`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 2231371450
`Osamu Kato
`Seed IP Law Group LLP/Panason1e
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5400
`Seattle, WA 98104
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`Notice of the Office communication was sent electronically on above—indicated "Notification Date" to the
`following e—mail address(es):
`US PTOeACtion @ SeedIP .Com
`pairlinkdktg @ seedip .eom
`PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07)
`0,7709 A0170” Summary
`Application No.
`Kato, Osamu
`Art Unit
`AIA (FITF) Status
`- The MAILING DA TE of this communication appears on the cover sheet wit/7 the correspondence address -
`Period for Reply
`Extensions of time may be available under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a). In no event, however, may a reply be timely filed after SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing
`date of this communication.
`|f NO period for reply is specified above, the maximum statutory period will apply and will expire SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`- Failure to reply within the set or extended period for reply will, by statute, cause the application to become ABANDONED (35 U.S.C. § 133).
`Any reply received by the Office later than three months after the mailing date of this communication, even if timely filed, may reduce any earned patent term
`adjustment. See 37 CFR 1.704(b).
`1). Responsive to communication(s) filed on 01/25/2019.
`[:1 A declaration(s)/affidavit(s) under 37 CFR 1.130(b) was/were filed on
`2a)D This action is FINAL.
`This action is non-final.
`3)[:] An election was made by the applicant in response to a restriction requirement set forth during the interview on
`; the restriction requirement and election have been incorporated into this action.
`4)[:] Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordance with the practice under Expat/7e Quay/e, 1935 CD. 11, 453 O.G. 213.
`Disposition of Claims*
`1 and 3—11 is/are pending in the application.
`5a) Of the above claim(s)
`is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`E] Claim(s)
`is/are allowed.
`Claim(s) 1 and 3—11 is/are rejected.
`[:1 Claim(s) _ is/are objected to.
`) ) ) )
`6 7
`are subject to restriction and/or election requirement
`[j Claim(s)
`* If any claims have been determined aflowabie. you may be eligible to benefit from the Patent Prosecution Highway program at a
`participating intellectual property office for the corresponding application. For more information, please see
`http://www.uspto.gov/patents/init events/pph/index.jsp or send an inquiry to PPeredback@uspto.gov.
`Application Papers
`10)[:] The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
`11)[:] The drawing(s) filed on
`is/are: a)D accepted or b)l:] objected to by the Examiner.
`Applicant may not request that any objection to the drawing(s) be held in abeyance. See 37 CFR 1.85(a).
`Replacement drawing sheet(s) including the correction is required if the drawing(s) is objected to. See 37 CFR 1.121 (d).
`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
`12):] Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)-(d) or (f).
`Certified copies:
`a)D All
`b)I:J Some**
`c)C] None of the:
`1.[:] Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2.[:] Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No.
`3.[:] Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this National Stage
`application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)).
`** See the attached detailed Office action for a list of the certified copies not received.
`Notice of References Cited (PTO-892)
`2) D Information Disclosure Statement(s) (PTO/SB/08a and/or PTO/SB/08b)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date_
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`3) C] Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date
`4) CI Other-
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 11-13)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mai| Date 20190618
`Application/Control Number: 15/565,379
`Art Unit: 2466
`Page 2
`This is a second Non-Final rejection based on discussion with
`applicant’s attorney. Examiner made mistake during last office
`action (the last office action issued on 05/29/2019 supposed to be
`a Non-Final rejection).
`Response to Amendment
`Claims 1, and 3-5 are amendment
`Claims 6-11 are added.
`Claim 2 is cancelled.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 102
`The following is a quotation of the appropriate paragraphs of
`35 U.S.C. 102 that form the basis for the rejections under this
`section made in this Office action:
`A person shall be entitled to a patent unless —
`Application/Control Number: 15/565,379
`Art Unit: 2466
`Page 3
`(a)(1) the claimed invention was patented, described in a printed publication, or in public use,
`on sale or othenNise available to the public before the effective filing date of the claimed
`dieit‘ee t ettd d are tejeeted udder dd didtt‘: tt‘td {a} (t) ee
`taetrtd adtteteeted try Etta et at, ttteretdetter, “Etta”;
`Edi 3m Eddddt.
