
`MUK Mimi mmmm <19}
`ME 27% m WA
`(43) Date of A Puhiicea‘cion 21.99.3934
`"A Appiicatian Na 83953753
`(22) Date of Fifing mmasaa
`"13 ..: Appiicantiss}
`MEIR Lfimitad
`(513 ENT :15
`Am ma . 325.5 21132;
`UK CE. {Editifln M}
`€58) Dacumams Cited
`Fieid a!“ Seamh
`UK CL {Editisn L ; A58 REY, m2, 365‘ MP
`mm CL5 mam, mm , 325.3 ,GW
`gamma magma: WP:
`E ,_._____,.._.__,.,,m.m.............WW
`(74} Agent and/0r Addmas é‘cr Sawica
`Mawbwn 55%;
`“(ark Heme, 23 Kingsway, LGNMBN, WW3 6H2
`Unitas Kingdsm
`fiacsrparated in the United Kisagdam)
`Waiwmh 3636: MDGVER Ham SW3 5%
`United Magda”!
`Universfiy 0? Leicester
`fincerpurafied in the: United Kingdom}
`University Quad, LEéfiES‘E’ER, LE1 ma,
`Uaited Kiagdom
`fimathy ’Paaa? £26395
`59hr: Lees
`Peter Ciifi‘ Wifiian
`nerek Farina;
`(54} $933th far Eabmamry afiimais
`{E7} The 5303mm (1) is pmvided with one 0r mam stnrage bins (9) farming part 0f me exterim a? tines £3933th
`('5 L the bins being issiated fmm {he interim of the iaciatar by openabie iids {12) arad fmm the exteriur by
`upenabfie dams (14). Any items inside the stcrage bins may be manipuiaied by gieves <8; and sfleeves {4}
`pravided Era the frcnt waif a? the 5302mm Cages (3) for Musing the animass are afisc: pmvided,
`At ieast cna drawing Originaiiy flied was lnfmmai and the mint repmducad fiara is taken fmm a Eater fimd fermai came


`This inventien relates ta an iealatar to be usafi
`for the isslatien 0f laberatery animals fer use in medical
`and pharmaceutical research and the like“
`Iselaters fer laberatery animals are wellwknown
`and are used to previde a nanniefective envirenment fer the
`animals by iselatien and previsien ef a filtered air susply,
`as requirefi for meaningful experimentation“
`These isolaters are generally made 0f clear
`flexible PVC film material formed t0 erovide a sealed
`envelepe¢ This envelaee is suspended frem a metal framewerk
`and carries sleeves and gleves prajeeting inte the isolater
`whereby precedures may be carried out within flee iselater.
`The intarier Of the iselater may be held at
`pressures higher as lewer than atmespheric, aceerding to the
`nature of the werk in hand.
`Animals contained within an iselator are generally
`held in ca es meunted on the back wall. Manipulative
`sleeves and gleves preject through the frent of the iselator
`late a gap between the frent anfi the cages. This gap must
`be kept free 0f obstructien to allaw manipulation 0f the
`animals and equipment, This leads ta a lack of sterage
`space in which to keep sterilized food, bedding and the


`the iaeiatihg requirement 0f the
`iselater leads t0 difficulty in intreducihg bulky feed and
`bedding into the iamlaters withhut breach 0f the ieelater
`Te date this has been achieved by a leek
`Chamber ceneietihg hf a length ef tube sticking in from the
`front well, each enfl ef the tube being remevably cevered.
`This ie rather inconvenient, has very limited (if any)
`storage capacity, and eeeubiee space in the free veiume ef
`the ieelater which ceuld better be utilized fer
`The breeeht inventien addressee theee prehieme,
`in the preeeht iaoieter the fleer of the ieelater
`is at least partially replacefl by eterege bihe having lide.
`When the lids are closed,
`they are generally flush with the
`fieer. Therefere when the iide are eleeed the interier ef
`the isolator has the same fleer Shame available he in
`traditibhal isolatere.
`The bihe may run along the length Qf
`the eage and to a dehth campatibie with the reaeh of the
`gloves and ea opening the lies gives aeeeee te a
`canaiderahie eterage velume,
`ieelatexe have been made with the
`eaveiepe farming a eemhlete “bubble“ including the fleet of
`the ieeiater. Thie weuid make the eenetruetieh 0f the
`fieerwmhuhtefi bins impractieai.
`The invention therefere
`embraces the eanetruatien ef the fleet aha eterage bias as
`a ehewbieee basemtray far example ih glaaewreinfercefi


