`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`22 July 2010 (22.07.2010) (10) International Publication Number
`(43) International Publication Date
`WO 2010/081559 A1
`International Patent Classification:
`F21S 4/00 (2006.01)
`F21Y 101/02 (2006.01)
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`20 January 2009 (20.01.2009)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`16 January 2009 (16.01.2009)
`Applicant O’or all designated States except US): UNIT-
`LIMITED [i/CN]; 6/F, Photonics Centre, 2 Science
`Park East Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin,
`Hong Kong (SAR) (CN).
`Inventors; and
`19 Kent Road,
`LO, Paul
`Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong (CN). LO, Teddy Yeung
`Man [GB/CN]; 19 Kent Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong
`Kong (CN).
`rbinian Kopf, Elisenhof, Elisenstr. 3, 80335 Munich
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind ofnational protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, DZ,
`EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN,
`HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR,
`KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO,
`NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG,
`SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA,
`UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ,
`TM), European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE,
`ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV,
`MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR),
`MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`with international search report (Art. 21(3))
`Fig. 18
`(57) Abstract: An integrally formed single piece light emitting diode (LED) light wire that provides a smooth, uniform lighting
`effect from all directions of the LED light wire. The integrally formed single piece LED light wire includes a support substrate, a
`conductive base formed on the support substrate, the conductive bus comprising a plurality of conductive bus elements (30, 32,
`33, 34), at least one conductive segment (31) arranged between the plurality of conductive bus elements (30, 32), the at least one
`conductive segment comprising at least one LED (202). The integrally formed single piece LED light wire may include built—in
`sensors/detectors (100) and/or a plurality of LED modules (2120) with individually controlled LEDs via microprocessors, The in-
`tegrally formed single piece LED light wire may also include an interlocking alignment system which permits the coupling of at
`least two LED light wires. Further, a plurality of the integrally formed single piece LED light wires may create a lighting panel.
`WO 2010/081559
`[0001] This PCT application claims priority to US. Serial No. 12/355,655, filed January
`16, 2009, which is a continuation-in-part of US. Serial No. 11/854,145, filed September
`12, 2007, which claims priority to US. Provisional Patent Application Serial No.
`60/844,184, filed September 12, 2006, the entirety of which is incorporated herein by
`[0002] Throughout this application, several publications are referenced. Disclosure of
`these references in their entirety is hereby incorporated by reference into this
`[0003] The present invention relates to light wires and, more specifically, an integrally
`formed single piece of light wire containing light emitting diodes (“LEDs”), and the uses
`of such LED light wire, wherein the LEDs and associated circuitry of the LED light wire
`are protected from mechanical damage and environmental hazards, such as water and
`[0004] Conventional incandescent or LED light wires are commonly used in a variety of
`indoor and outdoor decorative or ornamental lighting applications. For example, such
`conventional light wires are used to create festive holiday signs, outline architectural
`structures such as buildings or harbors, and provide under-car lighting systems. These
`light wires are also used as emergency lighting aids to increase visibility and
`communication at night or when conditions, such as power outages, water immersion
`and smoke caused by fires and chemical fog, render normal ambient lighting insufficient
`for visibility.
`WO 2010/081559
`[0005] Conventional LED light wires consume less power, exhibit a longer lifespan, are
`relatively inexpensive to manufacture, and are easier to install when compared to light
`tubes using incandescent light bulbs.
`Increasingly, LED light wires are used as viable
`replacements for neon light tubing.
`[0006] As illustrated in FIGURE 1, conventional light wire 100 consists of a plurality of
`illuminant devices 102, such as incandescent light bulbs or LEDs, connected together
`by a flexible wire 101 and encapsulated in a protective tube 103. A power source 105
`creates an electrical current
`that flows through the flexible wire 101 causing the
`illuminant devices 102 to illuminate and create an effect of an illuminated wire. The
`illuminant devices 102 are connected in series, parallel, or in combination thereof. Also,
`the illuminant devices 102 are connected with control electronics in such a way that
`illuminant devices 102 may be selectively switched on or off to create a
`combination of light patterns, such as strobe, flash, chase, or pulse.
