`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 2231371450
`HitOShi Maeda
`8500 Leesburg Pike
`SUITE 7500
`Tysons VA 22182
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
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`PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07)
`0/7709 A0170” Summary
`Application No.
`Maeda et al.
`Art Unit
`AIA (FITF) Status
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`4)[:] Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
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`Disposition of Claims*
`Claim(s) fl is/are pending in the application.
`5a) Of the above claim(s)
`is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`E] Claim(s)
`is/are allowed.
`Claim(s) fl is/are rejected.
`[:1 Claim(s) _ is/are objected to.
`) ) ) )
`6 7
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`[j Claim(s)
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`Application Papers
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`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
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`Paper No(s)/Mail Date_
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`3) C] Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date
`4) CI Other-
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 11-13)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mai| Date 20190412
`Application/Control Number: 15/749,561
`Art Unit: 1725
`Page 2
`Notice of Pre-AIA or AIA Status
`The present application, filed on or after March 16, 2013, is being examined
`under the first inventor to file provisions of the AIA.
`Acknowledgment is made of applicant’s claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C.
`119 (a)-(d).
`Information Disclosure Statement
`The information disclosure statement (IDS) submitted on 2/1/18 is considered by
`the examiner.
`The drawings submitted on 2/1/18 has been considered and accepted.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 102
`The following is a quotation of the appropriate paragraphs of 35 U.S.C. 102 that
`form the basis for the rejections under this section made in this Office action:
`A person shall be entitled to a patent unless —
`(a)(1) the claimed invention was patented, described in a printed publication, or in public use,
`on sale or othenNise available to the public before the effective filing date of the claimed
`Claim(s) 1 and 2 is/are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 102(a)(1) as being anticipated
`by Cho et al. (US Patent 8,637,182).
`Regarding claim 1, the Che et at. reference cliecleees a battery comprising a
`stacked electrede body including a plurality of single plate cells and having a pesitlve
`eieetrede ieedvetacked part and a negative eleetrede leadetaeked part, the single plate
`celie eeelt being termed by attacking a peeiiive eiecirede and 23 negative eleettede with e
`Application/Control Number: 15/749,561
`Art Unit: 1725
`Page 3
`seearatnr intereeeed therehetween (etectrede separator 12%), the neeitive eiectrede
`ieacietacked part being termed by etacking pesitive eiectrede ieade et the neeitive
`eiectrcdes en tee of each ether in stacking crder et the eingte eiate ceiis (t 27er t28),
`the negative eiectrede teed—stacked part being tcn‘ned by attacking negative eiectrceie
`ieade ct the negative etectredee en tee et each ether in etacktng order et the eingte
`piate ceiie (the ether ct t2? er i253}, a neeitive eiectrede terrninai to which the peeitive
`eiectrede ieaduetached hart ie cennected (135a cr tithe); and a negative eiectrede
`terrntnai to which the negative eiectrede iead—etacked part is eenneeted (the ether et
`tittta er tBGh), wherein, aineng the peeitive eiectrede ieade that cenetitnte the neeitive
`eiectrede ieaci— stacked part, a first end~eide neeitive eiectrcde iead iccated at a first end
`in a eingte biate ceii~ stacking direction et the stacked eiectrede bed}; (either the right er
`iett side of Fig" 2} is directiy eenneetec tn the peeitive eiectrcde tenninai, wherein,
`ameng the negative eieetrede teeth; that cenetitnte the negative eiectrede iead— Stacked
`part, a Secend end—Side negative eiectrede teed iecated at a eecend end in the eingie
`piate ceiiwetaciting directien is directiy connected tn the negative eiectrede terminai {the
`ether et the right cr iett side et Fig" 2)"
`Regarding ciairns 2, the Che et at. reference diecieeee the tetai number (in + n)
`et the number (rn) ct cennecticn intertacee between each pesitive eiectrede teed and
`the besitive eiectrede terminai and the number (n) of cennectien intertacee between
`each negative eiectrede Head and the negative eiectrecie tenninai is the earne ter each
`eingie piate ceit incinded tn the stacked etectrede hedy.