`de te etatttt t, ttte teaettee a wireleee eemmeaieatiart aeparetae
`which eemmaeteetee with emitter wireleee eemmenieatiea
`apparatus ever a wireless baeidtaui time in which a eiuraltty et
`wtteieee aammeateattee eeheruee are mixed arid tread, the
`wireieea eemmenteaderz aeearetee eemertetng: e ereeeaedt»
`tt‘td‘t which, in dgaet‘dttdt‘t {fig 4, eierrierit 433, paragraph 37, tines 1~
`13, data erecesadr i3 equated td a erecesadr ), dieddittee date it’ttd
`tiret data te tetttett atteetatate deiatr ttree te etterter tt‘tdt’t e
`taredd‘tdttdtt‘tdd ttt’t‘td {paragraph 23,3tnea t~15,tew frequency ia
`equated its first and high frequency is equated ta seceud type at“ data,
`paragraph 25, times 1~1S,Eetertcyta equated ta deiay, paragraph 42,5Ertea
`Application/Control Number: 15/565,379
`Art Unit: 2466
`Page 4
`tale, teaches using Ciassitying}is et‘fid e eeeeee dete fitt whfiett the
`etteteeete fitetett tttee fie teeeet‘ teee ttte eteeetetteteee tttee
`(paragraph 39,3tnes tee, high frequency data is equated te a secend
`data}a we
`detetetteee eefi fie eee teeeeeeet eefie fie fitte fittet eefiea eefit
`te add teeeeeeet eete fie that seemed eete {paragraph 42, fitness t
`42, etter ceding is equated te redundant data, apeiytng etter ceding te
`iateney insensitive data teaches this Etmitatien}: et‘tfit
`ee eefieeeewfittefi etfittefitfi te eeetetteeg tteeet‘ette
`tee tttet eete etteeet eeetee tt‘te teeeeeeet date te
`tee ttfiet eefiey eee fitaeeefitte tfite eeeeee eete by eeetee tee
`teeeeeeet date fie ttte eeeeee date (fig. 4, etemant at},
`eategraenee, Eines 1—5, teaches using antenna, paragraph 42, tines Ltd,
`teaches transmitting signaisfi,
`Application/Control Number: 15/565,379
`Art Unit: 2466
`Page 5
`figs 3% @Eaim 55 Xia iaaahag a wireiasg mmmmiaaiign mafihmfi
`{3% a wémiam mmmmimiim apmmmg whim mmmmimim
`with mama? wimiesa mmmmim’iign wmmmg we? a
`wimfiagg baakham fine in whim a @Emaéiiy a? wireiasg
`mmmmicaiifin mhamm am mixm arms mm, “331% mafihafi
`mmmiging cfiamifiymg mm mm firsi mm in whim aémwakzég
`deéay iime E3 Sharia? mm a gamdaiarmmm Eimas and a
`3.5mm dam Era whim Em aimwabia fiaiay iima fig Maggi“ than
`aha mmmerminw aimeg am fiafierméfimg mm 1% add
`racimcfiarzi mm m the mm mm and m add redumfiam @1313
`m Em gamma mm; and Erammifiifig
`”ma mm {mm wéimm adfiing m redumgm data m
`1% mm mm; and immméiiing am Swami mm by adéfim
`aha rmmmm mm m we gamma mm (this methad denim Es
`identicai “ta apparatus Ciaim 3., therefare it is rejected the same way as
`Ciaim 1).,
`Application/Control Number: 15/565,379
`Art Unit: 2466
`Page 6
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 103
`The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. 103 which forms
`the basis for all obviousness rejections set forth in this Office
`A patent for a claimed invention may not be obtained, notwithstanding that the claimed
`invention is not identically disclosed as set forth in section 102, if the differences between the
`claimed invention and the prior art are such that the claimed invention as a whole would have
`been obvious before the effective filing date of the claimed invention to a person having
`ordinary skill in the art to which the claimed invention pertains. Patentability shall not be
`negated by the manner in which the invention was made.
`meme 3 we eee ewmre regeetee meter 35 ifififi 1% (e3 ee
`eeéee eeeeieeteeie ever lite et: eE, {tfzereeeef‘iera “we”;
`eeteeteeeee; ie View e? fiEfiSLEE-‘t et e5; {hereieef’iee
`“HEfiSLER”; Efi’ififififi?33?}.
