EAST Search History
`EAST Search History
`EAST Search History (Prior Art)
`Search Query
`fr near2 "2935630"
`"39944478".FM| D.
`.did. or
`7955322—$).did. or
`(FR-2935630-$ or FR
`2935630-$).did. or
`(FR-293563053) .did.
`or (US-20070137372-$ or FR—2935630-
`85 and power adj transmission and
`85 and power adj transmission adj
`antenna and power adj reception adj
`power adj transmission adj antenna and
`power adj reception adj antenna
`power adj transmission adj antenna and
`power adj reception adj antenna and


`power adj transmission adj antenna and
`power adj reception adj antenna and
`file:///C/Users/VInaCarthur/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/ 15 397914/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.15397914_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[11/30/2019 9 :47 :54 PM]


`EAST Search History
`" 008030335 "
` 20080303351

`§jp near2"2014187777"


`‘ BM_TDB g
`§Jp near2"2000135694"
`§21:37 5

`file:///C/Users/VInaCarthur/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/ 15 397914/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.15397914_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[11/30/2019 9 :47 :54 PM]


`EAST Search History
`$"2008/0303351"| "2010/0289342"|
`»\»\»\»\¢ »\»\»\»\»\¢ \e\\\\e\\\\e\\\\e\\\\e\\\\e\\\\e\\\\e\\\\e\\\\e\\\\e\\\\e\\\\e\\\\e\\\»\»\»\\»\»\»\»\s
`B$25J19/0008 0r B25J19/0004 0r
`$r0b0t$2 adj arm same wireless near2
`r0b0t$2 adj arm and power adj
`$transmissi0n adj antenna
` $r0b0t$2 adj arm and power adj 2019/11/14$
`$transmissi0n adj antenna
`EP0; JPO;
`$panas0nic and wireless same power
`§panas0nic and wireless same power
`$same arm
`r$0b0t$2 adj arm and telescop$3 and
`$|BM_TDB ‘
`file:///C/Users/VInaCarthur/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/ 15 397914/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.15397914_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[11/30/2019 9 :47 :54 PM]


`EAST Search History
`robot$2 adj arm and telescop$3 and
`wireless with power
`robot$2 adj arm and wireless with power
`adj transmit$3
`robot$2 adj arm and power adj
`transmi$5 adj antenna
`Larson near2 George
`828 and friction adj clip
`friction adj c|ip.c|m.
`friction adj clip adj hinge
`831 and gear adj teeth
`831 and teeth
` ‘
`file:///C/Users/VInaCarthur/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/ 15 397914/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.15397914_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[11/30/2019 9 :47 :54 PM]


`g("20050274838" | "20140263791" |
`g"4614314" | "4919361" | "4962900" |
`g"5042741" | "5312063" | "5318243" |
`g"5388777" | "5443219" | "5485969" |
`g"5593102" | "6273351").PN. OR
`gfriction adj clip same arms same ring
`gEPo; JPO;
`gfriction adj clip same arms
`gEPo; JPO;
`g2019/11/1 g
`g(24/$).ccor. and arms same teeth
`g(24/$).ccor. and spring adj arms same
`EAST Search History
`g(us20070137372-s or us-
`g2019/11/1 g
`g20170239822-s or US—20170244284-$ o
`us-20190348871-s or us-20190109620
` PO; JPO;
`gs or us20180198491-s or us
`g20180131237-s or US—20170288474-$ o
`us-20170279315-s or us-20170271927
`gs or us20170098965-s or us
`g20100289342-s or us-20120091818-s 0
`us-20080303351-s or us-20140091635
`gs or us20140084699-s or us
`g20020072736-s or us-20030216715-s 0
`us-20040106916-s or us-20050166413
`gs or us20060167440-s or us
`g20070276250-s or us-20140035379-s 0
`gus-20140143933-s or us-201 70098991
`gs or us20070276538-s).did. or (us
`g20100109445-s or us-20100141042-s o
`us-20100164298-s or us-20100201203
`gs or us20100219694-s or us
`g20100231340-s or us-20100259110-s 0
`us-20110208353-s or us-20140125141
`gs or us20060293617-s or us
`g20080147089-s or us-20100174185-s 0
`gus-20120076629-s or us-20130265007
`gs or us20130274761-s or us
`g20140316435-s or us-20140358284-s 0
`us-20160157948-s or us-20160157947
`gs or us20160353669-s or us
`g20180345533-s or us-20180344415-s 0
`ugs-20110217923-s or us-20120091794 g
`file:///C/Users/VInaCarthur/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/ 15 397914/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.15397914_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[11/30/2019 9 :47 :54 PM]


