3}”; «203 GQGU‘SQé
`{T UPubiicetion number :
`{43:3Bete of notification of apptieatioo : 16.09.2013
`mm m;
`{EDAppEicatien number : 2009*048202
`{22}Dete of Wine :
`{3’13AppTicent : UKEMURA TADASHK
`{JROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: Te meme a techneiogy for
`ceieuieting a current peeitioneii retetion between an abject
`part such as a tumor e? a surgicai target, and a surgioei
`instrument, or a predicted poeitionei reietten in the future.
`SOLUTION: A surgery suppert System includes: a eroceseer 1
`eompesed of a computer; a dismay device 2 {dtepiey’}
`mnneeted to the processor: a position detector 3 for
`detecting poeT-tiene of a variety of Teetvrumente in an operating
`room; and an embedded marker detection device 4 for
`detecting an embedded marker MM embedded in a human:
`body. The processor ineiudes: a eterage pert H for storing
`target date to be operated; an area coioring mode! generation
`eert 12; an augmented reality image generation gear: 13; e
`poeitieneoesture data generation part 14 of an endoscope 5; e
`peeitienmooeture data generation part 15 of the eurg‘icei
`énetmments {oroeeesing tools); a ooeitionwpee‘ture data
`generatien part 16 ef embedded markers: an surgery
`navigation data generation part 3?; and a dismay centre? unit
`a: NOTICES >1:
`498 and WP}? are net resemeibfe for any _
`damages caused by the use of time trensiatten.
`[This document has been traneteted by computen Se the treneie‘tion may not reflect the erigina§
`2.**** ehows the word which can net be transieted.
`3.1:} the drawings.‘ any words are not. transietee.
`{Cieim 1]
`A storage oart for memorizing a Target date containmg image data of a threemdimeneionaT modei in
`which a subject part at an operation is Shawn,
`A reference~position~detection part. which detects space coordinates at which a Specific. reference
`position in a surgical instrument andx’or a specifies reference position in the surgioai instrument
`eireumterence are pieced in eoeretioo seam=
`A subject nert primary fietecting‘ e¥ement which detects space coordinates at which the
`eforementiened subject pert mm the trap is pi‘eeed in aforementioned operation space,
`A calculation part which computes space coordinates at which the aforementioned threeedimensimai


`iii; «2m $230894
`modoi which tho aforementioned Target dots shows snooid his pissed in aforementioned operation
`space based on the aforementioned space coordinates of the aforementioned subject part detected
`by the sforomsntioncd subject part primary detecting oiemsnti
`A data gonorating part which generates navigation data in which a region whoro the aforementioned
`reference: position is pieced among two or more regions which oiassifiod the aforementioned three"
`dimansionai modsi which the aforementioned Target data shows? and its circumference according to
`distance from the aforementioned thrscrdimensionai modsi is shown,
`preparation ***~*** W an onsration support system characterizad by things,
`{Ciaim 23
`it has a dispiaying means to which a screen dispiay of‘the aforementioned navigation data is carried
`The aforementioned dispiaying means dispiays a screen for a ooior set as two or more
`aforementioned regions of each to show a region where the aforementioned reference position is
`pissed among two or more regions which oiossifiod the oforsmsntionod trhrss~dimsnsionai modsi
`which the aforementioned Target data shows. and its circumference according to distance from the
`aforementioned throcmdimonsional modci.
`The oneration support system according to ciaim ‘i.
`{Ciaim 3]
`in the aforementioned reference position which is the dotsotion target of the aforementioned space
`coordinates by the aforementioned refersncemoositionmdotootion part, a predicted position of the
`aforementioned surgiosi instrument predicted based on the aforementioned attitude andfor the
`aforementioned moving direction of the aforementioned surgicai instrument is inciuded.
`The operation sooport system according to ciaim i or 2.
`{Claim 4]
`An operation support system of a description in any 1 item of Ciaims F3 in which two or more points
`inoiodod on a virtoai straight iii’iE.‘ extended to the aforsmantionad reference position from the
`aforementionsd surgioai instrument are inoiudsd.