`In conventional
`light wires,
`the protective tube 103 is traditionally a hollow,
`transparent or semi-transparent tube which houses the internal circuitry (e.g., illuminant
`devices 102; flexible wire 101). Since there is an air gap between the protective tube
`103 and internal circuitry, the protective tube 103 provides little protection for the light
`wire against mechanical damage due to excessive loads, such as the weight of
`machinery that is directly applied to the light wire. Furthermore, the protective tube 103
`does not sufficiently protect the internal circuitry from environmental hazards, such as
`water and dust. As a result, these conventional light wires 100 with protective tube 103
`are found unsuitable for outdoor use, especially when the light wires are exposed to
`extreme weather and/or mechanical abuse.
`In conventional light wires, wires, such as flexible wire 101, are used to connect
`the illuminant devices 102 together.
`In terms of manufacturing, these light wires are
`traditionally pre-assembled using soldering or crimp methods and then encapsulated via
`a conventional sheet or hard lamination process in protective tube 103.
`manufacturing processes are labor
`intensive and unreliable.
`Furthermore, such
`processes decrease the flexibility of the light wire.
`WO 2010/081559
`In response to the above-mentioned limitations associated with conventional
`light wires and the manufacture thereof, LED light strips have been developed with
`increased complexity and protection.
`These LED light strips consist of circuitry
`including a plurality of LEDs mounted on a support substrate containing a printed circuit
`and connected to two separate electrical conductors or bus elements. The LED circuitry
`and the electrical conductors are encapsulated in a protective encapsulant without
`internal voids (which includes gas bubbles) or impurities, and are connected to a power
`source. These LED light strips are manufactured by an automated system that includes
`a complex LED circuit assembly process and a soft lamination process. Examples of
`these LED light strips and the manufacture thereof are discussed in US. Patent Nos.
`5,848,837, 5,927,845 and 6,673,292, all entitled “lntegrally Formed Linear Light Strip
`With Light Emitting Diode”; US. Patent No. 6,113,248, entitled “Automated System For
`Manufacturing An LED Light Strip Having An lntegrally Formed Connected”; and US.
`Patent No. 6,673,277, entitled “Method of Manufacturing a Light Guide”.
`[0010] Although these LED light strips are better protected from mechanical damage
`and environmental hazards, these LED light strips only provide one-way light direction,
`and are limited to two separate bus elements in its internal LED circuitry. Also, the
`manufacturing of such LED light strips remains expensive and time-consuming since
`these LED light strips at least require a protective encapsulant free of internal voids and
`impurities, as well as crimping each LED connector pin to the internal LED circuitry.
`Further, the lamination process makes these LED light strips too rigid to bend.
`In light of the above, there exists a need to further improve the art. Specifically,
`there is a need for an improved integrally formed single piece LED light wire that is
`flexible and provides a smooth, uniform lighting effect from all directions of the integrally
`formed single piece LED light wire. Furthermore, there is also a need for an LED light
`wire with additional lighting functions which is manufactured by a low cost, time-efficient
`automated process.
`WO 2010/081559
`[0012] An integrally formed single piece LED light wire, comprising a support
`substrate; a conductive base formed on the support substrate,
`the conductive base
`comprising a first, second,
`third and fourth conductive bus elements; at
`least one
`conductor segment arranged between the first and second conductive bus elements,
`the at least one conductor segment comprising at least one LED; and at least one
`sensor coupled to the third and fourth conductive bus elements, the third conductive bus
`element is adapted to transmit signals from the at least one sensor, and the fourth
`conductive bus is adapted to provide power to the at least one sensor.
`[0013] According to an embodiment of the integrally formed single piece LED light
`wire, the second conductive bus element is a ground and the at least one sensor is
`additionally coupled to the second conductive bus element.