`EAST Search History
`:$ or U820150326281-$ or U8
`:20160072308-$ or U8—20170120454-
`:$).did. or (U87955322-$ or U8-
`:10382099-$ or U810411521-$ or U8-
`:10298070-$ or U810181761-$ or U8-
`1:0177821-$ or U89906077-$ or U8-
`:9866072-$ or U89461469-$ or U8-
`:5712552-$ or U86770081-$ or U8-
`:6781337-$ or U87727185-$ or U8-
`:8512353-$ or U88641700-$ or U8-
`:8672922-$ or U88696651-$ or U8-
`:8888764-$ or U88894634-$ or U8-
`:8953298-$ or U88986181-$ or U8-
`:9031695-$ or U89218053-$ or U8-
`:9244524-$ or U89259276-$ or U8-
`:9423869-$).did. or (US-8177732-$ or
`:U8-8469947-$ or U88545420-$ or U8-
`:8979034-$ or U89149339-$ or U8-
`:9107684-$ or U89162719-$ or U8-
`:9654183-$ or U89979206-$ or U8-
`:9859957-$ or U85443219-$).did. or (F
`:2935630-$ or FR—2935630-$ or EP-
`:3208051-$ or EP—3208055-$ or EP-
`:3208055-$ or EP—3208051-$).did. or (F
`:2935630-$).did. or (JP-2014187777-$ o
`:JP-2000135694-$).did. or (U8-
`:20070137372-$ or FR—2935630-$ or U8
`:20190109620-$ or U8—20180198491-$ o
`:EP-3208055-$ or WO-2014193606-$ 0r
`:DE-102013110698-$ or DE-
`:102013110341-$ or DE—102009003846-
`:or WO-2007063500-$ or wo-9509717-$
`:or JP—2000135694-$ or EP—3151381-
`:2019/11/1 :
`:840 and antenna
`:21 :41
`:840 and antenna and robot and arm
`:‘EP0; JPO;
`("20080303351" | "20140091635" |
`:"20120091818" | "20140084699" |
`“““nnnnnnnnn‘ “““nnnnnnnnn““““““““““““““““““““““““
`\ “““nnnn “““nnnnn """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""‘“““nnnnnnnnn
`:"5712552" | "9461469").PN.
`(:Us-20070137372-$ or U8—
`:20170239822-$ or U8—20170244284-$ o
`:US-20190348871 -$ or U8—20190109620
`:$ or U820180198491-$ or U8
`:20180131237-$ or U8—20170288474-$ o
`U8—20170279315-$ or U8—20170271927
`:$ or U820170098965-$ or U8
`:20100289342-$ or U8—20120091818-$ o
`:US-20080303351 -$ or U8—20140091635
`:‘$ or U820140084699-$ or U8
`:20020072736-$ or U8—20030216715-$ o
`U8—20040106916-$ or U8—20050166413
`:$ or U820060167440-$ or U8
`:20070276250-$ or U8—20140035379-$ o :
`file:///C/Users/VInaCarthur/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/ 15 397914/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.15397914_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[11/30/2019 9 :47 :54 PM]


