Docket No.: 092122-0040
`In re Application of
`Customer Number: 20277
`Koichi KOBAYASHI et al.
`Confirmation Number: 4429
`Application No.: 14/666,231
`Group Art Unit: 1799
`Filed: March 23, 2015
`Examiner: N. A. Bowers
`Mail Stop Appeal Brief
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313—1450
`This Appeal Brief is submitted in support of the Notice of Appeal filed on June 21, 2017,
`wherein Appellant appeals from the Primary Examiner’s rejection of claims 1-15 in the Office
`Action dated April 19, 2017.
`Real Parfl In Interest
`This application is assigned to PANASONIC HEALTHCARE HOLDINGS CO., LTD.
`See, the assignments recorded on March 23, 2015, at Reel 035235, Frame 0368.
`Related Appeals and Interferences
`To the best of Appellant’s and Appellant’s representatives’ knowledge, there are no
`related appeals or interferences (see, Related Proceedings Appendix).
`DM~US 84478285-10921220040


`Application No.: 14/666,231
`Summagy of Claimed Subject Matter
`Independent claim 1 is directed to an isolator system (e.g., 100). FIG. 1, page 5, lines 3-7
`ofthe specification as originallyfiled. The isolator system includes a main body case (e. g., 110)
`including a substantially box-shaped work space isolated from its surroundings. FIGS. 1 and 2,
`page 6, lines 14-16 and page 24, lines 6—10 ofthe specification. The isolator system includes a
`spray device (e.g., 140) configured to spray a sterilizing mist from a nozzle mounted within the
`main body case, and the sterilizing mist is obtained by converting a sterilizing liquid into mist.
`FIGS. 1, 2 and 4, page 7, lines 9-13 ofthe specification. The isolator system includes a diffusion
`fan (e. g., 190) mounted within the main body case to diffuse the sterilizing mist. FIGS. 5, 7, 9
`and 10, page 15, line 20 to page 16, line 12 of the specification. The isolator system includes a
`control device (e. g., 160) configured to control operations of the spray device and the diffusion
`fan. FIGS. 10 and 1], page 16, line 13 to page 17, line 8 ofthe specification.
`The spray device is configured to spray the sterilizing mist when spraying. FIG. 11, page
`17, lines 10-16 of the specification.
`The control device is configured to control the diffusion fan to intermittently operate
`during a spray process of the spray device, and to continuously operate from an end of the spray
`process of the spray device. FIG. 1] and page 17, line 18 to page 20, line I ofthe Specification.
`Independent claim 7 is directed to an isolator system (e.g., 100). FIG. 1, page 5, lines 3—7
`of the specification as originallyfiled. The isolator system includes a main body case (e. g., 110)
`including a substantially box—shaped work space isolated from its surroundings. FIGS. I and 2,
`page 6, lines 14—] 6 and page 24, lines 6—] 0 ofthe specification. The isolator system includes a
`spray device (e. g., 140) configured to spray a sterilizing mist from a nozzle mounted within the
`DM_US 84478285-10921220040


`Application No.: 14/666,231
`main body case, and the sterilizing mist is obtained by converting a sterilizing liquid into mist.
`FIGS. I, 2 and 4, page 7, lines 9-13 ofthe specification. The isolator system includes an air
`conditioning device (e.g., 150) provided outside the main body case, and the air conditioning
`device is configured to perform air conditioning in an interior thereof. FIGS. I and 4, page 7,
`lines 14 to I 6 ofthe specification. The isolator system includes a first diffusion fan (e. g., 190)
`mounted within the main body case to diffuse the sterilizing mist. FIGS. 5, 7, 9 and 10, page 15,
`line 20 to page I 6, line 12 ofthe specification. The isolator system includes a control device
`(e.g., 160) configured to control operations of the spray device and the first diffusion fan. FIGS.
`IO and 1], page 16, line 13 to page I 7, line 8 ofthe specification.
`The spray device is configured to spray the sterilizing mist when spraying. FIG. 11, page
`17, lines 10-16 of the specification.
`The control device is configured to cause the first diffusion fan to intermittently operate
`while the spray device is spraying. FIG. I I and page I 7, line 18 to page 20, line I ofthe
`DM_US 844782854 092.122.0040