`[0014] According to an embodiment of the integrally formed single piece LED light
`includes an encapsulant completely encapsulating the support substrate,
`conductive base, the at least one conductor segment and the at least one sensor. The
`encapsulant may include light scattering particles.
`[0015] According to an embodiment of the integrally formed single piece LED light
`includes a plurality of conductor segments, wherein the plurality of conductor
`segments comprising a plurality of LEDs connected in series.
`[0016] According to an embodiment of the integrally formed single piece LED light
`includes a plurality of conductor segments, wherein the plurality of conductor
`segments comprises a plurality of LEDs connected in series and parallel.
`[0017] According to an embodiment of the integrally formed single piece LED light
`wire, the first, second, third and fourth conductive bus elements and the at least one
`conductor segment is made of braided wire.
`[0018] An integrally formed single piece LED light wire, comprising a support
`substrate; first and second conductive bus elements formed on the support substrate,
`wherein the first conductive bus element is adapted to distribute power from a power
`WO 2010/081559
`source, and the second conductive bus element is a ground; and at least two LED
`modules, each LED module comprising a microprocessor, at least one LED, power
`input and output connections, control signal
`input and output connections, and data
`input and output connections, wherein the control signal and data input connections of
`each LED module are coupled to the control signal and data output connections of an
`adjacent LED module, wherein the power input connection of a first LED module is
`coupled to the first conductive bus element, the power output connection of a second
`LED module is coupled to the second conductive bus element and the power input
`connections of every other LED module are coupled to the power output connections of
`adjacent LED modules.
`[0019] According to an embodiment of the integrally formed single piece LED light
`wire, at least one LED module includes a plurality of LEDs, wherein the plurality of LEDs
`are selected from the group consisting of red, blue, green, and white LEDs.
`[0020] According to an embodiment of the integrally formed single piece LED light
`apparatus, includes an encapsulant completely encapsulating the support substrate, the
`first and second conductive bus elements, and the at least two LED modules. The
`encapsulant may include light scattering particles.
`[0021] According to an embodiment of the integrally formed single piece LED light
`wire, the first and second conductive bus elements is made of braided wire.
`[0022] According to an embodiment of the integrally formed single piece LED light
`wire, the outer profile of the encapsulant comprises an alignment key and an alignment
`keyhole located at opposite sides of the integrally formed single piece LED light wire.
`[0023] A lighting panel comprising a plurality of the integrally formed single piece LED
`light wires described in this application.
`[0024] An integrally formed single piece LED light wire, comprising a support
`substrate; first and second conductive bus elements formed on the support substrate,
`wherein the first conductive bus element is adapted to distribute power from a power
`WO 2010/081559
`source, and the second conductive bus element is a ground; and at least two LED
`modules, each LED module comprising a microprocessor, at least one LED, power
`input and output connections. control signal
`input and output connections, and data
`input and output connections, wherein the control signal and data input connections of
`each LED module are coupled to the control signal and data output connections of an
`adjacent LED module, wherein the power input connection of each LED module is
`coupled to the first conductive bus element and the power output connection of each
`LED module is coupled to the second conductive bus element.