`EAST Search History
`gus-20140143933-$ or U8—20170098991-
`g$ or U8—20070276538-$).did. or (us
`g20100109445-$ or us-2o1oo141042-$ o
`EU8—20100164298-$ or us-20100201203
`g$ or U820100219694-$ or us
`g20100231340-$ or us-20100259110-$ o
`U8—20110208353-$ or us-2014o125141
`g$ or U820060293617-$ or us
`E20080147089-$ or U8—20100174185-$ o
`EU8—20120076629-$ or U8—20130265007
`g$ or U820130274761-$ or us
`g20140316435-$ or U8—20140358284-$ o
`U8—20160157948-$ or U8—20160157947
`g$ or U820160353669-$ or us
`g20180345533-$ or U8—20180344415-$ o
`us-20110217923-$ or us-20120091794
`g$ or U820150326281-$ or us
`E20160072308-$ or us-20170120454-
`g$).did. or (U87955322-$ or US-
`g10382099-$ or us1o411521-$ or us-
`E10298070-$ or U810181761-$ or us-
`E10177821-$ or U89906077-$ or US-
`g9866072-$ or U89461469-$ or us-
`E5712552-$ or U86770081-$ or US-
`g6781337-$ or U87727185-$ or us-
`g8512353-$ or U88641700-$ or us-
`E8672922-$ or U88696651-$ or us-
`E8888764-$ or U88894634-$ or us-
`g8953298-$ or U88986181-$ or us-
`g9031695-$ or U89218053-$ or us-
`g9244524-$ or us925927s-s or us-
`E9423869-$).did. or (US-8177732-$ or
`gU8-8469947-$ or U88545420-$ or us-
`g8979034-$ or us9149339-$ or us-
`g9107684-$ or U89162719-$ or us-
`E9654183-$ or U89979206-$ or us-
`g9859957-$ or U8—5443219-$).did. or (F
`g2935630-$ or FR—2935630-$ or EP-
`g3208051-$ or EP—3208055-$ or EP-
`g3208055-$ or EP—3208051-$).did. or (F
`g2935630-$).oIioI. or (JP-2014187777-$ o
`EJP—2000135694-$).did. or (us-
`g20070137372-$ or FR—2935630-$ or us
`g20190109620-$ or U8—20180198491-$ o
`gEP-3208055-$ or WO-2014193606-$ or
`gDE-102013110698-$ or DE-
`g102013110341-$ or DE-102009003846-
`gor wo- 2007063500- $ or wo- 9509717-$
`or JP- 2000135694- $ or EP— 3151 381 -
`g844 and robot with arm and (wireless
`Ewirelessly) with power
`gEPo; JPO;
`E844 and robot with arm and (wireless
`Ewirelessly) with power and (linear
`18 11
`gEPo; JPO;
`E84E7 E E844 and robot with arm and (wireless
`E EE2019/11/29E
`file:///C/Users/VInaCarthur/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/ 15 397914/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.15397914_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[11/30/2019 9 :47 :54 PM]


`wirelessly) with power and (linear
`linearly telescopic telescopically
`telescoping telescopingly)
`jp near2 "2014187777"
`jp near2 7100786"
`jp near2 h7100786
`jp near2 h07100786
`jp near2 2218578"
`jp near2 h2218578"
`jp near2 "h-2218578"
`ep near2 '0722811"
`EAST Search History
`jp near2 2218578"
` 18:49 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
` a...................................
`ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc\ccccccccccccccccccccccs c\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
`18:1 1
`3 Etttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt:
`file:///C/Users/VInaCarthur/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/ 15 397914/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.15397914_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[11/30/2019 9 :47 :54 PM]


`EAST Search History
`(("20140084699") or ("5712552")).PN. Us-PGPUB; on
`201 9/1 1/29g
`25 ‘
`J eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeu e“eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeé
`PR8; JPO;$
`( 9461469") or ("20080303351") or
`'20140091635") or ("20120091818") or
`"9461469") or ("20080303351") or
`"20140091635") or
`\ ““““““‘J “““““““‘J ee“eee“eee“eee“eee“eee“eee“eee“eee“eee“eee“eee“eee“eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
`$(U820070137372-$ or U8-
`$20170271927-$ or U8-20120091818—$ o
`$U8—20080303351-$ or U8-20140091635
`$53 or U820140084699-$ or U8
`g20050166413-$ or U8-20070276250-$ o
`U8-20140143933-$ or U8-20070276538
`g$ or U820100201203-$ or U8
`$20100259110-$ or U8-20110208353-$ o
`$U8—20100174185-$ or U8-20120076629
`$53 or U820140316435-$ or U8
`$20160157948—$ or U8-20180344415-$ o
`U8-20110217923-$ or U8-20120091794
`g$ or U820160072308—$ or U8
`g20170120454-$).did. or (U8-9461469-$
`$or U85712552-$ or U8-8888764-$ or
`$U8—8979034-$ or U89107684-$ or U8-
`$9654183-$ or U89979206—$).did. or (E
`$3208055-$ or EP—0722811-$).did. or (JP
`g2014187777-$ or JP—2000135694-$).did
`g(us20070137372-$ or us
`$20120091818-$ or U8-20080303351-$ org U8PAT
`ugs-20140091635-$ or U8-20140084699-
`g$ or U820050166413-$ or us
`$20070276250-$).did. or (U8-9461469-$
`$861 and wireless$2
`‘\ ““““““‘J “““““““‘J """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""‘““““““““““““
`SPAT ‘“““““““““““‘“““““““““““““
`‘J “““““““““¢ "‘“““““““““““‘J
`2019/11/2 ‘
`robot adj arm and second adj linear adj
`.. ...............................................
`grobot adj arm and second adj linear adj
`g BM_TDB ‘
`$robot adj arm and linear adj actuator andg U8PGPUB;$
`grobot adj arm and linear adj actuator an g
`gwireless with power
`file:///C/Users/VInaCarthur/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/ 15 397914/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.15397914_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[11/30/2019 9 :47 :54 PM]


