{113-Puebiicatian numbar
`2131 1*1?1419
`{43}Date 0f pubiicatian sf appii’catmn
`03.539201 1
`305K 13mg
`(was. .131)
`{28051 :31;
`{Bung-mication number
`(Em-Data 0f fiiing‘
`mmaseamzc CQRP
`PROBLEM TD BE SGLVEQ: TU provide a compenemt mmmifing amaratus and a
`metmfi that can fimpiv detect a mmpmnenit positing“: when using a carrier tape


`having a piurafity a? camgmeni storage packets in fine. pitah {if a fee-ed hate as a
`SGLUTION: in a tape feeder is mounted to a mzmpment Supzpw part if the
`cmmponmt mmmting amaaraé‘ms, at pareSsaing member 23 for {evening a. carrier tape
`14- f‘mm the upper-51.3mm gide has an. waning 233 in a range inducing the pasitimn
`cf 3 feed heme 153 used when mmrmittentiy feafiing the carriar tape 14 in order to
`{mate a: mmprmant Smrage mike: 15%) in a mmpment suction mg‘aititm 33, a feat”;
`$1933 153 in the strap state {33" the. intermittent. feeding £3 imaged by a singie
`recognitim means Samara? timES in componant suppfiy eneratimn St: at; m recognize.
`me magma m“ the feed haie 13a in each stag: 5:322:25, and the camponent suctian
`msifian by a suction nozzie 9:3 is cerreflted on. tha bask; cf the recagnitien remit and
`re§atiVe~~pwi€ion data of ma feed mm 15.3 and the campD-nant acreage packet 15%).
`JP!) and {.331pr are: not respcnsfibie for any
`damages causeti by the use af‘this transiatitan.
`15mm i1'3fiifi'3fifi'ithéifi been translated by mmpu‘cer: 56 the transit-Latins? may mt
`reflect the arigma§ gratis-aw.


`2”“ shows the: ward Which can mt be trangiated.
`33:“: me drawings; any wmrfis are not t‘ransfated,
`{Cfiaim 1}
`it is a campcnent mamfing agaparartus which intermittent delivery is carried wt by a
`tape feeder iraSt‘aiied in a part Sumfiy part. Side £31.: sii‘sef arm: party; hem at a carry tape
`mm hag N part accommodatimn packets. abaut 3. math {3f 3 wracket imie am takzen
`up by an adsarptign nozzie if a packaging head; am} is mmunted m a substrate,
`By carrying (mt ‘é‘miermittent mutation {if :t‘hé spmcket which was pmvifiéd in; the
`aferementimed tape feedar and Engaged with the: aferementioned sprmket hate, A
`tapemfeed mechaniam which wggiies parts which carried {mt intermittent fieiiver‘g sf
`the afnremantionet} carrier tape in 3 pitch 03" UN 0f the 3; aferemerztioned pitch £32.: a
`tape running an the street: and were stared by the afmmmantiamed par”:
`acmmmedation mike: ti)
`.3 part abgcmti‘on position by this? afmremantioned
`adsarmian {202233,
`15% prewar—feat campment which is gmi’fled irnciuding {he neigihbnrhcad 0f the


`afarementimed part absamtiom pasitiari‘: savers the afaremehfimefi carrier rage
`fmm the top surface side; am: it supmeszses m the aferementioneci tagse running way?
`M waning which mrresponfied to a pasitign of the afarementioned Sprocket hate in
`each haéit sandman of intermittent: damn; [3f a pitch 0f the aferementicned w by
`the afarementioned tape-feed mechanism, am was pmfixided by the afcrementimneci
`pressgrfit’mt component,
`A sprm:ket~heie recag’nitien part which images the afarementimma‘i spmckat bake in
`the afarementimed flak wnditian by a
`imaging means
`afarementiuned waning; and rewgnaézas a pagition of 8am spmcket mm,
`A campment mounting apparatus; having a mntm! part which car-meta a part
`absemtion pmsitim by the afarementianad aflsemtian ‘nnzzie baseci on a gesizfim
`'recsgnit’mn remit bf a spmckei: hoie by retafive pmsitimzn‘ data and the
`afaremantimed spracketfivhme remgniitian gait {)f a spi'acket Mia am‘ a pad
`accormmdatian gasket in the Gamer tape-- cememed memwized prefiminariiy.
`{Ciaim 2.}
`The. aforementimnm opening has that-3 cantinucms singie age-mire shape which
`inciudes a pasitim of the. afcrementim‘ted sm‘mcket fade in said each hait canditian,
`The compongnt meuntihg apparatus
`according its
`ciaim 1, wherein the


