`Hhflbfififiei 23% .i
`{i Upubiicetion number :
`05*“! 2332?
`{43ii33te 04F pubiieation 01° eppiieatiefi : 23.05.1993
`we was)
`(EHAppiication number :03s29147?
`{B’UAppiieent : TOSHEBA CORP
`{22)Date of fiiing :
`{72)inventor : GHASHI AKINAMI
`PURPOSE: Te create the reaiity at an eperetisn ineiuding
`proper image display by previding a euperposing dispiey means
`for euperpoeing and diepiaying a pseudo operating too?
`including its movement on an image, and an artificiai reaiity
`creating means fer giving a repeliing “force to the pseudo
`operating toot
`CONSTITUTION: A three‘mciimensienei peeitien input device 9
`is connected te e peeude operating tee! such as a eurgisei
`knife.‘ a driii or the ethers and an operator can hoid and
`threesdimeneienaiiy eperete the pseudo epereting £001. A
`virtuei space torming part 13 forms a virtual? operating toot
`image having the form and motion corresponding to the
`operated oseudo eperating met and it is superpesed on a
`synthetic; image and threwdimeneionaiiy dispiayed by a virtue?
`space dismay part 132% An artificiai reaiity generating part 8
`determines the resistance to the pseudo operation toe! heid
`by the epereter by the contact between the virtue? migrating
`“£002 and: a virtual operation and outputs it to a force feedback
`device 10‘ which then gives a resistance according to the
`input veiue t0 the peeude eeereting teei heir} by the operator.
`The frequency and empiitude ref a sound? estimated at the time
`of an estuei operation are else ceicuiated end outputted to a voice outset devise H, which then
`generates an operation sound eeoerding ta the input veiue.
`JPQ and INF}? are not responsibie for any
`damages caused by the use sf this transiatien.
`¥.This document has been traneiated by computer. So the treneiatien may not reflect the originai
`2.**** shews the ward which can not be traneiateti.
`Gin the drawings, any words are net transieted.
`{Giaim 1]An operation simuiation system comprising:


`ii’o’ieitiiifisi 2332’?
`An image oomoositing means which synthesizes an image which an operator equips with an imitation
`surgical tooi which can be grasped and moved, and in which he inoiudes each organization of an
`operation target part from an image of two or more modsiity.
`A threemdimensionai image dispiay means which disoiays in three dimensions an image which
`synthesized? { aforementioned 3.
`A superimposeo dispiaying means which: carries out the superimposed disoiay of the aforementioned
`imitation surgieai tool to the aforementioned image inoiuding the motion.
`A virtuei reaiity creation means to generate a sound corresponding to both hardness and to give
`repuisive force to an imitation surgioai tooi when an imitation surgioai tool touches an organization in
`saio superimposed dispisying means.
`{Giaim 23in an image synthesizing method used with the operation simuiation system according to
`eiaim 1,
`An image synthesizing method comprising:
`{13} A process tor which a synthesis reference marker containing a portion dispiayed by respectiveiy
`sufficient contrast in an image of two or more modaiity is prepared.
`{23 A process of acquiring an image of two or more mosaiity about anaiyte ineiuding this synthesis
`reference marker.
`(3} They are rotation and a orooess piied up whiie doing reduction and expansion of so that a size of a
`synthesis reference marker in these images and a gap of an aegis may eiiminate an image of two or
`more aforementioned modaiity.
`{Qiaim 3]"i‘he operation simuiation system oomprising according to oiaim 1;
`A means by which: the aforementioned threemdimensional image dispiay means carries out the surface
`display of the candidate for an operation.
`A means to make a hoie of any size in any surface for i this i an operation from any direction.
`on image in the aforementioned hoie M a shade image of an inner fauit oiane of a hoie. a quasis‘three‘“
`dimension image of s oredetermined organization in a hoie. and? hoie secret “- a iaw __ a means to
`dispiay by any Mend of threesdimensionai dispiay Mohd, such as a shade image of an organization
`fauit oiane.
`{Qiaim 43The operation simuiation system seoording to oiaim i containing a means by which the
`aforementioned threesdimeosional image disoiay means carries out the transitioent disoia‘y of the
`candidate for an operation with any transparency by Mr. Fokashi of any from this side.