`[0025] For the purposes of illustrating the present invention, the drawings reflect a form
`which is presently preferred;
`it being understood however,
`that the invention is not
`limited to the precise form shown by the drawings in which:
`[0026] FIGURE 1 is a representation of a conventional light wire;
`[0027] FIGURE 2 is a top view illustrating an integrally formed single piece LED light
`wire according to an embodiment of the present invention;
`[0028] FIGURE 3 is a cross-sectional view of the integrally formed single piece LED
`light wire shown in FIGURE 2;
`[0029] FIGURE 4A is a side view of an integrally formed single piece LED light wire
`according to another embodiment of the present invention;
`[0030] FIGURE 48 is a top view of the integrally formed single piece LED light wire
`shown in FIGURE 48;
`[0031] FIGURE 5A is a cross-sectional view of the integrally formed single piece LED
`light wire shown in FIGURES 4A & 4B;
`[0032] FIGURE 58 is a cross-sectional view of an integrally formed single piece LED
`light wire according to another embodiment of the present invention;
`WO 2010/081559
`FIGURE 6A is an embodiment of a conductive base;
`FIGURE GB is a schematic diagram of the conductive base of FIGURE 6A;
`FIGURE 7A is another embodiment of a conductive base;
`FIGURE 78 is a schematic diagram of the conductive base of FIGURE 7A;
`FIGURE 8A is another embodiment of a conductive base;
`FIGURE 88 is a schematic diagram of the conductive base of FIGURE 8A;
`FIGURE 9A is another embodiment of a conductive base;
`FIGURE QB is a schematic diagram of the conductive base of FIGURE 9A;
`FIGURE 10A is another embodiment of a conductive base;
`FIGURE 1GB is a schematic diagram of the conductive base of FIGURE 10A;
`FIGURE 11A is another embodiment of a conductive base;
`FIGURE 11B is a schematic diagram of the conductive base of FIGURE 11A;
`FIGURE 11C depicts an embodiment of a conductive base wrapped on a core
`prior to encapsulation;
`FIGURE 12A depicts an embodiment of an LED mounting area of a conductive
`FIGURE 128 depicts an LED mounted on the LED mounting area shown in
`[0048] FIGURE 13 depicts LED chip bonding in another embodiment of an LED
`mounting area;
`WO 2010/081559
`[0049] FIGURE 14A depicts the optical properties of an integrally formed single piece
`LED light wire according to an embodiment of the present invention;
`[0050] FIGURE 14B depicts a cross-sectional view of a dome-shaped encapsulant and
`the optical properties thereof;
`[0051] FIGURE 14C depicts a cross-sectional view of a flat-top-shaped encapsulant
`and the optical properties thereof;
`[0052] FIGURES 15A-C depict a cross-sectional view of
`three different surface
`textures of the encapsulant;
`[0053] FIGURE 16A is a schematic diagram of an integrally formed single piece LED
`light wire according to an embodiment of the present invention;
`[0054] FIGURE 16B depicts an embodiment of the integrally formed single piece LED
`light wire shown in FIGURE 16A;
`[0055] FIGURE 160 is a block diagram illustrating the integrally formed single piece
`LED light wire shown in FIGURE 16B;
`[0056] FIGURE 17A is a block diagram of an integrally formed single piece LED light
`wire according to another embodiment of the present invention;
`[0057] FIGURE 178 is a cross-sectional view of the integrally formed single piece LED
`light wire shown in FIGURE 17A;
`[0058] FIGURE 170 is a block diagram illustrating an integrally formed single piece
`LED light wire according to an embodiment of the present invention;
`[0059] FIGURE 18 is a block diagram illustrating an integrally formed single piece LED
`light wire containing at least a sensor or detector according to an embodiment of the
`present invention;
`WO 2010/081559
`[0060] FIGURE 19A is a schematic diagram of a full color integrally formed single
`piece LED light wire according to an embodiment of the present invention;
`[0061] FIGURE 198 is a block diagram illustrating an embodiment of the integrally
`formed single piece LED light wire shown in FIGURE 19A;
`[0062] FIGURE 20 is a schematic diagram of a control circuit for a full color integrally
`formed single piece LED light wire;
`[0063] FIGURE 21 is a timing diagram for a full color integrally formed single piece
`LED light wire;
`[0064] FIGURE 22A is a timing diagram for a full color integrally formed single piece
`LED light wire;
`[0065] FIGURE 22B is a timing diagram for a full color integrally formed single piece
`LED light wire;
`[0066] FIGURE 23 is a schematic diagram of an integrally formed single piece LED
`light wire containing a plurality of LED modules according to an embodiment of the
`present invention;
`[0067] FIGURE 24 is a layout diagram of the integrally formed single piece LED light
`wire shown in FIGURE 23;
`[0068] FIGURE 25A is a block diagram illustrating a lighting panel comprising a
`plurality of integrally formed single piece LED light wires with interlocking alignment
`system according to an embodiment of the present invention;
`[0069] FIGURE 253 is a cross-sectional view of the lighting panel shown in FIGURE
`25A; and
`[0070] FIGURE 250 is a cross—sectional view of a lighting panel comprising a plurality
`of integrally formed single piece LED light wires according to another embodiment of the
`present invention.
