Engiish Abstract and Machine Translation of JP 10427723
`(11)Pubiication number :
`(43)Dete of pubiication of application : 19.05.1998
`A6111 15/00
`A6111 7/00
`(21)Application number : 08-289553 (71)Applicant : SANYO ELECTRIC CO LTD
`(22)Date of filing I
`31.10.1996 (72)lnventor I YUNAl TAKAl-iiRO
`PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To show visually a
`treatment element and the back rest of a
`massagei reachlpg a limit position and further
`pievent a switch item being operated in the
`direction of the limit position.
`SOLUTION: An operating switch group tOi the
`movement of treatment elements 0? a
`massager, the inclination adiustment of a
`back rest or the like ate provieed. the
`respective operating switches are operating
`means 1 of the massager for iighting or
`putting out lights according to the opeiation
`to sequentiaily light oniy selective operating
`switches is every procedure of the operation.
`and put out light of the conesponding switch
`awe-LVN?x} 55': we
`in”: “‘
`{Au;'1 (3;quTam!
`reaching to operating iimit when the tteatment
`element reaches the upper and lowei end positions on the back rest part, or the
`back rest pait itseii reaches the uppermost erect position and lowermost
`failingmdown position and the movable parts such as the treatment element and
`the pack {est part reach the operating limit.


`English Abstract and Machine Transiation of JP 10427723
`[Claim this has operation switch groups, such as a motion of a treatment
`element of a massaging machine, and inclination adiustment of a seatback part,
`Each operation switch is an operation unit of a massaging machine which
`lights up according to operation or goes out, a selectable operation switch
`being made to turn on for every procedure of operation, and a treatment
`element arriving at an upper bed position on a seatback part, and lower end
`position, or, An operation unit of a massaging machine which has a control
`means which makes an applicable operation switch which reached an
`operating limit switch off when flexible regions, such as a treatment element
`-- the seatback part
`itself reaches the maximum erect position and the
`maximum WWW *H and a seatback part, reach an operating limit.


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`English Abstract and Machine Translation of JP 10427723
`{Detailed Description of the invention}
`[Industriai Appiicationiln the operation unit provided with the switch group
`for controlling operation of the treatment eiement of a massaging machine,
`this invention relates to the operation unit of a massaging machine which can
`be made to know a switch seiectahie next visually according to an operation
`[Conventional technoiogy and the problem which should be soived} In a chair
`type or bed type electric massaging machine. automatic -- free medical
`treatment -- a mode and hand controi M. free medical treatment -- it has a
`mode and also automatic M free medical treatment —- two or more programs
`can be chosen also in a mode "W hand control ~- free medical treatment *-
`there is a thing of the multifunctional
`type which can choose the kind of
`adjustment of the intervai of a treatment eiement or operation of a treatment
`eiement in a mode (for example, JP,860-24848,A). In this kind of massaging
`machine, the number of the switches formed on that operation unit increases,
`and it is hard tor a user to distinguish the switch or the operational switch
`which should be operated. In an operation switch, it may be made to move in
`the direction further, although the treatment element and the backrest have
`arrived at the limit position, and the switch to which a treatment element is
`moved up and down, and the switch which carries out coliapsing of the
`backrest may operate a switch as like to it. Only a selectabie operation switch
`is made to turn on one by one for every procedure of operation in this
`Therefore, a selectable switch and other switches are visuaily distinguishable,
`and the operation unit of the massaging machine which is easy to operate it is
`clarified, and it is made not to operate accidentaliy the treatment element or
`backrest which reached the operating iimit in the direction of a limit further.


`English Abstract and Machine Translation of JP 10427723
`{Means for solving problemiThe operation unit of the massaging machine of
`this invention is provided with operation switch groups, such as a motion of
`the treatment element of a massaging machine, and inclination adjustment of a
`seatpack part, Each operation switch is an operation unit of a massaging
`machine which lights up according to operation or goes out, a seiectable
`operation switch being made to turn on for every procedure of operation, and
`a treatment eiement arriving at the upper bed position on a seatback part, and
`lower end position, or, When flexible regions, such as a treatment eiement
`and a seatback part, reach an operating limit,
`it has a control means which
`makes the applicable operation switch which reached the operating iirnit
`switch off ~~ the seatback part itseif reaches the maximum erect position and
`the maximum ******
`[Function and EffectJEf an operation switch is performed, a switch selectable
`next wiil distinguish and will be displayed by other switches,
`lighting, and
`putting out lights. Since a selectable switch and other switches are Visuaily
`distinguishable, the faiiure which chooses the switch not functioning can be
`prevented and an inexperienced personnel can also be easily operated to
`operation. a treatment element arriving at
`the upper bed position on a
`seatback part, and lower end position, or, When flexible regions, such as a
`treatment element *— the seatbacx part
`itseif reaches the maximum erect
`position and the maximum WWW —- and a seatioack part, reach an operating
`limit, in order to make the appiicahle switch which reached the operating limit
`switch off, It turns out promptly that the flexible region reached the operating
`limit, and the error which chooses the switch of the flexible region which
`reached the operating limit is not produced, either.