`{Cisim Siihe operation simuiation system according to oiaim 1 containing a means which oniy any
`sngie rotates an operation object image around the center of any point in it, and the aforementioned
`three-“dimensionai image dispiay means disoiays.
`{Claim B]The operation simuiation system according to oiaim 1 containing a means for the
`aforementioned virtuai reaiity oreation means to associate a oixei vaiue of human body tissue with
`which movement magnitude and an imitation surgical tooi touched a position of a kind of imitation
`surgical tooi= and an imitation surgiesi tool, and to generate a suitabie soonci and repeisive torso
`corresponding to contact of an imitation surgioai tooi and human body tissue.
`{Transiastion done}
`at NOTICES 2r
`JPQ and WP}? are not responsibie for any
`damages caused by the use of this trensistion.
`iffhis document has been transiated by computer. So the trensiation may not reflect the originai
`gasses shows the word which can not be transiated.
` the drawings, any words are not transiated.
`{Detaiied Description of the Invention}
`{industriai Appiicationii‘he present invention teietes to the operation simuiatiori system wiiieh is


`ii’w’ieitltifiel 2332’?
`applied to the operation simsiaticn system which uses medioai imaging, esoeoiaiiy‘ can create the
`sense of reaiity of an operation.
`{Description of the Prior ArtiAithough a human body is the threcmdimonsional structure, the original
`medical imaging is a projection image “to two dimensions, as reoresented by X ray.
`Three~dimensionai information came to obtain: with medicai imaging reoresented by ersy CT, MRi,
`ultrasonic wave, etc. after that.
`{3003]However, since such medical imaging is ohotoed as a tomogram. one onemsheet image is a thanw
`dimensional image too, and a three~dimensional image is acquired try photoing two or more sheets of
`this tomogram. and combining it. Then. under the present circumstances, in almost ali cases, a
`medical practitioner observes the fault image of two or more sheets, and the threemdimensional image
`is buiit in its head, but this takes chili and auantitiva grass is difficult.
`{0304]On the other hand, the display as a three dimension of a threertlimensionai image is performed.
`Disoiaying in three dimensions especially to virtual space is puhiiciy known technology, and the field of
`CG (computer graphics} is prosperous in it. Although there is many document about a three“
`dimensions! display. as the newest thing, the soooiai edition is constructed by the Journal of the
`institute of Electrical Engineers of Jason February, 1991 item, and in it is also describing the
`appiicaticn to medicsi imaging.
`{0005]Aithough the threcmdimansionai display in medical imaging also has a system using a hinccuiar
`disparity and motion parallax, a suzrtace dispiay is used in many cases. However, it becomes a problem
`by a surface display to have binaryWized the image. That is, since a hinarywizod image is not a shade
`image, it is seidom suitehie for diagnosis.
`{UflfifiiFor this reason, the threecdimensionai display of medical imaging has many which were appiied
`to the operation simuiation system. Dispiay one tumor, a blood vessel, an important organization, etc.
`in three dimensions, and For example, the position, An operation simuiation system, such as
`performing the operation simulation in the case of cutting a part of two bone which grasps a size, and
`moving. For example. it is reported to the "medical imaging technology {Medi‘cai imaging Technologw"
`March, 1389 item and the dune. 3990 item.
`{Means for solving orchiemitlowover, the shove-*mentioned operation simulation system has stopped
`at the level of image dispiay. and it cannot be said as a foilrsoale operation simulation system.
`Because, there is the speciai feature in various kinds of images, such: as 3 CT image and an MRI
`image, respectively {for example, a bone a CT image}. it is difficult for on MR! image to photo sit the
`tumors which require an organ for an operation only by one kind of image projected vividly, a blood
`vessel, an important organization, etc. in a state which is reflected to eyes at the time of 3 actual
`operation. Aithough it is required? to synthesize and to display the image of two or more kindstor that
`purpose, empioving the advantage of each image efficiently (henceforth a "composite display”), such
`a system does not exist.