`{Ciaim 5]
`The operation support systsm according to ciaim 4 which is a straight fins to which said virtuai
`straight line corresponds to a iongitudinai shaft direction of the aforamsntionad surgicai instrument of
`iong shape»
`{Claim 6]
`An operation support system of a description in any 1 item of Gisims 1’3 in which a position on the
`surface of a virtuai baii set as the circumference of the aforementioned sorgioai instrumsnt is
`inoiudod in the aforementioned reference position.
`{Cisim 7}
`in the aforementioned reference position a position in which a oosition of the surface of a virtoai
`hemisphere sat as the circumfsrancc of tins aforementioned surgioai instrument is inciudsd is
`The operation support system aooording to oiaim i to 3 which is what a Virtuai straight iinc to which
`said virtual homisoners extends tho zenith of the hemisphere from a tip of the atoromontionod
`surgical instrument passes:
`{Ciaim 8]
`Two or more markers embedded to tho aforementioned subject part or its circumference detect
`movement into the trap andfi'or deformation of the aforementioned sobjoot part. An operation support
`system of a dsscription in any i item of Giaims in? provided with a means to perform processing to
`which coordinates of the aforementioned thraawdimensionai modsi are moved, andx’or processing
`made to deform the aforementioned thrasrdimensionoi modei according to movement andx’or
`deformation of the aforementioned subject part which were detected.
`{Cioim 9]
`it is the: operation robot system provided with a oontroi part which oarriss out drive contr‘oiiing of the
`movement of the aforementioned sorgioai instrument, and an operation support system of a
`description in any 1 item of Giaims in,
`The aforementioned controi part acquires navigation data generated by the aforementioned ooaration
`support system, and carries out drive controiiing of the movement of the aforementioned sorgioai
`instrumsnt based on acquired navigation data.
`An operation robot system characterized by things.
`{Transistion done}


`iii; «2m $230894
`4913 and {NP}? are not resoo‘neibie for any
`damages caused by the use of this trensistion.
`iifi'his document has been transiated by oomonteri So the trensietion may not reflect the originai
`2.**** shows the word which can not he transieted‘
`Sin the drawings. any words are not transiated.
`{Setaiied Description of the invention}
`{Field of the invention]
`Yhe oreeent invention reiatee to an operation support system and an operation robot system.
`{Background of the invention}
`As a system whioh supports an operation. there is a system for "extended sensewofwreaiity
`a’éAugniented reality} image guidance” of nonoatent iiteratore 1 description. for exempie.
`Make into digitai information ”the set date {Voiume data} of the ‘twmoizmensionai image acquired to
`into the trap or before an operation" whioh photoeo soiid space containing the candidate for an
`operation with extended seneemofmreeiity image guidance. and it is eitogether downloaded to a
`computer, Threerdimensionai ”an image which is useful for a source focusing on an obieot organ in
`the date at an operation oienning" is reconstructed by computer, The superimposed dispiey
`(superimposei of the threemdimensionai modei {computer graphics} is piied up and carried out to the
`disniay (usuaiiy two-“dimensionei image) of the endoscope screen which provides the usuai fieid rot
`operation it is the soeoiei computer graphics technoiogy of providing an operator with the three*
`dimensionoi information {it cannot hide sotoeii’y‘ and cannot see) beyond an operation View directiy
`And in the threemdfiimensionsi stereoscopio picture of the kidney acquired by CT {Computed
`Tomography} to before an operation as a: threendimensionai modei which is usefoi for the nonpatent
`iitereture ‘i at an operation Warming, The modei {4 region ti ooiornicientification operation pianning
`modei) of ii colors of four regions shown in wbioe" is proposed i ”red”, the tumor periphery 0 ~ the 5
`mm region. ”yeiiow”. the tumor periphery 5 m e 30 mm region. and 3’ ”green" and more than in mm of
`tumor periphery region 3 in the tumor region.
