`ilatems sum Mod-2i
`Pamnttk thfim/ Mode: Nm‘
` 3::
`Seiected Gazette
`3/3 Next Docume. t
`we and INPET are first :‘espansibie for any
`damages caused by the use of this transiation.
`LThis' mgr
`en‘s has been tram ted by computer. So the transiatian may not
`reflect the angina: p-ecise$y.
` n not t
`1”” shows the word whic
`3.1:} the:
`:wings, any word: a
`not {tax
`n m‘eisure to a:
`. where 't became inc ”ct-mien: thmmaiiy a
`ementmned work:
`wm for Going work for iéving I
`: am: the ":11-
`$19. ‘- 5251717:
`n she: zatxon '.
`me feed zone WI '
`eriSizatia-‘z substance, and was evaporated by
`or heating and evapo.
`forementioned gas passage,
` "A...“qwrfl...“.. 2v
` ‘s or decon
`wtianed gas :7 on a detection resmt of the baci‘
`e by the aforementioned L.
`:‘tion part, and
`Representative drawshg
`fiepresentafive drawing E
` pr ssurizes or decompresses insade of the
`{e feed zone, and a feed zone pressure detection part
`‘eqd 2.3%, and the
`'- substance Fee.-
` .n pm": at the time of ordinary temper'atu


`iletems sum Mod-2i
`Patenttk Litiikv Mode: Nm‘
` 3::
`Seiected Gazette
`3/3 Next Docume. t
`we and INPET are first :‘espensibie for any
`damages caused by the use of this transmtion.
`1 .This mgr
`ent hae been tram
`ted by computer. So the. transiation may not
`reflect the engine: p-eciseiy.
` n not t
`1”” shows the word whic
`3.1:} the:
`not trax
`:wings, any wards. a
`‘ E WOFVTOOW on a new
`«aw in the inside, and for that it is a i
`ng bctmciary to do the work for living body origm. :nateriais, su h as the work
` om. fieie, in '0.
`., to avoid
`in a workr
`.e a cei! t.
`mixing of
`those ether than the substance which needs a. non»~""iry :ing betmdaty for the work, -'.'
`workmam, the
`nite environment near dust—Free Ste
`In the 33035:
` g boundaw of a: work'
`'n a: workroc‘m, and Ste '
`mm is carrier: out (e. Peterit a.
`docurrierfi 2 . 'arioraiies hydrogen peroxide
`perexide gas, and sun -ies the hydrogen peroxide 9a»: concerned to the isoiator.
`workroom GUT;
`' V .
`istenc . .
`it may not be able to pe
`hydrogen peroxide, ere harm-"u: to a human bod
`soiatcr outside is expected for a steriuzat: m
`.Le not to ieak out. 5-3, in the de-zontam. .
`Ion d=
`. u: the description to a Patent
`t {leekage test) 3f an
`are sup
`.01 out.
`Ieteht document 1} 3i,2{i(i€i— 3122,A
`{Patent document 2} 392005-218548,A
`ription of the. Erwentim}
`.z‘v tins
`f obiem to be scivet
`.tuations, the inventors carve, te rec“ nize the foiicwr
`ed Patent document 1 and '
`“f 2, in order to
`stably, after the he: er wh' .h heats dw air ,3:
`even to a desired
`if carried out the tempo {we :
`temperature, ger
`cgen percxnie gas needed to be started.
`ire. rise of .3 heater is hand.
`{3n the of?
`Eeakoge .w. of an isolator
`ranged by the pressure fluctuehen of
`Therefore, a reiia'pie leakage test cannd
`after it as ri'i
`isoiator fi
`;.~ 5
`3 ti
`,:t_ i
`Representative drewing E
`Representative drawing


` t...
`needed to be performed.
` EEV the wa,. ' .‘ ; " r'iiaation tn
`we in the
`time :t \
`=ent takes Song time. by ti
`State which car- start next work, Eong time Wili be taken, and working effic‘ency wsi1 be
`, tne working effitiency '
`’ at improvement i
`. "\.-v '
` E
`:or. m a Potent 1
` 2': treatment takes is ca
`.4i 4(9
`' sent invention is made
` e teChFifJEO'“,' in wt:
`can be ”hardened rriore.
