(12)1%§‘F1§1’JJ%1’=’~11:E0°L\’C’AF#J éi’LT:E||3%§EJ§E
`(19) lfifiiflflfififififi’ffiéfifi
`2010 E 2 )5] 11 EI(11.02.2010) amEEAEEE
`WO 2010/016246 A1
`H03H 9/145 (2006.01)
`H03H 9/25 (2006.01)
`2009 E 8 )5] 5 EI(05.08.2009)
`El 253%
`WEE 2008-203979 2008 E 8 )5] 7 El (07.08.2008)
`EPJEE 2008294122 2008 E 11 fi 18 EI(18.11.2008)
`#- ‘J : ‘y ’7 $513K fiifii (PANASONIC CORPORA-
`TION) [JP/JP]; F5718501 Xfflinfi‘FfiEflfiKiFfifi-Z
`1 O O 6%113 Osaka (JP).
`fiflfi % ; 213 c): If
`fifififi/fl EBA (filéI 1:0 L\’CO)<7+):
`(GOTO, Rei). |=13 fiéfifl (NAKANISHI, Hidekazu). |=13
`$1§A$(NAKAMURA, Hiroyuki).
`(74) HEA: WEE 1E1, 91(NAITO, Hiroki et al,); ?
`5718501 XffliHEFElEflfiX—“P‘FEJEJ o o 6
`7' ‘J 1 “J bfiitfifilm Osaka (JP).
`EE bifilfi'é): AE, AG, AL, AM, Ao, AT, AU, Az, BA,
`BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, Bz, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO,
`CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI,
`GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS,
`JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, Kz, LA, LC, LK, LR,
`LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW,
`MX, MY, Mz, NA, NG, NI, NO, Nz, OM, PE, PG, PH,
`PL, PT, R0, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST,
`SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, Tz, UA, UG, US, UZ, vc,
`VN, ZA, ZM, zw.
`EE 75“ E! E): ARIPo (BW, GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, Mz,
`NA, SD, SL, sz, Tz, UG, ZM, ZW),
`:L — 5 ’x 7
`(AM, AZ, BY, KG, Kz, MD, RU, TJ, TM), El — I: v I\°
`(AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, cz, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB,
`GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, 1T, LT, LU, Lv, MC, MK, MT, NL,
`CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN,
`TD, TG).
`IEIEEJEJEEEE (%fi’1'\]'§fi 21 %(3))
`(54) fififiwfi 1711G$1$511i$¥ t C *LEFH L‘T:'¥.¥1§E%§
`(57) Abstract: A11 elastic wave element (8) is
`provided with: a piezoelectric body (9); an IDT
`electrode (10) arranged 011 the piezoelectric
`body (9); a first dielectric material layer (11)
`arranged on the piezoelectric body (9) so as to
`cover the IDT electrode (10); and a second di—
`electric material layer (12), which is arranged
`on an upper part of the first dielectric material
`(1 l) and permits transverse waves to
`propagate at a speed higher than that of trans—
`verse waves propagating in the first dielectric
`layer (11).
`In the case where the
`thickness of the second dielectric material lay-
`cr ( 12) is larger than the wavclcngth of major
`waves excited by the IDT electrode (10), dete-
`rioration of clcmcnt charactcristics
`pressed by satisfying the conditions of (p750°,
`6¢0° and w¢0°, wherein (<1), 6, w) express a
`substrate cut angle of the piezoelectric body
`(9) in Euler angle display.
`GDEfi: $fifi®fififi$¥
`(8)121:~ JEEP-1: (9) 1:\ Efifii
`(9) ODJ: :EEEéfl’LT: I DTEE
`(9) ®§11i73v PE $45—$21;er (q),
`0, w) tbfuté, (p750°
`(meow: L’C‘ SE???


