`Reservation of the adhesion of an outer blade and an inner blade is difficult, and it is
`difficult to obtain good sharpness.
`[0005]Succeeding in this invention in View of such a point, the place made into the
`purpose is to provide the both-way formula electric shaver which can secure easily
`the adhesion of the outer blade and inner blade which are curving also in the
`reciprocating direction of an inner blade.
`[Means for Solving the ProblemlBy carrying out a deer, while this invention is
`provided with an outer blade which has many blade holes, and an inner blade which a
`both—way drive is carried out and ****s to an outer blade inner surface, An outer
`blade curves in a reciprocating direction of an inner blade, and it has the feature in a
`both-way formula electric shaver in which an inner blade reciprocates along the
`abovecmentioned curving surface of an outer blade rather than a curvature radius of
`the above-mentioned curve of an outer blade in a reciprocating direction of an inner
`blade to make a curvature radius of an inner blade small.
`[Function]According to this invention, since an inner blade end will also be in the
`state of contacting an outer blade, only by pushing an inner blade against an outer
`blade after the center section of the inner blade has touched the outer blade
`certainlyi a degree of adhesion with the inner blade of an outer blade becomes good.
`At this time, attach an outer blade to an outer blade frame at the both ends of the
`reciprocating direction of an inner blade, or, Arrange the mounting boss for support


`of the outer blade in an outer blade frame in on the circle which the curve in the
`inner blade reciprocating direction of an outer blade makes, and a concentric circle,
`or, Or since an outer blade can be made into a curving state without distortion if a
`notch is provided in the end of the direction which is a center section in the
`reciprocating direction of the inner blade in an outer blade, and intersects
`perpendicularly with a reciprocating direction, a degree of adhesion with an inner
`blade becomes still better.
`{Example}When this invention is explained in full detail based on the example of a
`graphic dispiay below, this electric shaver, As shown in drawing 2, on both sides of
`the main blade M which consists of the outer blade i currently formed as a mesh
`cutter which has many blade holes, and the inner blade 2 Currently formed as that
`by which many inner blade braids 21 were implanted in the inner blade pedestal 28. It
`is formed as what allotted trimmer blade T which consists of otenidium—Iike the
`stationary knife 3 and the movable blade 4, and T, respectively.
`[00093As shown in drawing 3, the outer blade 1 of the main blade M in here not only
`curves in the direction Y which intersects perpendicularly with the reciprocating
`direction X of the inner blade 2, but is curving in the reciprocating direction X of the
`inner blade 2, and it is attached to the outer blade frame 15 formed in rectangular
`frame shape. This attachment is performed by inserting two or more mounting
`bosses 16 which protruded from the outer blade frame $5 in the mounting hole 10
`established in the both sides of the outer blade 1. At this time, thermal caulking is
`performed only to the mounting boss i6 inserted in the mounting hole i0 located in
`the reciprocating direction both-ends side of the inner blade 2 in the outer blade ‘l,
`and other mounting bosses 16 suppose that only inserting in the mounting hole 10 is.
`This is for having the smooth and necessary curvature radius R1 for the curve in the
`reciprocating direction of the inner blade 2 of the outer blade 1.
`The circle of the curvature radius R3 which connects each mounting boss 16
`depends on the same reason [ having also formed the notch 11 in the both ends of a
`direction to which he is also tryingr for the center section in inner blade 2
`reciprocating direction of the outer blade 1 to have the same center as the circle
`which is the above—mentioned curvature radius Ri of the outer blade 1, and it
`intersects perpendicularly with a reciprocating direction ].
`[0010]"?th the outer blade frame 35 to which the outer blade 1 was attached is
`attached to the blade frame 8 shown in drawing 6. The blade frame 8 used as the


`rectangular cylinder form which carries out an opening up and down equips the
`internal surface of those longitudinal direction both ends with the look projection 83
`and the inclined plane 84in which it is located under this look projection 83.
`If the outer blade frame 15 which has the flat~surface part 17 is stuffed into the
`both~ends upper surface from the lower part side of the blade fram

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