`Patent No.
`10,581,483 B2
`Issue Date
`: March 3, 2020
`First Named Inventor :
`Tetsuya Yamamoto
`Docket No.
`April 28, 2020
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Commissioner for Patents:
`A Certificate of Correction is respectfully requested in the above-identified
`The Certificate of Correction (hereinafter “second Certificate of Correction”) is
`being requested to correct errors inadvertently introduced in the present patent by a prior first
`Certificate of Correction issued in the present patent on April 7, 2020. In particular, when
`requesting the first Certificate of Correction, Applicant inadvertently quoted the claims in
`multiple instances as reciting “returning time” whereas the claims as allowed recite “retuning
`time”. As a result, the first Certificate of Correction issued misquoting the claims to recite
`“returning time” instead of “retuning time”. Applicant is submitting this request for Certificate
`of Correction to correct the inadvertently-introduced errors.
`The following errors have been made:
`In the claims, column 27, issued claim 1, line 47, “subframe as the returning
`time,” is incorrect. The correct line should read, --subframe as the retuning time,--.
`In the claims, column 27, issued claim 1, line 58, “a shortened PUCCH format for
`the returning time, and” is incorrect. The correct line should read, --a shortened PUCCH format
`for the retuning time, and--.
`In the claims, column 28, issued claim 4, line 31, “the returning time,” is
`incorrect. The correct line should read, --the retuning time,--.
`Patent No. 10,581,483 B2
`In the claims, column 28, issued claim 4, line 35, “of the first subframe are set as
`the returning time,” is incorrect. The correct line should read, --of the first subframe are set as
`the retuning time,--.
`In the claims, column 28, issued claim 4, line 41, “PUCCH format for the
`returning time, and” is incorrect. The correct line should read, --PUCCH format for the retuning
`time, and--.
`Patent No. 10,581,483 B2
`Attached is the Certificate of Correction, which indicates the corrections to be
`made by reference to the column and line numbers in the printed patent. The errors are of a
`clerical nature, are of minor character, would not constitute new matter or require reexamination,
`and were made in good faith. The Director is authorized to charge any fees that are due by way
`of this filing, or credit any overpayment, to our Deposit Account No. 19-1090.
`Respectfully submitted,
`SEED Intellectual Property Law Group LLP
`/Baha A. Obeidat/
`Baha A. Obeidat
`Registration No. 66,827
`Certificate of Correction
`SEED Intellectual Property Law Group LLP
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5400
`Seattle, Washington 98104-7092
`Phone: (206) 622-4900
`Fax: (206) 682-6031
`It is certified that an error appears or errors appear in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby
`corrected as shown below:
`Column 27 Line 47:
`“subframe as the returning time,” should read, --subframe as the retuning time,--.
`Column 27 Line 58:
`“a shortened PUCCH format for the returning time, an ” should read, --a shortened PUCCH format for the retuning
`time, and--.
`Column 28 Line 31:
`“the returning time,” should read, --the retuning time,--.
`Column 28 Line 35:
`“of the first subframe are set as the returning time,” should read, --of the first subframe are set as the retuning time,--.
`Column 28 Line 41:
`: 10,581,483 B2
`: 15/772,505
`: March 3, 2020
`: Tetsuya Yamamoto et al.
`“PUCCH format for the returning time, and” should read, --PUCCH format for the retuning time, and--.
`Baha A. Obeidat
`Seed Intellectual Property Law Group LLP
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5400
`Seattle, Washington 98104
`PATENT NO. 10,581,483 B2
`No. of additional copies: 0
`SEND TO: Attention Certificate of Corrections Branch, Commissioner for Patents, PO. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450