`Claim(s) 1-3, 5, 6 is/are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 102(a)(1) as being anticipated
`by Kim et al. (US Publication 2013/0143109).
`Application/Control Number: 15/749,561
`Art Unit: 1725
`Page 4
`Regarding claim t, the Kim et at. reference diecieeee a battery cernerising a
`stacked eiectrcde body inciuding a bitii'aiity ct singie piete eeiie and having a pesitive
`eieetrede ieadetacked part and a negative eiectrede ieadwstaciied part the singie ciate
`ceiie each being termed by stacking a peeitive eiectrede and a negative eiectrnde with a
`eebaretcr iritergceed therehetween (eieetrede assembiy), the beeitive etectrcde teed-
`stacked part being termed by stacking bceitive eiectrcde ieecis ct the pesitive eieetredee
`en tee et' each ether in stacking erder ct the eingie piate ceiie, the negative eiectrede
`teed—stacked eart heing termed by etaching negative eiectrcee ieaee cf the negative
`etectrcdee en tee {if each ether in etaeking cider et the eingie pia‘te ceiie (Fig. 7), a
`pesitive eieetrede terminei tc which the beeitive eiectrcde ieadestacited part is
`cennected; and a negative eiectrede terminai to which the negative eieetrede iead~
`etacheci part is connected (140 and 150}, wherein, amcng the eeeitive eiectrcde ieade
`that eenetitute the neeitive eieetrede ieadv etacked part; a ‘tiret endeide pceitive
`eiectrede teed ieeated at a first end in a eingie biate ceii~ stacking directien at the
`stacked eiectrede body (either the right er ieit side of Fig“ 5) ie directiy cennected te the
`positive eieetrede terrninai, wherein, anteng the negative eiectrede ieade that ecnetitnte
`the negative eiectrede ieae— stacked part, a eeccnd eridveiee i‘iegative eiectrede Head
`ieceted et a second end in the eingie piate ceii~steehing direction ie directiy connected tc
`the negative eiectrede tei'ininai (the ether of the right er iett side ct Fig. 5}
`Regarding ciairne 2, the Kim et at. reterenee ciiecieeee the tetai iitii'i’iber t
`“i + n) ct
`the number {in} ct cennecticn intertacee between each eeeitive eieetrede iead and the
`beeitive eiectrcde terntinai and the number in} ct ccnnectien interfaces between each
`negative eiectrede teed and the negative eiectrede terminai is the Same tcr each eingie
`Application/Control Number: 15/749,561
`Art Unit: 1725
`Page 5
`piate ceit incititjed in the etacked eiectrcde hedy (Fig. Q—t flats, atse apbiicabie tc the
`ether at the etectrcdee}.
`Regarding ciaim 3, Kim et at. reterence dieeiese the stacked eieetrede bedy
`inciudes a first bieck and a second bteck that are adjacent te each other in the singie
`biate ceii stacking directicn and the tetai number {iii—Hi} ct the number (hi) et the
`ccnnecticn interfaces between each pesitive etectrede Seed and the pesitive eiectrcde
`terrninat and the number (rt) et cennectien intertaees between each negative etectrede
`iead and the negative eieetrede terminai is the same fer each eingie piate ceit inciuded
`in each biech (Fig. Q—1Gta}~(d)).
`Regarding claim 5, the Kim et al. reference discloses the pesitive eiectrccie
`terminai and the negative eiectrede terminai are each diseased at a Subgtahtiaiiv equai
`distance tram each block and each have two lead ccnnectien surfaces substantiaiiv
`pereendicuiar to the singie piate ceii~staci<ing direction, and for each hieck, the positive
`eiectrede leads er the negative eiectrode iaacis ciosest te the terminai are cennected to a
`nearer one efthe teed connection surfaces, and the other negative or pegitive eiectrede ieads
`farthest away from the iead surfaces are ccnnected to a farther Oi'it'.‘ efthe iead cenneetion
`Regarding ciaim t5, the him at at. reference discieses the pesitive or negative
`eiectrcde iade connected te the further iead cennecticn surface are bent (Fig, 12}
`Claim(s) 1-3, 7 is/are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 102(a)(1) as being anticipated by
`Byun et al. (US Publication 2011/0171516).
