`(RCE) Transmittal
`This is a Request for Continued Examination under 37 CFR § 1.114 of the above-noted application.
`RCE practice does not apply to anyutility application filed prior to June 8, 1995, or to any design application.
`Prosecution must be closed.
`Note:If the RCE is proper, any previously filed unentered amendments and amendments enclosed
`with the RCE will be entered in the order in which they were filed unless applicant instructs
`otherwise (with a separate request for non-entry).
`(_] Previously submitted. /f a final Office action is outstanding, any amendmentsfiled after the final Office action
`maybe considered by the PTO as a submission evenif the box for the following line is not checked. _
`[_] Consider the arguments in the Response/Amendmentpreviously filed on
`(] Other:
`[{X] Enclosed
`i] Amendment/Responseto Office Action
`J Information Disclosure Citation
`(_] Affidavit(s)/Declaration
`LJ Other:
`CL Applicant(s) hereby request andpetition that the time for taking action in this case be extended pursuant to 37
`C.F.R. § 1.136(a) for__-months.
`L] Other:
`calculated below (after reduction for an amendmentif noted above).
`Basic/Previous Number|Present Extra S$
`[) ToTat CLaims
`[XJ RCE fee required under 37 CFR 1.17(e)
`Lauren Nguyen
`Customized PTO/SB/30 (04/09
`Submission required
`under 37 CFR § 1.114
`[_] Otherfee for
`J Payment of $810 is made by:
`(_] Reduction by % for small entity status of applicant
` [_] Extension of time fee for 5-months
`>] Crepit Carb (Form PTO-2038is enclosed).
`[_] ELEcTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER submitted herewith.
`1 The Director is authorized to charge any fee, additional fee or extension fee due in connection
`herewith to Deposit Account No. 12-0555:
`if no paymentor an insufficient paymentis enclosed and a fee is due in connection herewith, or
`if no petition for extension of time is enclosed but an EOTis required - and in this event, applicant
`hereby petitions under 37 CFR 1.136(a) for an extension of time of as many months as are
`required to render this submission timely.
`TAH —>
`Date: April 18, 2011 tLLV}——>
`ame: Juan Carlo
`Fairfax St. e Suite 900 « Alexandria, VA 22314
`TEL: 703-739-4900 « Fax: 703-739-9577 * CUSTOMER No. 38327
`04/19/2011 SSANDARA 00000006 12659455
`01 FC1801
`810.00 OP