`if the superimposed disoiay isoperimpose) of the 4 region 4 ooiorriden‘tifioation operation pienning
`modei of the nonnatent literature i
`is carried out to a aotusi endoscope video screen and it is shown
`to an operator, the operator can recognize existence of the tumor {it Cannot hide actuaiiy} of the
`other side of a fieid of operation, etc“ in res? times
`{Citation iist}
`{Neopatent iiterature}
`{Nonpatent iiterature i] ****** others ~- ”Comouter~aided image Guidance for an improvement. of
`the accuracy. the safety and speed of a nortouoh isoiation technique". uroiogio surgery. VoiQi No} i,
`poi48‘ieF’148'i. medicine books eubiioation incorporated company, and 2008
`{Summary of inventionfi
`{Probiem to he soived by the invention}
`An objeot of the present invention is to provide the teshnoiogy for computing the present positions?
`reiationship of subject eerie. such as a tumor which is the target of an operation. and a sorgioei
`instrument, or the future positions? reietionship predicted.
`Other purposes of the present invention are to provide the technoiogy for showing the
`aforementioned ooeitionei reietionehio inteiiigihiy for an operator.
`The yet another purpose of the present invention is to make it correspond to movementftieformetion
`of a subject part into the trap.
`The yet another purpose of the present invention is to eppiy the aforementioned positionsi
`reistionship to control of robotic surgery.


`iii; «2m $230894
`{Means for soiving prohiemi
`A storage part for the present invention to memorize the Target date containing the image data of a
`threemdimensionei modei in which the subject part of an operation is shown, The referonoomoositionm
`detection part which detects the space coordinates at which the specific reference position in a
`surgical instrument sndr'or the specific reference: position in the sorgicsi instrument circumference
`are oieced in operation soace, The subject part primary detecting eiement which detects the space
`coordinates at which the aforementioned subject cart into the trap is pieced in aforementioned
`operation space, The caicoiation part which computes the space coordinates at which the
`aforementioned three~dimensional mode! which the aforementioned Target date shows shouid be
`pieced in aforementioned operation space based on the aforementioned space coordinates of the
`aforementioned subject pert detected by the aforementioned suhiect part primary detecting eiement,
`It is an operation support system provided with the data generating part which generates the
`navigation data in which the region where the aforementioned reference oositior‘s is pissed among two
`or more regions which classified the aforementioned threemdimensionai model which the
`aforementioned Target date shows, and its circumference according to the distance from the
`aforementioned thrseodimensionel modoi is shown.
`Have s disoiaying means to which a screen dispiay of the aforementioned navigation data is carried
`out, and the aforementioned disoiaying means. it is preferebie to dispiey a screen for the color set as
`two or more aforementioned regions of each to show the region where the aforementioned reference
`position is niaced among two or more regions which classified the aforementioned threeodimensionei
`modei which the aforementioned Target date shows and its circumference aooording to the distance
`from the aforementioned threemdimensionai modei.
`it is profs-robin that the predicted position of the aforementioned surgical instrument predicted by the
`aforementioned reference position which is the detention target of the aforementioned space
`coordinates based on the aforementioned attitude andr'or the aforementioned moving direction of the
`aforementioned surgicai instrument by the aforementioned reference*oositionedeteotion part is
`{om is]
`it is oreferehie that two or more points inoiuded on the virtusi straight tine extended to the
`Eiforeritentioned reference position from the aforementioned surgioai instrument are inoiuded.
`As for the abovermentioned virtnai straight Bins, it is prefershie that it is a straight Fine which
`corresponds to the iongitudinal shaft direction of the aforementioned surgicai instrument of iong
`in the aforementioned reference position, it is preferahie that the position on the surface of the
`{irtuai he" set as the circumference of the aforementioned surgicei instrument is inoiuded.
`on 4
`in the aforementioned reference position, the position in which the oosition of the surface of the
`virtual hemisphere set as the circumference of the aforementioned surgicei instrument is inciuded is
`inciuded end as for the aboveementioned virtuai hemisphere, it is preferabie that it is what the Virtuai
`straight line which extends the zenith of the hemisphere from the tin of the aforementioned surgicai
`instrument passes
`Two or more markers embedded to the aforementioned subject port or its circumference detect
`movement into the trap sndr’or deformation of the aforementioned subject part, it is preferahis to
`have a means to perform orooessing to which the coordinates of the aforementioned threeo
`dimensionai model? are moved, andx’or processing made to deform the aforementioned tines“
`dimensions? modei, according to movement and/or deformation of the aforementioned subject part
`which were detected,
`The present invention seen: in View of others is the controi part which carries out drive con‘troiiing of
`the movement of the aforementioned surgicai instrument, and the aforementioned operation suoport
`system the operation robot system which it had. and? the aforementioned controi part, it is an
`onsration robot system acquiring the navigation data generated by the aforementioned operation
`support system, and carrying out drive controiiing of the movement of the aforementioned Surgicai
`instrument hosed on the acquired navigation data.