`aforementianed sgmckebmie racognitiw {:rari: carries Gut mummiavtismes imaging 0f
`the aforementimned spa‘maket hoie in said each hait canditimn fer every intermittent
`feefiing aperaticn by said sin~g£e imaging means.
`{Ciaim 3}
`it is a: mmmnent mmmnting metmti which intarmittent detivery is carried out by a
`tape. feedér insfmiied in a giant suppw paw: side by side, anti parts had at a carry tags:
`which has N part acmmmodatic-n packets abmst 1. mm sf a smacket haze.- are ta ken
`up by an adsamtian nozzle 0? a packaging head, and is mmmtefi in a substrate,
`83; carrying mutt i‘ntermittant mtatim an? the. sprecket. which was provided by the
`afar-es'nentimed tape feeder and engaged with the. afaramezntianed sgsrmket mm, A
`{wan-@636 pmcess; aflsupwying parts whim carried Gut intermittent defiivetry 6f the
`afnrementianed carrier tape in 3 mm“: Qf‘ UN either 1 abrementimefl Qitfih by a tape
`running an the street. and wena stared by the afammenfianed mart acmmmodatiun
`peckét to a part: absarptim p-Qsitiei'} by the afarementi‘mned adsarpticsn ENE-12358,.
`I31: prmisdes inciudi‘ng the. neighbnrhmd of the. afczzremehfimefi {wart absmpfien
`pmsition, Via an omnMg which corresponded m a pea-5mm of the aforementimed
`spmgket haie is“; each hait mnditfimn of inteninittent defivew m" a pitch (3.? the
`aferememionad UN by the afarementioned tape—feed mechanism, and was


`pravided by messerfmt companent whim savers: tfia aferement‘ioned caviar tam
`fmm the top surface side; am it supmegses m the afarementmned tape running way,
`A spr‘ecketrimie recegmition stag) wh¥ch images the afarementiened Spruckéet Mia in
`the afaremenfioned hait mrzditfio‘n by a singie recagmiticm nmangs arid recagfiizw; a
`pagition of each sga‘mnket £1058,
`Based- mn a msitim racogmti‘on resuit of a smmket hate caiied far in reiative position
`data and? the aforemenfimed ngckethhfiie remgnitim step af 3 Sgprwcket huh? and a
`{M rt aacammnfia‘tfim {jacket in the gamer tape cemcemefi memorized preiimi’narim
`A campenent ramming methmd inciudi‘ng a part absamtmn pGSEtion caarrecting
`pmcess which caveats: a part absm‘ptian pasiticm by the afommentimed adsorgzstian
`{Eiafim 4}
`The. aferementioned ‘ogrxening has thffi matinucus siiisgie apertum shape which
`inciudég a positicm a? the aforementianad spmcket haie in said Each bra-ii: canditian,
`The camporxant mounting met-had acmrciing ta {:fiaz‘sm
`sawing an": rmitipéie~times
`imaging {3}“ the afarementhaned sprocket mate in mm sash bait cmnditimn far every
`intermittent feeding operation by said si‘ngie imaging means in the afm‘enmntiened
`Sprucket—haie recognitian stem


`3m and INPIT are; not mspsnsfibie fer any
`damages caused by the age a? 13% transiatinm
`LThis dxsmmemt has been transiated by atomputerz St} the transiatian may not
`refiemt the arigmai gracigew.
`2”” ahews the word which can {101: be: tranfiffi‘ated.
`3331 the. drawings. any wards are not transiated.
`{Detaified Besm‘ipt‘ian 0f the Inv‘entian}
`{Fieid Q? the llmentim}
`{£108 3;}
`The present inventi-m reiates to the cammnezn-t mounting amaratus and mmpment
`mmmting method which mam: parts in a submtrate‘
`{Backgmmd a? the Envenfiiefi}
`in a camponent maunting amaratusf mam-Ming aparation which parts am taken up
`ant} carries taut transfer wading m a Subat‘ram by the afimmum Razzie with which


`the. maximizing head was maimed fmm. the tape feeder varrafiged. by the part supply
`part is wérfcr-rmafi repeatediy. Since it is: necesgaw to carry nut aiigsnment 9f the
`adsomtier; nezzia carrectiy‘ it) the parts heid at" the: ta pe feeder at the time :31“ {3&5ka
`aperefiim, the: methed Qf asking fer a Suitabie part absemtfim 9953:1001 3.3 generaiiy‘
`used amindantw by apticai pcsitian recegnitéom Since it is diffieuit in this msitim
`recagnitian {:3 make the {2:3th itsaif into a recagn‘itim abjatt directly (jamming on
`the cambinatim a? a carrier tape and 93 rig, in such a case Making mm a remgniticm
`{shied part5 Other than garts, the sprecket hoie pmvided by the carriar tape, far
`example, the feed sting Qf the sapmcket which fits; 7min) this. apmtket hate; mic. is
`parfmmwed {fa-r exampiar sea Patent fiocumfimit 1}.
`He is trying {a flame: ”me; DDSiti-on of a part ammmnmdation packet indirectly in the
`advamted technmogy shown in these patent {imminents by imaging with a Gamma
`the feud dog Bf the spraaket which engages with $33 sprocket hoie of a carrier 2:3 :38.
`The positima? fiispfacemeht making from the gecufiar instrumentai ermr Qf tape.
`feeder each m the afignmem armr at the time {if wearing can be vcorrectefi by this!
`and aiizg‘nmant Bf the adsmpticn name can be currectiy carried mu: to gang.
`{Citatiezm fist}