`for soiVing probiem}
`Jf doing the work 7 th
`‘t ie ore" '-t invention is an is fiatoi: T" ‘- wo:k:’0\n
`idi. Ti
`untor ] for Wing body origin me
`ed zone ‘1 inch geophes
`the sterii'
`atic-r- substance which is provided in the state where it
`.-ecarne independent
`thermally and in pressure to the gas passe .e inciudin i e workroom has a heater for he
`_ tint
` seage, and the gas :tion of a 9-3»:- pastag.
`.on substance by a
`nature ri_.e of the heater
`paralie: to a gas passage ieakage test.
`A .
`'iriq to this mooe, the time »
`In the above-mentioned mode: have a feed zone pres-sure adjustment pazt w:
`or o'eo: . rir'esses the inside of a steri
`tion substance feed zone, and a feed 2c . pres-sure
`ance feed zone, and a. main
`or dec
`.‘I each element mentioned above may be contained in the scope of
`What combine
` e‘ tion whic .
`m the Ste
`zetion treatment in en isoia
`nt invention, t
`takes can be shortened more
`e of Carrying Out the invention}
`{we w
`“-6 we fit invention ix‘ desoribet winie referring ‘1 Drew: as based or: a "
`emoooiment, The description whict rho-4:01 give the Same code to the same or equivaier-t
`‘1 them
`‘ _
`. and overiappeci w
`<uitabiy ic ;
`.' "
`no: iimit
`J00?“ 3. provider; try tne \
`iii/Eng body origin mat: 'eis; such as are?!
`i so that opening
` r-c‘ the glove 14 " 13 is provided
`non of tne— Front door 12. The we openino which was provided :31 the front door 12 and wt:
`and can
`work in the workroom EC throw-ti the gigve 14 for war? Here, (.3 body ori
`means the meteriai containmg the oxgenmu .
`COIhaM-fig a t..:i, the substoute whi'
`tote»; an org-amen). er the soot-tame which an o:
`r-ism produces The workroom
`. «00:11
` he Vi.-
`meter 16 \.-\.
`is the
`ature in ti. Norki'c-L v. 1-3, and
`'1. presume in :3 r
`9e int-mo i
` L


`' ‘ 24, s-uch 35 a
`E— J de:3 wEtu the E:7Eet port 22 and the suctac
`'.o.Eat0: 1737?) 915:3Ede. his-m the. :nEet
` for: fan 2.4, incorporates the >
`.h as a
`.ErE f
`3' 2-5. s:
`:soEater £00 The 7'7:
`cticn part with the
`Heiency Particulate AE:)7 fiber, 5e pry/Med my the e
`he EnEet vane 237s pro77'EcEe-LEbv‘ the En-'et9'
`the gas :upph' part 2-0,
`that openErE-{E and CEosEng are pcss:ble, and Er .Eoduchon of {E e oven air horn the. :n Ee1. cht2_2E5.
`I‘th‘rrjEEed by '77.;7er7zr-r5 and (‘EesEng 0f the E
`E‘. vaEve
`. The rErcuiamE: :JGE'E' 5-2) is provide-'7 by
` .7t7ty part
`_. and EE.6 7.72777: vaive 61 Es provEded E77, the L.-E7E;Eai’Eon sort 6(: so that
`openEhg and dosing are pcssEbEe.
` ? 5.7:c: the v: ahhq fan.5 34
` the work.
`77. if from the. exhaust port'.32 out
`3:1. z'7he'nne part'EcEe.:oEEect-W“- --Eter3 ‘
`ether than the ‘7IentE7a
`3 E5. provid70' by the eXE7:sue7? [5(th "
`.32 Es contra
`openEhg and dosing {:7 the exhau:tv
` ng act77ated came-“E, 3 {EL
`than t“ haust \7aEv
`t part
`2mg or d
`on fan 24 am; the. vent:E
` 4 as canghtuted by
`er-t. He
`' pert 22 to t
`-77chCEng be 777/
`suppEy pa:
`0r exampEe E5. said.
