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`onW First Named Inventor
`Application Number
`OKUDA, Satoshi
`January 9’ 2009
`LANDEROS, Ignacio
`Applicant requests review of the final rejection in the above-identified application. No amendments are being filed
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`Darren Crew
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`April 23’ 2014
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`US. Patent Application Serial No. 12/300,707
`Supplemental Pages to Pre—Appeal Brief Request for Review
`Filed April 23, 2014
`Applicant herein provides a succinct, concise and focused set of arguments of the reasons
`for which the review is being requested. Applicant respectfully submits that the arguments point
`out clear errors in the Examiner's rejection, or the Examiner's omission(s) of one or more
`essential elements needed for a primafacie rejection.
`Claims 9-17 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 1031a) as being unpatentable over JP 2002-
`333255 Tamaoki
`in view of US. Patent No. 3 257 820 Case and US. Patent Publication No.
`2003/0147216 (Patel). tOffice Action dated January 31: 20141 page 2)
`In the final Office Action, on page 4, the Examiner asserts:
`the plug (61) [of Case] is configured to be inserted into and removed from the
`measurement hole (60) in a state wherein the door is closed and the panel is open (ie. the plug
`can be inserted or removed from the measurement hole while any door or panel is open or
`closed, inherently.” (Emphasis added).
`Applicants respectfully do not agree with the Examiner’s assertion.
`respectfully submit that the Examiner’s assertion has a clear error in reasoning.
`In the Case reference, there is disclosed a box-like receptacle 10, a larger compartment,
`an internal wall 11, a smaller compartment, a cover 20, and a cover 21 (Figure 1; column 2 at
`lines 5-8 and 17—22). The internal wall 11 divides the receptacle 10 into the larger compartment
`and the smaller compartment. The cover 20 removably fits over and encloses the larger
`compartment. The cover 21 removably fits over and encloses the smaller compartment.
`Case discloses the following: “For ease of replacing the control unit which normally has
`the sensor attached, an opening 60 through the inner wall 11 may be arranged with a removable
`block 61” (column 3 at lines 34—37). Case also discloses the following: “The block is readily
`US. Patent Application Serial No. 12/300,707
`Supplemental Pages to Pre-Appeal Brief Request for Review
`Filed April 23, 2014
`removed when the cover 20 is open and the sensor may be lifted out with the control unit”
`(column 3 at lines 37—39). (Emphasis added).
`The Examiner has suggested that the removable block 61 of Case corresponds to the
`“plug” as recited in claim 9. The Examiner has suggested that the opening 60 of Case
`corresponds to the “measurement hole” as recited in claim 9.
`It is clear that in Case, the block 61 is located under a cover (see Figure 1 of Case, for
`example). This indicates that it is not possible for the block 61 to be removed when the cover
`is closed, because the cover prevents the removal of the block 61.
`According to the principles of the subject application, the insulating door 13 of the
`subject application remains closed and the extremely low temperature of the storage chamber 4
`is preserved when a plug 19A is inserted into or removed from a measurement hole 19, because
`only panel 5 is opened to gain access to the upper mechanical chamber 18 having the
`measurement hole 19 and plug 19A (see Figures 1, 2, and 5 of the subject application).
`Based on aspects of the plug 19A and other features disclosed by the subject application,
`the subject application provides advantages and unpredictable benefits in that a measuring
`instrument can be inserted into a storage chamber 4 through a measurement hole 19 without
`opening the insulating door 13, wherein the measurement hole 19 is formed in a side surface of
`an insulating box body 2 and positioned in the upper mechanical chamber 18. This can facilitate
`an operation of installing the measuring instrument
`in the storage chamber 4 cooled to a
`predetermined extremely low temperature.
`Contrary to the principles disclosed in the subject application, Case is directed to (a)
`opening a cover for (b) ease of replacing a control unit which normally has a sensor attached
`(column 3, at lines 34—39). Case is not directed to facilitating an operation of installing a
`US. Patent Application Serial No. 12/300,707
`Supplemental Pages to Pre-Appeal Brief Request for Review
`Filed April 23, 2014
`measuring instrument
`in a storage chamber 4 cooled to a predetermined extremely low
`temperature, Without opening a cover.
`The Examiner has not relied upon Tamaoki or Patel in order to remedy the above—
`discussed deficiencies of Case.
`The Examiner has failed to establish a prima facie case of obviousness, because the
`Examiner has failed to show how Tamaoki, Case, and Patel, alone or in combination, could
`describe, teach, or suggest the features recited in claim 9 including at least the following
`features: “wherein the plug is configured to be inserted into and removed from the measurement
`hole in a state wherein the door is closed and the panel is open.”
`The Examiner has failed to establish a prima facie case of obviousness, because the
`Examiner has failed to show how Tamaoki, Case, and Patel, alone or in combination, could
`describe, teach, or suggest the features recited in claim 13 including at least the following
`features: “wherein the plug is configured to be inserted into and removed from the measurement
`hole, through the upper mechanical chamber, in a state wherein the door is closed and the panel
`is open.”
`Therefore, the Examiner has failed to provide a suggestion in the prior art for the above—
`discussed claim limitations, regarding claims 9 and 13.
`Withdrawal of the rejection of claims 9 and 13 is therefore respectfully requested.
`Claims 11 and 12 depend from claim 9. Claims 16 and 17 depend from claim 13.
`Withdrawal of the rejection of claims 11, l2, l6, and 17 is therefore respectfully requested, by
`Virtue of their dependency.