`EAST Search History
`grobot adj arm and linear adj actuator
`gsame screw
`g(us20070137372-$ or us-
`g20170239822-$ or US—20170244284-$ o
`gus-20190348871 -$ or us-20190109620
`g3 or us20180198491-3 or us
`g20180131237-$ or US—20170288474-$ o
`us-20170279315-$ or us-20170271927
`g3 or us20170098965-$ or us
`g20100289342-$ or US—20120091818-$ o
`ugs-20080303351 -$ or us-20140091635
`g3 or us20140084699-$ or us
`g20020072736-$ or US—20030216715-$ o
`US—20040106916-$ or us-20050166413
`g3 or us20060167440-3 or us
`g20070276250-$ or us-20140035379-$ o
`ugs-20140143933-$ or us-20170098991
`g3 or us20070276538-3).did. or (us
`g20100109445-$ or us-20100141042-$ o
`US—20100164298-$ or us-20100201203
`g3 or us20100219694-3 or us
`g20100231340-$ or us-20100259110-$ o
`US—20110208353-$ or us-20140125141
`g3 or us20060293617-3 or us
`g20080147089-$ or US—20100174185-$ o
`ugs-20120076629-$ or us-20130265007
`g3 or us20130274761-3 or us
`g20140316435-$ or US—20140358284-$ o
`US—20160157948-$ or us-20160157947
`g3 or us20160353669-$ or us
`g20180345533-3 or US—20180344415-$ o
`us-20110217923-$ or us-20120091794
`g3 or us20150326281-3 or us
`g20160072308-$ or us-20170120454-
`g$).did. or (us20190231458-3 or us
`g20190223967-$ or US—20180264641-$ o
`gus-20180071035-3).did. or (us-
`g7955322-$ or us10382099-3 or us-
`g10411521-$ or us10298070-3 or us-
`g10181761-$ or us10177821-3 or us-
`g9906077-$ or us9866072-3 or us-
`g9461469-$ or us5712552-3 or us-
`g6770081-$ or us6781337-3 or us-
`g7727185-$ or us8512353-$ or us-
`g8641700-$ or us8672922-3 or us-
`g8696651-$ or us8888764-3 or us-
`g8894634-$ or us8953298-3 or us-
`g8986181-$ or us9031695-3 or us-
`g9218053-3 or us9244524-3 or us-
`g9259276-$ or us9423869-3).did. or
`(us8177732-3 or US—8469947-$ or us-
`g8545420-$ or us8979034-3 or us-
`g9149339-$ or us9107684-3 or us-
`g9162719-$ or us9654183-3 or us-
`file:///C/Users/VInaCarthur/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/ 15 397914/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.15397914_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[11/30/2019 9 :47 :54 PM]