`English Abstract and Machine Translation of JP 10427723
`{Working exampleibrawing 1 and drawing 2 show an example of the chair
`type eiectric massaging machine.
`The seatback part (22) was arranged at the rear of the seat (21) so that
`tilting was possibie, and from the fiat position,
`the WWW part
`arranged to the abbreviated horizontai position at the front of solvent of the
`seat (21) so that boorn hoisting is possible.
`The armrest part (24) and (24) is formed in the method of both sides of the
`seat (21). An angle of gradient is decided by the motor (223) for a reclining
`by which the seat (21) provided the seatback part (22) caudad. It engages
`with the guidance guide (25) of the right—and-ieft couple prolonged in the
`seatback part (22) in the lengthwise direction, Like drawing 2, a rectanguiar
`mounting frame (26) is arranged so that rise and fall are possible, this frame
`(26) engages with the screwed shaft (27) rotated by the motor (222) for rise
`and fail arranged in the tower part of the seatback part (22), and a riser-and-
`fali drive is carried out by the screw thrust by rotation of this screwed shaft
`(27). The treatment element (3) and (3) of the couple countered right and left,
`and was arranged by the mounting frame (26), and each treatment element (3)
`equips it with the massaging ball (31) and (31) of the couple up and down
`This massaging ball (31) and (31) was made to “W outside from the longwise
`opening of the front face of a seatback part (22), and this opening is hidden
`by aassaaaaaa (20)_
`[OOO6]The treatment eiernent (3) and (3) is massaged on the motor (221) for
`a massage formed on the frame (26), and is coordinated with it Via - beat
`change ciutch (32). as for the treatment element (3) and (3), beat operation in
`which the treatment element (3) and (3) vibrates up and down by rotation of
`an eccentric shaft (3a) is performed -- rotation of the knee axis of rotation
`(3b) W a treatment element (3) and (3) w— mutual -- approach M“ alienation


`Engiish Abstract and Machine Transiation of JP 10427723
`~— it vibrates -— it rubs and operation is performed. The motor (221) for a
`massage is changed into the threemstage of ** into **
`therefore is rubbed,
`and can adjust the speed of a. WWW massage to the three-stage of W into M.
`On the other hand, the motor (222) for rise and fall is not changed, therefore
`cannot adjust the speed of MW of the WWW partial back of the back. By at
`which time of operation it rubs and a motion of a treatment element (3) and
`(3) is stopped. When the interval of a treatment element (3) and (3) can be
`adjusted arbitrarily and it operates by next beat operation and the back
`it can operate by maintaining in the state where the interval of a
`treatment element (3) and (3) was adjusted, and beat operation and the back
`in the seat (21), the vibrator for sural region (34) is built in in the
`vibrator for thighs (33), and a Mafia part (23). Since the above composition is
`publicly known, the detailed explanation about a mechanism is omitted. The
`control means (4) which controis the above-mentioned motor (221) for a
`massage, the motor (222) for rise and fall, and a reclining motor (223), As
`shown in drawing 1,
`it consists of operation side controi parts (41) in the
`operation unit provided in the position which the user of a massaging machine
`(2) tends to operate, such as a main part side control part (42) provided in [,
`such as inside of a seatback part (22),
`3 the massaging machine (2), a hand“
`heid operation unit (1) or an armrest part (24).
`[0007]Drawing 3
`shows appearance of an operation unit
`(1). Various
`selection switch groups are arranged as the following so that the operation
`unit (1) can choose an automatic course and a manual coarse and also a part
`of the body can be chosen also in an automatic course, and so that a kind of
`massage, etc. can be chosen also through a manual course. A switch (SwOi)
`which chooses "ON/OF?“ of a power supply as an upper bed of an operation
`unit (1), and its switch (Sw02) which chooses a “shoulder positionn caudad are
`located. Between a "shoulder position" seiecting switch (Sw02), and ON /
`"OFF“ selecting switch (SwOl), .._- high" and "inside“ -— "-- whenever indicator