`{QDDBJAithcugh displaying the image of two or more kinds coiiectiveiy by PAGE {Picture Archiving and
`Communication System; picture archiving and communication system) is also performed these days,
`in PADS, an image is displayed independently according to a kind to the last, and it is not a composite
`display here. A composite display required for an operation simulation is synthesizing and displaying
`the image of two or more kinds on the image of one sheet.
`{0009]2) A human interface E in r” the method of presentation is fixed and x’ a display 3 is not
`sufficient (an operator cannot add change to the method? of presentation}.
`{OWNS} imitation operation impiements, such as a scalpei and a drill, are taken in to a system, and
`this imitation operation implement is superimposed on a human body image. and is displayed, and
`generating etc. of a sound when the resistance and human body tissue from human body tissue which
`it is transmitted through that imitation operation implement are touched cannot experience the
`oneration simoistion accompanied by a sense of reality. As a simuiation system with a sense of
`reality, aithough the simulation system for the flight training of an airplane is known wail, the
`simulation system appiied to medical use does not yet exist.
`{cm ”The present invention was made in light of the abovenmentionad circumstances, and an object
`of the present invention is to provide the operation simulation system which can create the senses of
`Eealitgi of an operation including suitable image display.
`{Means for solving problemifiin operation simuiation system which is characterized by comprising the
`foliowing in order that the present invention may solve an aforementioned ambient
`An image compositing means which synthesizes an image which an operator equips with an imitation
`surgical tool which can be grasped and moved, and in which he includes each organization of” an
`operation target part from an image of two or more modaiity.
`A threewdimensionai image display means which dispiays in three dimensions an image which


`allhr'ilsfflifirl 2332’?
`synthesized? l aforementioned 3.
`A superimposed displaying means which carries out the superimposeds display of the aforementioned
`imitation surgical tool to the atorementioned image including the motion.
`A virtual reality creation means to generate a sound corresponding to both hardness and to give
`repulsive force to an imitation surgical tool when an imitation surgical tool touches on Organization in
`abovecmentioned superimposed displaying means.
`{Still 3]
`{Function38lnoe the operation simulation system of the present invention synthesizes the image of
`two or more modality on the same position. a measure, and a gap square about human body tissue
`with the height of contrast by modality. it it sees at the time of 3 actual operation, it can see vividly
`the same threendimensional humannbodymtissue image. The operation simulation system of the
`present invention oouios the imitation surgical tool of a full scale, and carries out image display with
`human body tissue. And if an operator grasps and moves this in connection with it the imitation
`surgical tool on an image will move and human body tissue will be touched. Repulslve force is given to
`the imitation surgical tool which generates the sound expected at the time of a actual operation
`based on the kind of imitation surgical tools such as a scalpel and a drill. and the relation of human
`Emily tiles-ace such as a bone and tissue, in that case, and an: operator grasps.
`{Working exemolelWith reference to attached Drawings, the working example of the present invention
`is described below.
`Lie 3 configuration diagram of the operation simulation system i concerning one working
`example ol‘ the present invention. That is, the image synthesis section 3. the massively parallel
`processing equipment *3, and the expert system 5 connect with the control part 2, and the atlas
`database 6 is also conneoteol to the control part 2 via the important organization recognition can: 7.
`Although the virtual reality generating cart 8 is also connected to the control part 2. The threes
`dimensional locator 9. the terse feedback (torcer‘leeobaclil equipment; l0, and the speech output. unit
`ii are also connected to this virtual reality generating part 8, and? the virtual space display part l2 is
`also further connected to the virtual reality generating part 8 via the virtual space preparing part l3.
`{GOlSJAlthcugh it inputs into the image Synthesis section 3 for a synthesis of the image data of two
`or more moriality (MRI, CT.. US {ultrasonic wayel NM [nuclear medicine}. etc}. Go the other hand. the
`anatomical chart data is outputted to the important organization recognition part "i from the atlas
`database 5 which digitizes and saves the threendimensionai anatomical chart of an ideal human body.
`in the important: organization recognition cart 7‘, the important organization of the human body
`ohotceo ranging over the image of‘two or more kinos {modalityl such as a tumor, 3 blood vessel, and
`an organ from the input anatomical chart data is recognized, and the important organization is seen
`of? in the image synthesis section 3 via the control part 2.