`Application/Control Number: 15/565,379
`Art Unit: 2466
`Page 7
`ate te etatrrta it artd e3 Xia teachea the apparatus at eéatm to
`Xta deea net teaeh expiieitty abate the apparatus at eiatrrta it ahd
`tteteetrerg, ttEEtSLEFt dtaeteaea erharetrt the preeeaaer tag. 3.,
`etemertt 12, paragraph 31, iirtee 1&2, anatyzipg artit is actuated ta
`thCESSGFES trt reapeeae te determtptag that art amedrtt at the
`data ta eaaat ta at target“ thart a ttt’te eapaette at the wtreteaa
`taaetthatrt ttrtefi atteeatea radte reeeereee ta the ttrat data ta
`preterertee ta the eeeertd data ( paragraph 95, tines 14?,
`paragraph fiat), radip researces are equated ta data, paragraph 16"},
`iirtee :t—Zt?, determining aging teed capacity is: equated ta determine,
`ievei at refinement: is equated ta determiptpg arhedrtt at eaaai at
`target, avattabte bandwidth ia equated ta iihe capacity, backhaai band
`width ES equated te bandwidth}.
`Application/Control Number: 15/565,379
`Art Unit: 2466
`Page 8
`It would have been within the scope of one of ordinary skill in the
`art before the effective filing date of the claimed invention to
`determine that en eeteettt et the ciete ie eeeei te er ietget thee e
`iihe eeeeeity et the wireteee heekheel tine, etleeetee tedie
`teeeeteee te the titet eete in etetetenee te the eeeentt date. as
`teeght hay HESSLER by eteviciing ett etfeetive eeeteeeh fer
`reducing ttenemieeien ietehey ht; menieeietieg trehemieeieh
`evetheett ee taught by Xie eueh thet e eyetem te eeeehie et
`determining thet era emeeet et the date is eeeei te et Sergei“ than at
`iihe eeeeeity et the wtteieee heekheet tine, atleeetee recite
`teeeeteee te the titet eete in etetetenee te the eeeentt date The
`metivetieh ter eeihg ee weeie be te etevicie e methee tet
`eeheneeci ieiht eeetetnetee teeeetien hetweeh tiettee using e
`heekheei ttehemieeieh by determining thet ee emeeet et the date
`is eeeei te et ietget thee e iihe eeeeetty et the wireless beekheei
`iiheg etleeetee teeie teeeereee te the titet date in ptetereeee te the
`eeeeee tiete,
`Application/Control Number: 15/565,379
`Art Unit: 2466
`Page 9
`Aa ip péaima 4 am “5'3 Xia and HESSLER app’t taaph the
`apparatus pf péaim 3 arid 5n
`Xia apaa rapt teach axpiipaiy apppt ma apparatuses pf piaim 4 and 3”,
`fipwaaarg HEQSLER aiapipaaa wharaip Epa
`prppaaaprg Ea raapppaa Ea aaiarmépipp aha? Eha ampppi a"?