`{Pater’zt' tifterature}
`{Patent. dacument 1} JP 2804 & 1.11:?357A
`{Summa r}! m“ imentign]
`{Probiem to be saWad by the inventmn}
`Hewever; in ma abovel-mentiené {jammed temnciegyg ii: ariginatefi in setting the
`sprackei: as the abject a? a déteflting 995mm, and than? was inmmsenience which is
`described b‘eicsw‘ First,
`in ardar tr.) perfiurm a detecting msitim with sufficient
`accuracy, it 35 necegsary to pm'cass into the paint of the feed dag at? a spas-racket the
`target: which becameg recognitinn abject; such as. a macaw nan: for detecting
`positimnfi; and {he facmty‘ cost. of a tape feedar increas‘as. Since aiignmant of the
`spracket needed "to we ca rried {But 50 that a feed flag might turn to right abawa when
`the datecting gagition a? the pain: {if a feed dag: was aefiarmefi‘. away sf the tact
`tima which a fave ieed fakes excessive opezrafian only ta the. gar: and part:
`firxtracfian takes it had been taggedi
`in the: minute embossfixg package which demand is expanding in recent yfiar‘fi, since


`a. Muraiity a? part accammodafien markets are prmiidaa in,
`:1 gaitch 0f 3 spraciket hole,
`in the pitch feed :3? a carrier tam,» it is: neceasazry to step a spraciket hate. in awn 33F
`mare pasitions in 3,, pitch Far this graaaan, the pitiih :3? a Sprecket base iika the mama?
`carrier tapa which is in agreement with, the with Qf‘a {3:3er accommodaticm aeckat;
`The amp positian mf the aaa‘acaet haie did mt mrraamnfi with an imaging center
`with a camera, but the case where the amp pes‘itian :3?” a sarmket nae pmtmded
`fram 3F? imaging véauai fiaid {jamming an the View size of a camera amse, am} it
`neaded ta change mm the camera whim has an in this case mare big imaging visuai
`fieidd Th usi in the conventianai advances} techmiagm when aimafi at the carrier tags:
`whmh has a muraiity af gnaw“: accammaciation packets in 3, pitch :3? a Sapm'ckat mm,
`the prabiam that it was difiiauit 71ft) perform ce-mpmnent pasithan detectian aimpie
`Then, an abject af tha araaena inventiaa is aa- pravida the camaanent mannting
`apaarams and mnmgnent m-mmtiag mathad which can perf'arm component pusit‘ian
`deteattian aimme; WhEfi aimed at": the scarrier tape: which has a pmraiity of man":
`acmmmadatian pockets in 1 with cf a sarockat lame.
`{Means far saiv‘irxg arabiem}


`A mmpemefi: mounting appamms of the mesem invent-ion is pmvided with the
`intermittent defiver}! is Earried cut by the Eagle fewer instafied in the. {sari 3szsz
`part side: by we, and the parts main? at. 313 carry {age which has. N part.
`acmmmedation pockets about 1 pitch of a spmcket hoie are taken up by the
`admmfim name a? a packaging mad, av carrying" {mt intermittent: ratatirszn 9f the
`wrecker wh‘ssh $3 a mmpnnent mmnfing apparatus mauntefi' in a suibstmtég was
`gravideci by the afarementimed tape fewer, and engaged with the ammmentioned
`spmcket $1036, A tape~fead mechanism whim supplies parts, which carried nut
`intermittent dafiverv {if the afcrementimed carrier tape m a pitch of lifxi «3f the 1
`afnrementianed gziimh by a tape running: (m the street; and were SIGE'EQ by the
`afar-emantioned giant accommadatjm mum to a part absorptimn po'sitien by the
`afnremenfimed adsarptim nozzie‘
`A Q‘I’ESSEPfQQé‘. camponent which.
`i5 gmwided inchming me neigéhbarmad 0f the
`aforementioned par: absarptfim pasiticni caverns the aforamantianefi carrier tape
`fmm 5:118 top surface side! and it suppresses to the afm‘ementianed tape running way.
`An opening which marrespanded in a maxim a? the afaramentimwsd- Spracket haie in