`.79 .10 suppEyE 77773 the evapmated ste-
` dEhg the workroom 14), (E..e end E»; connected WEth the
`10 via the sterEizzatéc-n substance
`7:3 pEpe 42, and the erfi
`another sEdv
`.s:.age. be7t77xeen E.7‘7e77I0rE<r00E77 3.0 and 1+- arge pm?
`on 5,7777.
`\. EanaeofmaterieEs77«may 44. {he vaEve -- 17.71 Es pmvErJe-d by the
`stance feed p757“
`, and th va' -'e 474 ES provEcEecE by the Ste EizatEon cchEcaE—
`change—of-materiaEs way 44. The EsoEat-Jr 100 can ; t the EnsEde of a gas passege EnEud:he the
`Substance feed zone 47
`7270:: as sh77
` Schematic vEe77~ SMQV‘EE'EQ ':E-
`e Ste-“Eiizatices
`axiom SUE;
`.61 zone 4'7)
`9 the
`. :1" 410 an: the
`7+. 4O27I7-hE1'.h L.O.E‘7:sts 0f the 53:73:77}:
`'077. eert 4.7), the h, GE‘s-gen
` . ution cartr mes hydmgen were
`e. 8037) GT», 6:76 the air 1
`fly fan
`as a feed 2 he pressure a hustment part.
`' 7e 3020:77777.7.77a1‘i077 777en7be7 411
`mm 414, 6:76 the funneE c.)
` tight by thenge 1116:and tne.’
`777,777.73 4177s fleaEecE 7
`flange 416 and t1“:
` . EN} :77er77her' I d:\IEdeL.
` 7’77
`'caEEy,7‘77. from the cup 4 tE7e edge part of{the
`“', and E5 fixed by bEncEE:
`7 the flange
`The. EEquEd 444) for uEtrasmmd prop?.gatEen w?“ sch spreads the mecE‘anEca7 'vara
`OhEc transducer 4 1
` ’ curred with th“
`LEEed E
`. Ecwer
`7:7r-Ec range wh
`'n__ wEth vEscc-sEtyen ail 73:7 the EEquEd 447C} fer LEEtresound propagaticn, for exampie like water
`. 027 the: miner hand. the flame-E component 41-5
`the 774:7 E:_E—:'E’aned part 482‘ Ee pmx/Eded by :Eoner space 432.
`:77t. openEng 45C 73:77ti the 0537;777:779 452. ate pr'ovid.7'7 7 Y1}? sEde em?
`7' 454 is Droviden hy the upper surface. of the Eiei memser 4‘
`euppEyEng the hydrogen peroxEcEe soEut'Eon stored by the hydh


`eXice solution stored by t
`irig 462 is pro
`tic pump etc..,
`substanc '
`zone ceri be rcepteii‘tightattrie
`st mentioned
`mime 464ii not what shieide
`eirtiahtiyt :e
` we in the pigii
`eided by oroviding stiieid mee
`may be ei:tightiy si
`:utIt-r- tart: —per0xide—sa off. For eXd
` nipie rather.. .oh the tuxup
`iai for... are provided on tE : way '0', the openirg 452 and
`air sent 0th from the air Suppiy ran 4'20 to snare 432‘. 13
`connected to it
`_ opening 452 of the pipihg 472 er»? the em’i of the oooos:ta 5'
`. 3/0“:3-!”cm.
`ton: ected to ti--eJ
`LZDI‘iI‘i'c‘ECiCiOfl part 475 which c
`end area on ti
`‘- heretore, the sterihzeticn c‘.
`cei—chahge—ef—meteriai: way44 SiC‘uE.n‘-.1.i".e
`ot—meteriais way 41:1.
`EU bstance feed zcne 4t)
`_ pmVideci in the state where 't became indepe
`ebv the 30i-
`:i the ve \-e 474
`hermic {"i‘i‘i‘ection part 475
`10. Tn ii’ supply ‘
`47% sends out air to : ace 432 by
`firm substance feed zone 40, and
`e5 hie :hside '0." the ster1i'
`“assure adjustment part which sucks air ham space 4-"52 b\/
`stance feed he 46. The
`countermtation. and decompresees the insnfie ef the
`zation 1
` supply fan 470 is u:
`on suit-stance in the workroom 3.0.