`{Ofllfllhe image synthesis section 3 based on ****‘** of the seenrolf important organization anti the
`escort system (system in which the oozestionmanswering performance which pot in a database the
`knowledge about the human body tissue obtained by study is shown) 5 performed Via the control part.
`2, The positional relationship of the image of two or more modality is grasped, and these images are
`synthesized. When a lot of data processing is neodso by the important organization recognition part 7,
`the expert system 5, and the image synthesis section 3, high speed operation which starts the data
`processing with the massively parallel processing equipment 4 via the control part 2 is performed.
`Therefore in the operation simulation system i of this example. required image composing can he
`obtained at high soeed.
`{GOlBJl‘he image composing formed by the image synthesis section 3 is sent to the virtual space
`preparing part l3 via the control part 2 and the virtual reality generating part 8, and data conversion
`is carried out to the threeuclimensionai image seen from the sight line direction specified here. And it
`is displayed in three dimensions by virtual space by the subsequent virtual space display part 12.
`{Bill 930:1 the other hand, the threeudimensional locator 9 is connected with imitation operation
`implements, such as a scalpel and? a drill. and an operator grasps this imitation operation implement
`and can mails it able to move it in three dimensions {it is operated}. The virtual space preparing part
`33 creates the virtual operation implement image which carries out the form and the motion
`corresponding to the imitation operation implement which an operator operates with the three“
`dimensional locator 9, sooerlmooses this on image comoosing and makes it, display in three dimensions
`by the virtual space display part 12. Therefore, an operator looks at the image composing and the
`virtual operation implement image in the virtual space display part 12, operate an imitation operation
`implement so that the image of a virtual operation implement may carry out operation according to
`the operation purpose in contact with the image composing of the target human body tissue, but. if it
`does so. a threemdimensicnel motion of the imitation operation implement will be reflectecl in the
`virtual operation implement image of the virtual space display part TI? via the virtual reality generating
`part 8 and the virtual space preparing cart 13.


`ii’w’t H83 32332?
`{03291832 the way. when the operation implements, such as e soaioei and s drili, touch and operate to
`human body tissue in e eotuai operation, according to the hardness of the human body tissue, an
`operator senses resistance. and. sometimes, a contact sound and crashing sounds {sound etc. which
`cuts a bone with e driii) occur. Then, a virtuei operation impiement and this virtuai operation contact.
`and the virtuei reeiity generating port 8 is outputted to the force feedback equipment it} in sweet of
`the resistance quantity {force feedback) from a reistion with the human body tissue divided into it to
`the imitation operation imoiomont which an operator greens, The force feedback equipment it) gives
`the resistance force according to the input vaiue from the virtusi resiity generating part 28 to the
`imitation operation imoiement which an operator grasps.
`{OQE‘HSimiieriy s virtuai operation imoiement and this virtuei operation contact, and from a reistion
`with the human body tissue oivioeo into it. the virtue! resiity generating part 8 eiso computes the
`parameters. (frequency, ampliturie, etc.) of the sound exoeoted to generate at the time of a sotuei
`operation. and outputs them to the speech outset unit it. The speech cutout unit it generates the
`operation sound according to the input veiue
`{0922]Next with reference to Wi‘A} {8} and Fig.3 {A} w {E} the method of the image synthesis
`performed? by the above-“mentionedimage synthesis section 3is desorioeo
`{UBZiiJSince the image of each mooaiity input into the image synthesis section 3 differs in a scale, the
`degree of engie of coverage. and e earners station. sniess it makes these correspond, it cannot
`synthesize an image. Then. in the operation simuiaticn of this example, using the synthesis reference
`marker used as the stanoard of the soaie of an image. the degree of angie of coverage, and a camera
`station. after making the sosie between images, the degree of aegis of coverage, one a camera station
`correspond, an image is synthesized. it describes taking the case of the case where a CT image and
`an MRIimage are synthesized beiow
`{0324]The synthesis reference marker 20 shownin a perspective View ofif
`£153 and a oien View of
`._,,~_:__i'8)'is L shone oonteiner 21 made from aiuminum
`The water 22is iiii ed to e oentrom.