`each hair {sandman of integrmittent defivew sf a glitch 0f the afarementécnea W by
`the afarementioned tape~fsad mechanism, and was mmvified by the afarementinned
`presgeréfmt campenent.
`The. smockebheie remgmtian pan: which images the afarementimad sprmket has:
`in the afarementimed hat canditicztn by a singie imaging means via the
`afiarementimaci Opening» anti mmgnizas the Qmsiticn {31‘ team sprocket hoie, A
`(tantra! part which mrrects a part absurptiun pagition by the afmrementimed
`admmfim @2233- hased an a pmsimn remgnition remit {If a spmcket hmie by
`reiatifve poaition data, ami mm aferemantiened sprecketehcifi remgnitian part Q1" 23
`Spr'ecket haie and a part acmmmmiatim packet in the. carrier tape. cancarned
`mfimarized pm'iimmafim
`is characterized by a mmmnent mcmnting methed 3f the present iinventjm
`comprising the faiiowing.
`intem‘attem: {Sewer}! is married out by the tam fewer sinstafied in the part Suppiy‘
`part Me- by sifie, and the parts heié at
`the cam; tape which has N gem":
`acmmmadatian pockets about i pitch of a smocket hme are taken mg: by the
`admmtion mat-Zia a? a packaging head, €23,» carrying an: intamxittent r‘etaman cf the


`Smashes: whim is- a mmpcneht mauhtihg methad mmunted in a. Substrate, was
`pmvided by the aforementwheh tape higher, and engagefi with the aforementihned
`sproaket hoie, h tape«faed gums-ass 0f .suhpiyzing ham: which gar-fled {mt intermittent
`d‘eiivew 0f the afhremehtimed carrier tape in a pitch of '1EN. cf the 1 afhrementioned
`hitch by a tape running an. the sweat and ware. mama by the aforemewhtianefi hart:
`acmmmhdation 33:3:th to a part ahgorhts‘son position by the afhremzentioned
`admmfieh nozzie.
`it prawidets incihdéng the heighbcjrhacxd of the sforamentienah part ahsommm
`hasitian; Via an opening which Chmsphndefi £0 a positiah hf 1'?th ammmentbhed
`gpreckht hoie in each bait
`thhéitiieh 13f intermittent dhis‘iver‘y (3f a pitch {3% the.
`aferemenhcned if” by the afommenfioheé tanwfeafi mechanism, and was
`prmfitfied by wassewfznot mmpanent which CQVEWS the afhrementéoned Gamer tape
`hem the tog: surfaca side, and it suphhasssss 3:13 the afar-emeht‘soned tam running way!
`A spirhcke‘c—hhie remg which step which images the affirhmmtihhed spmchet hoffie in
`the. aIi’Qremenhmed hait mndition, by a singie recegmhoh means, am recogehhiegz a;
`pmsition 0? each Sm‘fiflkfitt haie.
`A part absarption {305mm inflating pracess which COE‘K‘ECtE a part absmmi-an
`gash-inn in; mg afhrememioned admrphan hezzie based an a hhsihhh recaghitihn


`wait: a? a sprocket haie caiiefi for in reiai‘ive pflfiitiOfi Sara. and. {the affirementimed
`spreekebhoie remgnitim step 9:” a sprmtke’t hate and a part amommodatim pmkat
`"in the carrier tape cancer-ma memerized meii‘miknariiy
`{Effect 3f the Invention}
`Accmdmg to the garment
`inventicm, a carrier tam via the awning whim
`mrr‘esmnded tn the pgsition of the sprncket mm in each hait cenfiifien Qf
`intermittent deiivew by a tape—few mechanism; and was gpmvidefi by the
`areSSew-fcet mmpmnent covered fmm the: tap surface sifie, image the sprockfit hoée
`in a flak condition by a singie recognition means, and it: racognizes ma pcsmon of
`“~3th smeket nnie Based on the reiafiva ,gcsitien data cf the sprockfit haie and part
`acmmmadatian make? which were memorized p‘reifiiminarfi‘y, am the pagiition
`ramgmfian resuit of a smackset fame, the part abmmiion positimis by an adsormimn
`name £33; an amerzding, When aimed at the carrier tape which has a giarafiity 0f part:
`accammcdatmn flffiflketfi in 1 pitch 0? a sprocket image. wmponent pasiticm detectian
`flan be perfnrmed sfimgie.
`{Brief {Descriptian of the {Izz'awings}


