`(43}Date 9f pubiicaflau 8f appaicatian
`{21)fipjgiicatian number
`{22)Eate of fiiing
`PRQBLEM TO BE SQLVEQ: To pmvifie an alarm device {Gambia 9f issuing an
`agpmprfiate atarm accerdmg m a Change in traffic environment.
`SGLUTIGN: An aiarm device Getacts meshiifie bodieg in the periphery 01“ an own
`vahicze t0 demmina the ieve§ a? visibility 0f the mobiie Eadies viewed fmm a driver
`anti predicts future situations :3? the mobiie badiees. The aiarm mevice SEiECt'S a
`mabize may it) he netifiefi t0 the {iriver basefi on the visibifity and the future
`situatims Q? the meme bad‘ies and mitifies the driver a? the seiected mobfie handy.
`Further, the aiarm device incmdes traffic envimnment informatien acquisitimn
`means for acmzit'ing traffic envircmmafit infmmation in the periphery of the own
`vehicie and changes a prediction time, 0r 3 time germs; when the situ‘a’tian is;
`predictefi, acmrcfing to the traffit enuimnmeni' infermaficm. Thus the aiarm device
`may be configured to set an appropriate prediat‘mn time acmnfiing to the peripherai
`traffic situation and, if time traffic situation is changed in a Sher: time, prevents the
`matinuous situatian prediction that is different“ fmm the reaiity,
`SN) and INPIT are not responsihi-e for any
`damages caused by the use m“ this translatimm
`li‘his document has; been translated by mmputen SO the tr‘angiatian may mt
`reflect the origina§ precisew.
`2. * ”’5 ShQWS the word which can not be transiatefi,
`3m the drawings, any words; are net tranasiated.
`{Ciaim 1}
`in an aiarm device which prefiicts a. future situation of a mmbiie body around a
`seif—vehicie, and reportg the aforementianed mabiie bad";
`:0 a driver 0f the
`aforementicned Se§fevehic¥e according in a mediated remit,
`A mobiie may detaction means which detects the afes'ement-imed mnbii‘e body,
`A visibifity judgment means which judges a degree 0? the uisibifity a»?
`afommentmr‘sed mahiie hwy seen 5mm the aforementinned timer;
`A traffic ‘emirmmenm infarmatimn aflquisring means which Obtains
`enwrmment infamwation around a seif-veihicfie,
`A predktian arithmetic means; which predicts
`a future skuatiun 9f
`afemmentianed mews. body,
`Sased on visibiiity and a future situation of this affirementmnefi mnbiie may, it has
`an aiia’rmmg means which r‘epm‘ts a mahiie {may to a driver,
`Rn aiarm deviae, ‘vvherein a prefiiction arithmetia means changes, forecast time
`which is a pericd when a skuatifln is predicied acmrdmg t0 the af‘mementioned
`envimnmentai informatim acquiring means.
`{Ci-aim 2.}
`it has am area caiwia‘tion means which computes a Seat: angie region wmm annot
`be recsgnized viguaiiy fmm a driver 92’ the afmmmentiiened seifivehicia or a region
`hard tr: see. which is mat easy ta retagfiize 'visuaiiy,
`The aifiar‘m device awarding to daim 1, wherein the aforementioned predictifln
`arithmetic. means meditts haifiing time m which the aforementioned mobiie body
`exists in the aforementioneé dead angséé regisrm er haiding time which exista in said
`regitm hard ta 38.9. as the future aforementiened situation
`{Eiaim 33
`The aiarm device acmrdéng tn ciaiém 1 0r 2, wherein the afmfementicned predictiwn
`arithmetic means predicts a cmfiigéon possibiiity degree at“ a seif—vehicie and the
`afaremenfiofied mebéia body as the future afmement‘iened situatiang
`{Ciaim #33
`A5 the aforementioned traffic environment infiarm-atian, distance 0f a crossing ahead:
`at” a seif—vehicie and a se§f~vehic§e is acquired,
`The 83an device acc‘crfiing to any we {sf cia-imS i he 3 setting up the
`aforementioned famcast time short as compared with a case where distance of the
`afarementimed $035ng anti
`:3 saifwehide is bug when distance 0f
`aforementkmed massing and a se£fvvehide is shed“,
`{Claim 5]
`The aiarm fievice accohciing ‘tCZ- any mm 131’ cfiaims ‘1 ted characterizes: by changing:
`the afarementimed fare-cast time according t0 dassificatim of the aforementianed
`mabiie hwy,
`{Ciaim £3}
`The aiasrm device acmm‘ing to any we of ciaims 1 to S changing the aforementimed
`faracast time Short as compare-d with a case where the aforemenfianaci ciassifitatien
`$5 vehicies whan aiasgificatim of the afo-rementiened mmbiie body is a pedestrian
`*5 NOTICES 3*
`3m and INPIT are net msmnsibia far any
`{iamages caused by the use of this tra nsiatim.
