EAST Search History
`EAST Search History
`EAST Search History (Prior Art)
`$Plurals Time
`$Search Query
`$((heat- pipe) or (heat near2 pipe)) with
`$(dry 0r drying or dried) and (shaver 0r
`$razor 0r epilat0ry 0r shaving 0r
`$((h0useh0ld or home or domestic)
`near2 appliance))
`\x\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. \x\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\5 x\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
`KKKKKKKKKKKKK. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKQ xxxxxKxxxKKKKxxxxxKxxxKKKKxxxxxKxxxKKKKxxxxxKxxxKKKKxxxxxKxxxKKKKxx\xxKxxxKxxKxxxxxKxxxKxxz
`$((heat-pipe) or (heat near2 pipe)) with $U8PGPUB;$
`$(dry 0r drying or dried) and (dryer.ab.
`0$r drier.ab.)
`$((heat- pipe) or (heat near2 pipe)) with
`$(dry 0r drying or dried) and (dryer. ti. on
`$drier. ti. )
`KKKKKKKKKKKKK. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKQ xxxxxKxxxKKKKxxxxxKxxxKKKKxxxxxKxxxKKKKxxxxxKxxxKKKKxxxxxKxxxKKKKxx\xxKxxxKxxKxxxxxKxxxKxxz
`\x\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. \x\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\5 x\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
`$(shaver 0r razor 0r epilat0ry 0r shaving U8PGPUB;$
`$0r ((h0useh0ld or home or domestic)
`$near2 appliance) or shaver 0r razor 0r $U800R;
`$epi|at0ry 0r shaving 0r ((clean$4 0r
`$wash$4).ab.) 0r "134".ic|s.) and ((fuel
`$near2 cell) or (fuel-ce||))
`(shaver 0r razor 0r epilat0ry 0r shaVIng $ U8PGPUB;;
`5 15:49
`$0r ((h0useh0ld or home or domestic)
`near2 appliance) or ((clean$4 0r
`$wash$4).ab.) 0r "134".ic|s.) and ((fuel
`$near2 cell) or (fuel-ce||))
`(shaver 0r razor 0r epilat0ry 0r shaving U8PGPUB;$
`$0r ((h0useh0ld or home or domestic)
`near2 appliance) or ((clean$4 0r
`$wash$4).ab.) 0r "134".ic|s.) and ((fuel
`$near2 cell) or (fuel- cell)) and AC near3 $EPO; JPO;
` $2012/O4/21;
`(shaver 0r razor 0r epilat0ry 0r shaving U8PGPUB;;
`$0r ((h0useh0ld or home or domestic)
`near2 appliance) or ((clean$4 0r
`$wash$4).ab.) 0r "134".ic|s.) and ((fuel
`$near2 cell) or (fuel-ce||)) and AC
`\“uuuuu. uuuuuuuuus KuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKu“\“uuuuuuuuu KK“uuuuuuuuuuu KK“uuuuuuuuuuu \uuuuuuuuuKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
`$(shaver 0r razor 0r epilat0ry 0r shaving U8PGPUB;$
`$0r ((h0useh0ld or home or domestic)
`near2 appliance) or ((clean$4 0r
`$wash$4).ab.) 0r "134".ic|s.) and ((fuel
`$near2 cell) or (fuel- cell)) and ((AC adj
`$adapter) 0r ("AC/DC' near2 adapter) 0r$‘ DERWENT$
`[TI1GO$(|appliance or shaver 0r razor 0r
`I [2012/04/21
`("AC/ DC" near2 converter)
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`EAST Search History
`Eepilatory or shaving or ((household or EUSPAT;
