`U:\ ltF i) S‘i‘a’FKS ”EPA ti’l‘M‘F’N’i' ( 1F ( 30113118!“TF1
`rk Office.
`JXI'I'Y DOCKET NDJ’FI'ILE (UJ’PLtfl‘Xi'fi3N NUMBER 131MM3 CR 3'3“} (Ci DA'IE FIRST Niki-i131) APPLIDU» t'
`Akittofl HA’I‘SUNU
`74H 156.4iii
`Seed inteliectoal Property Law Group PLLC
`701 Fitth Avenue. Suite 5400
`Seattie. WA 98 i 04
`Date Mailed: 091‘21i20’i2
`FILED UNDER 37 CFR 1.5300)
`Fiiing Date Granted
`An apptication number and fiiing date have been accorded to this appiication. The itemis) indicated beiow.
`however, are missing. Applicant is given TWO MONTHS item the date at this Notice within which to fiie all
`required items beiow to avoid abandonment. Extensions ct time may be obtained by tiling a petition accompanied
`by the extension fee under the provisions at 3? CFFI 1.136(a}.
`. The statutory basic tiling fee is missing.
`Applicant must submit $380 to complete the basic filing fee for a non—email entity. If appropriate, applicant may
`make a written aesortien of entitlement to smati entity status and pay the email entity filing fee ('37 CFR 12?}.
`. The oath ct deciaration is missing.
`A property signed oath or decisration in compliance with 3? CFR 1.63,. identifying the application by the above
`Application Number and Filing Date, is required.
`Note: if a petition under 37 CPR 1.4.7 is being tited, an oath or daciaration in comptianoe with 3? CFR 1.63
`Signed by aii available joint in vectors, or it no inventor is avaiiabie by a party with sufficient proprietaty interest, is
`The application is informal since it does not compiy with the reguiations tor the reasonis} indicated beiow.
`The required itemis) identitied below must he timety submitted to avoid abandonment:
`- A tepiacement abstract not exceeding “i550 words in length and commencing on a sepatate sheet in
`compliance with 37 CFR i.72(b} and 37‘ CFR 1.t21 is required.
`Appiicant is cautioned that correction at the above items may cause the specification and drawings page count to
`exceed ‘iOG pages. If the specification and drawings exceed ‘iOG pages, applicant will need to submit the required
`application size tee.
`The applicant needs to satisfy supplemental tees probiems indicated beiow.
`The required itemis) identitied below must be timeiy submitted to avoid abandonment:
`- Additionat ciaim tees of S 450 as a ncn~smalt entity. including any tequired multipie dependent claim fee, are
`required. Applicant must submit the additionai ciaim tees or cancei the additional claims tor which tees are
`page i of 2
`. A surcharge (for late submission of the basic filing tee. search fee, examination fee or inventors oath or
`deciaration} as set forth in 37 CFR 1.1 Bit) of s 130 for a non-email entity, must be submitted.
`Total ieets) required within TWO MONTHS irom the date oi this Notice is S 1830 for a non—smelt entity
`. S 380 Statutory basic tiiing fee.
`~ S 130 Surcharge.
`- The appiication search fee has not been paid. Applicant must submit $ 620 to compiete the search fee.
`. The appiicetion examination fee has not been paid. Applicant must submit $ 250 to eompiete the examination
`fee ior a non-smali entity.
`- Totei additionai cieim teeis) for this appiieetioh is S 450
`° 8 450 for multipie dependent otaim surcharge.
`Repiies should be melted to:
`Mail Stop Missing Parts
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box i450
`Aiexandria VA 223134450
`Registered users of EFS~Web may atternatively submit their tepiy to this notice via EFS-Web.
`For more information about EFS'Web please cali the USPTO Electronic Business Center at 1-866-21?—9197 or
`visit our website at http;i,r’www.uspto.govfebo.
`it“ you are not using EFS—st to submit your reply, you must inciudo a copy of this notice.
`Office of Data Management, Application Assistance Unit (571} $241000, or (571) 272—4200. or 3388—78631 01
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