`{Effect of the invention]
`{em 7]
`According to the oreSent invention the present positionai reiationshio of subject parts such as a


`33% «2M $230894
`tumor which is the target of an operation, and e sorgicai instrument, or the future positionai
`reiationshio predicted is computed.
`{Brief Description of the Drawings}
`a figure showing the entire configuration of an operation support system,
`a functional biock diagram of a processing unit.
`an imaged figure of the threecdimensicnai model {an organ and a tumor} which Target
`' an imaged figure of an area enter division mcdei,
`‘7 a functional biock diagram of a surgicai navigation data generating part.
`'7 a functional biook diagram of a surgicsi signai data 8; surgicai radar—data generation
`a figure showing a reference position.
`a. figure showing two or more regions of the inside and outside of a subject part.
`a figure showing the reiation between a reference position and two or more regions,
`t is a figure showing surgicai signai date.
`' t is a figure showing the disciey screen of aurgicai signai data.
`t is a figure showing the point on the hemisphere surface used so a reference position.
`i: is a figure showing the projected point e on ya. oianei
`t is a figure showing a hemisphere and the rotation of two or more regions.
`t is a figure showing the disoiay screen of surgicai radar data
`t is a configuration diagram of an operation robot system
`{fiescriction oi Embodiments]
`It describes referring to an accompanying drawing for the proterabie embodiment of the present
`invention hereafter.
`in the foiiowing descriptions: aithoogh an endoscopic operation is described as an exampiev the
`method of operation which this system makes the object of support is not iimited to an endoscopic
`{i Entire configuration] of an accretion support system
`As shownin i
`the operation support system concerning this embodiment It has the embedded
`marker detection device 4 which detects the processing unit i which consists of a computer the
`dicpiey device {dismay} 2 connected to the processing unit i, the position transducer 3 which detects
`the position of varioue instruments in an operating room, and the embedded marker MM embedded on
`the human body,
`The aforementioned detecting position appliance 3, the embedded marker detection device 4, and the
`endoscooe 5 are connected to the aforementioned croceseing unit i, and processing which generates
`the navigation data for operation support is performed based on the data acquired from the
`aforementioned camera 3 for detecting positions, the embedded marker detection device 4, and the
`endoscope 5. The deteiis of the function of the processing unit i are mentioned iateri
`The aforementioned dispiey device {display device) 2 is; carrying out a screen dispiay of the navigation
`data etc. which were generated by the aforementioned processing unit, and shows an operator
`(medical practitioner? navigation data etc.
`The aforementioned position transducer 3 is constituted by the camera (infrared camera} which
`detects opticeiemariiers 0M1 attached to the object which detects a position DMZ, and 0M3! Thing
`QM? by which octicei mart-rare were attached to the embedded marker detection device 4 in this
`embodiment, thing DMZ which were attached to the endoscope 5, thing 0M3 which were attached to
`the surgicai instrument 5i and WWW. in the surgicai instrument 6 here, it is a treatment imoiement
`which performs treatment for operations, such as excision, for examciei they are a acaipei, forcecsi
`Two or more (three nieces or more than: it} chotcgenc, such as LED, are attached about one
`detecting position object and each opticeiwmarkors OMi, 0M2“ and (EMS are constituted resoectiveiy‘
`so that the position and attitude of a detecting position object can be detected. Opticai markers may
`ige 93133ng things which reflect Eight in addition to the active thing which generates iight.