`Application N0.: 14/666,231
`Grounds of Rejections to Be Reviewed On Aeral
`Claims 1, 4 and 5 were rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Yokoi
`(US 2010/0189607) in View of Ortner (US 2012/0040600) and further in View of Baker (US
`Claims 2, 3 and 6 were rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Yokoi
`in View of Ortner and Baker, and further in View of McVey (2005/0084415).
`Claim 7 was rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Yokoi in View of
`Ortner and Baker, and further in View of Fanning (US 2010/0062522).
`Claims 8—1 5 were rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Yokoi in
`View of Ortner and Baker, Farming and McVey.
`DM_US 844782854 09212210040


`Application No.: 14/666,231
`1. Claims 1 and 7 are patentable over the cited references, because the cited references fail
`to disclose the claimed features and the Examiner improperly connects the alleged
`intermittent fan operation with the alleged spry operation, Without any factual or technical
`Appellant submits that, at a minimum, none of the cited references disclose or suggest
`that “the control device is configured to control the diffusion fan to intermittently operate during
`a spray process of the spray device, and to continuously operate from an end ofthe spray
`process of the spray device,” as recited by claim 1, and “the control device is configured to cause
`thefirst diffusion fan to intermittently operate while the spray device is spraying,” as recited by
`claim 7.
`The Examiner conceded that Yokoi (and Ortner) fails to disclose that the control device is
`configured to operate the fan intermittently during the spray process (see, page 4 of the final
`Office Action dated April 19, 2017), and relied on Baker to cure the deficiencies of Yokoi. The
`Examiner asserted that Baker discloses that the fan may be operated continuously or
`intermittently at any given time.
`However, Baker does not disclose that the fan may be operated continuously or
`intermittently at any given time. Paragraph [0054] of Baker discloses that “[f]an assembly 23
`may be operated on a continuous basis or intermittently in a variety of predetermined patterns,
`which may be related to the opening and closing of door 5, especially to help recover the internal
`temperature and the CO”; and humidity levels after the door has been opened and closed”
`(emphasis added). Baker does po_t disclose a continuous fan operation and/or an intermittent fan
`operation are performed at any time. In particular, Baker does not disclose anything about
`relationship between a spray operation and an intermittent operation of the fan assembly 23.
`DM_US 844782854 0921220040


`Application No.: 14/666,231
`Rather, only the present specification discloses that the fan is intermittently operated during the
`spray process.
`Accordingly, even if, arguendo, Baker was combined with Yokoi, one of ordinary skill in
`the art would very likely employ Baker’s fan operation to Yokoi in response to door opening,
`without referring to the present application, which is not allowed.
`In the Advisory Action dated June 2, 2017, the Examiner asserted as follows:
`However, Baker teaches in at least paragraph [0054] that a fan may be operated
`continuously or intermittently at any given time ("Fan assembly 23 may be
`operated on a continuous basis or intermittently in a variety of predetermined
`patterns"). Using this general knowledge, one of ordinary skill would have found it
`obvious to operate the Yokoi fan so that at any necessary point in time, the fan is
`continuously or intermittently activated. (emphasis added)
`However, as set forth above, the Examiner’s assertion “at any necessary point in time”
`has no basis.
`Rather, what is missing in the cited references is when (or in relation to which ope_ration)
`the intermittent operation is performed and the continuous operation is performed. Pending
`claims 1 and 7 recite that the diffusion fan is controlled to intermittently operate during a spray
`process of the spray device (claims 1 and 7) and to continuously operate from an end of the spray
`process of the spray device (claim 1).
`The Examiner failed to explain why “any necessary point in time” would necessarily
`corresponds to the spray timing in the combination of the cited references. Yokoi does not
`disclose anything about intermittent operations and thus fails to disclose a timing of the
`intermittent operation. Baker expressly discloses that an intermittent operation and a continuous
`operation can be scheduled in response to opening and closing the door. Accordingly, even if
`Baker was combinable with Yokoi, the claimed timing would not have been realized unless the
`present application is referred to. In this regard, the Examiner failed to provide any basis as to
`DM_US 84478285—10921220040