`Ehome or domestic) near2 appliance) or USOCR;
`E((clean$4 or wash$4).ab.) or
`E"134".icls.) and ((fuel near2 cell) or
`E(fuel-cell)) and ((AC adj adapter) or
`E("AC/ DC" near2 adapter) or ("AC/DC'
`\ “““z‘z‘z‘z: “““z‘z‘z‘z‘z‘zfi asaaaasaaaasaaaasaaaasaaaasaaaasaaaasaaaasaaaasaaaasaaaasaaaasaaaasa“““z‘z‘z‘z‘z‘z‘z‘z‘s aa“““z‘z‘z‘z‘z‘z‘z‘z‘z: as“““z‘z‘z‘z‘z‘z‘z‘z‘: “““z‘z‘z‘z‘z‘z‘a aas“““z‘z‘z‘z‘z‘z‘z‘z‘z:
` E2012/o4/21E
`L12 and ((AC adj adapter) or ("AC/DC' EUSPGPUB;E
`Enear2 adapter) or ("AC/ DC' near2
` E(appliance or shaver or razor or
`Eepilatory or shaving or ((household or EUSPAT;
`Ehome or domestic) near2 appliance) or USOCR;
`E((clean$4 or wash$4).ab.) or
`E"134".icls.) and ((fuel near2 cell) or
`E(fuel-cell)) and ((double-layer) or
`(appliance or shaver or razor or
`Eepilatory or shaving or ((household or
`Ehome or domestic) near2 appliance) or USOCR;
`E((clean$4 or wash$4).ab.) or
`E"134".icls.) and ((fuel near2 cell) or
`E(fuel-cell)) and ((double-layer) or
`(appliance or shaver or razor or
`Eepilatory or shaving) and ((fuel near2
`Ecell) or (fuel-cell)) and ((double-layer) EUSOCR;
`Eor (double near2 layer)) and capacitor
`(shaver or razor or epilatory or
`Eshaving) near5 (clean$3 or wash$4)
`Eand capacitor
`(shaver or razor or epilatory or
`Eshaving) near5 (clean$3 or wash$4)
`Eand double near3 layer near2 capacitor USOCR;
`(shaver or razor or epilatory or
`Eshaving) near5 (clean$3 or wash$4)
`Eand double-layer near2 capacitor
`.............- ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
`E(shaver or razor or epilatory or shaving EUSPGPUB;E
`Eor appliance) and ((fuel near2 cell) or EUSPAT;
`E(fuel-cell) or (electrochemical near2
`Ecell)) and ((electric near2 double-layer EFPRS;
`Enear2 capacitor) or "EDLC' or
`Esupercapacitor or supercondenser or
`(electrochemical near2 double near2
`layer near2 capacitor) or
`.............- ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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`EAST Search History
`E(shaver or razor or epilatory or
`Eshaving) and (electochemical near2
`(shaver or razor or epilatory or
`Eshaving) and (electrochemical near2
`17:28 E
`E(shaver or razor or epilatory or
`Eshaving) and (boost$4 or amplif$4)
`Ewith (voltage or current or power) andE
`E((fuel- cell) or (fuel near2 cell))
`\ .............: ...................E ..........................................................................................Q .........................: .........................: ...................a ..........................:
`............« ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
`(shaver or razor or epilatory or
`Eshaving) with (clean$3 or wash$4) andEEUSPAT;
`(electrochemical near2 cell)
`...¢ .....................