`LThis dacument has been tramsiaied by computer. So the transéatian may not
`reflact the magma: weds-aw.
`2”“ shows me ward which can mat be transz‘iated‘
`3.3:“: the cirawings, any wards are not transégted.
`{Detaiieeé Dascription of the Inventim}
`{Fiekfi of the Invention}
`The present inventian remé‘es team. afarm device,
`{Backgmund of the Inwention}
`The mama {may which went- into the dead sang-fie regie‘n a? the seif‘ which is; dgtected,
`arm the periphew meni‘mring Swim which reports m ism firiver 0f 5 seif vehicie he
`knew {ft}? exampie, see Patent Document 1'}. In {Ms periphery monitarmg device,
`when the mebiie {way which went mm the dead angle region passes threugh a dead?
`angie regisn For a sham {3er 0? time and visuai recagnition m" it is attained from a
`driver, ma information aboutme mabfie bedy cancaemefi is mhibitad.
`{Citation fist}
`{Patent iiterature}
`{Patent dacument 1} JP 2888 * 12%?4A
`{Sfimmaw Qf inventimfl
`{Pm-3mm is he sowed by the invention}
`HDwever, in 3 Prior art, in order to cempute t0 the point the course prediction about
`the mahiie body which went mm the dead angie reg‘éam far a dafinite periad of time
`which was set up preiiminariéy, when traffic envimnment changed far a short time,
`there was a possibiiity that the mmputed caurse predictian might differ from an
`actuai {nurse iargeiy.
`The present §Wentian is made in order he smive Such probiam.
`The mimosa is to provide an aiarm device which m‘efiictim a? a previmus futuna
`situatiéen is prevented far a bag time which gag) with reaiity ‘eniarges, and 3t
`canesmnds :0 Change ,0? traffic environment, arid can perfmm suitabie warning.
`{Means for gaiving prohiem}
`in the aiar'm, devihe which the aiarm device by the gas-8.53m inventian hregiicts the
`future situatian of the mohiie harsh; amumj a seifavvehicie, and regatta a mobiie hwy
`t0 the driver of a seifwehicie acceding :0 the predicted resuit, The awhile back;
`d‘etectim means which detects a mahiie 1:20:33; and the visibiiity judgment means.
`which judges the degree {if the visihiiity m“ the mabiie body seen fmm the driver, The
`traffic envimhmehtai
`infermatiian acquiring means which chiming the traffic
`environment informatian amum‘i a Seiinvehicie, and the mediation arithmetic means
`which garadicts the future Situatieh 0f :3 mflhiie heady, 83363.3 oh the visibiiity and the
`future situation of a mehiie herds»y it has an aiarming means which reparts a mehiie
`may to a driven and the preéittian arithmetic means is chamcterized by changing
`the farecast time which is; a period when a situaiim is predicted awarding tn the
`traffic envimnmmt informatieh attained by the traffii: ehvimnment information
`Accordihg in Such an aia-rm device, the mabiie body are-Lind a seif«-vehicie is detected,
`the degree {if the visihiiity mime mobiie may seen from the driver is jagged; and the
`future situation of a mohiie may is predicted. Saae‘d an the \i'isihiiiw and the future
`Situatian Di 3 mahiie body, an aiarm device cheeses the mahiie bhdy rammed m a
`drives; and péyfsrmss infmnatim :0 a driver abeut the setected 'rmbiie bawdy. An
`aiarm device can be provided mm the traffic. envimnmentai informatitzm acquiring
`means which chi-aims the traffic envimnment information around a seifweifide, and
`can change the fsrecast time. which is; a permfi when a sitra.:ai:ion is predicted:
`awarding to traffic environment infermation, Thereby; since it is pessibie ta set up
`suitabie fmrétast time according ta 3 surmuncfing mafia gituation, when a traffic
`Situatian changes far a Shari: time, cantjnuing different situatian predictisn fmm
`reafisty is prevented A5 a resuk, unmet-wary data amassing can be reduced and a
`amassing mm min be reduced.