`Regarding claim 1, the Byun et ai. reference discieses a battery ccrnbrieing a
`stacked etectrede body inctuding a bitiraiity ct singte ptate eette and having a pesitive
`Application/Control Number: 15/749,561
`Art Unit: 1725
`Page 6
`eieetrede iead-etacked part and a negative etectrede tead—etaehed part, the eingie eiate
`ceiia each being termed by attacking a peeitive eiectrede and a negative eiectrcde with a
`separator interposed therehetween (etectrede aeeemhiy), the peeitive eieetrode teed"
`etaeheci part being termed toy stacking peeitive eieetrode ieade ct the peeitive eteetredee
`en tee et‘ each ether in Stacking order et the eingie gtate ceiie; the negative etectrede
`teed—stacked part being termed by stacking negative eiectrede ieade at the negative
`eieetroeee en tee ct each ether in stacking order at the eingte piate oeiie, a neeitive
`eieetrede tei‘ininat te which the peeitive eieetrode teed—stacked part is eenneeted; and a
`negative etectrede tenninai te which the negative eieetrede ieadetacked part ie
`eenneeted, wherein, an'icng the peeitive etectrede teade that ccnatitute the peeitive
`eiectrede iead~ stacked part, a first end—side positive eiectrode teed iocated at a first end
`in a eingte piate ce¥i~ stacking directien ef the stacked eieetrede body (either the right er
`ieit aide cf Fig. 2} ie ditectiy connected tn the peeitive etectrcde terminai, wherein,
`among the negative eiectrcde ieede that cenetittite the negative eiectrede iead~ stacked
`part a second end~eide negative eiectrede iead ieeated at a second end in the singte
`eiate ceit—etecking directien ie directty connected to the negative eteetrecie tern‘iinai
`Regarding ciairne 2, the Byun et at“ reterence diecieeee the tetei number {in
`et the number (in) ct cennection intertaoee between each peeitive eiectrede ieaci and
`the peeitive eteetrecie tenninai and the number (n) et eenneetien intertacee between
`each negative eieettede tead and the negative etectrede terntinai ie the same ter each
`eingie ptete ceii ineiuded in the stacked eiectrede bcdy (Fig. 2 and Fig. 4}.
`Application/Control Number: 15/749,561
`Art Unit: 1725
`Page 7
`Regarding eiairn 3, Byun et at. reierence disciese the eteciteci eieetrecie hedy
`ineiudes a first hieci»: end a second btecit that are adjacent te each other in the eingie
`piete ceii stacking direction and the tetai number {trim} of the number (in) et the
`connection intertecee between each nesitive eiectrede Seed and the peeitive eiectrede
`terrninat and the number (n) at cennectien interieeee between each negative eieetrede
`iead end the negative eiectrede terminei is the earne for each singie piate eeit ineiuded
`in eech bieck (Fig, 2),
`Regarding Ciaim 7, the Byun et at. reference digcieses wherein at least we of the
`positive eiectrecie terrninai and the negative eiectrede terminai inciudes a base part
`snbstantiaiiy nerpendicniar tn the Single piete ceii~5taci<ing direction a firet lead connection part
`that is formed substantieiiy perpendicuiar to the base part and te which the ieads ef the first
`hicck are connected; and e secehd iead cenneetien part that it formed Stabgtehtiaiiy
`perpendicnier tea the base part and te which the ieads at the second biocir are cennected, and
`the iead connection parts extend in apposite directions {56.) and 40).
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 103
`In the event the determination of the status of the application as subject to AIA 35
`U.S.C. 102 and 103 (or as subject to pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 102 and 103) is incorrect, any
`correction of the statutory basis for the rejection will not be considered a new ground of
`rejection if the prior art relied upon, and the rationale supporting the rejection, would be
`the same under either status.