`(shaver or razor or epilatory or
`Eshaving) with (clean$3 or wash$4) andEEUSPAT;
`............« ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
`E(shaver or razor or epilatory or shaving EUSPGPUB;§
`Eor appliance) and ((fuel near2 cell) or EUSPAT;
`E(fuel-cell)) and ((electric near2 double- EUSOCR;
`Elayer near2 capacitor) or "EDLC' or
`Esupercapacitor or supercondenser or
`E(electrochemical near2 double near2
`Elayer near2 capacitor) or
`E(shaver or razor or epilatory or shaving EUSPGPUB;§
`Eor appliance) and ((fuel near2 cell) or EUSPAT;
`E(fuel-cell)) and ((electric near2 double- EUSOCR;
`Elayer near2 capacitor) or "EDLC' or
`Esupercapacitor or supercondenser or
`E(electrochemical near2 double near2
`Elayer near2 capacitor) or ultracapacitor)E
`\ .............: ...................E ..........................................................................................Q ‘.........................: .........................: ...................a ..........................:
`Eand accumulator
`E(shaver or razor or epilatory or
`Eshaving) with (clean$4 or wash$3) andEEUSPAT;
`E(boost$4 or amplif$4) with (voltage or USOCR;
`Ecurrent or power) and ((fuel-cell) or
`E(fuel near2 cell))
`E(shaver or razor or epilatory or
`Eshaving) and (boost$4 or amplif$4)
`Ewith (voltage or current or power) andEEUSOCR;
`E((fuel- cell) or (fuel near2 cell)) and
`Einduct$4 and (re- charg$4 or recharg$4E EPO; JPO;
`E(shaver or razor or epilatory or shavingE
`Eor appliance) and (boost$4 or
`Eamplif$4) with (voltage or current or
`file:///CI/Users/jriggleman/Documents/e—Red%20Folder/12280628/EASTSearchHistory. 12280628_AccessibleVersion.htm[4/21/2012 6: 34: 16 PM]


`EAST Search History
`Epower) and ((fueI-cell) or (fuel near2
`Ecell)) and induct$4 and (re-charg$4 or EEPO; JPO;
`.............- ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
`recharg$4 or charg$4) near3 battery
`E(shaver or razor or epilatory or shavingEUSPGPUB;E
`Eor appliance) and (boost$4 or
`Eamplif$4) with (voltage or current or
`Epower) and ((fueI-cell) or (fuel near2
`Ecell)) and induct$4 and (re-charg$4 or EEPO; JPO;
`recharg$4 or charg$4) near3 battery
`E “‘“E‘E‘E‘E‘: “‘““‘“““““« “EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“E“‘““““““““““\ EE“““E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E: ““‘“E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘e “““E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘EN E““““E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E:
`Eand transformer
` EusPePue;E
`(((electric or battery) near2 (shaver or
`Erazor or epilatory or shaving))) and fuelE
`near2 cell
`\«x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\$ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\«x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘xfi xx\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘ xx\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
` and (shaver or razor or
`Eepilatory or shaving) and fuel near2
` and (shaver or razor or
`Eepilatory or shaving) and fuel near2
`\«x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\$ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\«x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘xfi xx\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘ xx\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
` and (shaver or razor or USPGPUB;?
`pilatory or shaving) and fuel near2
`E(kitamura near2 hiroyasu).in. and
`(shaver or razor or epilatory or
`Eshaving) and fuel near2 cell
`\«x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\$ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\«x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘xfi xx\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘ xx\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
` 12:36
`\«x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\$ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\«x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘xfi xx\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘ xx\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
`E(kitamura near2 hiroyasu).in. and
`E(Cleaning) and fuel near2 cell
`E “‘“E‘E‘E‘E‘: “‘““‘“““““« “EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“EEE“E“‘““““““““““\ EE“““E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E: ““‘“E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘e “““E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘EN E““““E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E‘E:
` and fuel near2 cell
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`EAST Search History
`E867 E8
`E(kitamura near2 hiroyasu).in. and
`(clean$4 or wash$4) and fuel near2
`\ .............: ...................E ..........................................................................................Q .........................: .........................: ...................a ..........................:
` and (clean$4 or
`Ewash$4) and fuel near2 cell
`Eand fuel near2 cell
` and (heat near3 waste)
`\ .............: ...................E ..........................................................................................Q .........................: .........................: ...................a ..........................:
`............« ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
`Ematsushita. as. and (heat with (dry$4 orE USPGPUB;E
`Edried)) and fuel near2 cell
` ..........................................................................................¢ .................