`WO 2010/016246
`filfl E
`I Efifiifii¥&:h€—Ffib\k%¥fififi
`@éEE-Eflkzb EEEszhzfiafia‘i/‘ntl UTE-Ems}:~ Efié‘iéo i
`31021175“. 9 Bl:/\\yfil>’7“’&fib’Cn—<LT:€EH®$EEIWI:&%>O


`WO 2010/016246
`WEOHEEEPMV I~ > 'J —SJ§E1II1%EIJ’C-% é%1¢7h\ 591115 C A: 7b“fi%l:§é$
`6'60 :(Digifili‘t‘ooéua: U 0 X I~ ‘2 U —;‘J§Z1:J:%>X7° U 77x7b§fi$ LA
`1%E‘FXTfifi1ifiFa-HZ 0 o 7—2 5 1 7 1 Gang/Aifi
`Zkfiflfili 7E): zflfiliaafibfii Lit): L115~ $¥fi1§$1b€flflfifiu L,
`21Efi$1®§$1$3§§§¥11 EEEMUL EEEWUDlezfiafié/hf: I D WEE}:
`~ Eéafiwuzlzl D TEEEEE5 J: 5 HERE—$11,723:.“ 1 ODEfi-Efisléb ’5??? 1
`ODEEEEEWEODJzfirHfiQH Font??? 1 ®E%%1$E fliwiéfiifiwfigi U =5
`fiwfiififlfiflié’éfi 2 ODEEEEWE & 0 38115260 % LT‘ ’51:.“ 2 mafi-EWE
`ODHEEb“ I D TEEE’GJEMJEéi/LéigifiwiEE/l 0) o. 81%; LJ7<%L\1%’%
`I; E€E1$®§$fijry Ffi’éT’fi—fififif‘ (d), 9,
`211) 33,122ch
`¢>¢o°, 9¢o°, w¢o° A; Lxcméo
`21E%EDEJ®§$'I‘$$J§§§¥IZ$SLVC‘ E€E1$®E$Jijj v [Q (b E 0° 72» 15’9” 15’9”
`: 2:1:4: U ~ $§5EF$>6 S HiJiw/{U—j' D—fiéfifiiflfim‘fl: L/J'm
`X by) —;‘&’0)/\°'7—7 D—fijéfifiiflfimit LTD/5° #731015~ figifili
`"ooébfiififilzfiitérfifififii¥lzism—Q I DTE'EEODHEE‘ EEEEEWE
`(DHEE’fiifix I~ p U —;‘&’E1I|1%EIJ’C- =5 6%1tlt7f» 6911a X I~ > U —;‘J*x’0)/\°'7—
`7 EI—fi ifi‘FfiEflEJ: U g’ylhé < fiofzt L,’C=E,~ $¥fi1$039€1b231§1x
`[II1] 1 lixfiflfiwfifi’rfiwfiéfié 1 1:15t+é§$'|$5E$¥®Efifi$EEtITEéo
`2132K§Ew1®¥fifiwfiéfié 1 1:25(7“é?$’|$i&$¥®¢%1¥kwéfiwil’6&é


`WO 2010/016246
`31i21ifiw5103¥5503 335.1,: 1 1:2131+5?$'I§E§E$¥®1§1¥1®§ifi.’635é
`[II4]413:21E%HH®%15503 33%? ‘l 1:33H’5§$'I‘$51§$¥®1%1¥1®§fiw51-“6356
`51i$fiflfiwi1§fi® 31513 ‘I 1:313H’é?$'|‘$ifi¥r€¥®fi1¥i®§fiwilfibé
`6 1i$%$§®¥fifi® 333.1% 1 1:213115§$'|$5E$¥®1%1fi®§imlffié
`71i$fi1¥103¥55® 315.7311 1:2131153$'I§E§J§$¥®1§1¥1®§EWITEé
`813121§%Efi®¥5503 315.1,: 1 1:213115?$'I§E§1§$¥®1§1¥X®§Ew51-’535é
`9 A 1i?i$®§$'|$ifi$¥®%fi1§ifil’65%)o
`9 BlifiE§E®§$1§fl§§¥lZfiHé 1/4 U —§J§®§€fi1§§1fififi1¥§i®
`($Hfiwfigfig 1 )
`lat—R $fi$§®¥fifi®fi3§§1 1:3’5115?$'|‘$51§$¥12’3L"CIE€§§§§ L733
`I113:‘ $1350) 31631l:a*$tf%>§$'|$ifx’§é¥8@Iikfififiifil’éa'béo I‘ll:
`Ell'a‘lA’C~ §$1$5K§7§¥8 131‘
`Jig-3.17159 &~ E§€1$9®J1KEEIE$1LE I D T (
`Inter—Digital Transducer)§€1fl10&‘E%€1$
`90:121 D TEN-31$ 1 O 5&5 J: 5KEEE31’LTz’é—fi' 1 03555331715]? 1 1t~ ’é-‘T
`1 03355331715]? 1
`1 ODJZEBIZEQ1TBF1’LT:%P20)E§EE1$J§ 1 2 (2‘ Effiiéo
`LEE-51715913:~ 1512132: :Tj‘fié‘z’Uamij 999MIE§U5°F7A~ Xlilj'
`jfigjj 'J WA’GHZEZE‘iL’Cbéo CODEEE‘H-{ngflijj \y I‘filjk T45—


