`JPD and NPR are not rwpansibfie for any damages caused by {he use of this twnsiafim.
`1. This document has been tmnsiated by commier. So the iransiaiiém may mi reflect: the mgmai prefisehr.
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`3. in the drawings. any 11mg are nut {tansisfled
`Pubficafion Number
`JP200823301 TA
`{1'8} {Pabficafim cmmtry] JP
`{12'} {Kind of official gazette} A
`{1 1} {Fuhficafion number} 200823301?
`{423} {Gate 01‘ pumicatien {3f appiicafian} 20081002
`{54) {T1013 of the inventicn} RAD’EO COMMUMCATEON APPARATUS AND ROAD-
`{51'} {intematinnai Patent C§assificationj
`{2006.01 }
`{2000.01 }
`H0112} 21:28
`{21'} {Appficafian number} 200?0T8T51
`{22} {Fiiing date} EU'UTU323
`{7’1} {Appficant}
`{J2} {inventcr}
`{F011 name} URAYAMA H1ROSH§
`{Them-e eerie {referencejy}
`5H1 80
`{F—term {reference} }
`5H1 88MB“?
`5H1 808834
`fii—H’ SGCC"! 2
`5 Hi BDLH 5
`5&821 M88
`33821 M1 2
`33821 A801
`$3021 SAGE!
`53021 PAS?!
`5&821 HAOS
`5&821 HA1 {3
`$38.21 3m U
`fiKfiS? EEBS
`3K967§<K1 T
`{5?} {Overview}
`PROBLEM TO BE SDLVED: Tc: prawns a nadir; mmmnné‘cation techneiagy napabie 0f
`detecting the arri‘vai {inaction 0f 3 venwie with a simpie methnd.
`SGLURUN: This radio communicafim apparatus for pefinrming radio enmmimicafion
`between it and 0n—vehic§e terminai comprises a péurafity of receiving antennas far
`receiving a known signai transmitted fnam the o-n—vehicie termina§, a posifion esfimafiing
`means for estimating: the azimuth of the en-vehioie tenninai based on the phase
`difference of the known signai received by the pinraiity of receiving antennas, a travei
`direction estimating means for estimating whether the on-vehicie terminai aooroaches or
`separates from ene‘s own device based on frequency transition of the known signai
`received by the ninraiity of receiving antennas, and a determining means for determining
`whether radio communication with the on-vehicie terminai is oertormed based on the
`estimation resoit by the position estimating means and travei direction estimating means.
`{Patent Ciaims]
`{Ciaim t}
`A Wireiess communication device performs tvireiess communication with an in-vehicie
`A pidraiity of receiving antennas for receiving a known signai transmitted from the on-
`vehicie terminai ;
`A position estimation means for estimating an azimuth of the on—vehicie terminai based
`on a phase ditierence of the known signai received at the oiuraiity of receotion antennas ;
`A traveiing direction estimating means for estimating whether the on—vehicie terminai is
`annroaching or away trorn the vehicie based on the frequency deviation of the known
`signai received at the pidraiitv oi receiving antennas ;
`A determination means for determining whether or not
`to perform wireiess
`communication with the in-vehicie terminai based on an estimation resuit by the position
`estimation means and the travei direction estimation means ;
`A wireiess communication device comprising :.
`{Ciaim 2}
`The wireiess communication device according to ciairn 1, wherein the reception
`antennas are directionai antennas, and each of the reception antennas has directivity in
`a different direction.
`{Ciairn 3}
`The radio communication device has shieiding means for shie-iding radio waves.
`Each of the piuraiity of receiving antennas has directivity to a different direction by
`shieiding radio waves from a predetermined direction by the shieiding means.
`The wireiess communication device according to ciaim “i, wherein the wireiess
`communication device incindes :.
`{Ciairn 4}
`The shieiding means is a ooiygonat coiumnar or cyiindricsi radio wave absorber.
`The piuraiity of receiving antennas are disperse-ti ciese tn the radie wave absorber.
`The wireiess communication device ascending ta ctaim 3, wherein the wireiess
`cemmunieatien device inciudes :.
`{Ciaim 5}
`The wireiess eemmunieetien device is instaited at an intersectienm
`The piuraiity of receiving antennas has directivity toward a read directinn.
`The determinatien unit determines that
`the in-vehicte terminai nerierms wireiess
`cemmunicatien with the in-vehicte terminai when the in—vehieie terminai aeereaches the
`G‘M'i apparatus tram a predetermined react directien.