`The iight (or reflected iignt) of two or more chotogons which each opticaimmarkere OMi‘ 0M2, and
`0M3 have. respectiveiy is acquired by the aforementioned position transducer 3 which consists of a
`the image processing of the taken image acquired by the position transducer 3 being carried out, and


`33% «203 {#280894
`sstting it to the processing unit 'i with the processing unit 1, W“ the detecting position objects 4. 5,
`and 6 -- the data (a position and attitude data) in which each position and attitude are shown is
`generated. The position of a detecting position object is expressed by the space coordinates {threes
`dimensions! coordinates) in spaoe {operation specs) of the operating room where an operation support
`system is arranged.
`Detection of the position and attitude of the detecting position objects 4, 5, and 6 may not be
`{estriited to an ooticai system. and may be other systems. such as a magnetic system.
`The aforementioned embedded marker detection device 4 is for detecting two or more embedded
`markers MM embedded inside of the body {organ which is the target of an operation espesieiiy}, and
`the position of MM. As such an embedded marker detection device 4, the oaiypso and 4D iocaiization
`system of Caiypeo Medicai Technoiogies {trademark} can he used. Such an embedded mariner"
`detection device 4 is provided with the fciiowing,
`The magnetic fieid generator 43 which generates a magnetic field.
`The sensor part is which detects a magnetic fieidi.
`A wireiess marker with a size of about severai mziiiimetsrs sailed the beacon eieotromsgnetio
`transponder used in the shower—mentioned caiypso and iii) iooaiization system as the embedded
`marker MM can be used. This wirsisss marker {embedded marker MM) has a ooii and a. required
`circuit, ano’ a magnetic signei is excited by the magnetic fieid of the magnetic fioid generator «is as e
`Eeply fignai for specifying a wireioss markers (embedded marker MM} position and attitucie.
`The sensor part 4b detects two or more embedded markers MM of each aforementioned repiy signal,
`and the detected repiy signai is given to the processing unit 1, The processing unit 1 generates the
`data {a position and attitude data) in which each smbsddedi marker’s MM position and attitude are
`shown based on the detected repiy signai.
`The embedded market’s MM position and attitude detected by the embedded marker detection devise
`4 are the reiativs things soon from tho position of the ombeddeo marker detection oevioe 4.
`However, since the aforementioned ootioaiwmerkers OM? is provided by the embedded marker
`detection device 4. the embedded mat/tiers MM position and attitude detected by the embedded
`marker detection device 4 are converted to the position and attitude in soass {operation space} of
`the ofisratirig room where an ooeretion support system is arranged in the processing unit 3.
`Ait‘hough it is for detecting the position of an organ including the subject part of an ooeration, and
`deformation. this embedded marker detection device 4, The means for detecting the position of an
`organ including the subject part of on operation and deformation is not restricted to such an
`embedded marker detection device 4, may irrsoiste a issor beam to an organ and may detect a
`position, deformation, etc. oi an organ from the reflected tight, for sxampie.
`{,2 Comoosition} of the processing unit i
`‘gi‘xshows the function of the processing unit i The processing unit i is constituted by the
`oomputer which has CPU memory storage etc The oomputer program for roaiizing the function as
`the processing unit i shownin:“
`“to the oomouter i concernedis instaiiodin the computer which
`constitutes the processing unit i. The whoie of each function part of the processing unit 1 described
`Ensiowlis exerted by the computer program concerned being executed by computer.
`The processing unit ’i, A Target date. The storage nan: ii for memorizing, the area coior division
`modei creation part 12, the extended senseeoi‘sreeiity image creating sort 13, the position and
`attitude oats generating part 134 of the endoscope 5, the: oosition and attitude oats generating part 15
`of the surgioai instrument {treatment impisment) 6. an embedded market’s position and attitude data
`generating port 16. it has the surgioai navigation data generating port 17 and the dismay controi part
`Aforementioned Target date T is constituted as threeudimeosionai image data {thrseuciimensionai
`voiume data} of a threedimensionai modsim which the whoie shape etc ofsoeci’fio organs {kidney
`is provided with the foiiowing.
`image data Ti of a threswdimonsionsi mooel in which whoie shape of an organ is shown.
