`Approved for use thruugh 0450/2017. 0MB 0552~0032
`US Patent and Trademark Office; us DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`.roi number
`Appiicani certifieg micro entity status. See 37 CFR 1.2%
`Farm FT‘O/SB/tfiA or 3 Cu“ equivaient mum either be enciasecj
`«3r have been submitted previousiy‘
`Examiner Name
`Ar: dmt
`3‘1 3339‘”
`§Other (piease identify);
`5 Money Grder
`DepositAccount Name: __________MLEEDQE’WQfi W335 8‘ Ema
`Deposit Accmmt Number:
`For the amine-identified dspasit account, the fiireater is hereby authorized t9 (check at! that appiy):
`L)” Charge feehs) indicaied beiow
`ECharge feefis} indicaied neiow, except for the fsimg fee
`E Charge any additional fee(s) or underpayment 0f
`X E’Crertit any cverpaymem 93‘ {95(5)
`'feeisi) under 37 CFR1.16 and 1.1.7
`WARNENG: information on this farm may become pubtic, Credit car-:1 informatian shauid mt be inciuded Oh this form. Provide credit can:
`informatim arid authorization on PTO-2038.
`’i. SA$EC HUNG, SEARCH, ANS EXAMBNATiQN FEES (U :2 undiswuntad fee: S : smait antiiy fee; iv? a mien) entity fee)
`Eli} m w 91;»; M $41.51
`Aggiication '1'er
`3 Utiiity
`Fees 33am (5}
` Appitcani asserts smaii enttiy Siaius. See 37 CFR 127.
`9 WWW
`‘ The $140 smati entity status filing fee far a utility appiicatian is further reduced 39 $73 for a vsmaii entity maths: appiicam who files ihe appiicaiion via EFSuWeb.
`F3313 aegcrigfioa
`Each ciaim ever 20 (inciuding Reissues)
`Each independent ciaim over 3 {including Reissues)
`Multiple dependent ciaims
`Twat Ciatms
`“ugggswunted Fee (g:
`Sinai! Entity Fee 4%:
`thigie Degendent Ctaima
`if ihe apecification and drawings exceed 100 sheets a? paper {exciuctihg electrunicaiiy flied sequence ar computer iistings under 37 CPR 152(2)), the appticaticrx siza-
`{Ea dua- is $49G£$2QQ for Email entity), ($313!) it): rriicm.entity}.foreamaddiiionai 50. Shams net traciissn theme)“;See(55-113.6:41(a)(-i){G)-andw37’~GF¥i 1246(5):
`Total Sheets:
`Extra Sheets
`yumber of each additirmai 50 gr fracticn thereuf
`Fee m
`(zcund up to ': whoie number) x
`24. QTHER rams;
`Nahrfingiiah specification, $130 fee (no smaii Gi’ micw entity discount)
`Manueiectmnic fiiing fee {meter 37 CFR ”3.16m for a utiiity application, $499 fee ($290 smaii er micro entity}
`Other (39., iate fiiing surcharge):
`60.453 mam (202)7563195
`.. Same-her 28. 2017
`Dix/LUS 853674394 3659336733