`os ey
` : 11/721,086
`: Teruko YAMAMOTOet al.
`Group Art Unit : Not Yet Assigned
`Examiner: Not Yet Assigned
`(U.S. National Stage of PCT/JP2007/056041) -
`LA. Filed
`: March 23, 2007
`Confirmation No. : 6266
`Commissionerfor Patents
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`Customer Service Window, Mail Stop AMENDMENT
`Randolph Building
`401 DulanyStreet
`Alexandria, VA 22314
`In accordance with the duty of disclosure under 37 C.F.R. §1.56 and §§1.97-1.98,
`Applicants hereby bring to the attention ofthe Examinerthe following documents:
`SHIMIZU, “A study of the movementofthe lateral incisor of the macaca fuscata
`loaded bya vibrating force,” Journal of Japan Orthodontic Society, 45, pages 56-72,
`1986 (including an English language Abstract). Applicants note that this documentis
`cited beginning at page 3 ofthe specification of the above-captioned application;
`OHMAEetal., “Biomechanical acceleration of experimental tooth movement by
`ultrasonic vibration in vivo: Part 1, Homo-directionalapplicationofultrasonication to
`orthodontic force,” Journal of Japan Orthodontic Society, Orthod. Wave, 60(4), pages
`201-212, 2001 (including an English language Abstract). Applicants note that this
`{P32297 002364 18.DOC}
`documentis cited beginning at page 3 of the specification of the above-captioned
`Japanese Patent Publication No. JP 2002-102255 A, together with an English language
`Abstract ofthe same, and patent family memberU.S. Patent Application Publication
`No. 2004/0013993. Applicants note that the Japanese documentis cited on page 3 of
`the specification of the above-captioned application;
`Japanese Patent Publication No. JP 2004-201895 A,together with an English language
`Abstract of the same. Applicants note that this documentis cited on page 3 of the
`specification of the above-captioned application;
`CHIBAetal., “Effects of\itechanical stimulation using resonance vibration on the
`periodontium”(including an English language Abstract);
`EMATA,“The mechanical responseofthe periodontal structure in the maxillary
`lateral incisor of the macaca fuscata yakui, loading by a vibrating force,” Japanese
`Journal of Oral Bial., 21:571-585, 1979 (including an English language Abstract),
`U.S. Patent No. 4,123,844;
`U.S. Patent No. 4,348,178;
`US. Patent No. 4,382,780;
`U.S. Patent No. 4,229,165;
`U.S. Patent No. 4,244,688;
`U.S. Patent No. 4,348,177:
`U.S. Patent No. 5,334,015;
`U.S. Patent No. 5,967,784;
`{P32297 002364 18.DOC}
`U.S. Patent No. 6,633,747;
`U.S. Patent Application Publication No. 2002/0051951;
`U.S. Patent No. 5,975,893;
`USS. Patent No. 6,210,162:
`U.S. Patent No. 6,217,325;
`U.S. Patent No. 6,227,850;
`U.S. Patent No. 6,227,851;
`USS. Patent No. 6,299,440;
`U.S. Patent No. 6,309,215;
`Japanese Patent Publication No. JP 2003-290250 A, together with an English
`language Abstract of the same;
`Japanese Patent Publication No. JP 2001-340412 A, together with an English
`language Abstract ofthesame:
`U.S. Patent No. 6,471,511;
`International Publication No. WO 02/073 185;
`U.S. Patent No. 6,183,248;
`U.S. Patent No. 4,511,330;
`International Publication No. WO 00/19928;
`U.S. Patent No. 6,390,812;
`U.S. Patent Application Publication No. 2004/0058295;
`Japanese Patent Publication No. JP 2004-113625 A, together with an English
`language Abstract of the same, and patent family memberU.S. Patent No.
`{P32297 00236418,DOC}
`7,163,399 (which correspondsto U.S. Patent Application Publication No.
`Japanese Patent Publication No. JP 11-155273 A, together with an English
`language Abstract of the same;
`Japanese Patent Publication No. JP 4-046585 B2;
`(36) U.S. Patent Application No. 11/721,085 to YAMAMOTOetal., which wasfiled
`on June 7, 2007;
`(37) U.S. Patent Application No. 11/721,129 to YAMAMOTOetal., which wasfiled
`on June 7, 2007; and
`(38) U.S. Patent Application No. 11/813,375 to YAMAMOTOet al., which wasfiled
`on July 5, 2007.