`A ERG 1} The eiee View afthe tempenent mounting eeeeretue 3f the 1 emhediment
`9f the present inventicm
`A {Fifi 3} The fragmentary sesame? view of the cempenent :‘eeunting apparatus :3?
`the 1 emimdiment of the present; inventing}
`A {FREE 3} The eereeeetive view of the carrier tape for eert supplies used fer the
`cemee‘nent meantime aepem‘tee of the 3, emeeeiment ef the eareeent inventien
`A {FIG 4;} The. compeeétim exmenetery View ef the tape feeder used fer the
`mmpenerfi: resenting apparatus er" the. 3. embed§ment cf the preeent inventien
`A {FEB 51 “She exeienatcw View e? i‘the compeneet peeii‘dee fietectien in the
`temeonent meantime method of the I embedimen‘t ef the present invention
`35% {FIG 6} The expianetew view 5? the mmpenent pesiflen detecfion in the
`cemennent mmunting seemed ef the 1 embeesiment of the present inventien
`A {FIG "2} The exwenetew View (It? the relative position data ef the semcket heée and
`part acemnmedatiee pocket which are used for cessexpeeeeit eeeitien eetectiee in the
`mm peneet emueting meteee ef the :1 emeeesiment of the eresent i'nventi‘en
`{Beecrietien ef" Embedimenfis}
`Next! an embodiment of the invention is fleecfieee with reference "re Drewiege. With


`reference :0 Fig. 1, and Fig.3, {the gtrugture a? the cazmpoment maunting apgaratus 1.
`is d‘Escfiebed first. Fig.2 shows the WA gettion 3n Fig.1 partway,
`In Figdl
`substrate transpsrting mechanigm 2 of twm rews is arranged in the center :3? the
`38 at Xésiiractim {substrate transpartafian Siereatim). The subfitiram
`transmrting mechanism .2. conveyg the EUb’SU‘atE 3 which is Suppiim 3mm an
`upstmam unit and is the targat 9f the mmpcnentvmountmg wwk by the: muiigment
`cancemed ta X~gfiirectimm and pas-imam it ta 3. mmmment~meunfing veihicie mm.
`The, part 313;:ng part 4 is arranged and a piuraéiity a? tape feeders 5 are instaéied in
`each part suppiy gar: 3% side by same by the. method cf bath Sides of the Saubst‘rate
`transparting mathanigm 2. The tape feeder S has a function whim suppsfiies parts to
`the part ‘ahgarpfim pnsition by the adsmptimn mezzie 03‘"
`than packaging heafl
`described beiow by carrying out pita}: feed {31" the carriar tape beaming {3333254633
`Y shaft mavemeflt ta-bie :3 which equipped the and a? {me side (3? Xi~dziractian with the
`iinear drive in the base Ia tap Sflffafié is arranged? and {Wm sets: 02.?” X shaft. {vaesment
`tab-3533 8 simfiariy firm/rifled with, the {inear drive are cembined with Y mnving shaft
`tab¥a 3’, enabiimg free mcvement {:3 Ymdireman. TWO sets 3:33“ X ahaft movement tables
`8 are equipped with the packagmg head 9 respectively; enabiémg free :mevement to


`Xédirectian. The packaging head *3“
`is a :muittpiettrtng type heat. gprmrided. with a
`piuratity‘ {at Width-g heads, as $h£§3Nn in Fig}; it adsorbs,» and parts are heid in the
`Sawer em: part of each haidtng head, and it
`is individuahy equipped with the
`adSt‘lkrptiGn hazzité Sta. whim can QQ up and stem.
`‘Y shaft movement tame '2 and X shaft mcvameht tatfia 8 mwe the packaging head
`53 to Xéd‘irectim and Yfiiractian by canstitutimg the head transfer :s'nechanism 2%?
`{refer to f‘Tiggg-se‘t)F and driving the head transf‘ar memhanism 2E}. T.heE-‘rtatwr the two
`hackaging heads 9 take @ut the heart 2P {refer tn Fig.5 and Figttfi‘} tram the tape. feeder
`5 cf the part: swam»; part 4 with which it catregpahded,
`t'espectmaiy by the
`adsemtion matte £33, and mm GU52 transf‘ar batting at the substrate 3 gagiticmed by
`the aubs‘tra’te transperting machanism 2‘ Y Shaft ‘mwement
`tame :73 K shaft
`mavemam tabifi 8, and the hackaging head 9 canstitute thxa CGififiGfiQfit“FfiQflfltif-t§
`mechanism which carries»: Gut ttahsfer ioadihg of the part P at the substrate 3 by
`matting {ha packaging; head *3 haiaing the part 2? attm’iing t0 the head trangfer
`mechanism 29.
`The partwamgnitim equipment {-2- is azrrangad hat-Mean the part supply part 2:? and