`ma aaia ia aapafi Ea pr iarpar map a Eipa aapaaiiy pf aha
`wiraéaaa packhaai apag afippa’iaa raaip raapprpaa Ep Epa
`Sefipfid dam; wiihifi a flappifig rapga {paragraph 183, Eipas 3:23,
`aiipca‘tipg reaparcaa 81 pr 82 teaches thia iimi‘tatipp}? in which
`a sum ampant pftha first data and the gamma data apes
`apt exceed the fine capacity {using maximum aEEpwad iatappy far
`backhaai capacity taachaa this Eim‘itatipp),
`Application/Control Number: 15/565,379
`Art Unit: 2466
`Page 10
`It would have been within the scope of one of ordinary skill in the
`art before the effective filing date of the claimed invention to
`determine that the ametiht et the data is equal te er iarger then a
`iihe eeeaeity et the wireteee backhaul ithe, etleeetee redie
`reeeereee te the eeeehe data; withih a eaeeihg rehge ih whteh
`a eern emetiht et the tiret ciate eett the eeeer’rtt eete eeee
`net exceed the time eeeeeity as taught by HESSLER by previeihg
`eh etteetive eeereaeh fer redeeieg tranerrtieeieh ietertey by
`rrrenieeiating treherhieeten everheett ee teeght by Xie eeeh that a
`system is eeeahle et determining thet the emeeht ef the date is
`eeeai te er lerger these a tine eaeeeity ef the wireteee heekhaei
`iihe, atleeatee raeie reeeereee te the eeeehci eete; within
`e eeeeihg range in which e eern emeeht et the tiret date end the
`eeeeee data rteee rtet exeeett the iihe eeeeeity. "the metivetieh
`fer dethg ee weelti he te erevie‘e a thetheci ter ehhaneee ieirtt
`eeereihatee reeeetien hetweeh hertee eeihg e heehheei
`trehernieeiert hy cietermieihg that the emeent et the date is eeeet
`te er iarger thee e iihe eeeaeity et the wireieae heekhaet
`Application/Control Number: 15/565,379
`Art Unit: 2466
`Page 11
`iina, ailaaa‘iaa radii) raaaarcaa ta iha aaaaad aata; wi’zhia
`a capping range in which a aam amaaa’i a? iha firai data and tha
`aaaaad da‘ia aaaa ma? axaaad the liaa aaaaaity.
`mama 8 and 1a ara raiaaiaa aaaar 35 Quail: ma {a} aa baiag
`aaaataataaia aaar Xéa at as; {haaaiaaftaa “Ma”; aa‘saa‘aaaaaa;
`ia aéaw a“? Faatar at al. iharaiaafiarg “Faaiar”; aaaaaaaaaaaa
`Aa Ea aéaima a5 Xéa taachaa iaaah the apparatuses af aiaim 5..
`Xia aaaa nai taaah axpiéaétiy abaa’z the apparatus {31‘ aiaim 8.
`fiawaaarfi Faatar aéaafiaaaa wharaia aha am ia whim Eha
`raaaaaaafi aaia ia aafi aaaaa éaaiaaaa amarmaiiiy aafiaafiiaa
`am Eaaiaafiaa a? aaiaatiaa a? aa amarmaiifiy in an imaga
`iakaa by a aawaiiiaaaa aamara aaaaéaa Ea a maai’iariag
`Application/Control Number: 15/565,379
`Art Unit: 2466
`Page 12
`eertter apperetde ha a edreettteeee eeetere (fig 1, ptease see the
`entire figure, paragraph 33, three 141, tridee teed are edaated te data,
`wiretess cameras are equated tr) surveittahee camera, security
`cehtretier er camera eehtreiter is equated te rrrerutdridg eehter,
`paragraph 34, three 1&4, paragraph 35, tines 1&3, detecting rrretterr er
`arr event is equated te detecting any data, paragraph 35, tines 142,
`ferward errer terrerztierr is equated td redundant data, paragraph 38,
`itrree 145?”, data teas ta equated ta deteetteh et ahearmat image at vtdee
`data}, errd the data te ethteh the reddededt date te added
`teetddee image data trt athteh rte eedermettte te deteeted hr
`the eereetttedee eeetere (paragraph 48, trees $137, dtaahttng errer
`detectida mechanism (Chit: and CHECKSUM} E5 taheh as that adding FEC
`er redundant data te a perrupt packet er videe image}.