` and (heat with dry$$)
`Eand fuel near2 cell
`Ematsushita. as. and (heat with (dry$4 orE
`Edried)) and ((fuel near2 cell) or (fuel-
`...................a ..........................:
`E(862 or 863 or 866 or 867)
`E(((e|ectric or battery) near2 (shaver or USPGPUB;§
`Erazor or epilatory or shaving))) and
`E((fuel near2 cell) or (fuel-ce||)) and
`(decontaminat$4 or rins$4 or clean$4
`Eor wash$4 or dry$4)
`E("20030003336" | "20030136666" |
`E"20050112417" | "5261254" |
`E"5573866" | "5714276" | "6110613" |
`E"6576360" | "6599652" |
`(shaver or razor or epilatory or
`Eshaving) and (heat with (dry$4 or
`Edried)) near3O ((fuel near2 cell) or
`EES77 E
`E(shaver or razor or epilatory or
`E E2012/O4/20
`file:///CI/Users/jr1ggleman/Documents/e—Red%20F01der/12280628/EASTSearchHist0ry. 12280628_AccessibleVersion.htm[4/21/2012 6: 34: 16 PM]


`EAST Search History
`Eshaving) and (heat with (dry$4 or
`Edried)) near30 ((fuel near2 cell) or
`E(fuel-cell)) and (co-generation or
`Ecogeneration or congen or
`\“uuuuu. uuuuuuuuua KuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKu\“uuuuuuuuuu KK\uuuuuuuuuuu: KK“uuuuuuuuuuu \uuuuuuuuuKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
`(heat with (dry$4 or dried)) near30
`E((fuel near2 cell) or (fuel-cell)) and
`E(co-generation or cogeneration or
`congen or cogenerat$5)
`E “““uuu‘; “\“uuuuuuu uKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuK“uuuuuuuuuuo KK\“uuuuuuuuuu: u“uuuuuuuuuu: \“uuuuuuum Ku\“uuuuuuuuuu:
`file:///CI/Users/jriggleman/Documents/e—Red%20F01der/12280628/EASTSearchHistory.12280628_AccessibleVersion.htm[4/21/2012 6: 34: 16 PM]
`E(srhaver or razor or epilatory orrshavingE U8PGPUB;E
`or((clean$4 or wash$4). ab.o)
`E"134".icls.) and ((fuel near2 cell) or
`\“uuuuu. uuuuuuuuua KuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKu\“uuuuuuuuuu KK“uuuuuuuuuuu KK“uuuuuuuuuuu \uuuuuuuuuKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
`E(shaver or razor or epilatory or shaving U8PGPUB;E
`Eor "134".icls.) and ((fuel near2 cell) or EU8PAT;
`E “““uuu‘; “\“uuuuuuu uKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuK“uuuuuuuuuuo KK\“uuuuuuuuuu: u“uuuuuuuuuu: \“uuuuuuum Ku\“uuuuuuuuuu:
`E((tool or appliance or device) near3
`E(clean$4 or wash$4)).ab. and ((fuel
`Enear2 cell) or (fuel-cell))
`\“uuuuu. uuuuuuuuua KuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKu\“uuuuuuuuuu KK“uuuuuuuuuuu KK“uuuuuuuuuuu \uuuuuuuuuKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
`E((tool or appliance or device) near3
`E(clean$4 or wash$4)).ab. and ((fuel
`Enear2 cell) or (fuel-cell))
`E “““uuu‘; “\“uuuuuuu uKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuK“uuuuuuuuuuo KK\“uuuuuuuuuu: u“uuuuuuuuuu: \“uuuuuuum Ku\“uuuuuuuuuu:
`E((tool or appliance or device) near3
`E(clean$4 or wash$4)).ab. and ((fuel
`Enear2 cell) or (fuel-cell)) near30 (heat)EEUSOCR;
`Ewith (recover$4 or recycl$4 or waste)
`Ewith (dry or drying or blower or
`E((tool or appliance or device) near3
`E(clean$4 or wash$4)).ab. and ((fuel
`Enear2 cell) or (fuel-cell)) near30
`E(double near2 layer near2 capacitor)
`E “““uuu‘; “\“uuuuuuu uKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuKKKuK“uuuuuuuuuuo KK\“uuuuuuuuuu: u“uuuuuuuuuu: \“uuuuuuum Ku\“uuuuuuuuuu:
`E((tool or appliance or device) near3
`E(clean$4 or wash$4)) and ((fuel near2 EUSPAT;
`Ecell) or (fuel-cell)) near30 ((double
`Enear2 layer near2 capacitor) or
`E(double-layer near2 capacitor))
`E((fuel near2 cell) or (fuel-cell)) near30 EU8PGPUB;§
`E((double near2 layer near2 capacitor)
`Eor (double-layer near2 capacitor))
`EE887 E596 E((fuel near2 cell))or((fuel-cell)) near30 EU8PGPUB;EEOR
`E E2012/O4/20


`EAST Search History
`((double near2 layer near2 capacitor)
`Eor (double-layer near2 capacitor)) and
`(accumulat$4 or power)
`E((fuel near2 cell) or (fuel-ceII)) near30 EUSPGPUB;?