`the substrate:
`transmrtmg mechanism 2 to which it carresmmris. When the
`paakaging head 9 which tack mm": mm mm the part suppiy part 4 maves' in the
`uigmer part 01‘ ma pas-W'emgnitim equipment :3, 11m: par'tfiracegmtion equipment 5
`images and recagnizes- the game: in the state. Where it was; new at: the packaging
`heat: E}, It is pissed at the iawer susface aide 31‘ X ahaft mavement ta-bie 8. and the
`packaging head 9 is equipped with the packaging head 9 and the substrate
`recagmtmn camera 10 which waves integrafiy, respemvely. When the. packaging
`new .9: max-Keg, the gubstrate recagnitien camera. 18 mm‘es shave: the: substrate 3
`aasition-Efi by the subgtrate transpaifing mechasniam 2. and images and :recagnizea:
`ma substrate 3.2 In the sommnentmounting Qpemticm to the: substrate .3 by the.
`Qatkaging head 9,
`the FE-COgfiifiQ-n result {if the parts by the pamrecognimn
`equipment. 6 and the substrate remgnitmn resui-‘t by the}: fiubgtrats remgnition
`camera 18 are censifiemd. and heiicaptervmafiisngasite carregtinn is perfcsrmafl.
`The mmmsitinn 0f the part suppiy pa. rt 4 is demribed. A53 Shawn i‘h Fig .2. the cart 11.
`in the state where the. feeder base 113 was prefimina riiy equipped with a pflurafiw of
`taps: feeders S is set is the pan: su ppiy paw; 4. In the part 511:3;st part 4! time smition
`a? the cart 11 is fixed ta the fixed base its pmvécied by the base. 1a by ciamping the


`feefier base 333 accarding to the damping meciharisism 33., 3313333333: reef 33 Whisk:
`stores the carrier tape 34 hat-ding parts in the state of winding in the cart 13 is 33833,
`Pitch feed at the carrier‘ta pe 14 gutted out 3mm the tape me? 33 is carried cut by the
`tape feeder S ta the part abssemtzicn pasitm 3353 by the. afisarpticm mate 38..
`Here! it dascrib‘es amut 3% carrier tape: 34 which sewas as 3 313333339 object in this
`a-mtmdiment 335 ShOWfi in Fig.3 {a}: the carrier tape :34 is an 3333333653339; gackage,
`and with this Sptacket 33-3333 158 for carrying £3133 intermittent defi’ivery of the {tarr‘s‘er
`tape 34- ta: the 33338 tape 15 with the. tape feeder 5x the part aacommtzdation pockat‘
`15b of mnmve shape ”333*, anti is pmvided at the iawezr sufiace side. The 33833: P
`{refer t0 Figfi} is mm at the part actommodatinn packet 333.3,. and the tap surface at
`the part a‘crzcsmmadafian gasket 35:) after steering the: part 3" £3 cave-red with the
`cave!” tape 36.
`The part P :supmied with the Gama tape '34 shew: in this: emzbwiment is: a. minute
`part, anti the part attmmmottation pocket 33b of piuraiity {N glasses} is previtteti
`abeut 3- pitrzh { of the wreck-at hale 35.3 3 {3. Name!» the 56333390312313 SETIGURtiflg
`apparatus 1 3me 3:"; this emhwtfiment, IIE‘EttEt'fi'fiiltEni‘ deiivezry is carries} wt by the


`tape. feeder S ireetafied in the part enemy {Jeri e side by side, The parts heid at the.
`earry tape 1.4 which has the N grate eecommedatien pockets 13b abeut 1 pitch ef the
`eprecket hei’e 153 are taken me by the edeerptien Home 93 e? the packaging head 9;,
`and it. flee the fenetien to mount in the substrate 3. In this esmbeeimem; eitheegh the
`exampie {nemeizg N: 2} in which the We eat: eczemmodaeen pockets 15‘s were
`preview? ale-emit 3. pitch ef the sprocket here iS-e ie iiéfiusi'reteer N is: the target ef the
`present invention or mere emu}: three.
`Next, the functien csft‘he tape feeder S is described with reference to Figeee AS shown
`in Fig.4, the tape feeder S campfisee the bed}! pert 3.? and the apetied part is, and
`it is in the state where the heady part i? was made ire be eiemg the tap sutfaee m“ We.
`feerjer 13656: i la, and it ie equipped with ‘st by carrying out fitting of the emptied part
`18 te the reer end part: of the feeder beet”: lie. The carrier tape :14 which {the {tape
`fuming way Eb the carrier tape 14 runs is erevided by the body part 1?, end was
`puiiiee out {mm me ape reei :3 {refer te Fig.2.} .35 hemmed frem the rear ef the
`beefy eat 1?, amemeenies the top eurfeee of the tape running way 533! and is sent
`tn the dewnstmam side {in Fig.4, it is rightmane side)