`image data T2 of a thrsemdimsnsionai model which specifies a position and form where it saw from
`the whoie organ of a tumor region (subject part region} where a tumor (subject part) which is the
`target of excision exists.


`ii”; «203 $230894
`This Target date T is generated based on CT image data chotced by before an operation Aithcugh
`the system for generating automaticaily frnm CT image data phcteed by before an ooeration in
`{generfiition of Target date T may be built and used, computer support may perform with a heip.
`For Target date T generation, two or more aforementioned emheeded markers MM are first embedded
`on the periphery of it in the specific organ which includes the subject part of an operation in before
`an operation When detecting oniy the position of an organ eithcugh three pieces thruror ahnut four
`pieces may be sufficient in order to detect deformation of an organ further more {for exampie. about
`£230 chances} ones are preferabie {the number of the markers MM embedded}.
`Next, a catieht’e CT image data in which the embedded marker MM was embedded inside of the body
`is acquired. And an organ inoicding the subject pert et en oneretien is specified from the CT image
`data, and the threemdimeneionai image data T1 of a threwdimensionei modei in which the form of the
`organ is shown is generated, The threemdimensicnai image data 72 of the threerdimeneionai modei
`which specifies the position and term of a tumor in the organ. and specifies the position and form of
`the tumor from CT image data is generated.
`Each embedded marker‘e MM pceitien and attitude in the threemdimeneional image data T1 {and
`threemdimensionai image data T2} are specified from the image of the embedded marker MM who
`exists in the aforementioned CT image, The embedded marker’e MM position and attitude data T3 in
`the threeudimehsicnai image data Ti (and three~dimensionei image data T2} are induced in the
`aforementioned Target date.
`When the embedded marker’s MM image is inoiuded in the threeedimensicnai image data Ti in which
`the form of an organ is shown in order that the embedded marker‘s MM image may Show the
`embedcieci marker's MM pceéticn and attitude. it is not necessary to generate date T3 which shows
`Ehe eThedded marker’s MM position and attitude aside from the threemdimensienai image data Ti.
`Target date T generated as mentioned above is memorized by before an operatien at the Target date
`storage part. i i of the processing unit 1.
`The image which heeomes the origin of Target date T, Not the thing restricted to CT image but MRI
`{Magnetic Resonance Imaging}, it may be the image acquired by FMRI {Functionai MRI}, PET (Positron
`{Emission Tomography), oitraeound tomography, a scintigram, etc.
`The aforementioned area ccicr division modei creeticn part '32 generates the area ccior division modei
`(4 region 4 coioreidentificatien operation buian NINGU mccei} shown in k
`Efrem aforementioned
`Target date T of the Target date storage part it The area coior eivieion moéei shown in if
`as“ 7
`threedimensionai modei which showedred", the tumor periphery f) m the 5mm region, yeiiow", the
`tumor periphery 5 r a ifirmm region and greenand mate than 10 mm of tumor periphery region for
`{he ttimor region which the threemdimensicnai image data T2 of Target date T showsin "hiue"
`in the threerrciimeneionel image data Ti in which the organ whcie shape of Target date T is shown in
`order t0 generate this area ccior division modet Color getting out of the portion of the three“
`dim‘eneicnai image data T2 in which a tumor is shown is carried out at ”red”, ‘Cotor setting out of the
`range from the tumor surface which the threerdimensionai image data T2 shows to 5 mm is carried
`out at "yeilcw", What is necessary is to carry out coier setting out of the range from the tumor
`surface which the threerdimensionai image data T2 shows to firifl min at ”green?" enc just to carry
`out coicr setting out of the range of more than it) mm at ”biue” from the tumor surface which the
`threewdimensionei image data T2 shows,
`is constituted an that an area ccicr division modei may be
`in this embodiment, the processing unit 1
`generated from Target date T memorized by the Target date storage part i 1. hot. For the dispiay of
`an extended? senaeroi‘rreaiity image, that by which the aforementioned? area coicr division modei was
`generateci by before an oneration may he crevioueiy memorized by the storage part of the processing
`The aforementioned extended sense—ohreaiity image creating pert i3 generatee the extended sense—
`of-reaiity image for [ superimposed (superimpoeed titieH carrying out and making it display on the
`diepiey device 2 for the area.