`Far exampia! the prediction of the future situatim a}? the mi-Eisicm pmssibifiw degree
`of a se¥f~vehiaie and a meme bufiy and the future srituafim of the fieg‘ree of the
`mmmcuousness a? the mohiie handy" sear: from the driwer of the seifivehéde can
`cmsifier that accuracy changes with trafirsc ezwir‘onmemt. When the seif vehktie fig
`running the highway which is a driveway; even father vahicie which runs the
`timumference of a seifwehide has a high possibiiity {31‘ running by constant sweed‘
`subs‘tamiaiiy and it wiii perform prediction if a situatimn aimui: mmparativeiy mg:
`time {fa-r exampie, S SQCQETEEES} in the future,. it
`is gessibie that: predi‘t’cabifity is
`maintained. On the nther hand,
`in archer that vehides may repeat Campticated
`amfiams, such as: Start and a stag, when pradictiozn of a Situation is perfarmed abmzt
`cam paramew Hang time iv: the future! there is a gsssibiiity that predictabiéity may he:
`d‘ete-rimated in mmmiian wifih :a {apse of
`time at a crassing. Then,
`environment infmmatém is thamed and the afiarm based cm the situatim pred§cti0n
`with 520w accuracy is gmvented by changing fer-ems: time awarding m the acquired
`traffic environmem.
`(An warm device is a dead angie region which cannmt be remgnizem‘ visuafiy from the
`driver a? a seifvvamtie. 0r macgnizmg viguaiiy may bfi pmvided with the araa
`caicuiatim means; which wmputes the r‘egim hard to see which 33 mt easy, am? a
`areciiflinn arithmatit; mEans may predict time for" a mobii'e body ta stagnate in a
`dam angie vagina, or‘time tau stagnate in: a region hard to see as a future. situation,
`Thereby; the aiarm device can cheese the meme body r‘eperted to; a driver accmd’ing
`to the Wading time in the dead angle region predicted as: a future situation of a
`mmbiie may, and the hmidmg tima in a regien hard in see. Fm exammet the
`abcwe‘mentioned E‘s-aiding time gimnses a long mabiie may! and it hammers paaséme
`m gerfarm warning to a firi‘ver.
`A535??? a prediction arithmetic means, it is suitabée a3 a future Situation in predict the
`canisim possibiiiw degree of a seifwehicie and a mobiizsa body. Thereby, the aiarm
`device can masses the mabiie body repartefl it: a Cir-Ever awarding ta the caifisim
`passibifisty degree of the seif-vehicie and. mobii‘e body which were medicteci as a
`future situatian, Fm? Examm-e; a csiiisfaon pagsib‘iiiw degree cheeseg a high mama
`may; and it becames. possibie tit: perm-rm warning is a firi'ver.
`(A5 traffic environment infamatian, it acquires the distance 13‘? the cs'assing ahead D?
`a geifaveh‘itie; and a seiwehicie, and when the distancae cf 3 crassing and a
`seif—vehicifi is short, as temps: red with the case where the déstance a? a crassing and
`a seiéf—vehide i3 Hang, it E meerahie { an aEar-m device 1 to set up fartinast times ahm't‘
`Since the traffic gituation is awe in set up farmcast time Shari: in a variabm fin-am ‘p-iace
`by this far a simrt period of time iéke a missing, when a traffic situatian changes for
`a shat period 9f time, swimming predictian a? 3 future situation which gap with
`reafity emarges is prevented. As a resuit, unnecaasary data pmcessing can be
`reduced and a protessing bad can be reduces.
`As; far an aiarm device,
`is; prefeyabie in change farecast time awarding t0 the
`dasgificatitzm of a mobii-e hwy: Since the mmmiexity of a future actizm differs,
`accarding m the ciass‘ificatéon of a mabiiie heady, it becames gagsibie m sat up exact
`farecast time by afijusting ferecagt time accmding m the dassificatian of a mmfie
`As far an aiarm devécei as compared with the case where ciasaificatien is vehicses,
`when the Ciassifitatian 0? a mabiie bady‘ is a pedestrian, it is suétahie is change
`fwecaat time shaft. In the case of a pedestfiean, predifitien of a future situatian which
`gap with reaiity eniar‘ge‘s is mavented because subsequent :02.me mediation sets up
`faracast time short 3mm it is difficuzét .33 compared with the case {if vehides.