`It would have been within the scope of one of ordinary skill in the
`art before the effective filing date of the claimed invention to tree a
`Application/Control Number: 15/565,379
`Art Unit: 2466
`Page 13
`data ta which the redundant data ie nct added ihcttidee
`achcrmatity detectich data indicative ct detectich at art
`achcrmatity id an image taken by a aetyeiliahce camera cedeied
`ta a mchitdtihg center accaratde in a edryeitlahce and the data ta
`which the redundant data is added ihciddee image data ih which
`rte aendtmaiity is detected in the edryeiliance ayatem ae taught by
`Fcetet ey ctdyidihg ah ettectiye aeereach tat reducing
`ttahemieeidh latency by manipulating ttahemieeich dyerhead ae
`taught by Xia each that a ayetem ie cacaete ct aside a data td
`which the redundant data ie net added inciddee adhermatity
`detectich data indicatiye ct detectieh at art ahhermaiity in ac
`image taken 1cy a eetyeiiiance camera cceeted td a martitcrihg
`center apparatus in a edryeiitahce add the data ta which the
`redundant data is added inciddee image data in which hd
`achcrmatity is detected in the earyeiiiahce system. The mctiyatidh
`fer dcihg ed wcaid he tc integrated eecdtity centictlet and yidec
`trahemieeich eyetem by eeing a data ta which the redundant data
`is net added ihciddee aendtmaiity detectidd data indicative ct
`Application/Control Number: 15/565,379
`Art Unit: 2466
`Page 14
`daiadiidd di an adddrmaii’zy in an image idkad by a
`adiniEIaddd damdra ddddiad “id a mdditdridg dddidr addaraidd in a
`adwaiiladda add ihd daia id whidh the raddddad’z data is addad
`iddlddda imagd data in which dd dhddid’idédy is detected in
`ihd aurvailiaddd ayatdm.
`dd id didid‘i “ids dhdrdid idd ddid id idhidh idd idddddadi daid
`id dd’i ddddd iddidddd aizdiddddiidi ddiddiidd daid iddiddiidd
`di ddiddiidd di‘ dd ahdidri‘ddiiirgir id ad id‘iddd idddd dd a
`ddrddiiidddd ddi‘ddi‘d ddddidd id a diddiidddd dddidi
`ddddi‘dida id a ddi‘ddiiiaddd fiyd'idi’i’i, ddd idd ddid id dihidh ihd
`rdddddadi daia id ddddd iddidddd id’iadd daid id dihidh dd
`dbfifii‘i‘i’idiiiy id ddiddidd id did adrddiiiddda ayaiddd {this daim is
`idadiicai id ciaim 8, thara’idra, ii is rejected the same way EiS Ciaii‘i’i Si.
`Application/Control Number: 15/565,379
`Art Unit: 2466
`Page 15
`t‘TStdtmg tilt dt’td “t't dtd tetddtdd dt‘tddt :35 Quad tt‘ftd {dt dd bdtdd
`ttttttdtdtttdtzttd we? Etta at at. tt‘tdtdtttattdt, “Etta”; Ett’ti‘ttttfiddddt
`its view dt tt‘tdgtttt at at, tttdtdtttdttdt"a “ddgtttt”; Edtdddtdfitdt.
`dd td tstdttttd titty Xia tQaChQS teach the apparatug dt ctatttt 5.
`Kid ddeg t‘mt mach axpiicitty abdut that apparatud at alaittt 9“
`ttdtttdttdt, ttttgttd dtddtdddd wttdtdttt that: data td wttttttt ttttt
`tedttttddttt data ttee ddt added ttttttttddd ddtttdd‘tddt tttgctttt
`ttttdttttattdtt add ddtttdtttdttt dddtttmdttdt‘t ttttdtmdttdtt ttt a
`tt‘dt‘tdadttdt’t tittdttdddtt’tg Systtttttt (paragraph 71, times LN, ettdt
`Cdtrectidn (Read Sdtdmdn tartar mttectidn), using tartar cattectidn Lttttii
`an image is apmdpriatety interpreted is interpreted 52$ net addtng
`redundant data td a QR mde Ctr settiement tttpdt and anfitmattdd,
`paragraph 65, ittteg lull?! transactidn is equated tit: adtttement input
`data, creattt‘tg temtd is actuated t0 setttementtdtt Whitltt dd dtttdtt’tttted
`tetter tttttt‘tdtte ttttd a Catttt‘dt Starter are Cdttgded (paragraph 65, times
`Application/Control Number: 15/565,379
`Art Unit: 2466
`Page 16
`tad, teaches ATM machine, fig. it, eien‘ient 1m and 4&2, paragraph 72,
`iinee 1&6, bani: is; interpreted aa server System at a bank, figure r1i
`teaches ATM is cannected te a server at a bank)? and Etta data td
`treated the reddddant data ta added tnetddee peek eatry ta
`reaerd tt‘re eettteraedt ta ttte tradeaettea preeeaetaa eyetedt
`{paragraph 56, tines 1~Zt?, ”creating reedrd” i3 read as beak entry td a
`recerd, paragraph Ti, tines 1—133, aging errdr cerrectian entii an image
`is apprepriateiy interpreted is: interpreted as net adding redundant data
`ta a QR cede er Settiemant input and centirmatidnt