`w; 9i and the image gphctceo with the
`endoscope 5,
`Within the iimits of ”green”, it can attach to the sufficient cancer negative excision WWW {yeiiow
`region} tumor side, and the cceratcr can perform kidney function preservation of the maximum {biue


`ii)»; «203 0380894
`area), it you can proceed excision
`An extended eenae~of~reaiity image is oiapiayed on the display device 2 together with the beiow~
`rgientiianed surgicai navigation data {surgical signal data SD and surgicai radarrdata RD).
`The position and the attitude data generating part 34 of the aforementioned endosoooe 5‘ and the
`position and attitude data generating part “£5 of the aorgicai instrument ti generate the data {a
`position and attitude data} in which the oosition and attitude of the endoscope 5 which are the
`detecting cosition objects 5 and 6, and the surgicai instrument 5 are shown based on the image
`acquired with the position transducer 3 {camera}. This position and attituoe data are expressed as the
`position and an attitude of the coordinate system in space {operation space) of the operating room
`where an operation support system is arranged.
`The embedded markers MM position and attitude data generating part 36. inc or more embedded
`markers" MM of each position and? attitude data detected by the embedded marker detection oevice 4,
`Based on the oosition and attitude data of the embedded marker detection device 4 concerned
`detected by the position transducer 3, two or more embedded markere’ MM of each oceition and
`attitude data in the coordinate system in space {operation scene} of an operating room are generated.
`By this? two or more emhecided markera' MM of each position and attitude wiii be denoted by the
`same coordinate system as the coordinate system of the endoscope 5. and the position and attitude
`data of the surgicai instrument 6.
`Here the embedded markers MM position and attitude data, In order to Show the position and form of
`the part where the embedded marker MM was embedded, or its neighborhood. as for the subject part
`{tumor}, the embedded marker's MM position and attitude data wili Show the position and form in the
`coordinate system in space {operation space} of an operating room.
`That ia‘ the embedo’ed marker'a MM position and attitude data generating part i8 function as a
`management part primary detecting eiement which detects the space ooordinates at which a subject
`eart- into the trap is placed in operation space.
`The position and attitude data generated by each date generating part i4, 15, one 16 are given to the
`aforementioned surgioai navigation data generating part i?
`The aforementioned aurgioai navigation (iota generating part i? generates the navigation oata in which
`ooaitionai reiationshio with the subject part {tumor} of the operation which the aurgicai instrument ti
`and a Target date Show is shown based on Target date T, and each position and attitude data which
`were memorized by the Target data storage part ii. According to this embodiment. surgicai signai
`gate $9 and eorgicai radareciata RD are generated as the aforementioneci navigation data.
`{3. Generation} of eorgicai navigation data
`The aforementioned acrgioai navigation {iota generating part i? ia orovieed with movement x"
`transformation processing part 2i of Target date T, and the aurgicai signai data & surgicai radarodata
`generation cart 22 as shown in i
`transformation processing cart 2? from the Target data storage part ‘i i, and
`Target date movement
`an embedded marker’e position and attitude data generating part 16. Based on Target date T, and two
`or more embedded markere’ MM position and attitude data: the Target date (henceforth a correction
`Target date} corresponding to the noeitiom’form of the organ Giving body organ for an operation} into
`the trap is generated.
`The position and attitude of two or more embedded markers MM who can set to Target date T a
`correction Target data, So that it may correspond to the position and attitude which two or more
`embedded markers’ MM position and attitude data generated by the embedded market’s position and
`attitude data generating car: 138 Show The threerdimensionai image data T1 of the organ which
`Target date T shows is obtained by computing the space coordinates and form which ehouid be
`giacetji in the apiece coordinates in the aforementioned operating room.‘
`The position and attitude of two or more: embedded markers MM who can eat movement: /’
`transformation processing part 21 to Target date T more apacifioaiiy, The error of the position and
`attitude which two or more embedded markers' MM position and attitude data generated by the
`embedded marker-’5 position and attitude data generating part 16 Show, and *3? so that it may become
`minimum about e

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