`Approved for use through 01/31/2013. OMB 06510031
`US. Patent and Trademark Office; US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Pan rwork Reduction Act of 1995, no - rsons are ruired to resend to a collection of information unless it dis-la s a valid OMB control number.
`Applicant/Patent Owner:
`PHC Holdings Corporation
`Application No./Patent No.:
`Filed/issue Date:
`September 22, 2015 y
`PHC Holdin 5 Cor oration
`(Name of Aesignee)
`cor oration
`(Type ofASsignee. e.g., corporation, partnership, university, government agency, etc.)
`states that, for the patent application/patent identified above, it is (choose _on_e of options 1, 2, 3 or 4 below):
`The assignee of the entire right, title, and interest.
`2. [:1 An assignee of less than the entire right, title, and interest (check applicable box):
`The extent (by percentage) of its ownership interest is
`%). Additional Statement(s) by the owners
`holding the balance of the interest must be submitted to account for 100% of the ownership interest.
`There are unspecified percentages of ownership. The other parties, including inventors, who together own the entire
`right, title and interest are:
`Additional Statement(s) by the owner(s) holding the balance of the interest must be submitted to account for the
`entire right, title. and interest.
`3- E] The assignee of an undivided interest in the entirety (a complete assignment from one of the joint inventors was made).
`The other parties, including inventors, who together own the entire right, title. and interest are:
`Additional Statement(s) by the owner(s) holding the balance of the interest must be submitted to account for the
`entire right, title, and interest.
`4. D The recipient, via a court proceeding or the like (e.g., bankruptcy, probate), of an undivided interest in the entirety (a
`complete transfer of ownership interest was made). The certified document(s) showing the transfer is attached.
`The interest identified in option 1, 2 or 3 above (not option 4) is evidenced by either (choose 931g of options A or B below):
`An assignment from the inventor(s) of the patent application/patent identified above. The assignment was
`recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at Reel
`, or for which a copy thereof is attached.
`B. I: A chain of title from the inventor(s), of the patent application/patent identified above, to the current assignee as follows:
`1. From:
`The document was redorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`, Frame
`, or for which a copy thereof is attached.
`2. From:
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`. Frame
`, or for which a copy thereof is attached.
`[Page 1 of 2]
`DM_US 92541177-1.064235.0086
`PTO/AlA/QS (08-12)
`Approved for use through 01/31/2013. OMB 0651-0031
`US. Patent and Trademark Office; US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the PapenNork Reduction Act of 1995. no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
`. From:
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`, Frame
`, or for which a copy thereof is attached.
`. From:
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`, Frame
`, or for which a copy thereof is attached.
`. From:
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`, Frame
`, or for which a copy thereof is attached.
`. From:
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`, Frame
`. or for which a copy thereof is attached.
`E Additional documents in the chain of title are listed on a supplemental sheet(s).
`As required by 37 CFR 3.73(c)(1)(i), the documentary evidence of the chain oftitle from the original owner to the assignee
`was, or concurrently is being, submitted for recordation pursuant to 37 CFR 3.11.
`[NOTE A separate copy (Le, a true copy of the original assignment document(s)) must be submitted to Assignment Division
`in accordance with 37 CFR Part 3, to record the assignment in the records of the USPTO. See MPEP 302.08]
`Title or Registration NUmber
`The undersigned (whose title is supplied below) is authorized to act on behalf of the assignee.
`Printed or Typed Name
`[Tomoki Tanida/
`Tomoki Tanida
`October 8. 2018
`[Page 2 of 2]
`DM__US 92541 177-1 .064235. 0086
`To the best of my belief, the information contained in the coversheet is a true and correct
`translation and any copy submitted is a true copy of the original document.
`Date:M Signature:w.
`Certificate of Partial Historical Matters
`2—38-5, Nishishimbashi, Minato—ku, Tokyo
`PHC Holdings Corporation
`Corporate registration
`Corporate name
`Head office
`Method of public
`Panasonic Healthcare Holdings Co., Ltd.
`PHC Holdings Corporation
`April 1, 2018 Changed
`Nishishimbashi MP Building, 2—38-5, Nishishirnbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
`January 26, 2015 Changed
`January 29, 2015 Registered
`2-38-5, Nishishimbashi, Minato—ku, Tokyo
`To be notified through official gazettes
`Matter concerning
`Marunouchi, Chiyoda—ku, Tokyo on March 31, 2014
`Registration Record
`Registered on April 2, 2014
`(Translation omitted)
`(Translation omitted)
`Head ofiice moved from 6th floor, Tokyo Ginko Kyokai Building, 1-3-1,
`I hereby certify this is a partial transcript of unremoved entries listed in the registry.
`(Jurisdiction of Minato Office, Tokyo District Legal Affair Bureau)
`April 18, 2018
`Tobe Office, Matsuyama District Legal Affair Bureau
`Register of deeds:
`Reference Number Ke114843
`*Underlined sections indicate deleted items.
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