`WO 2010/016246
`° <6<—60° 75\’3—3. 4° <z/J<O° fbéo
`X719~ 3&0 21:0 DAfiBtfiéEWfilfi X!i:fl5€$fifit?éé
`$1®EE§EE1$J§1 1121; {fillili Mm’rfi’ébw‘otiébfl EEEWQ (Elia?
`‘2‘ E’Hff/UilV‘ $11371l2=:'4)1.\~ if:1ifi§1b7)lx~:'7L\/fifiib\6m
`60 if; COD’EEZODEEEEEH‘E‘I zwflfigliigifi’ébéSHifiwifiE/ld)
`81%151J1’Gfiéo Ci’HZJZ'J‘ IESBZ’E‘ §$'|$i&$¥8®¢1:fifiuflw
`éCtifi’Gfiéo IE3§E§$'I‘$$J§$¥80)EF1:1&1&°5—Eé1:551 LiiAZsbéfabl:
`~ $2®E§EE17SJ§1 zwfligliigifi’éfinés HSEZODSEZE/llai’éaéct
`LEE$§EJZOD$5IL Egé1$9®§$fijnv Ffi¢>¥EO° 7b\6f56':é:1:a:
`X I~>U —;‘J*x’0)/\°'7—7EI—fi/J§FEEE1IEJ: U gym-g: < tight L’Cih i
`I21:zm\r\ mm; IESETEéSHiEZODP FA (/fi'7—7EI—fi)


`WO 2010/016246
`(am: d e g) €361,
`if; JEEEPJSQEflijJ‘y bfib‘l 6=—6 5
`[mm] Ezufiuf~$§fifiaéSHfiK3mffiét~¢€£méfiéct
`[mfi] m:mfi%;U‘E%W9®EWfivbfi¢Eo°befiméfié:&c
`[mm] E3~E6m$fifiwifl®3%1K5Héfififi$¥®fiflwfififlfi


`WO 2010/016246
`CC’Cx EEWQL’ LtlT7‘fié'J31'7AEJfiLX I DTEE/ffi1 Oc‘: LXC
`—o.5°§¢<o.5°mo —2.2°§w<—1.4°
`o.5°§¢<1.5°#3 —2.4°§w<—0.8°
`1.5°§¢<2.5°#0 —2.6°§¢<—O.2°
`2.5°§¢<3.5°#O —2.8°§¢<O.3°
`3.5°§¢<4.5°m0 —3.1°§w<0.8°
`4.5°§¢<5.5°m0 —3.3°§w<1.3°


`WO 2010/016246
`—0. 5° §¢<O. 5° 75‘? —2.
`5°§¢<—1 T
`0. 5° §¢<1. 5° 73‘? —2.
`6°§w<—o y
`5° §¢><2. 5° 75‘? —2.
`7°§w<—o V
`2. 5° §¢><3. 5° 72»? —2.
`3. 5° §¢><4. 5° 75‘? —2.
`4. 5° §¢<5. 5° 75‘? —3°
`—0. 5° §d><0. 5° 75‘? —3.
`2°§¢<—2 r
`0. 5° §¢><1. 5° 75‘? —3°
`1 5°§¢<2 5°¢0 —z
`2. 5° §<b<3. 5° 72»? —2.
`5°§w<1 5°
`3. 5° §¢<4. 5° 75‘? —2.
`4°§¢<2 6°
`4. 5° §d><5. 5° 73‘? —2.
`4°§w<3 3°
`Iv) —62
`5° §9<—57. 5
`—0. 5° §d><0. 5° 75‘? —5
`.2°§w<—4 V
`0. 5° §¢><1. 5° 75‘? —4°


