`International application No
`C10M105 36
`ADD. C10N20/02
`. C10N40/30
`According‘to lntemationat Patent Classification (PC) or to both national classltiwtlon and IPC
`Minimum documentation searched (dassification system followed by destination symbols)
`ClOM F258
`Dowmentailon searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the lields searched
`Electronic data base consulted during the Intematlonal search (name ot data base and. where practhat search terms used)
`EPO—Internal, NPI Data, COMPENDEX
`Citation ol document, with indication. where approprhte. ol the relevant passages
`Relevant to daim No.
`JP 2002 356691 A (MATSUSHITA
`13 December 2002 (2002—12#13)
`cited in the application
`paragraphs [0009],
`[JP]) 25 April 2001 (2001—04—25)
`[0053]; claims
`claims 28,31
`E] Further documents are listed in the continuation at Box 04
`E See patent tamity annex.
`Specie categorieso cited ocuments
`later doomnent published alter the International filing date
`or priority date and not In contllct with the application but
`'A' document defining the general slate at the an which is not
`considered to be 0' particular relevance
`givegntgmderstand the pnnaple ortheory undertying the
`'E' earlier document but published on or afterthe lntematlonal
`‘X' document of particular relevance: ttte claimed Invention
`tiling date
`cannot be considered novel'or cannot be considered to
`'L-' dowment which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or
`invotve an inventive step when the document is taken alone
`which is cited to establish the publication date 01 another
`'Y' document at particular relevance; the claimed invention
`013m" 0' other 599631 “3350" (35 SPWHW)
`cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the
`'0' document relerring to an oral disclosure. use. exhibition or
`comment is combined with one or more other such docu-
`int 6 art.
`other means
`nte'r‘tts. such combination being obvious to a person skilled
`'P' document published prior to the international filing date but
`tater than the priority date claimed ‘6' dowmant member at the some patent tamity
` Data at the actual completion oi the lntemallonal search Date 01 mailing ot the intemational search repon
`30 July 2008
`Authorized Ol‘llOBl
`Name and mailing address 0| the ISA!
`European Patent Ottice, PB. 5816 Peiemtaan 2
`N1. — 2280 HV Riiswijk
`TeL (oar—70) 340-2040. Tx. 31 651 epo nt.
` Bertrand, Samuel
`Fax: “31-70) 340-3016
`Form Pcrnsuzro (mono 9109009102005)
`I'ntormatlon on‘patent lamlly members
`Patent document
`cited in search report
`.. PCT/JP2008/001112
`Patent family
`International application No
`JP 2002356691
`1300312 A
`0050021 A1
`- 12—10—2000
`EP 1094100
`Form PCTIISN210(pmm!unW ml) (Anvil 2006)