`E(boost$4 near circuit) and (boost$4
`Enear2 (output near2 voltage)) and
`E((fuel near2 cell) or (fuel-ceII)) near30
`E(boost$4 near circuit) and (boost$4
`Enear2 (output near2 voltage)) and
`Etransformer and (charg$4 or
`E((shaver or razor or epilatory or
`Eshaving or tool or appliance) near8
`E(wash$4 or clean$3)) and ((fuel near2 EUSOCR;
`Ecell) or (fuel- cell)) and (heat or
`Etemperature or thermal) with (dry$4 orEEPO; JPO;
`\\<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.\ 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
`4444444444444444444444444~ 4444444444444444444444444~ “4444444444444“444444444444444444444444444444
`E((fuel near2 cell)or(fuel-cell)) near30 EUSPGPUB;?
`((double near2 layer near2 capacitor)
`Eor (double-layer near2 capacitor)) and
`(accumulat$4 or power) and batter
`\ “444444444“; \uuuuuuuuu u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u4“uuuuuuuuuuo 44\“uuuuuuuuuue u“uuuuuuuuuue \“uuuuuuum 4u\“uuuuuuuuuue
`E((fuel near2 cell) or (fuel-ceII)) near30 EUSPGPUB;?
`((double near2 layer near2 capacitor)
`Eor (double-layer near2 capacitor)) and
`E(accumulat$4 or power) and battery
`“444444444“. uuuuuuuuua 4u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u“\“uuuuuuuuu 44\uuuuuuuuuuu. 44\uuuuuuuuuuu. \uuuuuuuuuKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
`E(shaver or razor or epilatory or shavingEUSPGPUB;?
`Eand wash$4 or clean$3) and ((fuel
`Enear2 cell) or (fuel- cell)) near30
`((double near2 layer near2 capacitor)
`Eor (double- layer near2 capacitor)) and EEPO; JPO;
`\ “444444444“; \uuuuuuuuu u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u444u4“uuuuuuuuuuo 44\“uuuuuuuuuue u“uuuuuuuuuue \“uuuuuuum 4u\“uuuuuuuuuue
`E(shaver or razor or epilatory or shavingE USPGPUB;?
`Eand wash$4 or clean$3) and ((fuel
`Enear2 cell) or (fuel- cell)) near30
`E((double near2 layer near2 capacitor)
`Eor (double-layer near2 capacitor)) and E;EPO JPO;
`E(accumulat$4 or power) and ((boost$4 EDERWENT
`Enear circuit) or (boost$4 near2
`E(shaver or razor or epilatory or shavingE
`Eand wash$4 or clean$3) and ((fuel
`Enear2 cell) or (fuel- cell)) near30
`E((boost$4 near circuit) or (boost$4
`Enear2 voltage)) and transformer
`E(shaver or razor or epilatory or shaving
`ue PGPUB;?
`Eand wash$4 or clean$3) and ((fuel
`Enear2 cell) or (fuel-ceII)) near30
`E(boost$4 near circuit) and (boost$4
`Enear2 (output near2 voltage)) and
`I “444444444“:
`“44444444444444444 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444\ 4444444444444444444444444: 444444444444444444444444: 44444444444444444~ 44444444444444444444444444:
`file:///CI/Users/jriggleman/Documents/e—Red%20F01der/12280628/EASTSearchHistory. 12280628_AccessibleVersion.htm[4/21/2012 6: 34: 16 PM]


`EAST Search History
`E("5833934" 1 "7168273" 1
`E"20020000066" 1 "5494538" |
`E"3133837" | "20060021642" 1
`E"20060157094" | "20020112479" 1
`E .............: ...................E .nn.nn.nn.nn.nn.nn.nn.nn.nn.nn.nn.nn.nn.n.......................