`Application No.: 14/666,231
`why one of ordinary skill in the art who reviews “only” Yokoi and Baker would necessarily
`modify the combination of Yokoi and Baker to arrive at the claimed operation timings. In
`particular, there is no disclosure or suggestion to connect the end timing of the splaying
`operation and the start of the intermittent fan operation (see, claim 1).
`In addition, with the claimed fan/spray operations, since the sterilizing mist is not
`continuously sprayed to the inner wall surface of the isolator and thus the inner wall surface is
`intermittently brought into contact with the gas, it is possible to restrain the particulates of the
`sterilizing liquid, which is produced by adhesion of the sterilizing mist to the inner wall surface
`of the isolator, from growing into large droplets, and thus it is possible to reduce a period of time
`required for evaporating the droplets of the sterilizing mist. See, for example, page 24, line 5 to
`page 36, line 5 of the specification as originally filed. These advantageous effects cannot be
`expected from Yokoi and Baker.
`Further, the alleged fan 48 of Yokoi is not the claimed diffusion fan mounted within the
`main body case to diffuse the sterilizing mist. The fan 48 merely supply a sterilizing material
`(gas) to a sterilizing chamber 40, and thus the fan 48 does not diffuse the sterilizing mist which is
`introduced into the sterilizing chamber.
`Ortner, Farming and McVey fail to cure the deficiencies of Yokoi and Baker.
`As set forth above, the Examiner erroneously combine Yokoi and Baker to arrive at the
`claimed subject matter without any factual or technical basis. Based on the foregoing, Appellant
`respectfully request that the Board reverse the Examiner’s rejection of claims 1 and 7 under 35
`U.S.C. § 103.
`DM_US 844782854 0921220040


`Application No.: 14/666,231
`2. All dependent claims are patentable over the cited references.
`Under Federal Circuit guidelines, a dependent claim is nonobvious if the independent
`claim upon which it depends is allowable because all the limitations of the independent claim are
`contained in the dependent claims, Hartness International Inc. v. Simplimatic Engineering Co,
`819 F.2d at 1100, 1108 (Fed. Cir. 1987). Accordingly, as independent claims 1 and 7 are
`patentable for at least the reasons set forth above, it is respectfully submitted that all claims
`dependent thereon are also patentable over the cited references. Thus, Appellant respectfiilly
`requests that the Board reverse the rejections of the remaining dependent claims under 35 U.S.C.
`DM_US 84478285-1109212210040


`Application N0.: 14/666,231
`For all of the foregoing reasons, Appellant respectfully submits that the grounds of
`rejection of the claims on appeal are in error and should be reversed.
`Respectfully submitted,
`% T
`akashi Saito
`Registration No. 69,536
`Please recognize our Customer No. 20277
`as our correspondence address.
`500 North Capitol Street, NW.
`Washington, DC 20001-1531
`Phone: 202.756.8244 TS
`Facsimile: 202.756.8087
`Date: September 1, 2017
`DM_US 84478285-1 0921220040


`Application No.: 14/666,231
`1. An isolator system comprising:
`a main body case including a substantially boxushaped work space isolated from its
`a spray device configured to spray a sterilizing mist from a nozzle mounted within the
`main body case, the sterilizing mist being obtained by converting a sterilizing liquid into mist;
`a diffusion fan mounted within the main body case to diffuse the sterilizing mist; and
`a control device configured to control operations of the spray device and the diffusion
`fan, wherein:
`the spray device is configured to spray the sterilizing mist when spraying, and
`the control device is configured to control the diffusion fan to intermittently operate
`during a spray process of the spray device, and to continuously operate from an end of the spray
`process of the spray device.
`2. The isolator system according to claim 1, wherein
`the spray device is configured to spray the sterilizing mist, obtained by converting the
`sterilizing liquid into mist, substantially diagonally from the nozzle mounted on one of left and
`right sides in an upper portion on one of front and back sides within the main body case, toward
`another of the left and right sides in a lower portion on another of the front and back sides.
`3. The isolator system according to claim 1, wherein:
`the spray device includes a water suction tube through which the sterilizing liquid is
`suctioned, a liquid delivery device configured to adjust a flow rate of the sterilizing liquid to be
`suctioned, the nozzle configured to convert the suctioned sterilizing liquid into mist, and a
`compressor configured to deliver air into the nozzle and cause the sterilizing liquid to be sprayed
`from the nozzle, and
`a flow rate in the liquid delivery device is set lower than a flow rate of the sterilizing
`liquid drawn into the nozzle by creation of a negative pressure within the nozzle through delivery
`of air with the compressor, so that the spray device intermittently sprays the sterilizing mist.
`4. The isolator system according to claim 1, wherein:
`DM_US 844782854 0921220040