`Above-noted documents (8) (34), and (35) were cited in an International Search Report
`dated July 3, 2007, with respect to International Application No. PCT/JP2007/056041, of which
`the present application is the U.S. National Stage Application. The relevance of the documents
`cited in the International Search Report, as ascertained with respect to the international claims by
`the International Examiner,is set forthin the International Search Report.
`Further to 37 C.F.R. §1.98 (a)(2)(ii) and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's decision
`to waive the requirement under 37 C.F.R. §1.98 (a)(2)(iii) ifthe U.S. patent application wasfiled
`after June 30, 2003, copies of the U.S. patent publications and patent application are not enclosed
`herewith. However, if any copy is needed, the Examineris respectfully requested to contact the
`Also, when the above-noted pending applications are published, the Examineris
`{P32297 002364 18.DOC}
`respectfully requested to list their publication numbers on a PTO 1449 Form (or PTO 892 Form)
`to confirm consideration thereof.
`Applicants respectfully request that the Examiner consider the above material and cite the
`same. Copies of the above-noted foreign and international documentsare attached hereto, and all
`of the documentsare listed on an attached PTO-1449 Form. A copyofthe International Search
`Report is also attached hereto. The Examineris requestedto initial the appropriate spaces on the
`attached Form andto return a copy ofthe completed Form to Applicants with the nextofficial
`communication in the present application.
`Should the Examiner have any questions, the Examineris invited to contact the
`undersigned at the below-listed telephone number.
`Respectfully submitted,
`September7, 2007
`1950 Roland Clarke Place
`Reston, Virginia 20191
`(703) 716-1191
`{P32297 00236418.DOC}
`Teruko YAMAMOTOetal.
`Bruce H. Bernste
`Reg. No. 29,027 ©
`William Pieprz
`Reg. No. 33630
` |
`" p32297.P02
`| FORM PTO-1449
`(Use several sheets if necessary)
`EXAMINER S| aaFcuass|susctass|FILINGDATE
`o ~ w ~o —_
`[fae foos9s1[osamaonisuimea[|iYSSCS
`02/06/01|CHISHITIet al. PPP
`nes225S foamarn
`3 4 8 0 5 8 +
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`4 1 1 4 3 1 9 9
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`8 5 3 5
`{P32297 00236419.DOC}
`U.S. Department of Commerce
`Patent and Trademark Office
`Atty. Docket
`Filing Date
`June 7, 2007
`Sheet | of 2
`Application No.
`" p32297.P02
`| FORM PTO-1449
`U.S. Department of Commerce
`Atty. Docket
`Patent and Trademark Office
`(Use several sheets if necessary)
`June 7, 2007
`Sheet 2 of 2
`Application No.
`Teruko YAMAMOTOetal.
`force,” Journal of Japan Orthodontic Society, 45, pages 56-72, 1986 (including an English language Abstract)
`OTHER DOCUMENTS(Including Author, Title, Date, Pertinent Pages, Etc.)
`Pt|SHIMIZU, “A study of the movement of the lateral incisor of the macaca fuscata loaded by a vibrating
`OHMAEetal., “Biomechanical acceleration of experimental tooth movementby ultrasonic vibration in vivo:
`Part 1, Homo-directional application of ultrasonication to orthodontic force,” Journal of Japan Orthodontic
`Society, Orthod. Wave, 60(4), pages 201-212, 2001 (including an English language Abstract).
`CHIBAet al., “Effects of Mechanical stimulation using resonance vibration on the periodontium”(including
`an English language Abstract)
`a fuscatayakui, loadingbyavibratingforce,”JapaneseJournalofOral Bial.,21:571-585, 1979(includingan
`EMATA,“The mechanical response of the periodontal structure in the maxillary lateral incisor of the macaca
`English language Abstract)
`*EXAMINER: Initial if citation considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609; draw line through citation if not in conformance and not considered.
`Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`{P32297 00236419.DOC}