`n orde: to. suppiy-'
`racing 48(.1 of the i'w-r-ei component!».15'is inserted in the. opeiiig 415:1,9and the hinge-1
`. ‘t the opening 42-54 of the fur-hei—shapeci part 4 2 may tie.
`uart 420 _’
`:5- fixed to the ca Fbui" '
` ition of
` he funii'»(
`.n of the 0.0
`he 48 .
`:‘haned hart-'1$15.. Thereby, the air
`.n from thei".
`.urettix,’01mm into the
`the outsxie of the t'u'hhe:-
`..peci partt
`-ihg 4134 but after
`it ti:rhs L.‘
`inside of the tunnei -
`-sE’sei:-ed pait 482.. it iows t .rough tri
`8"2 iri the Eczwei‘ pert
`shaped part 482 up.
`eh peroxide s
`risiied to
`' cup 414 in the ate
`i -— the mecher‘ icei v1bration ot eh Lii'
`nic i’a ce —— rr'
`rupeii' than 470, -
`u '
`' f the fur:
`1e fimhei carriponent 4: 5
`connection part of
`3 e tun-1e! for
`carhuretion pa- 4'20 er-c: the Cpeiii‘zg _
`.ipteke or' t‘-e i‘z‘niSt—ized
`is carried out eth
`'id it is sent to the caroure
`bye-rogers gem):
`-h part 420. Under
`‘f temper
`vei‘l big
`hvdrcgen peroxi “ '
`130.1- 482 f3!
`the cup 414 with giavitv, mic is
`oath fc-rmetion
`that’m exiei direction me.3! turr-
`erc-Xide and.air whiti1
`tube till '3 connected With theo‘pipiz
` 'er direction. The flow pet..’4
`'480 flow up":1.From the Di"i¥iG
`b.x .
`the heating tube 421 is ore-Vid cf alternatew The flaw path 1126 formed in the inside. of th
`heatir‘c tube 421 wi C's by this, and the
`w becomes icu’i:
`w ,0-:11..i. 42.6 aecowes io:15;, a1:11 hvo.
`gasflfiring wit
`' 32 with gravity The h»11:09:}:i pe:amide which
` ed by the
`) iJitr soni
`di vibratior‘
` 1 By reti.rhing hydogeh perr
`i'E‘UEd within the
` t-izai‘u; it again with a simple 5 .
`pace 432 and hi
`there is
`no’uti iitv and :t c; h gaeii, the Y's/die) 1n mroxide s
`t—i7ed hvciroaenperoxide in accordance
`'the“heating tube 4-21 is provided.
`he heater 422 ev
`- Liegiees C which is a
`e. temperature i-se is P
`temperature st
`a'o efcr e»spore“
`to themmy ct ritioi ofturnmg or: and or? by the conti‘
`.fihs to be ore-video: by the heater 422 The touch area of the heater
`. roughteh flow path 425 increases by:his, and itcceri promote
`. oereXide.
`- is cc-hr-ected to the


`'ee cf internai te177pe12t>ire of the piping 424 is
`idef‘ 1:" te57 p:.pmg 424 T:7'.7 '7..'7.d 07 a:70:77er side 01:17.17 1710:7717 42.4 13..17777717171171} 7124::
` 13 the ar5'7371'.
`:1izat1'17r7 substan e feed 177.1715 :1,-
`7': part 427 M7.
`amathermir re 7V7 etc. The 7'?We 41 9 is 00'Mided '07,! tr7ee170‘ area on 77-
` are, the steriu:
`:3 7't 42? side of 1:7e ste 111zat1077 subst
`‘e of 7117 31.7277: 72:711177777117 feed zone 40 is erovided 177 1'1:
`. 77777173! and in pressure 0v the
`escribes about the
`F'7rE-t7vv17-71e thee7
` :h of the heater 422 is turned ON and the temperature nee off-116 eater
`.1-70vwhe pump 464w". w
`the hydrogen 0er0xir-1e 501171100 WI"
`and hydrogen peroxs.
`.dge 460 is wmpe
`L hydrogen-017.7177:
`71 towards
`'mcmete77 4.5. W777'7h r77e35177e
`1.77:3. temperature wh
`hydrogen peroxide go:'5d
`de17rees"1,_. 7.1-e OFWE 517.712. 1711777517
`owed-.mer 413 w .