`{Effect 01‘ the Invention}
`Amordhwg ta the aiarm device 03* the present inventian,
`it is pessibie to prevent
`predictmn m" a grevious future sifuatim for a mug time whim gag: with reaiity
`enamels; ta correspanci to change 0’? traffit envimmmanh and tr: perfcrm suitamse
`{Brief Bescr‘ifltion of the Drawings]
`A {FIG} 1} It is a biock ‘Configuramn diagram showing rm aia‘rm device canceming a
`{Bresent im‘enfiw embediment.
`A {FIE}. 2} it is a flow chart which ShQWS the pmceflure in da‘ngercms factor se¥ectim
`A {FR}. 3} It is a flaw Chart which shmws th-epmcmure at the time of computing the:
`degree :3? cansnicuausness sf 3 danger-ems faster:
`fl {’FIG. :52} 1:33 a man View showing an examipie C»? a fieafi angie magma, a regimz hard
`to see, and an ang§emflvigimiiw region.
`A {FIG}. 5} 1*: is a man View shaming an exampie of the degree cf mmpiwousness 0?
`each regien, and the. firm Segree {3f conspicuaugness Q? We hazarfi which moves.
`a {FER 6} it is a prism View shewmg the present mat; state‘
`A {$338. 1?} it is a pian View showing a mad state sf fisecand aftet
`A {FIG 8} mg a flaw chart which shaws the preceduna at: the time a? a danger fatter
`A {Fit} 9} it is the figure shawing an exampie 0f mapping cf hazard infam'zatien.
`A {HQ 18} It is the figure smwmg an exampie of mapping of hazard infm‘mation.
`A {$318. 11} It is a flaw than: whim 5mm. the pmcea‘ure perfmmed by a danger-nus
`factar seiecting part.
`A {H& 12} It is a pian View shawing an example of the assignment to the warn m" a:
`A {Fifi-3. 13} I: is a man view ghewing an examgzie cf extractmn a? the. hazard which
`may coiiifie with a sew—vehicle“
`A {HQ 143 it is the figure shawing an exampie of mapping of hazard infim‘matmn,
`{Descriptim a? Embedimenfi}
`Hereinafter, whiie referring to Drawing fer the suitable embmfliment of the Marm
`dawice by the present inventian, it fiascfiébes. The same made is given m a same D!“
`masédembie e§emenL and the overlapping descriptim is omitted ta it. The aiarm
`device as“ this ambndiment is mounted on whit-Eras: and repeats the mafia body
`which shauid detect the mobii‘e handy armnci a seifavahitie and sheuid be carem 0?
`it ta 3 driver based {m the confipicuauaness {if 331% Gatected 'mabiie may, and the
`future situai‘im a? a mohiie how
`{A mt embediment)
`The. afiarm device 1 is previded with Obstacie grimar‘y detecting etemeat 2, hard :0
`see primary detecting eiemeni 3, fine {if sight detectien part 4, traffic. emi‘mnmeiitsi
`primary cistecting eisment S, aisrm wart 6,: dismay part 2?, and dangerous faster
`seiection ECUle as main comsositian, as shawn in Fig.1. 1: is eiectricaiiy asiinected
`with dangemus factor seieci‘im ECUIO; and these Shasta-ids primary dstsc‘cmg
`efements .3; the primary cistectmg eiement 3 hard to see, the fine {if sight fietestim
`part 4, the 'itrai‘fii: envimnmentai srimaw detscting siement 5, this aim-m part 6,. and
`the dismay seat 2? are. considered as the campositisn whim can wmmunicata
`The abstacie primary detacting eiem-fent 2 is a camera, a iassr range finder {LRF}, em
`for wutsiifie envimnifnent rsmg-nitim which Ware attasmd ts vshicies, and cistects
`the Obstacie amund a 563f"‘~fehi£ie, far fixampie. The abstacie primary detesting
`eiement 2 detects the m‘obiie may which has a ipussibiiitv af'mntacting a $33? vehiaie,
`as am ubstacie around a seifsvehisisr am obtains the infmrmatian about the pasitiwn
`of this. mnbiie body! and mavement speed. It sees fmm a $25? vehic‘ie amt? the mabiie
`bed»; with a passibiiity 0f C(Aritafitmg a seii veh-‘icie hecsmss a dangemus factor
`{bazaars}; The absta‘cie primary detecting; element 2 functions as: a mebiie may
`detection means a? this present; invention which detects a mobiie may.
`The abstacie grimary deteciing eiement :3;
`is attached tn the frent-face side a?
