`United States Patent and Trademark Office
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`PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07)
`Off/09 A0170” Summary
`Application No.
`Art Unit
`AIA Status
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`4)[:] Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
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`Disposition of Claims*
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`5a) Of the above claim(s)
`is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`E] Claim(s)
`is/are allowed.
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`) ) ) )
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`Application Papers
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`Paper No(s)/Mail Date_
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`3) C] Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date
`4) CI Other-
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 11-13)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mai| Date 20181226
`Application/Control Num ber: 14/630,210
`Art Unit: 2461
`Page 2
`The present application, filed on or after March 16, 2013,is being examined under thefirst
`inventorto file provisions ofthe AIA.
`Continued Examination Under37 CFR 1 . 114
`A request forcontinued examination under37CFR1.114, includingthefee set forthin37 CFR
`1.17(e), wasfiled inthis application afterfinal rejection. Since this application is eligible forcontinued
`examination under37CFR1.114,a nd thefee set forth in 37CFR 1.17(e) has been timely paid, the
`fina lityofthe previous Office action has been withdrawn pursuant to 37 CFR 1.114. Applica nt's
`s ubmission filed on 10/05/18 has been entered.
`Response to Arguments
`Appl icant’s arguments filed 08/16/18, with respectto the rejection(s) ofclaim(s) 1 under U.S.C.
`103 have beenful lyconsidered a nd a re persuasive.
`It is agreed upon that Stirling-Gallacherdoes not
`teach the a mended limitation ” permutations ofthe pluralityoftra nsmission beams ofthe plurality of
`ba se stations resu ltingi n a plurality ofcombinationsoftra nsmission beams available forsynchronous
`tra nsmission by the plurality ofbasestations” since the refe rence does not teach plurality ofbase
`stations. Therefore, the rejection has beenwithdrawn. However, upon fu rtherconsideration, a new
`ground(s) of rejection is made inview of Hawryluck (Pub No 20120202431) to teach the limitation
`”pe rmutations ofthe plurality oftra nsmission beams ofthe plurality ofbasestations resulting in a
`plu ralityofcombinations oftransmission beams available for synchronous transmission bythe plurality
`of ba se stations”.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 1 02
`Application/Control Number: 14/630,210
`Art Unit: 2461
`The following is a quotation ofthe appropriate paragraphs of35 U.S.C. 102 that form the basis
`forthe rejectionsunderthissection made in thisOffice action:
`A person shall beentitled to a patent unless —
`(a)(2) theclaimed invention was described in a patent issued under section 151, orin an application
`for patentpublished ordeemed published undersection 122(b), in whichthepatentorapplication, as
`the case may be, names another inventorand was effectively filed beforethe effective filingdateof
`the claimed invention.
`Cla im(s) 1, 4-6 is is/are rejected u nder35 U.S.C. 102(a)(2) a s being anticipated by Hawryluck
`(Pu b No 20120202431).
`Regardingclaim 1 a nd4-6,
`Hawryluck teaches a wirelesscommunication method for performingcommunication ina
`wirelesscommunication system, the method comprising:
`communicating between the plu ralityofbase stations a nd the plu rality of te rminal stations,
`res pectively, each base station usingthe corresponding plurality oftra nsmission beamsin c hannels
`having diffe rent center-freq uencies from each other, (interpreted as Communications system 100
`includesa number ofenhanced NodeBs(eNB), such aseNB 105, eNB 106,and eNB 107. Each ofthe
`eNBsmay be responsible forallocating network resourcesto UEs, such as UE 110, UE 111, UE 112, and
`UE 113,thatitisserving. For example,an eNB may forwarda transmissionintended fora UE that itis
`serving orallocate some networkresourcesto a UE that it is serving so that the UE may transmit
`information, see para [0028]. Also seefrequency division duplexed communication systems, see para
`[0011]) permutations ofthe plurality oftransmission beams ofthe plurality ofbase stations resultingin
`a pluralityofcombinationsoftra nsmission beamsavailable forsynchronoustransmission bythe
`plu ralityofbase stations (interpreted asThe eNBsthat are operating in the coordinated beam-forming
`mode may coordinate between one another to selectUEsfor servicing that mayhelpto minimize ICI,
`see para [0039]) the communicating including:
`Application/Control Number: 14/630,210
`Art Unit: 2461
`se lectivelyswitchinga combination oftransmission beams used by the plurality ofbase stations
`a mong the plurality ofcombinationsoftra nsmission beams, synchronouslya nd seq uentially,training
`fra mes to the plurality ofte rminal stations with the switched combination oftransmission beams in
`ea ch period (interpreted as While operating in coordinated beam-forming mode,eNB 300 may
`coordinate with other eNBs also ope ratingin coordinated beam-forming mode to reduce ICI to the
`other eNBs by adjustingtransmit power to UEsthat are not orthogonal or nearly orthogonal to UEs
`served by the other eNBs. lfthere are a sufficient number ofUEs, eNB 300 may selectUEsthat are
`orthogonal (or nearly orthogonal) to UEs served by the other eNBsto receive transmissions or to
`transmit and force the non-orthogonal UEs to wait until they become orthogonal (or nearly
`orthogonal) as a result oftheir own mobility,the UEs served by the other eNBsc hange, or the
`mobilityofthe UEsserved by the othereNBs, see para [0052]. Trainingframesinterpreted as
`measuring UE channels, see 610fig. 6).