`717137131307: 01 an uitrasonic range.7671711 spread to space 432 vie. the iiquid 11111.7 for Lam:017770
`:7 mastina by the air :- 0:):7,3117'7. 47073 :ta7ted, 3'70' the air in a gas pass-age is
`1771.0 3.6
`, 17.7Jdr0ge77. peroxide. carn‘es out in space -.
`and the 777.51
`:21 by the 97' 0777 the a
`4-1. 7;..5 the. piping 424.
`:aziridge 460.'3
`n of {he hve:
` eamouri 17717vdr17ge77 peroxide.
`5011;:0'7 in the cup 414 becomes zero, the quant’
`23:1:70 17:17::- 421 1'.
`h the thermometer 425
`' re degree of interhai te777pe7'a
`'7'ed77em7i17ed L
`171'.- 17ea'1'e7' 422 wi11 be tume
`'3 CF?
`1. 73101qu424 measured Wt
`HRH/'6‘: 50111761
`'7 17 7st
`era'U-76.1'7‘ me pi171-19 1124 in case 93571756773077 c7117.w'irogen per0x71'1a 77'.
` 1 7770/.
`de 01 the he3:i:7g tut-e
` ' ' 717:1:1'Sete7'mir791'3
`n if) the 0.35) 414
`"‘2 1»: turned OFF, the degree 07'"
`'etur7is Ex:- c-7'r-'
`€177 771717:a1-7re
`,_ »
`stance feed '77.
`'7he. :ten'izatic
`. ..eate<1 177,!1'1'ogen peroxide.
`3170\re—ment70ned camper; ' 7-7:
`:ubst3 nee may be a substance
`'Ltion: fer e.ta77':1:-1e, and making it evaporate. [-7. sterdiz
`which 1:3 :7171' 1E7
`as '13ij7’19.
`177.1et V31
`.7077 127.77 24 17.77.12: 1hr: vex “axing 127.77 34, the drive of
`.13. 07" the vaiv
`the pump 454 or
`{117.77 '
`e 40‘ opening:1 nd 17.11
`4128 and 1174, 3nd fur-1:711; >371 and _,
`, the1-' suppty'far71 1.’0,an1‘1 tne


` , it 0:
` b
`mentioned composition
`Fig.4 is the figu
` , to be she» :L in Fw- " cootmiiing by the state where work is done in the Lniorkmen‘.
`so. the contra? part 30 wiii be in an opened sta.te aboL:t the inlet\.aive 23‘ and the em
`waive 33 an - wiii be in a closedstate
`'tti"e Cii‘CL-it v'-&i‘.'€
`Ii‘t‘: SL-
` an 24 and the vent
`L‘ixe Lépen
`air is suppiieo‘ in the VIGTK|MCW1 3.0 ..or:: the inie. Lug-t 22 and the gas passage t
`\ot the geL
`the we! room 10 is discharged from the e\Ȥ1autport 32 out of.he ismater 100 is formed :r-
`the isoiator 100
`F e of theI
`it: the i
`etor “:00, after work (the la t work)
`the \m'orkrc-orr- if) is compieteL‘i, before starting next work, 5
`)g the workroom 10 i3 performed. Sterilization treatment 0‘
`'ng oroce r.
`vai pro-:es3
` the gas pa
`‘ the gas
`workroom ‘LD which Wiii be f. 3! of the basis of com-mi ofhe Lo - .-ol part
` peroxide Lja3 when check»: gas ieaka
`ereinaftenb‘it describes aboL:t a
`Gas pas-sage Eeakage test USE
`qtrie miet vaiLe 23'is made into an openedsstaLe, toe suL. gor- fan
`sed state, and the amen air
`incorporated in
`~ passage of the isoiator 10C The vaives£128 and 474 are made into a dosed state at
`sure in a gas passage is as
`(1 t.‘
`‘ure which
`:tidn resuit of the
`test presrs ire, the
`: 23, 3nd
`the vent:iL 'ing fan 34 is driven by meerg the exhaust vaive 33
`u3 it may tie made to make the in»:- de Or a gas
`Qiatox :00 isis it is is ireeintained be.{Weffifl predetermined time,
`for e moie, 1i) rr=ihutes1 The r'L‘ntroi par‘ 5C- sarries out 6: ie
`. 'ieo' time
`t of the workroom nfiandn‘eter 1
`Wheq the fares1rein
`eiaap3eehased an the detection re
`the gas pa:sage after spe
`‘ exceeded ‘3‘
`éfied t
`an treatment.