`plastic so that a smooth, radiused, easily cleaneble
`interiet is preeented“
`An envelepe, or cemepy, consisting
`0f the ceiling and eifie walls at the isolator is then sealed
`gaemtight t0 the edge at the beeewtrey by wrapping the
`eenepy areune e lengitndinel peripheral flange meulfied es
`part of the besewtrey.
`It is then secured by a eentinueus
`Umeheped preerietery strip pressed ever canopy and flange.
`It is a further abject 0f the present inventien to
`provide a meene fer intredueing supplies of feed, bedding
`end equipment into the isolator. Thle is achieved by
`yrsviding doors in the besemtray to ellew cemmunieetion
`between the outside 0f the iseletet and the sterege bine‘
`The sterage bins are new previded with deere fer
`cemmunieetien with the exterior and lide for cemmunieatlen
`with the interior. Thie allews the sterege bins also t0
`function ee leek Chambers.
`In Greer t0 better leelete the
`interior ef the ieelater,
`the aware and lids sheuld
`ereferebly clese te farm a geewtight seal~
`In a further embediment 0f the inventien,
`are baskets previded fer intredueing items into the
`The storage bins may then be farmed t0 be of a
`depth toe great for their bettems te be accessible by the
`A basket containing the items ie new placed in a
`eterage bin.
`The tag ef the basket may be reachee by the
`glevee and so the basket may be liftee inte the isolater
`wherein the contents ef the basket may be removed.


`A preferred embediment of the greeent inventien
`will new be deecribed with reference tn the drewinge.
`Fig l is a partial vertical eectien ef a preferrefi
`embodiment of the present inventien‘
`Fig 1 shows an ieelafior 1 having a canepy 2
`eealed at its bottem ta a beeemtrey 8 by a Uweectien
`preprietary seal 10.
`The iealeter centeine one er mere cages 3 fer
`hanging animeleu
`Sleeves 4 and glovee 6 eealed t0 apertures im a
`frent well 0f the canopy 2 projeet into e space between the
`cages 3 and the frent cf the canegy.
`The beeemtrey 8 previdee e flaex for the ieeleter
`and includes several eterege bins 9 which are paeitianed
`a": U“!
`belew the fleer,
`in the gag between fihe sages 3 and canepy
`Each eterege bin 9 is previded with a first
`epenimg 13 at its tap which is eloseeble in a geewtight
`sealing manner by a lid 12 which when in paeitien lies
`generally flush with the flea: of the ismletor. Thie firet
`epening 13 allows cemennicafiian between the eterege bin g
`and the interim: cf the ieelater.
`Furthermore, a side wall cf each eterege bin 9 is
`provided with a eecend epening 15 which is cleeeeble in e
`geemtight sealing manner by e dear 14. Thie eecend agening
`15 ellewe eemmunicatian between the sterege bin 9 and the


`exterior of the isolator.
`In a first preferred embmdiment of the invention,
`the arrangement is such that glevee 6 and sleeves 4 allew
`the manipulator te reach part ef the eterege bin 9.
`in a modificatien,
`there is a basket provided in
`the eterege bin 9,
`this basket being leadeble via the second
`epening 15 ané having its tap at handle manipulable by the
`glevee 6 and sleevee 4.
`in such an arrangement the bottem
`0f the bin neefl not be directly accessible t0 the
`The invention is further directed t0 e methed Gf
`ieeletienelly moving One at mere iteme intQ at out cf the
`After making sure that the lid 12 is cleeed,
`Gear 14 ie Opened.
`items are introduced into the eterege bin 9 via
`the first epening 15‘
`They may be sterilized by treatment
`befere er after being SO intreduaefl.
`The door 14 is closed
`end, if necessary after a delay to eneure Sterilizatien,
`lie 12 can be epened and the items used“
`The teatime is
`reversed to dieeharge items frem the isolateri
`The above method may be adapted fer use in the
`modificatien of the apperetue by intreducing the items into
`the basket in the eterage bin 9, Q: by intrefiucing e
`preleefied basket into the bin through the epening 15.


