I’lO/SBIlOé (5-00)
`Approved for use through 10131107. OMB Mil-0032
`Patent 1nd Tndcmark Ofi'lce; U.S. DEPARMNT OF COWERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. no pcrsoru m: rcquircd to respond to a collection of information unlcu it displays a valid OMB cuntrol number
`Declaration and Power of Attorney for Patent Application
`Japanese Language Declaration
`As 3 below named inventor. I hereby declare that:
`My residence. post office address and citizenship are as stated
`next to my name.
`I believe I am the original. first and sole inventor (at only one name
`is listed below) or an original. first and joint inventor (if plural names
`are listed below) at the subject matter which is claimed and for which
`a patent ts sought on the invention entitled
`the cpecifidetion at which Is attached hereto unless the following
`box ls checked:
` flit. rnlzzaeennmtet LT.
`Ttaofiitmmslz-aut. enemmeutwsh. 59mm
`mesnruseuzlzumu. nut em. fififlomvwfiafi
`are; (e—mezaczanen-waee) bu w'tiam. first
`fiofiflklfia‘t‘ba (enoeenttauenruaee) stat?
`teamiammmxeuzim eh‘tuan“ Ttawmbff- : 9 a
`8 Muaeeu. ammo-cm»:
`C} ______
`_ 1‘59t E-o
`_ ”BRIESflhflin (L’té'fi‘éflfi')
`C] was filed on
`as United States Application Number or
`PCT lntemational Application Number
`and was amended on
`(if applicable).
`tLii. LEEwflES¢zlvTNE8hR. enemmueevm
`Ffiflltiflflbt EOI§§EEHLT¥\6;&ficctzfifll'fb.
`I hereby slate that i have reviewed and understand the contents ol
`the above identified specification. including the claims. as amended
`by any amendment referred to above.
`flit. fifliflmfiflfiiii 73331101. 56c288fl‘tw6. 13!?
`I acknowledge the duty to disclose inlorrnaiion which is material to
`patentabllity as defined In Title 37. Code of Federal Regdations.
`Section 1.56.
`Burden Hour Sbtcmcnt: This form in animated to take 0.4 hours to complete. Time will vary depatding upon the need of the individual cuc.‘ Any
`comments on the amount of time you are required to complete thin form should be not to Chief information Officer, US. Patent and Trademark (like.
`We Jungian, DC 20231. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Cami-done: of Futon]: Ind Tnderrurlu.
`Walhingtom DC 207.3].
`Page 1 of 4