`EAST Search History
`:9979206-$ or U89859957-$ or us-
`:5443219-$ or U810368952—$ or us-
`:10314555-$ or U810300605-$ or us-
`:10300598-$ or U810300597-$ or us-
`10299868—$ or U810292777-$ or US-
`1:0274298-$ or U810267614-$ or us-
`:9827678-$ or U89827677-$ or us-
`:9541371-$ or U89366378-$ or us-
`:9346163-$ or U89114537-$).did. or (F
`:2935630-$ or FR—2935630-$ or EP-
`:3208051-$ or EP—3208055-$ or EP-
`:3208055-$ or EP—3208051-$ or JP-
`:7100786-$ or WO-2010081009-$ or wo
`““““““““““““‘ ““““““““““““J “““““‘““““~ ‘“““““““““““““‘
`:2010013418-$ orI<R-101050441-$ or
`:KR—101287000-$ orvvc>2017212943-$
`:20070137372-$ or FR—2935630-$ or U3
`:20190109620-$ orlJ8—20180198491-$ o
`:EP-3208055-$ or WO-2014193606-$ or
`:DE-102013110698—$(N DE-
`:102013110341-$cn DE-102009003846-
`:or WO-2007063500-$ or wo-9509717-$
`:or JP—2000135694-$ or EP—3151381-
`\ “““““““‘ ““““““““‘ "“"‘“"‘“"‘“"‘“"‘“"‘“"‘“"‘“"‘“"‘“"‘“"‘“‘““““““““““““
`:869 and wireless$2
`“““““““““““‘~ "“““““““““““‘~ “““““““““‘“““““““““““““““““
`““““““‘~ ““““““““~ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""‘““““““““““““
`‘ BM_TDB :
`86:9 and wireless$2 and robot
`:EP0; JPO;
`““““““““““““‘ ““““““““““““J “““““‘““““~ ‘“““““““““““““‘
`\ “““““““‘ ““““““““‘ "“"‘“"‘“"‘“"‘“"‘“"‘“"‘“"‘“"‘“"‘“"‘“"‘“‘““““““““““““
`:( "7058258") or ("9150355") or
`:("20140246258") or ("20140277691") or :U8PAT
`:("20050161300" | "20100031856" |
`:"20050268313" | "20090223697" |
`M_TDB ‘
`7591078") or ("7395606"
`““““““‘~ ““““““““~ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""‘““““““““““““
`“““““““““““‘~ "“““““““““““‘~ “““““““““‘“““““““““““““““““
`:("20020087233"| "20020104227":
`: “““““““‘ ““““““““‘ """"""""““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““¢‘““““““““““““J “““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““
`file:///C/Users/VInaCarthur/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/ 15 397914/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.15397914_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[11/30/2019 9 :47 :54 PM]


`gs76 g160
`EAST Search History
`g20170239822-$ or US—20170244284-$ o
`gus-20190348871 -$ or us-20190109620
`g$ or us20180198491-$ or us
`g20180131237-$ or US—20170288474-$ o
`us-20170279315-$ or us-20170271927
`g3 or us20170098965-$ or us
`g20100289342-$ or US—20120091818—$ 0
`gus-20080303351 -$ or us-20140091635
`g3 or us20140084699-$ or us
`g20020072736-$ or US—20030216715-$ 0
`US—20040106916-$ or us-20050166413
`g3 or us20060167440-$ or us
`g20070276250-$ or us-20140035379-$ 0
`gus-20140143933-$ or us-201 70098991
`g3 or us20070276538-3).did. or (us
`g20100109445-$ or us-20100141042-$ o
`gus-20100164298-$ or us-20100201203
`g3 or us20100219694-$ or us
`g20100231340-$ or us-20100259110-$ 0
`US—20110208353-$ or us-20140125141
`g3 or us20060293617-$ or us
`g20080147089-$ or US—20100174185-$ 0
`gUS-20120076629-$ or us-20130265007
`g3 or us20130274761-$ or us
`g20140316435-$ or US—20140358284-$ 0
`US—20160157948-$ or us-20160157947
`g3 or us20160353669-$ or us
`g20180345533-$ or US—20180344415-$ 0
`us-20110217923-$ or us-20120091794
`g3 or us20150326281-$ or us
`g20160072308-$ or us-20170120454-
`g$).did. or (us20190231458-$ or us
`g20190223967-$ or us-20180264641 -$ 0
`gus-20180071035-$ or US—20100031856
`g3 or us20050151963-$ or us
`g20030167647-$ or us-20020104227-
`g$).did. or (US7955322-$ or US-
`g10382099-$ or us10411521-$ or us-
`g10298070-$ or us10181761-$ or us-
`g10177821-$ or us9906077-$ or us-
`g9866072-$ or us9461469-$ or us-
`g5712552-3 or U36770081-$ or US-
`g6781337-$ or us7727185-$ or us-
`g8512353-$ or us8641700-$ or us-
`g8672922-$ or us8696651-$ or us-
`g8888764-$ or us8894634-$ or us-
`g8953298-$ or us8986181-$ or us-
`g9031695-$ or us9218053-$ or us-
`g9244524-$ or us9259276-$ or us-
`g9423869-$).did. or (US-8177732-$ or
`gUS-8469947-$ or us8545420-$ or us-
`g8979034-$ or us9149339-$ or us-
`g9107684-$ or us9162719-$ or us-
`g9654183-$ or us9979206-$ or us-
`g9859957-$ or us5443219-$ or us-
`g10368952-$ or us10314555-$ or us-
`g10300605-$ or us10300598-$ or us-
`g10300597-$ or us10299868-$ or us-
`10292777-3 or us10274298-$ or us-
`10267614-$ or U39827678-$ or US-
`g9827677-$ or us9541371-$ or us-
`g9366378-$ or us9346163-$ or us-
`g9114537-$ or us7591078-3).did. or
`file:///C/Users/VInaCarthur/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/ 15 397914/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.15397914_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[11/30/2019 9 :47 :54 PM]