`The. tape«feed machamsm 2L1 cansist‘éng 05mg s-pmckat 2:3,. am} the Irataw drive :22 :3
`pmvided by the: appear mart cn‘ the Sowmtream and 0f the body part 1132 By the
`d‘efivery rpm 2.13 {refer in Fig.5} which {its irate the Sgr'acket heie 153: { refer m Fig.3}
`pmuided by the {385$ tape 15 with We master}: pitch being pmvidefi by the Sprocket.
`211, anti rotating the sprocket :21 with the retaw drive 22‘, The smockat 3:1 retates
`and, tharatzy, the tape. feed of the carrier tape 14 is carried suit to a dawnstream
`cfiirectimn‘ The wear side 91‘ the SQi‘BCket :21 Serves as the: part abse‘rptigzn pas‘itian 5a
`which adsurhs and takes up the. part P in the: graft acmmmedafion make-t 151:} by the
`adssrptian mafia 9a {31" the. packaging head ‘9.
`The. tape feeder 5 is provided with the feedar mantra: semen 2,4 which mantras
`tapesvfeed experatinn. The feeder mantra; matiazn 24 is; mnnecteci with the commit part
`2? a? mmmnant maunting apparatus 1 main part via thxa connecmr 25 pmvided by
`the fitting part of the appfied part 18 and the feeder base 113. The carrier tape
`infarmatmn abaut the. target ca rréer'tape 14s Lew. the. smmd gar: kind, the pitch: data
`m“ the sprocket: haie 15a and the part attommodatmn pocket 15b, etc. are
`mamnfized by the. storage gar: ":38 which accompanies the centre: part 2?. When the
`centres: part 2'? sends an operating vmmmand 1‘1“} the. feedw can'tmi swarm 23% based


`en these pieces at carrier tape intermetien vans-3 centrete the raters; drive 22 by the
`feeder centrei secticm 3.4 fut’cttet; Intermittent detivery 9f the carrier taee it can be
`carried east by e tape running an the street Sh “m the pitch of 153x: {an Example 1:2)
`0? 1 twitch. p of every femuet‘iert intewat ef the guest. aecemmettetien packet 15%;, Le,
`the sptacket hate 1521‘
`Thereby, the mart P eteree. by the part accemmedetien pocket 15:: is intermittentiy
`tapevfeeti methaniem 28 which tempriees the Sprocket It}. and the restart! drive 22,
`B“; <33ng out intermittent rotation of the epmcket 2.1 which engaged with the.
`sameket hate 153, tntetmittent deitvety e? the carrier tape :4 is ca tried But by a tape
`running an the stteet Sb in the pitch at if?“ at“ :t pitch p afthe sprocket heie 31.533 and
`it has a function which empties the part P stated by the part accemmedetten packet
`15b to the eart abs-emtten peettiee Se by the adserpfion nezeie 9e
`The pteseetetoat c-empenent ‘23 ES previtt‘eti by the tee surface tn“ the hardy exert 1?“
`inciuding the netgttbomeod of the eett abserptioin met-tier} Set The prewar—toot
`cemeenent 23' cavers the carrier tape ileeeht atone the tape running way Sb from


`the. tap surface side, pressas it CiQWn its; the tape. running way Sbs and has a functian
`which guides tape~feed cperatimn at}? the carrier :3 we 14 fmm the tap sufiace side. 33;
`mavi'ng the packaging head E3, wagging down and making the {substrate recegsnitsen
`camera 1:) be: piamd abave the armament. 23, the nelgh-fbmhaw of we pan:
`amormion pagition 5a can ha imaged with the substrate remgnifim gamera 10.
`Fugitian remgni‘tim a? the spmcket hate 1553 fear the campenent mslitim detectjan
`fi‘escribed baiaw i3 5953mm far tha image data imagfid by tha subfitrate remgnifim
`camera 10 by being Sam: is the remgnizing pmtesaing part. 3.6 and carrying out
`:‘xeccgmtmn m'messing in“ ma image data have. This position :recogmtim :‘esuii: can
`marry (mt aiignment a? the adsmptim mezzie Qa to the. part 31‘, when it is sent ta the
`centre! mart 2? and the. (:th part 3? tent-mg the ‘haad transfer mechanism 29
`ba-aed or: a pasvition recagnitim rasuit. Aim what} it is difficuit far ma minute part P
`usecfi as an axtractiorx abject t6 carry {mt misfit-inn :recogmtian flireciziy‘ by fascism,
`such 33 $3263. and. a surface diggesitiam my this, aiignsment 9f the adsasrptmzn nozzie 98
`Ear: be: cmmzztw carried Gut to the part P sent to» the part abse-mtion position San
`Next} with reference tn Fig‘Sz it describes a-Bwt the waning 2,33 prmsided by the