`storing information representing the plura lityofcombinations oftransmission beamsforthe
`plu rality of base stations based on a result of reception ofthe training fra mes (interpreted as eNB 300
`may also include a memory 325 coupled to processor 305. Memory 325 maybe used to store
`coordination information shared from other eNBs, channel measurements made by processor 305,
`orthogonality and/or correlation values derived from the c hannel measu rements and/or c oordi nation
`information, sc hed uling information provided by sc hed uler 320, information/da ta intended for UEs
`served by eNB 300, and so forth., see para [0060]); a nd
`a com munication u nitthat communicates between a plurality of base stations a nd
`corresponding terminal stations using a first combination oftra ns mission bea ms s elected from the
`stored information representingthe plu rality ofcombinations oftransmission beams forthe plurality of
`ba se stations (interpreted asThe eNB may transmit to the second UE using the adjusted precoder and
`the optional reduction in transmit power |eve|(b|ock 840), see para [0127]).
`Application/Control Number: 14/630,210
`Art Unit: 2461
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 1 03
`The following is a quotation of35 U.S.C. 103which forms the basis foral l obviousness rejections
`setforth in this Officeaction:
`A patentfora claimed invention maynot beobtained, notwithstandingthat theclaimed invention is
`not identicallydisclosed as set forth in section 102, ifthedifferences between the claimed invention
`and the priorart are such that theclaimed invention as a whole would havebeen obvious beforethe
`effective filingdate oftheclaimed invention to a person havingordinary skill in theart to which the
`claimed invention pertains. Patentabilityshall not benegated bythe manner in which theinvention
`was made.
`Claim 2 is/are rejected under35 U.S.C. 103 as being unpatentable over Hawryluck (Pub No
`20120202431) further in view of Ki kuchi (Pub No 20020070892).
`Regardingclaim 2,
`Hawryluck teaches thewirelesscommunication method accordingto claim 1, wherein the result
`ofthe reception ofthe training frames includes a beam numberand an SN ratio (interpreted aseNB 210
`may consider signalto noise plusinterference ratio (SINR) measurement, signalto noise ratio(SNR)
`measurements, channelquality indicators (CQI), and the like, ofits UEs, see Hawryluck para [0129]).
`HoweverHawryluckdoes not teach beam number.
`Ki kuchiteaches beam number (interpreted as On the receiving side, a beam power detection
`section4 measuresthe power ofthe output from each ofthe beamformers3-1 to 3-M and notifiesa
`beam output selecting/combining section 5 ofeach reception power together with a beam number,
`see para [0007]).
`It would have been obvious to one ofordinarys kill in the art to combine the beam system
`ta ught by Hawryluckwith the beam number taught by Kikuchi since it is knownin the a rt of
`com munications to use beam numbers to identify/differentiate beams.
`Application/Control Number: 14/630,210
`Art Unit: 2461
`Any inquiry concerning this communication orearliercommunications from the examiner
`s hould be directed to OMER S MIAN whose telephone number is (571)270-7524. The examinercan
`normally be reached on M,Th:10a-9p,Tu,W:930a-530p, F2930a-1130a.
`If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone a re unsuccessful, the examiner's su pervisor, Huy
`D Vu ca n be reached on 571-272-3155. Thefax phone numberforthe orga nizationwhere this
`a pplication or proceedingis assigned is 571-273-8300.
`Information regarding the status ofa n application may be obtained fromthe PatentApplication
`Information Retrieval (PAIR) system. Status information for published applications may be obtained
`from either Private PAIRor Public PAIR. Status information for un pu blished a pplications is available
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`Service Representative oraccess to the automated information system, call 800-786-9199 (IN USA OR
`Exa miner, Art Unit 2461
`Primary Examiner, Art Unit 2461