`WO 2010/016246
`1.5°§¢<2.5°#0 —2.8°§¢<2.1°
`2_5°§¢<3.5°mo —1_8°§w<4.1°
`3.5°§¢<4.5°mo —1.1°§w<5.5°
`4.5°§¢<5.5°m9 —o.9°§w<6.2°


`WO 2010/016246
`F 1 li‘ (inlziq‘d'éiEEEEEtd'z/J0)]:BE03EIEEEEELA F 2 {i
`E'I‘EEEEIE JzEtEJFFEODE'IEEEEs‘ E'xll‘tr':~ E4I:’7'4E75\B7‘J%>E 1
`F1=——— 1 +——h1
`0.12—0.08g(¢)0.—4 02 ([7])
`fl )
`" I 1
`0.12_0'08g (¢)+ 0__4 02
`F2=——— 2 ———h2
`fi'fi'éth’é‘a ~ E1®EEWE1 1ODJEJE’EH t Lftlfléo
`12EL“ iEEg1 (Cb)~ g2 (Cb)~ h1 (05>)~ h2 (¢)IE~TEE


`WO 2010/016246
`‘I O
`g1(¢)= 0.03524252 — 0.085206 — 0.3795
`g2(¢) = 0.0589052 — 0.4089¢ + 0.7821
`h1(¢) = 0.0161¢2 — 0.1175¢ + 0.6964
`142(4): —0.0339¢2 + 0.549646 —1.3464
`::?~ifig1 (¢)~g2(¢)m~
`((1))‘ P12 (¢>) {i %
`ifibb‘fiEEfiFk F2?ifi(fi1)‘ (fi2)f§fiTé&§
`i) —77. 5° §9<—72.
`1 i
`5o §¢><1.5° 75‘?
`5° §¢3<2. 5° 73‘?
`5° §¢<3. 5° 75‘?
`5° §¢<4. 5° 73‘?


`WO 2010/016246
`4.5°§¢<5.5°#o —3.3°+F2§¢<1.3°+F1
`—o.5°§¢<o.5°mo —2.5°+F2§¢<—1.7°+F
`1 $
`0.5°§¢<1.5°#0 —2.6°+F2§w<—0.9°+F1
`1.5°§¢<2.5°#9 —2.7°+F2§w<—0.1°+F1
`2.5°§¢<3.5°#0 —2.7°+F2§¢<0.7°+F1
`3.5°§¢<4.5°#0 —2.9°+F2§¢<1.3°+F1
`4. 5° §¢><5. 5° 75V) —3° +F2§zfl<2° +F‘I
`—o.5°§¢<o.5°mo —3.2°+F2§w<—2.2°+F
`1 $
`0 5°§¢<1 5°©3 —3°+F2§w<—O.9°+F1
`1 5°§¢<2 5°¢0 —2.7°+F2§¢<0.4°+F1
`2 5°§¢<3.5°#0 —2.5°+F2§¢<1.5°+F1
`3 5°§¢<4.5°#0 —2.4°+F2§¢<2.6°+F1
`4 5°§¢<5 5°¢0 —2.4°+F2§¢<3.3°+F1
`iv) —62. 5°§9<—5T 5°®%%


`WO 2010/016246
`—o.5°§¢<o.5°#0 —5.2°+F2§w<—4.1°+F
`1 i
`o.5°§¢<1.5°#0 —4°+F2§¢<—0.8°+F1
`1.5°§¢<2.5°#0 —2.8°+F2§¢<2.1°+F1
`2_5°§¢<3.5°m0 —1.8°+F2§¢<4.1°+F1
`3.5°§¢<4.5°m0 —1.1°+F2§¢<5.5°+F1
`4.5°§¢<5.5°#9 —0.9°+F2§¢<6.2°+F1


`WO 2010/016246


`WO 2010/016246
`‘I 4
`5°§¢<5 v
`—7 7. 5° §9<—57. 5°
`—5. 2° §w<6. 2°
`EEEJUE1 l:§E$Ji®§$'I‘$iJ§$¥O