`English Abstract and Machine Translation of JP 10427723
`iamp L1 of low", L2, and L3 are provided and it pushes a "shouicier position"
`seiecting switch (SW02) once ~~ "—- high" "m ”>“inside" ~> ------ iOW“"'“> --
`"~- the light is switched on in order of high", and other lamps are switched off.
`By operation of a "shoulder position" selecting switch (SwO2), the back‘which
`carries out a postscript M and setting out can do a move maximum of a
`treatment eiement at the time (3). automatic to the upper ieft side of an
`operation unit
`-~ free medical
`treatment ~- an “automatic course"
`selecting switch (Sin) used in a mode. And a "whole body" course selecting
`switch [ which is chosen in an automatic course ] (SW11), “shoulder and head"
`course selecting switch (SW12), and "waist" course selecting switch (SW13) is
`located. an “automatic course" selecting switch (Sin) -~ a "manual coarse"
`selecting switch (Sw20) candad,
`[ provide and ] A seiecting switch (Sw21)
`"which the back W", a selecting switch (Sw22) "which the partial back W“, a
`selecting switch {Sw23) "to massage", and a "beat“ selecting switch (SW24)
`which are chosen as the lower part right-hand side in a manual course are
`[0008liower part left-hand side of a "manual course'selecting switch (SW20)
`“W hand control -- free medical treatment r- “speed" selecting switch (Sw31)
`of a massage used by fine adjustment in a mode and a switch (Sw32) which
`chooses "width" between a treatment eiement (3) and (3) are arranged. Make
`it move to a "bottom" switch (Sw33), and a top, "and also" a switch (Sw34) is
`[ which moves a position of a treatment element
`(3) downward
`caudad l A "peach" selecting switch which drives said vibrator for thighs (33),
`and vibrator for soral region (84) below (SW41), A "suralrregion" selecting
`switch (SW42)
`is formed and a "Hot switch (SwOS) which pushes down a
`seathack part (22), and a "W switch (Sw04) which starts a seatback part (22)
`are formed in the iower part. Massaging operation of a "beat" and “rubbing" is
`performed by drive of a massage motor (221) like the above-mentioned, and
`a vertical movement of a treatment eiement (3) by a motor (222) for rise and


`English Abstract and Machine Transtation of JP 10-1 27723
`fall performs massaging operation of WWW W" and “partial WWW **(ing)."
`[OOOgiDrawing 11
`a pubiicly known structure of each above-
`rnentioned switch. From a front board (16),
`it makes a part **** between a
`front board (16) of an operation unit (1), and backing (17), and A manual
`operation button (13), it is press of this manuai operation button (13) between
`a switch body (30), a light emitting device (11), this light emitting device (11),
`and a manual operation button (33). A hinge member (14) which operates a
`switch body (10) is provided. In an working example, to each switch,
`it has
`two kinds of light emitting devices of green and red ** and a case where light
`is made to emit independently, respectively, and iuminescence of three kinds
`of colors which makes light both emit together and makes orange emit light
`can be performed. A manual operation button (13) has equipped with a
`diffusion sheet (12) which is transparence or a translucent medium and makes
`a rear face diffuse light of a light emitting device (11). A switch body (10) and
`a light emitting device (11) are provided on a circuit board (15) of an inner
`surface of backing (17). When a manual operation button (13) is pushed, a
`hinge member (14) carries out eiastic deformation, a switch body (10) is
`like a postscript, a light emitting device (11) lights up or goes out,
`and through,
`lighting, or putting out
`tights understands a button (in the
`following explanation, a switch presupposes that the light is switched on the
`light or put out).
`[0010]On a circuit board (15), an operation side control part (4.1) shown in
`drawing 12 is incorporated. An operation side control part (til) Said each
`switch (naming genericaliy switch group (101)), An operation side cootrol
`circuit (100), a remote control l/F circuit (130), a tight emitting device drive
`circuit {111), a buzzer drive circuit (112), and a buzzer (122) other than a
`light emitting device (naming generically light emitting element group (121))
`of each of said switch are mounted. A main part side control part (42) which
`constitutes a control means (4) of a massaging machine with the above“


`English Abstract and Machine Transiation of JP 10-1 27723
`mentioned operation side control part (41), As shown in drawing 13, a power
`supply circuit (240), a main part side control circuit (200), A number-of—

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