`_Art Unit 2871
`Lauren Nguyen
`) )
`) )
`) ) )
`In re U.S. Patent Application of.
`Application Number: 12/659,455
`March9, 2010
`Attorney Docket No. HITA-1291
`Honorable Assistant Commissioner
`for Patents
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`to 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.56 and 1.97,
`this Information Disclosure Statement
`submitted in the above-identified patent application. A listing of documents to be published on
`the face of any patent granted from this application is submitted herewith on Form PTO-1449.
`Any other documents or information submitted for consideration by the Examiner arelisted in
`this paper. A copy of each U.S. and foreign patent, or each publication or portion thereoflisted
`or herein identified, submitted herewith.
`This Information Disclosure Statement is submitted with the initial filing of the RCE.
`Accordingly, no fee is due or payable at this time.
`However, it is also hereby certified that each item of information contained in this statement
`was cited in a communication from a foreign patent office in a counterpart foreign application not
`more than three monthspriorto the filing of this statement.
`315421 vI-LMGREENE
`FRXLIB-343315.1 4/15/11 4:45 PM
`The Examiner is requested to acknowledge consideration of the information provided in
`this paper in accordance with prescribed procedures.
`Please charge any additional fees or credit any overpayments in connection with this
`paper to Deposit Account No. 12-0555.
`Respectfully submitted,
` arq
`Registration Number 34,072
`1199 N. Fairfax Street
`Suite 900
`Alexandria, Virginia 22314
`(703) 739-4900
`Customer No.: 38327
`April 18, 2011