`Approved for use {through 01/31/2014. OMB 0651-0032
`U. 3 Patent and Trademark OffrcaflJ. 3. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Unde.the Paperwork Reductéan Act or 1995 no persons are raw.tiredto respond to a oclEectior: of infcrmataon um'ess it dispiays a vatid OMB contra! m:mber
`(Oniy for new nonprovis:anal applications undera‘? CFR 1.53m»
`See MPE’P chapfer 500 concerning utility patent applicar’ian canterts
`Aiexandria, VA 22313“3450
`X:Fee Transmittal Form
`'.Appiicant assent: smaii entfity Etatus
`.'36.“, 37 gmE 27
`EAppEEcant certifies micro entity status See 3.7 CFR 1.29
`3”": Applmartt must attach torn. .IJTO/SBMSA or B a! equivaient
`xE Specmcaticn
`{Total pages
`Both the oiaims and abstract must start on a new page.
`(See MPEF‘ § 605 01(5) rarinfannatian on the preferred arrangement)
`x),E Brawimfis)’35 {13.0 113)
`{Total Pages
`~. Saver-tor”s Oath or Deciaraticn
`lino/riding substitute s!a{emenr3 under 3? CFR 1. 64 and as
`Si‘rvfng 35 an catl. C'I’ dGCIBI-BEIG’I LINE/'5“ 37 "SFR 1 63(3))
`Newty exacuted (Grigina! or copy)
`~ .
`A copy from a prior apoiication (3.7 CFR 1.613(0))
`E33 Appiisaticn {Data fiheet
`* see note below.
`See 37 CFR 176 (PTO/AENM or equivatem)
`in dupiicate, Earge tame, or Computer Program (Appendix)
`Landscape Tobie or: CU
`Nucieotide End/w Amino Acid Sequerme Submistzion
`(if applicabie, items a. ~~ c. are raga/rad)
`E Computer Rpadahae Form (8855‘
`H ‘
`Specification Sequence Listing on:
`E CID—ROM or OER (2 copies); or
`I 10.
`_ Assxgnment Papers
`(cover sheet ii dacument(s)}
`37 CFR 33:33:} Statem‘ettt
`(when there :5 an assrgnee;
`Engiish Translation Documem (Irappiicable)
`Enformafion Disciosura Statement
`(PTO/SBIQS or PTO~1449)
`x E Copies of citatione attached
`Prelimittary Amendment
`Ratum Receipt Postcard
`(MPEP § 503‘) (Should be spacificaliy Itemized)
`Serflfied COPY. OE WEOE‘EW Gaeumanus)
`0" fora?" WWI? ‘5 Gimme“)
`[—1 Nonpubiioatimx Request
`‘ “mi Under 35‘IJ. S C 122(b)(2)(8)(I} App-man: must attachtorm PTD/SB/SS
`0‘ Equ'va‘m
`(1) Benefit Ciaims under 37 CFR 1.78 and foreign priority céaims under 1.55 must be inciuded .r! an Apoiiwuors Data Sheet (ADS).
`(2) For apptications filed Linda—r 35 USO. 111. the appttcation must cantata an ADS specifying the appticant if the appiicarzt is an
`aasignee, peraan ta whom :he inventor is under an obiigation to asgtgn, 0r person wh‘o etherwise shows sufficient profirietary
`interest in the matter. See 37 CFR 1.46 ’
`i Correspondence address below
`Registration No.
`BELLE-S 701 97977-1 39212209530
`”bruary 17 2616
`FTGISBM’.’ (03-13)
`Approved fur use mmugh 01/31/2014. OMB 0651-0032
`U.“o. Pa°em and Trademark Qifice; US SEPARTMENT’JF SUMMERCE
`Under the Paerwnrk Radixiion Ant of 198511;: ersnns are re uired m reswnc’ 10 a coiieciion of :nfcrmaticn uniessu dis-:3 a a vaiirj C-MES comm! number
`Fiiing Date
`February 1 7, 2015
`First Named invenior
`Examiner Name
`N01 Yet Assigned
`U App?man; asserts smaii entity status See 37 CFR 1.27
`Appiicani certifies mi1cm eniiiy 318ms See 37 CFR 1.29.
`Form 9? 0/53/15A or B or equxvaient must eiine. be EfiCfiOSGG ;
`or have been submii’ted previousiy.
`E H
`E H 55E122~0050
`H H '
`’ METHOD m: PAYMENT(check aiit a. app.3/)
`Emu-E Check
`3:} Money Order C None WUther (piaase identify):
`Deposit Account
`Dept-$11 Account Number:
`50—041 7
`Deposit Account Name:”fikggmmpufi£1.12.§imE~m§§y__uEfi;E_
`For the above-identified deposit samurai, the Cinema!" is hereby autharized to (check aii that appiy}:
`EC’harge feeEs) indicated he:ow, saxcept far the!Wing fee
`5Charge 1236(3) indiaated b910w
`X.‘Crec‘l1 any averpaymeni of {55(5)
`mfihatge am; additiona! 1322(3) 01’ underpayment of
`”X18615; under 37 CFR.1 .16 and 1.-7
`WARNENG: information on this 1mm may become pubi:c. Credit card infei'maticn simuid no: he inciuded on this farm. F‘rovicie credit card
`informatiun and authorizatian an 91012038.
`1. BASES HUNG, SEARCH, AND EXAMENATiGN FEES (U : undiscounted fee; 3».. smaii entity fear; M a micro entity fee}
`1m). m M1121
`Edi: w W
`* The 3 ~50 smaii emity szatus Hing 159 m: a uiiiiiy appiscaiicri is {unier reducea in $’0 fora smaii entity status appl:cam who faies 1-in appiécafiion via EF-S-Webu
`Fee Paid (
`fgreaze: ihan 3.
`mm 51113111 Emit Fee MW
`: Each Céaim over 20 (inciuding Reissues)
`I Each independent aéaim ever 3 {inciuding Rei55ues)
`. Muitipie dependent claims
`mm mm
`- 20 or HP =
`Fee 9am ($1
`HP = highest number 0.1101221 ciaims paid for, if greater man 20.
`indeg. Ciaims
`Extra Ciaims
`Fee ($1
`«3 or i-iP-=
`HP = highes; nu!mine; of :ndependent ciaims paid 15 .
`if the snecificaticn and drawings exceed 113E;- sheets of paper(em'uding e:‘ectmnicaiiy:flied segueca 0r computer :is‘ungs under 37 CFR i52(5))1118 appiicat:on size
`fee dué1:? $406 ’5320-310: smaii entity) ($160 101 mi("re entity) far each additienai 5C) sneets a: fraction 1119.3le 35935 U“ .C. 41(a)(1)(G) and 37 CPR 1 16313:;
`1W Wis.
`______________________ ~ “00 L" ___________________
`....................w {mind up to a whsie number) x W... : w_m_
`Fees Paifi m
`Non-Engiish specification. $1301ee (n0 smaii 01' micro entity discount)
`Nameiectrcnic filing fee undfir 3'? CFR 1.13m:ya‘ tiiity application, $4131) fee ($2663 smaii c3? micm entity)
`(Ether (e.g., iaie fiiing surcharge):
`Lit“ 1511.353 5 Lat-:3: iiiing, fee search fee
`Registration N0.
`. iAiW‘HW 38339 Taiepnana
`(202) 7588372
`Name (Wm/Type)
`Date” ..
`”February/177., 2016
`150 =
`DMJJS 70195040-1fl‘32122flfififl