`: 7,425,802 BZ
`: 11/568142
`Page 1.0f 1
`: September 16, 2008
`: J. Kumagai et al.
`It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is
`hereby corrected as shown below:
`Acting Director ofthe United States Patent and Trademark Ofiice
`At column 38, line 54 (claim 1, line 15) before “change” insert --first--.
`At column 39, lines 9-10 (claim 3, lines 7-8) after “required” delete “(tA, tB)”.
`At colunm 40, line 29 (claim 15, line 2) “apparats” should be —apparatus--.
`At column 41, line 53 (claim 26, line 18) “ramp” should be --lamp--.
`At column 44, line 1 (claim 41 , line 3) after “lamp” delete --1ight--.
`At column 44, line 2 (claim 41 , line 4) before “substantially” insert --a—-.
`At column 44, line 17 (claim 43, line 6) “an ” should be—as--.
`Signed and Sealed this
`Twenty-sixth Day of May, 2009