`Application N0.: 14/666,231
`the control device is configured to perform control so that the spray device intermittently
`performs a spray process of spraying the sterilizing mist, and
`the control device is configured to control the spray device to intermittently spray the
`sterilizing mist during the spray process.
`5. The isolator system according to claim 1, further comprising:
`an intake device configured to take gas into the main body case through an inlet provided
`in an upper portion of the main body case; and
`a discharge device configured to discharge gas from an interior of the main body case
`through an outlet provided in the upper portion of the main boy case,
`wherein a pressure within the main body case is released from at least one of the inlet and
`the outlet during the spray process of the spray device.
`6. The isolator system according to claim 1, wherein:
`at least two diffusion fans whose airflow directions are different from each other are
`provided, and
`the control device is configured to cause the at least two of the diffusion fans to operate
`in an alternate manner during the spray process of the spray device.
`7. An isolator system comprising:
`a main body case including a substantially box-shaped work space isolated from its
`a spray device configured to spray a sterilizing mist from a nozzle mounted within the
`main body case, the sterilizing mist being obtained by converting a sterilizing liquid into mist;
`an air conditioning device provided outside the main body case, the air conditioning
`device being configured to perform air conditioning in an interior thereof;
`a first diffusion fan mounted within the main body case to diffuse the sterilizing mist; and
`a control device configured to control operations of the spray device and the first
`diffusion fan, wherein:
`the spray device is configured to spray the sterilizing mist when spraying, and
`DM_US 844782854 0921220040


`Application N0.: 14/666,231
`the control device is configured to cause the first diffusion fan to intermittently operate
`while the spray device is spraying.
`8. The isolator system according to claim 7, further comprising, within the main body
`a second diffusion fan whose airflow direction is different from an airflow direction of
`the first diffusion fan,
`wherein the control device is configured to cause each of the first and the second
`diffusion fans to operate intermittently while the spray device is spraying.
`9. The isolator system according to claim 8, wherein
`the control device is configured to cause the first and the second diffusion fans to operate
`in an alternate manner while the spray device is spraying.
`10. The isolator system according to claim 9, wherein
`the control device is configured to, while the spray device is spraying,
`stop an operation of the second diffusion fan when the first diffusion fan is
`operating, and
`stop an operation of the first diffusion fan when the second diffusion fan is
`11. The isolator system according to claim 10, wherein
`the control device is configured to, while the spray device is spraying, cause each
`operating time of the first and the second diffusion fans to be shorter than a stop time.
`12. The isolator system according to claim 7, wherein:
`the first diffusion fan is configured to blow air from one of left and right sides to another
`side within the main body case, and
`the second diffusion fan is configured to blow air from an upper side to a lower side
`within the main body case.
`DM_US 844782854 0921220040


`Application No.: 14/666,231
`13. The isolator system according to claim 12, wherein:
`the spray device is configured to spray the sterilizing mist substantially diagonally from
`the nozzle mounted on one of left and right sides in an upper portion on one of front and back
`sides within the main body case toward another of the left and right sides in a lower portion on
`another of the front and back sides, and
`the second diffusion fan is configured to blow air from an upper portion on the other of
`left and right sides to a lower portion on a front surface side within the main body case.
`14. The isolator system according to claim 13, wherein:
`the spray device includes a water suction tube through which the sterilizing liquid is
`suctioned, a liquid delivery device configured to adjust a flow rate of the sterilizing liquid to be
`suctioned, the nozzle configured to spray the suctioned sterilizing liquid, and a compressor
`configured to deliver air into the nozzle and cause the sterilizing liquid in a mist form to be
`sprayed from the nozzle, and
`a flow rate in the liquid delivery device is set lower than a flow rate of the sterilizing
`liquid drawn into the nozzle by creation of a negative pressure within the nozzle through delivery
`of air with the compressor, so that the spray device intermittently sprays the sterilizing mist.
`15. The isolator system according to claim 14, further comprising:
`an intake device configured to take gas into the main body case through an inlet provided
`in an upper portion of the main body case; and
`a discharge device configured to discharge gas from an interior of the main body case
`through an outlet provided in the upper portion of the main boy case,
`wherein a pressure within the main body case is released from at least one of the inlet and
`the outlet, while the spray device is spraying.
`DM_US 84478285—1 0921220040


`Application N0.: 14/666,231
`DMWUS 84478285—10921220040


`Application No.1 14/666,231
`DMWUS 84478285-1 40921220040
`- 15 _

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