`vehicfes‘si and ciatects the hazam which exists in a firiver’s dam angie regien. A
`driver’s fiead angie regém grammes by a firive‘r‘s fieid 0? view being interrupted by
`the crew member me $313 an the reinfarcement member {piiiar‘} of vehides, and a
`aassenger gear, far exampia The abstade primary detecting eiement E transmkg
`the detected infarmation to {flangeEmus factm‘ Stair-252mm ECUZLG‘
`The cempcgitian which can mam the infmrmafion about the attribute {ciassificatien
`of a mafia body} m" a hazard may be Satisfacmw for the obstarsie primary dategting:
`eiememt 2. For gramme, baseci mn'tm pasitimns {a drivgway, a feat waik‘,‘ etc.) of a
`hazard, farm; and mavemem spew,
`the compasitmn which distinguishes the
`atmbute (3‘? a hazard may be used. As an attribute of a hazard, there are an
`automobiée, a two~wheaied vahii-cie, a bicycifie, a medEstrian, etc.
`The mimary d‘etécting aiememt 3 had it: seize is a Setecmn Wag. abnut the fainter
`{hereinafter referred to as "‘ a facmr hard to see “3 which inhibitg the visuai
`recagnitiean from a driver. Existing sensars, switches, etc“ can be used as $338 primary
`d‘ete'ctmg eiement 3 hard to see. For examaie based {3n QWQFF— ogeratim of a
`pcsitmn fight switcbf the primary detecting eiement ‘3 hard :0 see presumes; the
`da rkneszs around a 5933‘ whim-e, and detects a factor hard :0 see. Basred on GNXQFF 0»?
`a fight switch, it can be distinguished whethew it: i5 waning, it is night, or it is dayfime.
`A winfishieid wiper switch and a minding: sensrsr can be used as the prim-aw
`detecting Eiement 3 hard ta see, far Exa‘mpiie. Based on the ONiOFF sigma a? a
`windshiefd wiper switch, and the signaii by a raindrap sensor, the primary detectifig
`element 3 hard ta see {grammes adhegion :3? the. raindrop m a Windghieid, and
`detacts a factor ham to see.
`The camera whim acquires the imaga ahead m“ a seifwehicie can ‘58:} used 33 the
`grim-aw detecting'eiement 3 hard to see, for exampie. 83383 on the obtained mature
`ihfnrmafion, the: primary detecting eiement 3 hard tea-see grammes the fiegree of
`the bacflight: in the sun m an onwming car Eight, and deterzts a factor hard to see.
`The seat bait switch and seat SeflSDf which detect a feiiéow passenger‘s: existence
`may be used as the primary {jamming afiemiant 3 hard :9 see. The primary detecting:
`eiement‘ 3 ha rd ta see detects a feifiaw passenger‘s existenca is mesummg the dead
`angie regmn which QHJQUCES by a feiiflw passenger’s; Existence using a standards
`human body madeig and detects a faatar hard to see, far examma The infarmatim
`abeut the detected facts:- hard t0 see is autputted t3 éangemus factor seiection
`The firm 0? sight detectien part 4 {jetects the position at)? the eye in a driver's sight fine
`directim and three—dimensimai space. As the Sine a? sight detectim part 4,. the
`vehide internai use tamer-a which amuires a driver's face image can be used, fer
`exampiée. The a-tquired face image and a face form—fi-ke moflei are checked and a
`driver‘s pagition and sight fine {iirarsticm ef was are presumed. The. infer-martian
`{maimed by the fine of sight detectim part 4 is outputtefl m dangemus factor
`seiectimn ECUIG‘
`The traffic envimnmentai primary Setectirng eiement S Qb'tains the informatien
`the. present firaffic. emironment {if a: setf vehicie periphery. As the traffic
`envimnmentai primary detecting e¥ement 5,. a ca‘rwnavigation system, the camera
`for autside envimnment recognitim, etc. are mentioned A carmavigatien System is
`provided with the map data base with which {BPS far detecting a seif—vehécte gamma
`and map infarmatim were Shared, and has the fumztie'n us search fur the mama to
`the destination. As information mm traffii: environment, there is: in‘farmafim!
`inciuding positians! such as a was} in an urban ma, 3 cmssing and a highway, form,
`etc. The traffic. envimnmentai primary Gama-ting eiesme'nt S wigs-Ms tbs-2 infmrmaticn
`amut the distance of the massing ahead 0? a se‘ifvvehicie, and a seiwehide to
`dangm‘oug facts? seiectiim ECUIO, 'er exampfie, The traffic environmentai primaw
`detectifig eie’ment’ S functians as a traffic envimn‘menta! infarmatizm acquiring
`mews. 0f the magma invenfim which obtains the tram: envimnment informatifln
`amumd a seifwehicie.