`EAST Search History
`Hus-73956060 or us-10449011-$ or us
`10393495-$ or US10352679-$ or us-
`(5103359630 or 03103024070 or us-
`§or JP—2000135694-$ or EP—3151381-
`39797700-$ or US9109747-$ or us-
`58825438—$ or US7640674-$ or us-
`§6931745-$ or U35339531-$ or us-
`§5012587-$ or US4964220-$).did. or (FR-31
`§2935630-$ or FR—2935630-$ or EP-
`5320805143 or EP—3208055-$ or EP-
`33208055-$ or EP—3208051-$ or JP-
`;7100786-$ or WO-2010081009-$ or wo-
`52010013418—$ or|<R-101050441-$ or
`§KR-101287000-$ orVVC>2017212943-$
`§20070137372-$ or FR—2935630-$ or us
`520190109620-$ orlJS—20180198491-$ ori
`5EP—3208055-$ or WO-2014193606-$ or
`§DE-102013110698-$cn DE-
`§102013110341-$cn DE-102009003846-$
`§or WO-2007063500-$ or wo-9509717-$
`5876 and wireless$2 with (power voltage

`:876 and wireless$2 with (power voltage
`gourrent) and robot
`EP0; JPO;
`5876 and wireless$2 with (power voltage USPGPUB;§OR
`§current) and robot and transmitter and
`s FPRS;
`““““““‘J “““““““‘J """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""‘““““““““““““ "“““““““““““‘J ‘“““““““““““‘J “““““““““‘ "‘“““““““““““‘J
`5876 and wireless$2 with (power voltage USPGPUB;5OR
`§current) and robot and transmiter and
`( FPRS;
`EP0; JPO;
`5876 and wireless$2 with (power voltage USPGPUB;§OR
`§current) and robot and transmit$4 and
`s FPRS;
`EP0; JPO;
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`5876 and wireless$2 with (power voltage
`gourrent) and robot and transmit$4 and
`EP0; JPO;
`§robot adj arm and (ball adj screw rack
`n5ear2 pinion)
`file:///C/Users/Vmacarthur/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/15397914/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.15397914_AccessibleVersion.htm[11/30/2019 9:47:54 PM]


`EAST Search History
`robot adj arm and
`(ball adj screw rack
`near2 pinion) and wireless with
`voltage current)
`' OR
`robot adj arm and
`(ball adj screw rack
`near2 pinion) and wireless with
`voltage current) and (transmit$4
`robot adj arm and
`(ball adj screw rack
`near2 pinion) and wireless with
`voltage current) and (transmit$4 and
`robot adj arm and
`rack near2 pinion)
`(power voltage current) and (transmit$4
`and receiv$3)
`(ball adj screw same
`and wireless with
`robot adj arm and
`rack near2 pinion)
`(power voltage current)
`(ball adj screw same
`and wireless with
`(ball adj screw same
`robot adj arm and
`second adj arm)
`(ball adj screw with
`robot adj arm and
`second adj arm)
`(rack adj2 pinion with
`robot adj arm and telescop$3 same
`vertical$2 same horizontal$2
`(("3923166") or ("4062455") or
`("4196049") or ("4353677")).PN.
`file:///C/Users/VInaCarthur/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/ 15 397914/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.15397914_AccessibleVersi0n.htm[11/30/2019 9 :47 :54 PM]


`EAST Search History
`g("20010010249"| "20030139848"|
`g14 30

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