`EAST Search History
`EAST Search History (Prior Art)
`:Search Query
`:Plurals Time
`(special wildcard wild adj card) near2
`character with (replac$4 substitut$4 chang$4:
`:"382".clas. and 1
`(candidate correct$4) near3 (string word
`1 same 3 and "382".clas.
`: 4:22
`: 14:28
`:(refridgerator appliance) near7 (character
`near2 recognition Ocr)
`:(refridgerator refrigerator appliance) near7
`:(character near2 recognition Ocr)
`(match$4 compar$8 contrast$4)near7
`(candidate correct$4) near3 (string word
`:phrase) and (replac$4 substitut$4 chang$4
`:g06k9/03.cpc. g06k9/72$.cpc.
`:setoyama near2 masahiro.in. hirotomi near2
`:haruo.in. obata near2 kazuhiko.in. fujiwara
`:near2 masanori.in. more near2 akimichi.in.
`:hatada near2 naoki. in.
`:character near2 (replac$8 correct$4).clm. and:
`EAST Search History (Interference)
`<This search history is empty>
`1/22/2014 2:45:41 PM
`C:\ Users\ kyuan\ Documents\ EAST\ Workspaces\14113087.wsp
`file:///CI/Users/kyuan/Documents/e—Red%20F01der/14113087/EASTSearchHist0ry.14113087_AccessibleVersion.htm[1/22/2014 2:46: 13 PM]