`(I: we a),'ie cont:Oi Da:t 50 C
`'. :. »es.,L:re in ti:e gas passage ef'L'ersoer
`e eiaose is less
`secrease amount (2 (curve b}, the c ‘ “oi part E-C- ;_re3ent9 that gas Seakaae has
`eatnient, and
` in the reporting pazt wna‘ii does not stop and i§iustrate
`reports the stop of st .
` .etion treatme: L to
`'zation SLit‘i‘{EFCC reec
`2 gas passage i~
`have become indepehdent then. a.
`J the ab:es 428 and 474, it‘
`.nd pra~3es3, the 3w:tch cf the heater 412
`turned ON and the tempe:
`. _is staued. Enthe convention
`soiator, if the temperature rise of the
`. 'ieater 422 am he sta:ted in the n '
` he in-'et 'vaive 2L L.nd tne exhaLzsL vaive 33 win re r1
` 3n;
`valve 6; WM he ademto anhopeneasstate and the suc‘
` sto prescribed Lerr‘peretLJL_, the «ah/e3 42S
` 'rJ:iydrooenoero
`suL3t3hce reed pipe 42, L.nd L.s the arrow in 519.4 shows, 1
`:tn-CL:gh the :ns1'3e of 3
`Lempe:atm’e of the pipino 424 or tie pres r
`.-I s. Here, the degree of intern
`not X192
`temperature CO“ Mixed is me Le“page. Jre wr1icii iwu.
` \Li a sternizing process w:ii ioe starter: if it


`exhaust vai've 3'v3
`zation sub-statnceefeedz
`'3, the ventiis. '
`111 a removai process whiie s: “1:35; of the. n'y'drcgen pe
`:10 L5- Susanende,d the ii-ie‘: vai‘le 23 and the e
`substance feed 2
`the circuit
`'i1to an openec
`N. Witte the o-f of IsaiaLrjr 1000:1'5 0e is i1~L.orL.L1-ated
`ELL-Li the veL'Lti-at'no fan 3-: a. '
`From the iniet port 22 and supp-
`a gasLtressageL3; this.
`it is sent to the L as d:sL:i1arg-e part
`30, and it is adsorbed o:
`re moved by The :3th
`:srepiacedL.”y air by a ferret
`waii be ccmpieed He.
`with the L: e wcrkr L.
`30 is concert-affine. 1
`cannot he Gisregerrjed
`{his c-HrLcetratLr-i- is the 3N wow rLrL Lhe (wing bodv origjrrwateriai used for \NC‘i’
`LG? exampie by
`may he the cmr
`' Lr-ed beiow
`ieakage test. in addition to a gas passage leakage test
`this embodimet.L, the fee
` I‘. SUD
`:4 4i)
` H'Zt‘. fee
`passage is ca
`tied out. In the isoiat r 1108 concerning
`i ation sut:_
`:e Ieec‘ zen-3 <10 11:61.3». the
` the gas passage and the steri
`v- 11:} with the a1.
`far. 470 ahd the feed zone
`‘ tense feed zone 4'0 is
`:11a:1:.1h1ete:' 41:3 and include the we:':R00111‘0 are iririeoendentiy in pre 'ure L13: the vaives :1
`Gently car:Led out witt- a gas
`.6: Eeakage test the valve 438 is made :nto (:1 Ci.
`tur-1ed ()N .0.
`the vaEve -'1’-1 b"
`1e :10. Airtigt ness
`the ster'
`shieid means about the pip
` The pr
`: 4LT) ri
`zone rriariomei’er 4119.
`the pressure :11 the 3.. ante r’eeci :-.LeLrL
`he pressuie it1 the
`. substance Ieec' 2:
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`viii tum OFF the
`wii! C:L. C {510 Vijiv‘t‘: " 7
` 1 supply faa w L..