`WO 2010/081559
`[0071] The present invention relates to an integrally formed single piece LED light wire
`containing a plurality of LEDs that are connected in series, parallel or a combination
`thereof on at least one conductive bus element which forms a mounting base or on at
`least two conductive bus elements mounted on a support substrate made of insulating
`material (e.g., plastic) to provide a combined mounting base. Both types of mounting
`base provides an (1) electrical connection,
`(2) a physical mounting platform or a
`mechanical support for the LEDs, and (3) a light reflector for the LEDs. The mounting
`base and LEDs are encapsulated in a transparent or semi-transparent encapsulant
`which may contain light scattering particles.
`In one embodiment of the present invention, as shown in FIGURES 2 and 3, an
`integral single piece LED light wire, which includes a sub-assembly 310 comprising at
`least one LED 202 connected to a conductive base 201,
`the sub-assembly 310 is
`encapsulated within an encapsulant 303, and the conductive base 201 comprises one
`conductive bus element formed from a conductive material capable of distributing power
`from a power source. As shown in FIGURE 2, the LEDs 202 are connected in series.
`This embodiment offers the advantage of compactness in size, and allows the
`production of a long, thin LED light wire with an outer diameter of 3mm or less. The
`conductive base 301 is operatively connected to a power source 305 to conduct
`In another embodiment, as illustrated in FIGURES 4A, 4B, and 5A, the present
`invention may be an integrally formed single piece LED light wire comprising a plurality
`of sub-assemblies 510. Each sub-assembly 510 consists of at least one LED 202
`connected to a conductive base, wherein the conductive base 401 has two conductive
`bus elements 401A and 4018. The sub-assemblies 510 are encapsulated within an
`encapsulant 503. As shown, the LEDs 202 are connected in parallel. The conductive
`base 401 is operatively connected to a power source 405 to activate LEDs 202.
`WO 2010/081559
`In another embodiment, as shown in FIGURE 58, the present invention may
`include a plurality of sub-assemblies 701. Each sub-assembly 750 includes at least one
`LED 202 (for example, a SMD-On-Board LED) connected to a conductive base 94
`having at least two conductive bus elements 94A and 94B, wherein the conductive base
`94 is mounted on a support substrate 90.
`[0075] AC or DC power from a power source, such as power source 405, may be used
`to power the integrally formed single piece LED light wire. Additionally, a current source
`may be used. Brightness may be controlled by digital or analog controllers.
`[0076] The conductive base 94, 201, 401 extends longitudinally along the length of the
`integrally formed single piece LED light wire, and act as an (1) electrical conductor, (2) a
`physical mounting platform or a mechanical support for the LEDs 202, and (3) a light
`reflector for the LEDs 202.
`[0077] The conductive base 201, 401 may be,
`for example, punched, stamped,
`printed, silk—screen printed, or laser cut, or the like, from a metal plate or foil to provide
`the basis of an electrical circuit, and may be in the form of a thin film or flat strip. The
`conductive bus elements of conductive base 94, 201, 401, and conductive segments
`(discussed below) may also be formed using rigid electrical conductive materials (such
`as metal rod, metal strip, copper plate, copper clad steel plate, metal strip, a rigid base
`material coated with an electrically conductive material, or the like), or flexible electrical
`conductive materials (such as thin metal strip, copper clad alloy wire, stranded wire,
`braided wire, or the like). Stranded wire or braided wire may be flat or round, and
`comprises a plurality of electrical conductive fine wires made of copper, brass,
`aluminum, or the like; such fine wires may be bare or coated with electrical conductive
`materials including, but not limited to, tin, nickel, silver, or the like. Metal, mentioned in
`this paragraph, may include copper, brass, aluminum, or the like.