`It would have been within the scope of one of ordinary skill in the
`art before the effective filing date of the claimed invention to net
`adding redundant data inte a eetttement irtedt infermetiea add
`eettternent eenttrmatien tniermattdn in a transactidn prdeeeeir‘rg
`eyetern mandated te a eerver, and adding the redundant data that
`ineledee peek entry ta rederd the aettlemeat in the trapeadtiea
`Application/Control Number: 15/565,379
`Art Unit: 2466
`Page 17
`ereeeaatnd ayaten‘a as taught by Anetta such that a system Ea
`capable at net adding redundant data intd a eettiernent input
`intermetien and eettlentent eentirntatien tntennatien in a
`tranaaetien nteeeeaing eyetern canneeted tea a sewer, and adding
`tite redundant data that inelndee edek entry ta reeerd the
`eettiernent in the transactien ereeeeeind eyetern. The rnetivatien
`fer detng ed wenid Ede ta metndd and eyetern tar nrevtdtng a
`traneittdn intermatien te a near at a aeitneerviee traneaettdn {SST}
`that can antdmatieetly generate and dieelay any endt by net
`adding redundant data tnte a sediment input infermatten and
`eettiernent eentirntatien intermatien in a ttanaaetien nreeeeeing
`eyetent eenneeted te a server, and adding the redundant data that
`inelndea eddk entry tn reeerd the Settlement in the treneaetten
`ereeeaatnd ayatem.
`ate te eiatine ti, tetterein tite data te tented tide teddndant
`data ie net added tneiudee eettiernent ineut tnterntatien and
`Application/Control Number: 15/565,379
`Art Unit: 2466
`Page 18
`settiement matirmatian intermatim in a transactian
`precaaaing 33:32am in which an autfimatad tattar machém and
`a centrai aawer are muggiatfig and the data m which
`the racimciant data is added imiedas beak entry ta racism
`the aetiiament in the transaction precaaaing ayatem {this claim
`is identical to claim 3, therefore, it is rejected the same way as claim 8).
`Response to Arguments
`Applicant's arguments filed 01/25/2019 have been fully
`considered but they are not persuasive.
`In response to applicant’s argument regarding claims 1 and
`5, prior art Xia teaches the amended claim 1 and 5. Therefore,
`these claims are not allowed after incorporating dependent claim
`2 into claims 1 and 5.
`Application/Control Number: 15/565,379
`Art Unit: 2466
`Page 19
`In addition, the same prior art also teaches dependent
`claims 3-4 and 6-7 as shown above.
`The prior art made of record and not relied upon is
`considered pertinent to applicant's disclosure.Any inquiry
`concerning this communication or earlier communications from
`the examiner should be directed to ABUSAYEED HAQUE whose
`telephone number is (571)270-7252. The examiner can normally
`be reached on 9 am -7:30 pm.
`Examiner interviews are available via telephone, in-person,
`and video conferencing using a USPTO supplied web-based
`collaboration tool. To schedule an interview, applicant is
`encouraged to use the USPTO Automated Interview Request
`(AIR) at http://www.uspto.gov/interviewpractice.
`Application/Control Number: 15/565,379
`Art Unit: 2466
`Page 20
`If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are
`unsuccessful, the examiner’s supervisor, Faruk Hamza can be
`reached on 571-272—7969. The fax phone number for the
`organization where this application or proceeding is assigned is
`571 -273-8300.
`Information regarding the status of an application may be
`obtained from the Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR)
`system. Status information for published applications may be
`obtained from either Private PAIR or Public PAIR. Status
`information for unpublished applications is available through
`Private PAIR only. For more information about the PAIR system,
`see http://pair-direct.uspto.gov. Should you have questions on
`access to the Private PAIR system, contact the Electronic
`Business Center (EBC) at 866-217-9197 (toll-free). If you would
`like assistance from a USPTO Customer Service Representative
`or access to the automated information system, call 800-786-
`9199 (IN USA OR CANADA) or 571-272—1000.