`net! state, the
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`‘L'ate where the
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` ‘ Ls the figure desc
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`ortior‘. which secures (:1
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`'t can secure the
`bin 1‘.


`. shown ‘
`50r- sr . stem: * fe _
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`w rk or‘ a day, a package £6331; e test is carried out (:33
`cu) cany our ordy a: war-mom ieakace t:
`.3it '!:e ti: 2': cf -:: jab revision (the timing
`. in t: e "iming I '4 ‘3, :t may he made to. any out a
`me Ieaixage test in pa-ai-e) to mere-ed of E at‘ a package Sea ..
`Seakage test Wu-
`.- out am; .3
`11 a
`ator EDD.
`. 33896.15 ir )-avmg been them-a! and‘naVing provided u-r‘erendehriv
`stem. :arion substance feed zcne AC and it can set up _
` If the op
`n effect by the
`ion 61'
`concerning this embed" en: i3 premier) with the srer‘s ‘
`e to rhe gas pa3sege
`ate where. it became indepenc nt rher
`madly and in pres
`. And the temperatuge rice u
`‘ t..e.eater 22 is performed
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`the utiuz
` 'Eon ratio of .
`:soiamr 1m)
`messed materiai.
`Cization substance feed 20
`3 470 and the
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`er 43.9 and is in.
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`pa .
`421$: a:1d=1‘3’4 in he
`.(2 1-,
`te3t which masks the gas £eakage ,
`“rtar-ce feed
`=akage test. Thereby, since t
`oreves further. By car ._ abi: ity of the
` s: and a )as pr
`sage tr
`pomtmg of a gas ieakage :0.
`..ed in the art
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`.24 of the
` oiator concerning
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`wawing 31b?
` .aw'mg 411‘:
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`:13 m :1:L y.)'13 6‘:toU)
`.rkroom thermomete. and 18 A war room manome‘: :
`‘23 An 4’:-e:¥ vaive, 24 suctien fans. 26 fine pafi-
`t valve and 34
`.and 32 Al‘ ex:must pofi; .395: 33 An exh:
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`A hr—
`. mg tube and 4;?-A heater and 42.3 Hov path.':‘Om
`.EOT'» board,
`n part and 4
`\ hydrogen—perm Ie—sfluttt'z cartridge and 462’1 Piping and 464 ,I'
`«upply fans, and 474," Van-e. ] A then.
`meter, 427, and 475 AF!
`pump, 470 an
`conneafion pent. 4
`and 474 .4 veive. and 460
`"3/3 Next Docume. r


`we: t‘xemim:
`ilatems sum Mod-2i
`Patentek thfiRV Mode: F‘iunmer S
` Fateat .8: {fitfiify Misdei Rummy Sea?
`w \
`3/3 Next Became. t
`Seiected Gazette
`we and INPET are first :‘efipansibie for any
`damages caused by the use of this transmtion.
`LThi; mucumen‘: me been translated by computer. So the transiatian may no;
`reflect the angina: p-eciseiy.
`ws the word whic‘: can not be transiated.
`:wings, any word: are not trans
`a schemaiic View shuwing the compositirm of a 5":er ‘ .ior: substance feed
`crirjtion of the Drawings}
`{Drawing 111': is a schematic Vie ' shcwing thv' 10:11position of the isoEatc-r cc-‘sceming
` Fe for describing the Seakage test of an '
` tion
`the time of st
`mung the state of t.
`med about the CE ' u in a steriii?
`d: 1,
`Representatwa drawshg
` 7
` 07% 9:36


` - «(lax-13
`Seiectesi Gazette
`9/3 Next Bowman:
` Detaii
`(1 1)?ub£icstion nus'nber
`{43)Date of publication of apsficatian .
`(2 1}App3ication number
`(51} (£006. 01;
`(2006. 0.7.}
`(22}Date of filing (71)Appiicarst
`m: KCm-
` working membe-
`" 'bstance, thereby to fee-:1 the
`‘ii:~r- uni? four
`the 965 p
`esud' of the work
`barometer 3.8
`by the A
`.5 temperature or heneate- 422, a; as:
` 3115 Ne:(t-:ccume..


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