`Amendment Dated Qc‘tober 3, 2016
`Repiy to Office Action of Euiy 5, 2016
`Amendments to the Ciaims:
`This iisting of ciairns wiii repiace aii prior versions and iistings of ciairns in the
`Listing of Ciaims:
`1. _ 11.
`(Currently Amended) A deposition method for a deposition apparatus which
`comprises a vacuum chamber, a hoiding part which hoids a base member in the vacuum
`chamber, an evaporation source which has a principai surface inciined with respect to a
`principai surface of the base member which is heid, and hoids a deposition materiai, and an
`angie correcting member which is provided so as to cover an upper space of the principai
`surface of the base member, and is provided outside a spetiai region which is encompassed by
`iine segments which connect a periphery of the principai surface of the evaporation source and
`a periphery of” the principai surface oi the base member, wherein
`the principai surface of the base member, the principai surface of the evaporation source
`and a principai surface facing the base member, of the angie correcting member, extend to a
`depth direction in a case of viewing from a front of the vacuum chamber,
`when an arbitrary point on the principai surface or the base member is denoted by a first
`point and at ieast a center point on the principei surface of the evaporation source is denoted
`by a second point in a case of viewing from the front of the vacuum chamber,
`reguiating a direction from which the deposition materiai fiies over with respect to the
`base member by using the angie correcting member in which at ieast a part of the principai
`surface of the angie correcting member exists on a hoe which forms 45° from the first point
`with respect to a iine which connects the first point and the second point, and another part of
`the principai surface of the angle correcting member extends to a side opposite to the
`evaporation source, and wherein
`the angie correcting member is movabie with respect to the base member during
`deposition, and
`Page 2 of 7
`Aopiication No: 14/007i681
`Amendment Dated October 3, 2016
`Repiy to Office Action of Juiy 5, 2016
`performing deposition whiie Changing an incident angie distribution of an evaporation
` . gerforrning deeosition based on a
`member is Jositioned at. a first position and
`different from the first Qgeitiofl.
`16. {Cenoeiied}
`(New) The deposition method according to cieim 12, wherein in e ceee where the
`anode correcting member is moved to the second position,
`the angie correcting member is
`moved in a direction going away from the evaporation source.
`(New) The deposition method according to ciaim 12, wherein a deposition time is
`adjusted at the first position and the second position, reepectiveiy.
`(New) The deposition method according to eiaim 12, wherein the base memher is
`a Soiid object, and the deposition ie performed on the soiiti object.
`(New) The deposition method according to ciaim 12, wherein the deposition is
`performed on different feces of the haee mernher,
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