`EAST Search History
`EAST Search History (I nterference)
`ESearch Query
`EPlurals Time
`E((hole or through near hole) and frame andE
`Ebiosensor and pillar and recess).clm.
`E((hole or through near hole) and frame andE
`Esymmetric$5 and pillar and recess). clm.
`E((hole or through near hole) and
`E(diaphragm or substrate) and symmetric$5E
`Ewith pillar and recess). clm.
`E((hole or through near hole) and
`E(diaphragm or substrate) and symmetric$5E
`Eand pillar and recess). clm.
`E((hole or through near hole) and frame andE
`Ebiosensor and (pillar or column or
`Eprotrusion or post) and recess). clm.
`E((hole or through near hole or aperture or
`Eopening) and frame and biosensor and
`E(pillar-or column or protrusion or post) andE
`E((hole or through near hole or aperture or
`Eopening) and (pillar or column or protrusionE
`Eor post) and recess). clm.
`E((hole or through near hole or aperture or
`Eopening) with (pillar or column or
`Eprotrusion or post) with recess).clm.
`E((hole or through near hole) and frame andE
`Ebiosensor and (pillar or column or
`Eprotrusion or post) and groove). clm.
`11/21/ 2013 12:31 :21 PM
`C:\ Users\ nbowers\ Documents\ EAST\Workspaces\12670206.wsp
`file:///CI/Users/nbowers/Documents/e—Red%20F01der/12670206/EASTSearchHistory. 12670206_AccessibleVersion.htm[1 1/21/2013 12:31:40 PM]