`In a preferred
`flat braided wire is used as conductive bus elements or conductive
`WO 2010/081559
`[0078] The conductive bus elements of conductive base 94 may be mounted on a
`support substrate 90 via adhesion,
`lamination, extrusion, or casting. The support
`substrate 90 may be made of rigid or flexible plastic, such as polyethylene terephthalate
`(PET), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU).
`[0079] Additional circuitry, such as active or passive control circuit components (e.g., a
`microprocessor, a resistor, a capacitor), may be added and encapsulated within an
`encapsulant to add functionality to the integrally formed single piece LED light wire.
`Such functionality may include, but not limited to, current limiting (e.g., resistor 10),
`protection, flashing capability, or brightness control. For example, a microcontroller or
`microprocessor may be included to make the LEDs 202 individually addressable;
`thereby, enabling the end user to control the illumination of selective LEDs 202 in the
`LED light wire to form a variety of light patterns, e.g., strobe, flash, chase, or pulse.
`one embodiment, external control circuitry is connected to the conductive base 94, 201,
`[0080] First Embodiment of the Conductive Base
`In a first embodiment of the conductive base assembly 600, shown in FIGURE
`6A, the base material of the conductive base 601 is preferably a long thin narrow metal
`strip or foil.
`In one embodiment, the base material
`is copper. A hole pattern 602,
`shown as the shaded region of FIGURE 6A, depict areas where material from the
`conductive base 601 has been removed.
`In one embodiment, the material has been
`removed by a punching machine. The remaining material of the conductive base 601
`forms the circuit of the present invention. Alternatively, the circuit may be printed on the
`conductive base 601 and then an etching process is used to remove the areas 602.
`The pilot holes 605 on the conductive base 600 act as a guide for manufacture and
`[0082] The LEDs 202 are mounted either by surface mounting or LED chip bonding
`and soldered, welded, riveted or otherwise electrically connected to the conductive base
`601 as shown in FIGURE 6A. The mounting and soldering of the LEDs 202 onto the
`WO 2010/081559
`conductive base 601 not only puts the LEDs 202 into the circuit, but also uses the LEDs
`202 to mechanically hold the different unpunched parts of the conductive base 601
`In this embodiment of the conductive base 601 all of the LEDs 202 are short-
`circuited, as shown in FIGURE 6B. Thus, additional portions of conductive base 601
`are removed as discussed below so that the LEDs 202 are not short-circuited.
`In one
`embodiment, the material from the conductive base 601 is removed after the LEDs 202
`are mounted.
`[0083] Second Embodiment of the Conductive Base
`[0084] To create series and/or parallel circuitries, additional material is removed from
`the conductive base.
`For example, additional portions of the conductive base are
`removed between the terminals of the LEDs 202 after the LEDs 202 are mounted on the
`conductive base; thereby, creating at least two conductors wherein each conductor is
`electrically separate, but then coupled to each other via the LEDs 202. As shown in
`FIGURE 7A, the conductive base 701 has an alternative hole pattern 702 relative to the
`hole pattern 602 depicted in FIGURE 6A. With the alternative hole pattern 702, the
`LEDs 202 (such as the three shown in FIGURES 7A and 7B) are connected in series on
`the conductive base 701. The series connection is shown in FIGURE 7B, which is a
`schematic diagram of the conductive base assembly 700 shown in FIGURE 7A. As
`shown, the mounting portions of LEDs 202 provide support for the conductive base 701.