`.n......................: .n......................: ....................~ .n.......................:
`(shaver or razor or epilatory or shavingEUSPGPUB;§
`Eand wash$4 or clean$3) and ((fuel
`Enear2 cell) or (fuel- ce||)) with
`(transfer$4 or waster or excess or
`Etransport$4 or guide or guiding) near3 EEPO; JPO;
`.............- ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
`(shaver or razor or epilatory or shavingEUSPGPUB;§
`Eand wash$4 or clean$3) and ((fuel
`Enear2 cell) or (fuel- ce||)) with
`(transfer$4 or waster or excess or
`Etransport$4 or guide or guiding) near3 EE;PO JPO;
`Eheat with (desiccate or dry or drying orEDEERWENT
`E((fuel near2 cell) or (fuel-ce||)) with
`(transfer$4 or waster or excess or
`Etransport$4 or guide or guiding) near3
`Eheat with (desiccate or dry or drying orE
`E((fuel near2 cell) or (fuel-ce||)) with
`(transfer$4 or waster or excess or
`Etransport$4 or guide or guiding) near3
`E(thermal or temperature or heat) with
`E(desiccate or dry or drying or dried)
`4444444444444444444444444‘ 44444444444444444” 444444444444444444444444444‘
`E “444444444“:
`<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.« 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444E 44444444444444444444444444‘
`E((fuel near2 ce||)or(-fue| ce||)) and
`Eheat with (desiccate or dry or drying orEUSPAT;
`E((fuel near2 cell) or (fuel-ce||)) and
`Eheat near4 (desiccate or dry or drying
`Eor dried)
`4444444444444444444444444‘ 44444444444444444” 444444444444444444444444444‘
`E “444444444“:
`<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.« 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444E 44444444444444444444444444‘
`E((fuel near2 cell) or (fuel-ce||)) near4O EUSPGPUB;§
`Eheat near4 (desiccate or dry or drying
`Eor dried)
`E((fuel near2 cell) or (fuel-ce||)) near4O
`Eheat near7 (desiccate or dry or drying
`Eor dried)
`<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<.« 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444E 44444444444444444444444444‘
`E8106 116490E(shaver or razor or epilatory or shavingEUSPGPUB;§
`Eand wash$4 or clean$3) and (heat-
`Epipe) or (heat near2 pipe)
`4444444444444444444444444~ 4444444444444444444444444~ 44444444444444444“4444444444444444444444444444
`E “444444444“:
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`file:///CI/Users/jriggleman/Documents/e—Red%20F01der/12280628/EASTSearchHistory.12280628_AccessibleVersion.htm[4/21/2012 6: 34: 16 PM]


`EAST Search History
`E8107 11720 E(shaver or razor or epilatory or shaving US—PGPUB;§ OR
`Eand wash$4 or clean$3) and ((heat-
`Epipe) or (heat near2 pipe))
`(shaver or razor or epilatory or
`Eshaving) and ((heat-pipe) or (heat
`near2 pipe))
`E(shaver or razor or epilatory or
`Eshaving) and ((heat-pipe) or (heat
`Enear2 pipe)) with (dry or drying or
`\ .............: ...................\ n.nn.nn.nn.nn.nn.nn.nn.nn.nn.nn.nn.nn.nn........................\ .n......................: .n......................: ....................~ .n.......................:
`E((fuel near2 cell) or (fuel-ce||)) and
`E((heat-pipe) or (heat near2 pipe)) with EUSPAT;
`(dry or drying or dried)
`.............- ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
`4/21/2012 6:34:08 PM
`C:\ Users\jriggleman\Documents\ EAST\Workspaces\10525205.wsp
`file:///CI/Users/jriggleman/Documents/e—Red%20Folder/12280628/EASTSearchHistory. 12280628_AccessibleVersion.htm[4/21/2012 6: 34: 16 PM]

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