`WO 2010/016246
`[fiififl WEEfififi~ltjfiU$fiAbgfifiéh~
`—o.5°§¢<o.5°#0 —2.2°§w<—1.4°
`0.5°§¢<1.5°#0 —2.4°§w<—0.8°
`1.5°§¢<2.5°#j —2.6°§w<—0.2°
`2.5°§¢<3.5°b0 —2.8°§¢<O.3°
`3.5°§¢<4_5°bo —3.1°§w<o.8°
`4.5°§¢<5.5°b0 —3.3°§w<1.3°
`—o.5°§¢<0.5°#0 —2.5°§w<—1.7°
`0.5°§¢<1.5°#3 —2.6°§w<—O.9°
`1.5°§¢<2.5°bo —2.7°§¢<—0.1°
`2.5°§¢<3.5°#O —2.7°§¢<O.7°
`3.5°§¢<4.5°b0 —2.9°§w<1.3°
`4.5°§¢<5.5°#0 —3°§w<2°


`WO 2010/016246
`—0. 5° §¢<O. 5° 75") —3. 2° §¢<—2. 2°
`0. 5° §¢<1.5° 73") —3° §UJ<—O. 9°
`1. 5° §d><2. 5° 75") —2. 7° §w<0. 4°
`2.5°§¢<3.5°b0 —2.5°§w<1.5°
`3. 5° §¢><4. 5° 75") —2. 4° §w<2. 6°
`4.5°§¢<5.5°bo —2.4°§¢<3.3°
`—o.5°§¢<0.5°#0 —5.2°§¢<—4.1°
`o.5°§¢<1.5°m0 —4°§w<—0.8°
`1.5°§¢<2.5°b0 —2.8°§w<2.1°
`2.5°§¢<3.5°#3 —1.8°§w<4.1°
`3. 5° §¢<4. 5° 75V: —1.
`1° §¢<5 5°
`4_5°§¢<5.5°b0 —O.9°§w<6.2°


`WO 2010/016246
`‘I 7
`F1=—_-- 1 —h1
`0.12—0.08g (¢)+ 0.4-0.2 (96)
`(1 )
`‘ I 1
`0.12—0.08g W 0.44.2 W ' "Em
`F2=———— 2
`((1))~ fifififlgz ((1))
`fifififlh 1
`'fifififlhz ((1))
`E [
`. .(m)
`. .5“)
`h1(¢)=0.0161¢2 —0.1175¢+0.6964
`. .(M)
`—o.5°§¢<o.5°#0 —2.2°+F2§w<—1.4


`WO 2010/016246
`4 F
`o +F1
`0. 5°
`1. 5°
`5° #0
`2. 5°


`WO 2010/016246
`3.5°§¢<4.5°bo —2.9°+F2§¢<1.3°+
`4_5°§¢<5.5°b0 —3°+F2§¢<2°F1
`—o.5°§¢<o.5°mo —3.2°+F2§w<—2.2
`o 5°§¢<1 5°¢3 —3°+F2§w<—0.9°+F
`1 i
`1 5°§¢<2.5°bo —2.7°+F2§¢<0.4°+
`2 5°§¢<3.5°m0 —2.5°+F2§w<1.5°+
`3 5°§¢<4 5°¢3 —2.4°+F2§w<2.6°+
`4 5°§¢<5 5°¢0 —2.4°+F2§¢<3.3°+
`—o.5°§¢<0.5°#0 —5.2°+F2§w<—4.1
`0.5°§¢<1.5°#0 —4°+F2§w<—0.8°+F


`WO 2010/016246
`5° 7’3“)
`8° +F2§111<2.
`5° 75“)
`8° +F2§ZIJ<4.
`3. 5°
`4. 5°
`EEHQIE1 l:%E$fi®§$'I‘$iJ§§i¥o
`5%3RIE1 lzfiflfi®§$'|$i§$¥t ~
`fifififlfifi'lfiifi$¥l2¥%fiéflf:$§%$$fifilfl%§i¥ 2: ~ Efié‘if;