`The warm part {3 is a ifludspfiaker etc! which {jerfcwm voice raspanse, and perfm'ms
`the nudge {:3 a driver. The. aiarm part 5 receives the signai fmm dangerous factor
`seiecticn E8418, am" pafiarms wine respa‘nse,
`The dis-way {gaff 7 can gerfamz image fiiggiay and the iiquid crystai dismay a? a;
`navigation system can be used 59? it. The head up dismay {Head Up Dismay} can be
`user} as the d§5p§ay part “.5" The {Sigma}; gear: 3’ receives the ‘signai fmm dangemus
`factor semcfim ECULQ, and perfam‘ig the nudge it: the driver using image dismay.
`And We: aia'rm. pant 6 am the dismay part 7 fimctjffifi as an aiarmmg means. 0f the
`pressem: inventim. Compesitim pmvided with Ether one of the aiarm part- 6 if)!“ time
`disfiay part :7 may be used
`it: descvibes abeut dangemus factor seriec’téon ECUKL flangemus facmr
`seiectien ECUID is cansmuted by {IF-Li whish performs data processing, RQM and
`RAM used as a Sim-age part, the input signai circuit, the amp-m: signad circmt, the
`power squiy c?n:<u§t, eta. The dam-er Qaiauiation part 11, the mnspicugusness
`degree caicuiation part 12, and the dangemus fatter seie'cting part 13 are
`mastituted me running the apgxiicatim pr'csgx‘am stared in the storage part: by CW
`dangerous fade!“ se§eation ESUIO.
`The fianger cakuia‘tion part 11 CDm‘DUtES the danger {wobabéiity cf caiiision) of the
`coifisim with a seiflvehicie and an obstacie bawsj en the positional reiatimship of a
`se‘filvehiicie and the abstade which is hazards; The danger caicuiatmn {3m 11
`receives. the signai Qumutzafi from the mbstacie primary detecfing eiement 2, fietects
`the pesition of an obsta-cie, and mavement speed, and mmprutes the Sanger of the
`miiigion with a seif vahicia and an ohfitacie, Fm exa-mgzsie, pmbabiiity of mfiisian may
`be mmmufied using “FTC {Tirnem CafiisimL risk patentiai, the Monte Carin methaci,
`em which “(62(3) distance 9f an abstacie and a saifwehicie with reiative vemcmn
`The maximum presuppeses a caiiisim pogsibiiity degree that "1" and the minimum
`are ncrmaiized by “(3.”
`The danger caituiaticm part 11 functi‘ms as a future situation 01‘ an obstacie as a
`prediction arétfimetic meang a? the present irwentim which camgutes the caifisim
`passibifity degree 0? an obstame am a seiifuvehicie. The danger cakuiaticn part 11
`computes the coiiigi‘on possibiiity degree: ta the mm perimd {feretast fime) part
`point: based on the thained i-nfermation. In the danggr caicuiatim gar: 11 0? this
`embmfiment, “.5 samnds" are set up as fezrfscast timg {if a grandam, and a mifisian
`aassibifity degree i5 mmmatetj fer «av-em Sfiflflfid to Swsecmd after, far exampia.
`The comsgimmsnegs degree caicuiatioh part 12 receives the signai eutputted fmm
`the obstacie primary éetecting eiement 2, the. primary detecting eiemem 3 hard :0
`see, and the fine of Sight detectian gar:
`a}, and camputes the degree a?
`cansmcuausness of an Obstade based cm the pgsitionai reiatianship Of a SEW vehide
`am: an abstacie, am} a fattest“ hard {:3 see. The degree 0? canspicuausness {if an
`Obsteciee express-es the degree Of the vigibiii’w ef the ebstecie seen; from the driver:
`The caneeiwmzsness degree ceicuiatien part 12 functions as: a visribiiity judgment
`means a»? the present Mention which judges the eegree 0f the visifeiiirty of the
`ebstecise seen frem the driver.
`The mespieueueness
`‘12 mmeutee
`a erer‘s
`engienef—vieieiiity regime hes-ed an a eriver‘s sight Eine directien detected by the fine
`a? sight {fetectien part 4, The censpicuousnese degree caicufetien part 32 medians
`as an area 'c‘aicuiation meane of the present invention which cemputes the region
`{were t0 see which $5 net easy t0 see frem a eviver and Ca remgnize an obstade
`visuafiy. The censeiceeusness degree caicuiatien part :2 functions as an area
`caicuiaficm means of the. present inventien which computes the dead an‘gie region
`which cannot see frem a driver anti rennet recognize an abstacie visuaiiy.
