`Document Description: Pcwer of Attorney
`PTO/AEA/azA (C74 3)
`Ar‘pmved fer use through (HIM/2018. UMB 0651-0035
`U“a Patent and Trademark Office; U S DEPARIMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Papemcrk Reds-clan Act «:3? 1995 no perscns are requ:wed to respund Re a mitestion sfIn'iormamn unfiess it dispiays a vaiid OMB mntmi nu:“be:
`NOTE: This?mm is toas submitted Wit1* the Fewer a? Attorney by Appiicant farm (PTO/AW528)m dentify the appfioatic-n to which the
`. Power of Attemey‘s directsd‘m accordance with 37' CFN‘! 5. un:955 the asip?cation number and :2.mg date are identified in the Power sf
`3 Niamey by Appiicam form.
`if neither farm PTOiAiA/SEA ncr farm PTQ/‘ASAEBQB identifies the appiicatésn to which the Power of Attorney is
`directed, the Fewer 0f Attorney wii! net be recognized in the apmication.
`Appfiécatic-n Number
`2 Not Yet Assigned
`Fiiing Date:
`First Named inventor
`Himnobu SEKENE
`Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`Nat Yet Assigned
`Niamey DcsketNumber
`3%GNATURE sf Appiicant 0:" Patent Practitimnerm
`a“ ‘9
`Tomok§ Tanida”
`Titie (if Appiicant is a
`jurésfic entity)
`Appfiicant Name: (if Applicant :s a juristic entity)
`NQTE; ”‘his farm must he s.@2156an accordance with 37’ CFN‘: 33 See 37 CFN":.4(d) far signamre requisemams and aénifisaficns if
`mare than we 39533::cant, use mufiipie forms
`' "fcirms are suh'mifiedl
`DM‘US 85167461~10559335 0733