`f“3’ Pi Kas
`An ieelater having an eneleaed interim: including
`a haeewtray part ef which is a eterage bin, said storage bin
`farming part 0f the exaerier 0f the ieelater, said ataxage
`bin having an apening inte the interier 0f the iealater and
`having clasure means fer separating the storage bin from
`the interier.
`An ieelater aaearding to claim 1 wherein the
`eleaure means gravide gaewtight iaalatien ef the storage bin
`frem the interier.
`An ieelater aeeerding to claim 1 er claim 2
`wherein the eterage bin ineludee a eeeend apening which is
`ta the exteriar 9f the ieelater, aaid Second epening
`having eecend eleeure means for separating the Storage bin
`from the exterior.
`An iaelater aeearding ta Claim 3 wherein the
`aeeend closure means gravide gaemtight iaelatian ef the
`storage bin free the exteriar.
`An isolater aeeeréing to any ene of the preceding
`Claims and having a manipulate: operable from the exterier,
`said manipulate: being prejectahle inth the etarage bin.
`An iealater aeeerfiing t0 any ene 0f the preceding
`claims with a caneey having generally vertical walls and a
`the haeewtray being a discrete entity sealed ta the
`bettem of the walls.


`An ismlator accarding to Claim 6 wherein the
`canapy and the clasuta maans are generally trangparent.
`A method far isclatianally moving one or more
`abjects into an isolator, said ismlatgr having an enclcged
`intatiar including:
`a basewttay, part 0f which is a starage bin
`forming yart of the exterior of the iselator;
`a claseable lid in ardet ta iselate the storage
`bin from the intetiar; and
`a cleaaable flag: in Drder ta isalate the starage
`him from the extaricr:
`said methafl having stepa including,
`in orfier:
`Clcsing the lid
`opening the door
`introfiucin said abjects intc the Starage bin item
`the Exteriat
`clasing the dam:
`Qpaning the lid, and waving ane at more of the
`abjaats upwardly inta the igalatar.
`A methmd fer isolatianally waving fine or more
`objects Gut 0f an iselator, said iselator having an enclasafi
`interim: inaludinV:
`a basewtray, tart Qf which is a storage bin
`farming part of the axtericr Gf the isalatar;
`a closeable lid in arder t0 isalate the storage
`bin from the interior; and


`a clcseable door in arder ta isalate the starage
`fram the exterier;
`said methafi having Etaps including,
`in arder:
`clmsing the dear
`opening the lid
`intraducing said abject$ intc the sterage bin
`dawnwards fram the intariar
`closing the lid
`ayening the daor ané removing the abjects from the
`Sterage him.
`An isalatar Substantially as herein deacribefi with
`reference ta the drawings.


`vatenm Act “53??
`Examiner‘s mam": m tha Sampfimiier under
`fiec‘tmn $2? {Tha fieamh Repair?)
`".55 ,_
`’ Search Ewing?
`Awiicatian number
`GB 93053?5.9
`(DUK CHEditim L
`AER. (Rm; 54g;
`(u) Sm C3 {Edmun
`; mm” Aém’ E2
`§J G21?
`flafiabasas {$98 ever}
`{E} Lax Patent Gfiice
`g Sam «:2? Search
`25 AHGUST 1993
`Becumems cansflderad rafievam fcifiawéng a march in regpem a? ciaims
`(3% (war;
`Edefimy a? dacumant and re§avant Qafisages
`Refleth m
`(3331 m d039§WfM86M .........................


`ta mam!“
`mmgmieg a? mam H H
`X: fincumgm indicaténg :an cg? neveity 9r 9f
`invamive stag.
`Y: flagumam imficating Rack :3? inventive step if
`cambmafi with me 92' mare mmr dacumanig <3? tha
`wme categery.
`A: Emcumem undacatmg technamgmai baskgmund
`andiar state a? mg mg
`P: flesumam pubiishm an m after the dammed
`priarfiw data but bafara the fiiing data a? the
`praswt agpiicafinm
`E: Patent dscument gubiished an a: after, but wath
`primiw data mriier than, the fifing fiate bf the
`mawnt ggmimmn.
`&. Mamba a? ma sama patent amsiy,
`mrmgmnding fincumant.
`fiatabamg: The UK Patent Qffiaa ambafie cammfisag aiass‘éfiad mfiflwigm 9f 63, EP, WQ mad US
`331%: smcifimfiam as maimed parindiaaiiy in the Qffic‘iai Jaumai Wammé. “rm mama éatabasess
`”msmema far march ma aim Eistad narifidicaéw in tha Qf‘ficmi éaumai iPmamgL

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