`The censeieeeeeeese degree ca¥euie-tiem pen: 1?; emetic: RS as a preeietien arithmetic
`means of We present inventh am obsfieefie predicte the heiding ”time which exists in
`a deed angks :‘egicmr 0:“ the nix-ding time which exiets in. the 'regien where at": obstede
`is hard te see m b-e as a future situatien 0? an Q'bstecie. The eenspicmusnesg degree
`caimiatian pant 12 computes: the degree of conspicuausness t0 the fixed permd
`time) part point based cm the Detained
`censeiceausmss degree caicuiatien part 1 1 a? this embodiment, “S eecands” are set
`up as farecast time 0’? a standerei, and-a eaiiisien pessimiiity degree is cemputeii far
`even; second :0 S‘secené after, far exampie
`The dangemus fatter seiecfimg gait :13 cheeses the ebstacie. {hazard} remrteci m a
`driver based (in the visibiiity and the future situatien of an ebstaciex Specificaiiv, the
`dangemus factor seiecting part 13 cheeses a dismay and the hazard which shauid he
`cam-See met an aiarm based an the temeerai change of a ceiiisian passitxiiity degree,
`the temporai change 0f the degree ‘0? conspicueusnees 0? an abstacie, and traffic
`envimnment infermetion. In detaii, it menticms ‘beiew.
`Here, dangemus fainter Seiectien ECU“? 03‘ this embodiment changes the ferecast
`time whim is a eeried when the situation {if an abstacie is expecfed accemimg to the
`traffic environment
`infermatim around a seifwehicie. As traffic envirenment
`infermaitiem danger-mus fatter seiectien ESL! 1‘0 acquires the distance ef the amassing
`@1936 0-? a seif—vei'iicie, and a seif—vehicier and when the distance 01:3 Hugging am
`a seifwemcie 55 5mm,
`it sews: up forecagt time shed: as campared with. the cage
`where the distance of a massing and a Séifwehiflie “as: imng. For exain-er when the
`distance of a crossing and a sefi—vghicie is short, farecast time is changed irate 2
`semnfis fmm S semnds of a standard.
`In fiangemus fatter seiectéon ECU m, the information an the read it is running {road
`environment infmmatim} is obtained as traffic envimnment imferma‘ticm and when
`the mat} a se§fuvehicia runs, is a highway, as campared wit?! the case where the mad
`:3 seifwe‘hicie mm“) is a iota; street; forecagt time is set up far a ieng time} A5 tram»:
`mvimnment information, traffic ate. may be amuired and fer‘acast time may be
`changed. When the action 0‘? a gaff—vehic‘ie m an abgtacie bggames ‘campiicaterd,
`fnrecaat time is changed shaft, and when an action is» not mmpiicamfl, fgmcast time
`is changed far a iang time.
`in dangemus fatter seiectéan ECBEL the dasgi-ficatian of the mbstade whim exists
`amund a geifwehicie is acquired as traffic env‘smnment infmrmatisn, and fix-recast
`time is changed a‘cccming {:3 the dassificafien a? an abstacie. Specificaii'y, when the
`ciaggificatian 01’ an obstacfe is a pedestrian. ferecast time is changed as mmmrecfi
`with the case where the ciassifieatien 0f an obsteeie is vehicies {eutemebiie}. Fer
`e-xemeiiei when an ebstacfie is e eeeeetrian, ferecaet time is changed into 3 eecendis
`mm 5 seeends czf a standard. Forecast time may be changed awarding to other
`traffic envirenmen‘t infermeeem
`Next, with fieferenee {:3 Fig.2, it eeeceiees- abeut the ereeessmg in dangereus fetter
`eeiecti‘en ECU 1e. Firet, dang-ewes facter seiectien ECU 13 eetei‘ns verie’us input {Step
`511). As varieus input, there is informati‘en {traffic envimnment infermatian) abeut
`the informee-en about the sight line direction '0? the informatien abeet the position
`ene mevemen‘c speed of a dangerous faster {hezerdL the i'nferm‘atiee {a deee angie
`and mfarmatien hard to see} 3mm 3 fetter hard in see, and a driver and the pasitien
`of eyes. any: the present mad environment,
`{Dangerous teeter seieetien E22018 detects the vehiieées and pedestrian in the
`circumference m" a seewehide as a hazard. beset}. en the infematien transmitted
`fmm me ebetecte primary detecting e¥emeznt 2,. anti it obtains the eesitien ane
`infer-metien on a flan-germs fatter. Basset; an the information transmitted from the
`primary detecting eiement 3 hem R} see, dangemue fetter eefieetien ECUIQ detects
`the State {3f 3 RAEDO swath, a windshieifi wiper switch, and a seat beit, it presumes.