`WO 2010/016246
`[20095E11JEI 6 El (06.1 1 .2009)|§|I§%$§§E§E]
`[1 Hf? 2%) :2L7‘Efi U .‘I‘ fiAXéODFE'EflZM: \
`fifiéfiififlzgo) H? in 8217?] 1 DTafifib
`fifiéfi‘afi’ 1 @fifiifli 2503335135211 %%L’C% 1 @fi%{$§%{ifi%'¢éfi§*x®i®§i D QE< fiiybi‘b
`15%“5’33 2 @fié‘iflifié‘ k \ @052
`033%, 2 affiafli Ewfigliéuéa I DTE‘iififiEHEéM‘é s 1 1&0)?ng l a) 0. 81%; 0 if: < \
`fiwgwmfifiw y
`LEE?“ (0, 0, 0)
`25:11 3
`9: u
`fin DTfi‘ EODHEE%11\ fifiifll DTfi‘ fi®§f§®§lfi®a§f§azmétb% a \ @1330? 1 9)??ng
`E." 1 1 @HEEéEH (E u
`F‘ 2 7::
`11' =——————
`[ii 1]
`01270.08 5" W 0.4702 [(9)
`[a ]
`F =a/z/xl—O.()9
`0.12—0.08 32 (‘15)
`0.4—0.2 M)
`8 L‘
`(0L Wag2 (0% Warn (0% $3112 (0) a»
`[1:1 1 glam = 0.0352¢2 —0.0852¢—0.3795
`[£1 ]
`g2(d>) = 0.0589052 —0.4089¢S+0.7821
`[£1 1
`111(0) = 0.0161¢2 —0.1175¢+0.6964
`112(0) = —0.0339¢2 + 0.5496¢ —1.3464
`1) —77. 5° §6<—72. 5° @9245}
`—0. 5° §¢<O. 5° 75>O—2. 2° +F2§¢<—1. 4° +F1
`0. 5° §d><1. 5° 75‘0—2. 4° --F2§¢<—O. 8° --F1
`1. 5° §d><2. 5° 75>O—2. 6° --F2§¢<—O. 2° —-F1
`2. 5° §¢<3. 5° 73>O—2. 8° --F2§<b<0. 3° +F1
`3. 5° §¢<4. 5° 7JVD—3.
`1° +F2§¢<O. 8° +F1
`¥§IE '5 thzflffifi


`WO 2010/016246
`i fdi
`i 736::
`i 73:1
`j? fdi
`i fdi
`50 03356
`5O §0<i62.
`iii) *67.
`50 érb<0.
`5O 73>O—3.
`2O +F2§gb<—2.
`2O +F‘1
`5O §¢<1.5O fii’D—BO +F2§<b<—O.
`9O +F1
`5O §¢<2.
`5O 75VD—2.
`5O §¢<3.
`5O 75>Oi2.
`7O +F2§¢<O. 40 --F1
`5O +F2§¢<1.5O "F1
`5O §¢<4.
`5O 77))0—2.
`4O +F2§<b<2.
`60 “F1
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`WO 2010/016246
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`WO 2010/016246
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`WO 2010/016246
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`H03H9/l45 (2006 .01) i, H03H9/25 (2006 . 01) i
`International application No.
`According to International Patent Classification (PC) or to both national classification and ]PC
`Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)
`H03H3/007—H03H3/10, H03H9/00—H03H9/76
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched
`Jitsuyo Shinan Toroku Koho
`Toroku Jitsuyo Shinan Koho
` 1994—2009
`Jitsuyo Shinan Koho
`Kokai Jitsuyo Shinan Koho
`Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)
`WO 98/57979 A7
`itachi, Ltd
`19 November, 1998
`Page 8,
`lines 1
`to 18; Figs.
`Authorized officer
`Citation of document, with indication, Where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`(Murata Mfg.
`Figs. 1, 2,
`& US
`Co., Ltd.),
`to [0059],
`21 to 40
`2009/0115287 A1
`WO 2006/117930 A1
`02 November, 2006
`Claims 1, 7; Par.
`to [0105];
`& JP 4178328 3
`& EP 1879291 A1
`WO 2005/060094 A1
`(Murata Mfg.
`30 June, 2005
`Claim 13;
`[0156]; Fig. 13
`& US 2007/0090898 A1
`Co., Ltd.),
`to [0103],
`& 3P
`1696562 A1
`3 to 5
`Relevant to claim No.
`Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C.
`|:| See patent family annex.
`Special categories of cited documents:
`document defining the general state of the art which is not considered
`be of particular relevance
`earlier application or patent but published on or after the international filing
`document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which is
`cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other
`special reason (as specified)
`document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other means
`document published prior to the international filing date but later than the
`priority date claimed
`later document published after the international filing date or priority
`date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand
`the principle or theory underlying the invention
`document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
`considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive
`step when the document is taken alone
`document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
`considered to involve an inventive step when the document is
`combined with one or more other such documents. such combination
`being obvious to a person skilled in the art
`document member of the same patent family
`Date of the actual completion of the international search
`21 August, 2009 (21.08.09)
`Date of mailing of the international search report
`01 September, 2009 (01.09.09)
`Name and mailing address of the lSA/
`Japanese Patent 03’
`Eorm PCT/ISA/ZIO (second sheet) (April 2007)
`'l'ele nhone No.