`[0085] Third Embodiment of the Conductive Base
`In a third embodiment of the conductive base, as shown in FIGURE 8A, a
`conductive base assembly 800 is depicted having a pattern 802 is punched out or
`etched into the conductive base 801. Pattern 802 reduces the number of punched-out
`gaps required and increase the spacing between such gaps. Pilot holes 805 act as a
`guide for the manufacturing and assembly process. As shown in FIGURE 8B, the LEDs
`202 are short-circuited without the removal of additional material.
`In one embodiment,
`the material from conductive base 801 is removed after the LEDs 202 are mounted.
`[0087] Fourth Embodiment of the Conductive Base
`WO 2010/081559
`[0088] As illustrated in FIGURE 9A, a fourth embodiment of the conductive base
`assembly 900 contains an alternative hole pattern 902 that,
`in one embodiment,
`absent of any pilot holes. Compared to the third embodiment, more gaps are punched
`out in order to create two conducting portions in the conductive base 901. Thus, as
`shown in FIGURE 98,
`this embodiment has a working circuit where the LEDs 202
`connected in series.
`[0089] Fifth and Sixth Embodiments of the Conductive Base
`[0090] FIGURE 10A illustrates a fifth embodiment of conductive base assembly 1000
`of the conductive base 1001. Shown is a thin LED light wire with a typical outer
`diameter of 3mm or less. As shown in FIGURE 10A, (1) the LEDs 202 connected on
`the conductive base 1001 are placed apart, preferably at a predetermined distance.
`a typical application,
`the LEDs 202 are spaced from 3cm to 1m, depending upon,
`among other things, at least the power of the LEDs used and whether such LEDs are
`top or side-emitting. The conductive base 1001 is shown absent of any pilot holes. The
`punched-out gaps that create a first hole pattern 1014 that are straightened into long
`thin rectangular shapes. The gaps 1030 under the LEDs 202 are punched out after the
`LEDs 202 are mounted to conductive base 1001, or,
`in the alternative, LEDs 202 are
`mounted over punched—out gaps 1030. However, as shown in FIGURE 108,
`resultant circuit for this embodiment is not useful since all the LEDs 202 are short—
`In subsequent procedures, additional material is removed from conductive
`base 1001 so that LEDs 202 are in series or parallel as desired.
`In the sixth embodiment of the conductive base assembly 1100, conductive
`base 1101, as shown in FIGURE 11A, contains a hole pattern 1118 which creates a
`working circuit
`in the conductive base 1101 with a series connections of LEDs 202
`mounted onto the conductive base 1101. This embodiment is useful in creating a thin
`LED light wire with a typical outside diameter of 3mm or less.
`[0092] LEDs
`WO 2010/081559
`[0093] The LEDs 202 may be, but are not limited to, individually-packaged LEDs, chip-
`on-board (“COB”) LEDs, leaded LEDs, surface mount LEDs, SMD-On-Board LEDs, or
`LED dies individually die-bonded to the conductive base 301. The PCB for COB LEDs
`and SMD-On-Board LEDs may be, for example, FR4 PCB, flexible PCB, or metal-core
`The LEDs 202 may also be top-emitting LEDs, side-emitting LEDs, or a
`combination thereof.
`[0094] The LEDs 202 are not limited to single colored LEDs. Multiple-colored LEDs
`may also be used. For example,
`if Red/Blue/Green LEDs (RGB LEDs) are used to
`create a pixel, combined with a variable luminance control, the colors at each pixel can
`combine to form a range of colors.
`[0095] Mounting of LEDs onto the Conductive Base
`[0096] As indicated above, LEDs 202 are mounted onto the conductive base by
`methods known in the art, including surface mounting, LED chip bonding, spot welding
`and laser welding.
`In surface mounting, as shown in FIGURES 12A and 12B, the conductive base
`1201 is first punched to assume any one of the embodiments discussed above, and
`then stamped to create an LED mounting area 1210. The LED mounting area 1210
`shown is exemplary, and other variations of the LED m