`thE degree. at the tumimaiw cumitfie 51 mar,
`thia state at” a raindmp! :5:
`passenger’s existence, etc, and Bbtaiins 5 dated angie and infarmat‘ien hard :0 see.
`gangemuss fatter ste¥ect§on ECU 18 detects directsmn of a gaze anti the pasitian at
`eyes; by serfarming matching with a face image and a face mmiei based an the
`intormatian trangmitted fmm the fine at sight Gammon gear: 4. Sanger-Gus factm
`sea-tastier: ECUZG ohtaing the present traffic envimnment infamatian based an the
`infarmatian transmitted fmm the traffic envimnmentai mimary detecting efement 5‘
`fitter Step 511.; the mnspiwausnegs degree caécuiatian part 12 U? fiangemus facmr
`seiectimn ECU“) tamputas the degrae 0f cnngpicuousness mf' a dangamus factor
`(Step S12}, and states it
`in a memaw. In detaii,
`it mentions beiow, than, the
`dangeroua factor setecting part .13 {3f dangerous fatter setectian ECUlQ mmwteg
`the priority of a dangemus factor, and ChQQSt‘iS a dangerous tacit)!“ (Step $13}. In
`detaiiz’, it mentions beiow.
`Next, dangerous fatter Swat-rim :ECUm perfarms dismay 3sz warning 0? the
`seiected dangesmus fatter {35mg the aiarm mart Ea am the dismay part Tx‘ {Step 514)..
`3': warns because the informaticm an the seiected dangemus facmr is dismayed an
`HUD {dismay part 3?} at- it is carefui with a saunfi by a mudspeaker {aiarm part 6}.
`Then, dangerous factor seiectéan ECmG judgea whether the terminating cmnwtim
`was satisfied {Step $15}.
`Next, with reference t0 Fig.3,
`it describes abwt caicuiaticm a? the degree of
`consmamusnefis a? the dangemus factor performed at Step 51E. Caituiation D? the
`degree of cansgicuausness of
`is pet-formed by the
`maspiwausness degree cakuiatian part 12 of dang-smug factor seieation ECUIQA
`First, the conspituausness degree caicuiation part 1.2 setg :2 C: m a timer {Step 5'21},
`Them, the conspicmusness degree cammation part 12 determineg the maximum
`predictimn time T based an traffic emiran merit infermafion. Far exampie, when the
`5931‘" vehide went mm the massing, or when a seif vahicie exists near the creasing}: ii:
`is referred m as T: 2,. when the seif vehide is running the highway! it $5 s‘efen‘ed: to
`as; T: ESr and it 25 referred to as T2: 3 when a self vehicie exists in aflditian m it {a
`its neighbnrhaod, highway) {Step $22}. That is, the mnspicuaugness
`degree caicuiatisn part :2 changes forecast time basem an traffic envimnment
`The mnspicuousn‘ess deg ree caimatim part 12 wmdicts acticm 9f 3 seif vehicie and
`a hazard {dangemus factor) {Step $23} The conspécmusness degma Caicmation
`part :2 camputes ma msitien 0? other vahicie a? t~semnd after by assaming that it
`is mavement weed reguiarity fmm the pasiticm of other vehicie {hazard} Cafied far,
`far examinie by RF.
`Them the CGRQfiiEUQu-SHQSS degree caicuiatiim part 12 perfarmg caimiafion 0:“ an
`angiewfivigibiiity regimen and a dead angle ‘regia-n, and a region hard to see (Step
`‘24). Detection of a sight Sine directimn uses the gaze presuming methad basad on a
`driver’s face image and matchimg a? a face madei. Tina: m-nspicwumess degree
`caémiatéen {Aart :12. asks for an an§%e«0f-visibiiity reg-Ear: fram a sight fine directien.
`Far exampi‘e; the range. if 5:3 right and left is sat to an angiamfivifibiiity regix‘an
`centering an a 559%}: Sine Gitwactmn.
`The cense‘iceeueeese degree ceieuietéon per: '13 ee'meutes the dead engie regime by
`the gamer or a feiiew passenger beeed e