`Whatis oeiied GT number (concentration) of siuminum is high at the time of Korey GT photography.
`as for eiuminum, concentration oeoomes Eow oonverseiy. and the consentration of water becomes
`high in an MRI image. Therefore, the synthesis reference marker 20 becomes an image of high
`contrast eisc in MRI equipment in an X~rey CT seenner.
`{BSESJMRJ image 24 shown in CT image 23 which ohotoed the synthesis reference marker 20 to the
`side and whisk is shown inC"
`codes R611 and ROE? are the ssoarete areas of interest inthesome camera station {siioe} er'nong a
`figure, reseectiveiy So, in the image composing device 3 a gap of the engi e of the water 22 first
`eooommodsteo in the container 21 and the oontainer iii of the synthesis reference marker 20 in CT
`image 23 is investigated, oniy the gap engie theta is rotated counter clockwise, and CT image 21?
`shown in If;
`“('B)is obtained
`{0026]Next in the water 22 of theinner side size as of the container 2i and MRI image 24 of?“
`in GTimage 33 of? .3;{B} the image composing device 3 compares the dimension in oon’esoonoirg
`to the inner side size a and investigates correspondence of the scaie of bothimages Here, since it is
`e>b MRi image 24 of
`2-) {0'}is excended to aI’b times and tomImage 28 shown in
`ND} is
`obtained As 3 res‘oi’t dimension b of theinner side size a of the container 2% int
`i8} one the
`water in
`“{0} beoomes equei
`[002?]Fino y. since CTimage 2? and MR!image 28 became some scaie and degree of angie of
`coverage theimage composing: device 3 oiies up and synthesizes both and obtains the image
`composing Bi) shownin i;
`{3028]Next, the example of the threerciimensionsi disoisy in the virtoei soeoe display part 32 is
`described. i5”
` “ 2‘ tA} is as surface disoley (a kind of e threesdimensicnei disoiey} of tits whoie heed
`whieh is a candidate for an operation. It can be made to be able to rotate in any direction and this
`soreen can he obsemeo From any direction.
`{0929331 3 ectusi operation, since this heed surface is cut open, i want the image inside the need
`which cut the surface open in the case of a simuistion, In this exemoie. as shown in
`fiiEi}. the hoie
`of any size can be made from any direction. And about the image in the inner part of s hoie, the
`methoc’i of presentation of two or more kinds is prepared for beiowi and an operator can choose these
`soitebiy. Aithoogin there are many surface dispieys about portions other than a ncie, other methods of
`presentation are possioie.
`{GGBGJIn this example. three kinds of methods of presentation ere oossibie about the image in the
`inner part of e hoie,
`i} The shade image of the feuit oiene shown in if}
`fauit piane about aii the regions in the inner part of e. hoie. A fauit oiane can be arbitrariiy set up in
`the depth direction of a hoiei Since the shade image is exoeiient in spetiai resolving power and density
`resoiution. it can observe ail the organizations in the ccsition of a prescribed depth in oetsii
`{003i312} The oussietnreerdimension image of the organization which shows
`1(8); as human being


`like; HOS l23327
`looked into a specific tumor, an organization, etc. through the hole, display by quasi three dimension. if
`a tumor, an organization, etc. concerning a display specify previously, the important organization
`recognition part 7' will arrest a tumor and an organization. and they will create the threeedimensional
`image a priori, in creation of this threemdimensional image. the medical imaging of the modality which
`recognizes and is easy to observe that organization is used. Since the oussirthreeedimension image is
`suitable for grasping the whole organization, it can check the positional relationship of a tumor and a
`blood vessel. etc.
`t‘ :(v ’9
`{8032B} shade image E of the organization which shows
`images similarly are the some as
`which specified it as the time of 2 previous Qtlafii“thrt3&”"dim€fl5iflfi
`that of one *- it is indicates by a shade. After checking: the positional relationshio of a tumor and a
`blood vessel, etc. by the quasiwthreewoimension image of 2}. it is suitable when checking a tumor etc.
`in details more.