`The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. 103 which forms the basis for all
`obviousness rejections set forth in this Office action:
`A patent for a claimed invention may not be obtained, notwithstanding that the claimed
`invention is not identically disclosed as set forth in section 102, if the differences between the
`Application/Control Number: 15/749,561
`Art Unit: 1725
`Page 8
`claimed invention and the prior art are such that the claimed invention as a whole would have
`been obvious before the effective filing date of the claimed invention to a person having
`ordinary skill in the art to which the claimed invention pertains. Patentability shall not be
`negated by the manner in which the invention was made.
`Claim 4 is/are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103 as being unpatentable over Byun et
`al. (US Publication 2011/0171516) or Kim et al. (US Publication 2013/0143109) in view
`of Aoshima et al. (US Publication 2003/0031923).
`Regarding claim 4, the Byun et al. er the Kim et at. reference is sitent in
`dieeioeing the number of the eingfe efete ceiis En eaeh bicek tc be 26.”: er more and the
`peeitive efectrerje fear} and the negative efeetrerje feeds each have e thiekheee et‘ 29
`thlCt‘Gi’iS er fees. However, the Aoshima et at reference dieciesee that cementien
`thickness of the feeds are about 3—29 microns The Aoshima et at. reference diocese
`From the viewpoint of the volume energy density and the weight energy density, the
`thinner the thickness of the positive electrode current collector, the better. Therefore, it
`would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art to make the electrode leads
`to have a conventional thickness of 3-20 microns disclosed by the Aoshima et al.
`reference for the lead thicknesses of the Byun et al. or the Kim eta 1. reference to
`improve volume energy density and the weight energy density.
`Furthermere, the Byun et at. or the Kim et at. reference Ee sitent in diecfeeing the
`plate cells in each block is 20 or more, however, it would be obvious to one of ordinary
`skill in the art before the effective filing date of the invention to incorporate more cells
`including 20 or more since the increase in cells would increase power density. A patent
`for a combination, which only unites old elements with no change in their respective
`functions, obviously withdraws what is already known into the field of its monopoly and
`diminishes the resources available to skillful men. Where the combination of old
`Application/Control Number: 15/749,561
`Art Unit: 1725
`Page 9
`elements performed a useful function, but it added nothing to the nature and quality of
`the subject matter already patented, the patent failed under §103. When a patent
`simply arranges old elements with each performing the same function it had been
`known to perform and yields no more than one would expect from such an
`arrangement, the combination is obvious. KSR v. Teleflex
`Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the
`examiner should be directed to HELEN OI K CONLEY whose telephone number is
`(571)272-5162. The examiner can normally be reached on 8:30 am - 5:00 pm.
`Examiner interviews are available via telephone, in-person, and video
`conferencing using a USPTO supplied web-based collaboration tool. To schedule an
`interview, applicant is encouraged to use the USPTO Automated Interview Request
`(AIR) at http://www.uspto.gov/interviewpractice.
`If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner’s
`supervisor, Basia Ridley can be reached on 571-272—1453. The fax phone number for
`the organization where this application or proceeding is assigned is 571-273-8300.
`Information regarding the status of an application may be obtained from the
`Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system. Status information for
`published applications may be obtained from either Private PAIR or Public PAIR.
`Status information for unpublished applications is available through Private PAIR only.
`For more information about the PAIR system, see http://pair-direct.uspto.gov. Should
`you have questions on access to the Private PAIR system, contact the Electronic
`Business Center (EBC) at 866-217-9197 (toll-free). If you would like assistance from a
`Application/Control Number: 15/749,561
`Art Unit: 1725
`Page 10
`USPTO Customer Service Representative or access to the automated information
`system, call 800-786-9199 (IN USA OR CANADA) or 571 -272-1 000.
`/He|en Oi K CONLEY/
`Primary Examiner, Art Unit 1725