`PTO/SBII06 (5-00)
`Apmved for use through WEI/02. OMB “SI-0032
`Patent uld Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARWF 0F COWCE
`Unda lhc Papenvort Reduction Act of 199). no person: are required to respond to a collection of information union it displays a valid OMB control number.W.
`Japanese Language Declaration
`( El It: as i ‘5 3)
`flail. c c to. ancient erltnrofietumt r: tzfiafiafiw
`flifll al‘liiitmufil0¢fz ( t 5-!!! NEE LT H 6 #EERB 3
`5 “E 3 6 5 2% (3”: J: 5 P C TEE-Hut: 9 \\ T . Hal 1 9 fl (8)
`«Mazda: 3 6 5% mace-n": iflfifi §I§£T6 8 t‘: I) it.
`fifilfiéiufozitflgletflflak D tifiioiflfia antennae»
`fifilflfl i Y: Rania-I ”(flat and P C Tmaiflfil: 9“ T {1‘
`t‘fli’lblflfl‘b. T'IEJJFW E"? x 7 9 1’5 .; k i: J: 9 it Lk.
`Illereby claim foreign priority under Title 35. Uniled States Code
`Section 119(9)“) or 365th) 0' any loreion application(s) for patent
`or inventors certificate. or 365(3) of any PCT International application
`which designated at least one country other than the United States
`listed belowandhaveaisoidentilied below. bychecking’bebox,
`any loreign application (or patent or inventor‘s certificate. or PCi
`International application having a filling date before that ol the
`applimtion lor which priority is claimed.
`Prior Foreign Applicationts)
`__ _—___—
`(Day/Montthear Filed)
`(Day/Month/Year Filed)
`Priority Not Claimed
`c. c tat Tiara unit: 6 *mfififiiflfitu '2 u T (i .
`NE 513% 3 5 a 1
`1 9 :fi (e) a 0Fi§ E 2%"? 5 a
`«Ir wait
`thereby daim the benefit under Title 35. United States Code. Section
`119(e) of any United States provisional application(s) listed below.
`(Application No.)
`(Filing Date)
`(Application No.)
`(Filling Date)
`r? 0*NX
`'FIEU)H 1M1 aakmlfllilt; 9 U T ‘5 ‘
`tLii‘ C. C (it
`N31 3 5 83E 1 2 0 fit: £4 ( F123 P315 L. Xi“! 5'sz 6 \‘fi‘
`7: 6 P C Twain“: '9 UT 1) t
`‘l‘ 0513 3 6 5 fi (c) (2 $6 ( “1”
`Eifl'i‘é. int Kittifiwéfififiifimlflfimiflflk iitliifififi
`358%! Izfifilfluiflfiéhnfifit‘. fififa’kifltflflxu
`P C Tmfllflnhfiifl! TIT V‘Qt‘fi‘ew—BHT lit
`'1' ofifimno
`lime a $51me a it i: t: P c Tinstflfi E l.- omammmuxe
`3 hkfiu‘l‘t aflaaflfiflfi 3 7‘3“ 1 . 5 6 L133 8 hi: #2?
`them?) a t§izf§titu on? 533389“) 6 c a Eliza-t a.
`lhereby claim the benefit under Title 35. United States Code. Section
`120 of any Uniwd States application(s). or 365(c) at any PCT
`international application designating the United States. listed below
`and. insolarasthe subject mallarolaacrt oflhe claims at this
`applimuonlsnotdiscloseamme priorumtettStalesorPcr
`international application in the manner provided by the first paragraph
`olTitlo as. United States Code Section 112.
`l acknowledge the duty
`todisoloso lnlormation which is material to patentabllity as defined in
`Title 37. Code olFederal Regulations. Section 1.56 which became
`available between the 111an date of the prior application and the
`national or PCT International filing date of application.
`(Applitztion No.)
`(Application No.)
`(Filing Date)
`(Filing Date)
`(Status: Patented. Pending. Abandoned)
`(335! 2 fififi'wt “34" 313)
`(Status: Patented. Pending. Abandoned)
`(mflifififl‘lt QB‘F. fl!)
`mu“ c.cicaufititftufifiwfilfinfibéuih‘fig?bb,
`59fi$kfif6Ct€&d(EEMt Kirtétfi56h6~2t
`E53!“ 861:. flfikflfimufi’lztfivhfifiu. Sit-EN
`a 1 83E 1 0 0 lfifififigx flflznufifl. fiL < '1‘? ”m5
`tzlvfifléh. thémlfiflflxkléflfimnfiu. 3531“!
`r:tx+nt:fil,‘rfafittnbwmaafifitit vtrwflmtilzfliflitii
`1'5; t €115? Luxrnisnrfibrtrzc t t coil—.3316.
`and beiielorobetiovedtobe truezandlurtherthatthese statements
`were made wilhlhe knowledge lhatwilllullalso statements and the
`like aomadaarapunishablobyfineorimprlsonment.orboth. under
`wlnrultalsestataments mayjeopardizothovatidilyoliheappiication
`or any patent Issued thoram.
`Page 2'of 4 '