`{8033]The three methods of presentation have the strong point and demerit in each above. For this
`reason. like before, although it is not suitable as an obioot for operation simulations, according to this
`example, the advantage that the suitable method of presentation can be chosen according to a case
`is born by only one kind of method of presentation.
`{0834]Sobsoouently, it describes about a translucent threendimensionel display (translucent display).
`One of the ooasiwthrewdimension displays has a translucent display. A translucent display is the
`method of presentation which spaces a bone and enables it to observe an internal tumor etc. by
`carrying out the surface display of the bone, for example for the tumor of translucence and an inside,
`etc, At this example, the portion made translucent is specified not in an organisation but in any (lentil
`from the surface
`{0035]Nihsisfore the transparency of a front cranial bone can also consider that previousiw1‘
`a transiuoent display of 0 anti Fig.5 showsin a graph the relation of the depth and transparency which
`Were seen from the observer of this ,___,,3__\___lA‘Thai:is. since transparency is {3in the place shallower
`than a front cranial bone in this case. only the surface of a front cranial boneis visible and the
`situation inside a cranial bone is unobservable.
`{8013mm the bottom, the previous iii 30A) can also consider wholly that e cranial bone and its whole
`internal tissue are translucent displays with a transparent hemisphere of the upper part at the time
`with a bell _
`shows the relation of the depth: and transparency which were seen from the observer
`of this Fig 5,
`} by {Bret transparency is {3 to a front cranial bone and a central organization in this
`case and since a portion deeper than it is opaque. a central section is substantially observable
`~:"3is first who shows the depth at the time of changing transparency gradually and the“
`relation of transparency. In this figure, by Mr. Fokashi of Pi shallower than a front cranial bone since
`it is transparent the portion to the depth Pi is not displayed. On the other hand, since the depth Pi
`to the depth P2 (position which progressed towards the central part partly from the neereside cranial
`bone} is half transparency substantially. an organization in the meantime is translucent and is
`displayed. And since the transparency is G when it becomes deeper than the depth P2, a section is
`displayed in the position of this depth P2.
`{QUEBJin the operation simulation system of this example, the two depth Pl {translucent} and P2
`{transnarensy 0) can be set as any depth, and the virtual space preparing part l3 and the virtual
`space display part 12 create and display the translucent image according to the setting out.
`Therefore, according to an observation purpose, the organization of any depth can be displayed with
`any transparency.
`{003Q1i Sis a graph which shows the depth at the time of making variable transparency between the
`depth Pl and the depth P2, and the relation of transoerency. it applies to the depth P2 from the
`depth Pi, and transparency is deteriorated continuously. in this case, the position and each
`transparency T1 and T2 of Pi and P2 can be set up arbitrarily.
`{004018}! the way. by carrying out the rotational display of the image corresponding to various sight
`line directions, the threewoimensionai display of an abovewmentioneo surface display. a translucent
`display, etc. can grasp the positional relationship of the focus in the living body one the position of an
`important organization {a blood vessel. a nerve, an organ}. .3 size, and both, and turns into a useful
`display on medical use, And in the rotational display, it was rotating around the center of the center
`coordinates of three dimension image data conventionally.
`{Ofldlflhowever ** observing the state around that observation region, in order that that region may
`move with rotation, when the regions (the focus, an important organization, etc.) to observe are
`distant from center coordinates in this rotation method «e *****-*‘ «e *3:
`{A}. when the focus
`{£10421Then, in the operation simulation system in this example, as shown in g
`ill in the shell 40 is made into an observation region, let this focus 4i be the central point of a
`rotational display. The: coals 42 is a blood vessel of focus 4i periphery among a figure, and a center of
`rotation is expressed as the cursor 43 enclosed with the circle of the dashed line.
`{9043]For the purpose. the operator of an operation simulation system specifies the focus 41 as an
`observation region from the threswoimenslonal locator § of
`“first. Then, the gap {in an


`ii’w’t £7183 US$21?
`recordinate e ywcoordineto, and a secoordinete. it is assumed that only i, m, and n have shifted.
`respectiveiy} on threemoimensionai space oi the coordinates of the observation region {focus 4i} and
`the center coordinates on a threerdimensionrimagerdeta dispiay is caieuiated.