`presserkfeot cemeeneet 2.3.. A5 Shawn in: F5535,
`the opening 238,: which the
`pgeeserefoot component 23 was exceed pertiaiiy and carried out the epenefing to the
`new: part is provided by the predetermined range which isneiedes We part
`abseretien easiest: Se. in the premenfoot competent 23,. The epensing 233,: fignceeng.
`aiee as an opening for imaging for imaging; the sprocket heifie .153 with the substrate
`recegmeen camera 1%,, as mentioned above whiie functiening es en eeening fer pert
`extrecfien which takes eat the ear: P by the aeeemtien nezzie Qe frem the pen:
`ancemmeda‘tiee pocket 3.5a which was pieced at the pert asbeerptéen 905mm 5a. It
`missees fer preventing interferenee with the point ef the deiivew gain 213, and the
`epeniesig 23b is previe‘ee at the dewnstreem side {If the opening 233.
`A toe surface is guided to the carrier tape 14 7m which the: tape running way Sb top
`twee men sent her the press-er»feet eempenent 23, and it arrives at the per?
`abserpfiee ees‘itiee Se by it. By deteurfine the edge of the opening 33a zine sewing
`miy’ the cover tape 16 which covered the pain: aceemmefletiee pocket 3.59:3 emeeg
`the cemer tapes 14 here! and was stuck tax a tapefeed cemnter direction, The (raver
`tape 15 exfeiiate‘e from the ease tape 15, and is storm in the ceiiezuen mnteiner
`pmvided M the bedy part 1}”. 3,! this by me part accesmsmeetien {jacket 15:: being


`in the. state where. the my: surface wag EKDDSEfi am making the gsnickufi egeration
`which makes it 9:) m3 and aimwn the adsorpticm non-ha 93 tn the part acmmmodatimn
`packet 13} a? this state perfm‘m, We part P Stags-ed in the part accammodafian
`packet 1.55%; is taken out by the adsemtim rmzzie ‘31:: by vaguum absarption.
`Here! it. Stagcribes about the p-ositicm af the: opening range «33‘ the awning 2323, and
`the Sprecrket imie 15a in the waning; 233. He Bis trying ta detect {ha pas-itian {3f the
`Qart accammedatian maket :55 indirec'tfiiy by recagnizing the posifim m“ the.
`sprocket hme 18:3 in gen“. extractimn by the: adscrptimn nmzzie 9a in this emimfiiment
`Therefare‘, it is matessaw to make it expose up 3: near the part abswrptéow pasi‘cimn
`5a 3 for pasiticn recagnition of the. igpzmcket twig 1,33 near the part acmommcdamn
`pocket 13:: mad as an extraction object;
`For {has mat—3m, 33 ghown "in the pian View sf the presser—fmt camponerzt :23 in Fig. 3,
`in addition to {he nastier}: 9f the part. accammudatian pocket 13%: Wham the waning
`range Cr? the waning 23a arrived at the part abso-‘rpticm pagiteion gap the aspening
`range fer sprocket~hcie i‘emgmtian is: added Nameifiy, the positim a? the sprocket
`hoie 153 in me state Wham it was mam—3d at‘the part absarptkm positmn 5a gamut the


`part acmmmodatian p-Qckat 15b in intermittent deéivery (if the carrier tape :4, arm
`the part accommedatian Qaacket 13m Furthemmre,
`intarmittent deiivew of the
`carrier tape 14 ig carried cut (may 9312, and the opening range is set up 5:) that. the
`pasétien 0f
`in the. State where.
`the faiiewing part
`amcommmatim gasket 15b was aimed at the wart abscsmtim positim S3 may be
`intiudm, if it guts in another way,
`in the framing aparation which saw-has out
`intermittent defivew Qf the carrier tape 14 am}! p32, me of a p‘iurafity 0f azmcket
`haies 183 pmideé m the gait accnmm-miatien packet 3.513 and the pitah p mad 5.13: a
`giant extrattian abject wiii Ciartaimy be: ptacefi in {3’38 opening 238s and if. wiiii be
`asaxpmsed {3;}. it is passimte far this to image OW? Qf a p-iu-raiity‘ «of ‘spr'cxcket hoies 153
`with the subfitrate recagnitmn mmera 3.0 via the opening 23a.
`Aitimugh it is conSi-daresd as the continuous sisngfie aperture shape which izmudes tiara
`pasitiw a? the awake: hale 153 in each hafit canditicm m‘ the carrier Sane { in f for
`the. agertura shape a? the: waning 233 f vabaveementianed intermittent deiivery ‘3 1.4
`in the examg3¥e shown in Figs, On¥y in the range affine sgpmckat imie 155 used as the
`Object which makes the upger part exmge! and the :2:th amemmodaticn packet 113$},
`an (waning may be provided indi’viduaiiy. ”That i5, he carreapenfig ta ma pssitien af


`the eerecket hate 153 in each hait canditien 0f intermittent eeiiivery {e ,f '2 pitch} by
`the wee-«feed mechanism 20,- end is trying t0 previee the weaning 23a to the
`ereseeefeet tampon-vent :33 in this emeedimeet

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