`International application No.
`Citation of document, with indication, Where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`(TOURNOZS, Pierre),
`& Us 6737941:
`WO 01/29964 A;
`26 April, 200;
`Tableau l
`& JP 2003—512637 A
`& 3P :222735 A1
`Relevant to claim No.
` Y
`(Murata Mfg.
`WO 2008/078481 Al
`03 Juiy, 2008 (03.07.08),
`Par. Nos.
`to [0093]; Figs.
`(FamiLy: none)
`., Ltd.),
`to 14
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (continuation of second sheet) (April 2007)


`£33 3232/7313 (1 P C)
`InLCL H03H9/145(2006.01)5, HO3H9/25(2006.01)1
`- ”
`P’CJTfl//J F’Z O O 9,//O O 3 7 3 4
` _ fix“ 0 73/7}
`*é’fiotpxd IE“ :4 (3 [5%W535327‘3E (I P C)
`23‘. 2:
`7325 9:5.25
` JC[flit% £20“
`g‘BODMFiTZfiE‘éi 3E) Léfli. {703% 79‘6“”
`W0 2006/11/1930 A1
`(irikitéifiir‘a‘lflflfi'u’fififi) 2006.11.02,
`[1], [4], [0042]—[0059], [0087]—[0105],
`1, 2, 21—40
`& JP 4178328 B & US 2009/0115287 A1 & EP 1879291 A1
`WO 2005/060094 A1
`(HefiééfliifiBfiM/EFID 2005.06.30,
`flflfltODffiEIUS], [0015], [0048]—[0103], [0155], [0156],
`& US 2007/0090898 A1 & EP 1696562 A1
`/\"*’f“/ [77 ‘1‘ Pflififl'féEU/fiéfiéf/Efifio
`£ 335%
`H C
`[W4‘; é?bi‘:i[flit' C350 C
`[C[$§L®§Jéi[flit'C[i/I< \ 3fi§kfififiififi7 L; i ‘
`fiii’i’fi’j 616(7) C‘b[ii/gi< 33%(73 E'iiflbi
`fgzii’AWD/LUSMCSI fiétflb
`\ j“
`CILCBQLODEJZSCH (“E/DC ‘é’fli ifltmfiffiéfi
`rifléiifi‘i‘ififl 2 é/Jntibvkng/LQJLZ) [10,7
`[Y] 35%: F5§L®§3<703CI§LC§JOC ‘i’n/dc 'kfiflmlu
`liODerflitkO) ¥3%%fl: ko‘C fiHC§JZ>fiéfiéflfflC
`io‘ffifi‘fiiififi \kezivfi’bé‘bd)
`[8:] W32€3ylx77i
`J £15k
`\‘ *[E‘Pflé’é‘1
`vf‘éfmb Célf’f
`; 3722'“ Li:
`”33%73 03 3581 1 101 My?
`2!: [£3‘T(ISA/JP)
`#éifiPCT/I SA/2 1 0 (%2«\°£v‘)
`(200 7E4H)


`WO 98/52279 A1
`(fikifié§%tfifljifififfififi) 1998.11.19,
`W0 01/29964 A1
`Tableau 1
`(TOURNOIS, Pierre) 2001.04.26,
`& JP 2003*512637 A & US 673794] B] & EP 1222735 A]
`w0 2008/078481 A1
`(Ekité§%t$1tH§%VFifi) 2008.07.03,
` C(fie). @Efék%®%fléifi
`.199 &U %®”Wfi%fifék%fi.%®§i

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