`{0044]Next, sim‘ileriy. an operator is the threemoimensionai iocator 9 (for exempie it inputs from a
`threerdimensionei joy stick} about various sight fine directions (angie of rotation}, At this time,
`expansion and reduction can eiso be carried out with rotation. Whenever angie of rotation is input. in
`Zen oofration simuistion system, it is s formats of the next threerdimensionei affine transformation.
`{Mathematioei formuie l}
`s ~erx+ory+grs+i
`{0046]Cas for x, y. and zi the oarsmeter of engie of rotation: 23,. e. and i express the parameter of
`expansion or contraction here: as for the xrcoorciinate of i oixel of images before as rotation, a
`wooerdinate e z~cooroinate e ii iii. 1‘ g and n.) W A rotetionei image as rotated es a center {inside
`of the cursor 43) of rotation of the focus 4? for exampie shown in} ‘
`swift?)is obtained.
`{Qfi4fliiierefore since a rotational disoisyis possibie centering on regions to observe soon as the
`focus according to the operation simuiation system of this exempts, an operation pier; and an
`operation simuiation wniie inciting at an image can be performed eesiiy.
`{0848]Eepecieiiy the rotationai disoiey in this exempie can apply at least a constant, brain to an
`operation (stereo tactics). It is the operation which makes the hoie where an operation is es smaii for
`e skuii as a constant brain, inserts a needieiike treating instrument from there, and eiusnes a drug
`soiution, or sucks up bieeding.
`{UMQBn a course untii it resuits in attainment other than making the abovewmentioneo treating
`instrument reach the target position reiiahiy, it is as important as this constant brain to iessen
`influence of the organization on others as much as possible at an operation. According to the
`operation simuiation system of this exampie, it can perform eesiiy investigating the influence of the
`other organizations on i at the time of gassing the course which reaches the organization of a center
`of rotation, and its course 3. and finding out. a treating instrument insertion course with least influence
`on other organizations a priori by various rotations! disoiays.
`{005mm the operation simuietion system of the present invention, the sound by a sceipei, a driit etc.
`which an operator experiences in en actusei operation besides the threerdimensionei image dispiey of
`which it oomoiains to vision. a response, etc. can be made. Then. for this reason, in this working
`examoie, the sound generated at the time of an actual operation is synthesized based on the hardness
`of the organization which is for {which connect the grey ievoi of (i) three dimension image data with
`the hardness (bone etc.i of an organization"' a means and for {2} operations fl Based on the hardness
`of the means not into an operator's ear and the organization whichis the candidates for {3}
`operations the resocnse over the surgical tcoi generated at the time of e sotuai operation is
`fynthsjssizedi, and three means ofthe means which an operator is made to sense are taken in.
`working examoie and is shown The data processing part 50 is a thing containing the control cart 2 in
`iii: ‘ theimage synthesis section 3,ti1e massively paraiiiel processing equipment 4 the expert system
`5the atias database 5 the important organization recognition part 7. the virtual reality generating
`part 8 and the virtue! sosoe preparing part 33 among a figure Whiie the image data of two or more
`modeiity (CT. MR3} etc.) is input, various manipuietion data concerning this operation simulation is
`{0052]0n the other hand. tine date processing part 53 connects with the meniouietor part 52
`containing the imitation surgical tooi 5i which; the virtual space display pert, i2 and the operator OP
`green in a hand. in the virtual? space display part i2, the front View {image which superimposed the
`imitation surgicsi tool St on the patient P} shown by code FD is displayed. Here, the virtual space
`display part 12 is the disoiay 55 {alien a iittie asien‘t in the operator's OP console 54 in sight actusiiy.
`Front View FD is disoisyed during this disoiay 55.
`provide with the ioudspeeker 60 iinked to the sound generation part $8 connected to the data
`processing part 50 with the threewiimensionai oosition sensing device 57 iiniied to the imitation
`surgical tooi 5i. and the threewdimensionsi position sensing device 51 the force generation part 59,
`and the sound generation part 58. The force generation part fit? is connected to the imitation surgical
`tooi 5i.



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