`Applaved form thrush lNJlIOl OMB 0651-0032
`Patent and Trademark 06'th U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under lb: Paperwork Redmtion Act of 1995, no pence: are required to respond to a collection of information unleu it displays a valid OMB control number.
`( B 28 as E a g)
` Japanese Language Declaration
`§Ettz nixewueeeeaeaemn fiofimfifilfififit
`PowsnorArroanev: Asaremed inventorJherebyaopdnt
`0210!!!! fifi?57£bt€\ E38hkfiflfifit LI. T130)”
`Mfoflowingaaomeflshndloragenlunoprosecute lhis
`HiEU/ihuflgiffifi‘fé. (fifilviflsgffifi‘ffi
`C 1‘: )
`mnnected therewith (lisl name and registration number).
`W S
`end Correspondence to:
`1233 20‘” Street, NW, Suite 501
`Washington, DC. 20036
`Telephone No. (202) 955-3750
`Facsnnile No. (202) 955-3751
`Direct Telephone Calls to: (name and telephone number)
`( R a E IF 13 fl 8 ‘3 )
`i! E £5 E 36 5% z
`And [hereby appoint the firm of Rader, Fishman & Graucr. PLLC, Customer Number 23353 including as principal attorneys:
`‘ Richard D. Grauer, Reg. No. 22,388; David T. Nikaido, Reg. No. 22,663; Ronald P. Kananen, Reg. No. 24,104; Ralph T. Radar,
`Reg. No. 28,772; Carl Schaukowitch, Reg. No. 29,2 l 1; Michael D. Fishman. Reg. No. 31,951; Michael B. Stewart, Reg. No. 36,018;
`Alexander D. Rabinovich, Reg. No. 37,425; Kevin D. Rutherford, Reg. No. 40,412; Glenn E. Forbis, Reg. No. 40,6!0; Lee Cheng,
`Reg. No. 40.949; Kristin L. Murphy, Reg. No. 41,212; James F. Kamp, Reg. No. 41,882; Brian K Dutton, Reg. No. 47,255;
`Shawn B. Cage, Reg. No. 51,522; Jonathan R. Lee, Reg. No. 56,561, Toshikatsu Imaizurni. Limited Recognition
`fl 33 i 0 5 2:
`B N
`a m
`El e
`H E V) R 96
`Full name a! sole or first inventor
`Tomoyuki INOUE
`lnvenlois signature
`0 I'll] ILL .12
`Residence ’
`/41 L’
`Hikone‘-shi, Japan
`Post Office Mdress
`June 2 , 2005
`ezxnauanmaae. emu.
` IE" i I: ltfi—filfifiififi
`cIo Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd., 1048,
`Oaza-Kadoma. Kadoma-shi, Osaka 571-8686
`(fliuTwfififififlfikotl‘tfififitflnb. 5%?
`Page 3 of 4
`g 51 fi Fl 5% I)! 3 V) 5 13
`B {'1
`Ryuji OTANI
`Second inventor“: signature
`.f‘m‘g W June 2, 2005
`Reside »
`Osaka-shi, Japan
`Post Office Address
`clo Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd., 1048
`Oaza-Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka 571-8686


`Fullnnmaol midiziminvenlm.“ my
`Takeshi SHIBA
`- I.
`-.'L‘ . .4
`June 2, 2005
`Hikone-shi Japan
`Elk fifi“%0§%
`$5“ El Feifié‘ %
`$33k '5') £35303§G
`Post om“ Addtess
`clo Matsushita Electric Works. Ltd., 1048, Oaza-Kadoma.
`Kadoma-shi, Osaka 571-8686, Japan
`full name at lounh loin invenu," any
`fourth invemar'a simulate
`Hikone-shi, Japan
`June 2,2005
`Post Olliu Addie»
`c/o Matsushita Electric Works Ltd. 1048 Oaza-kadoma
`Kadoma-shi, Osaka 571-8686, Japan
`fill nun: nl lillh lain! lnvunlov, ii any
`Masaaki SATO
`filth invmlot': tlgnalura
`Hikone- shi, Japan
`Post omce Addie”
`June 2 ,

`2 00 5
`c/o Malsushita Electric Works, Ltd., 1048, Oaza-kadoma,
`Kadoma-shi, Osaka 571-8686, Japan
`Full name cl sixth lulm invanlot. ll any
`Shunsuke KOMORI
`Sixth InvenIoIs signaluro
`’ June 2, 2005
`Poll (lllicz Addie“
`c/o Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd., 1048, Oaza-kadoma,
`Kadoma-shi, Osaka 571-8686, Japan
`Page 4 of 4

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