`A Wireiess cemmunieatien device ascending te any at eiairns “i to 4.
`{Ciaim 6}
`The road-te-vehicie cemmunieatien system hertenns Wireiess cemmunieatien between
`a read-side machine and an en-vehicie terminai.
`The in-vehicie terminat inciudes 1
`Transmitting means for transmitting a knewn signai
`it ”“2
`The aterementiened read-side machine
`A nintaiity of receiving antennas tor receiving the knewn signai ;
`A hesitien estimatien means fer estimating an azimuth of the en-vehicte terminai based
`en a phase difference at the knewn Signet received at the nintaiity at recentien antennas ;
`A traveiing direction estimating means for estimating whether the en—vehieie tenninai is
`appreaching er away from the roadside machine based on a frequency deviation of the
`knewn signai received at the hinraiity at receiving antennas ;
`A detenninatien means for determining whether er net
`in perfen‘n wireiess
`cemmunicatien with the in-vehicte terminai based on an estimation resuit by the position
`estimation means and the travei directien estimatien means ;
`The “{ing} communicatien system between read and car.
`{Detaiied descriptien oi the inventien}
`{'i'echnieat fieid}
`{000 i}
`The present invention reiates to a radie eemmunicatien techneiegy and, mere particuiariy,
`te a radie communicatien techneiegy canahie at detecting an arrivai direction at a vehieie.
`{Backgreund of the inventien}
`Recentiy, wireiess communication devices are mounted on vehicies, and wiretess
`communication is performed between venicies or between vehictes. An exsrhpie of such
`wireiess communication is a safe driving support system for notifying intorn'iation about
`a vehicie which is not viewed on a road with poor visibiiity such as an intersection and a
`curve, in such a system, information required by a certain vehicie is information about a
`vehicie directed toward the vehicie. in other words, depending on the direction of travei
`of the vehicte. the information about the vehicie is required or not. Accordingiy, it is not
`necessary to receive and process unnecessary information it the direction of travei of
`another vehicie is known.
`in this way. in the inter-vehicie communication and the road-to—vehicie communication.
`each wireiess communication device can communicate with oniy the necessary terminai
`oy grasping the position and the traveiing direction of the surrounding terminai. Thus, it
`is possihie to improve reiiahiiity of communication and reduce unnecessary radio wave
`radiation. Further. by iirniting the communication area by the adaptive array technoiogy,
`it is possihie to suppress unnecessary radio wave radiation.
`Accordingiy. a technique has been pronosed in which each terminai periodicaiiy
`transmits GPS position intormation, a terminai ii), a speed vector, an acceieration vector.
`and the iiite to the surroundings. in Patent Document 1 , the vehicie transmits the traveiing
`information obtained irom the GPS and the vehicie speed sensor together with the
`terminai it), so that the traveiing information of the surrounding vehicie can be grasped.
`{Patent document ‘iEJP 2000-348299A
`{Bisctosure of invention}
`{Prooiem to he soived by the invention}
`However, in the technique described in Patent Document “i, a GPS system and a vehicie
`speed sensor are necessary for each vehicie to acquire a driving situation of the vehicie.
`Further, since each vehicie regutariy transmits these information,
`the amount of
`communication increases.
`in particuiar, when the traffic iam occurs, the amount of
`communication becomes extremeiy tarde, and the interierence of radio waves occurs.
`resuiting in ditticnity in communication.
`it is an ooiect of the present invention to provide a wireiess communication techno-iogy
`capahie of detecting an arrivai direction of a vehicie by a simpie method.
`{Means tor sowing the prociern}
`The present invention is characterized in that, by using a piuraiity of receiving antennas.
`an azimirtn and a vehicie of a venicie are estimated based on a phase ditterence or a
`frequency deviation of a known signai transmitted from an in—venicie terminai.
`A radio communication device according to the present invention tor performing radio
`communication with an in-vehicie tenninai, wherein a piuraiity of reception antennas for
`receiving a known signai transmitted 1irorn the in-vet‘iicie terrninai ; and position estimation
`means for estimating an azimuth of the in-venicie tem’iinai based on a phase difference
`of the known signai received by the piuraiity of reception antennas ; A traveiing direction
`estimating means tor estimating whether the on—venicie terminai is approaching or away
`from the venicie based on the frequency deviation of the known signai received at the
`pturatity of receiving antennas ; A determination means for determining whether or not
`to periorm wireiess communication with the in-vehicie tenninai based on the estimation
`resutt by the position estimation means and the travei direction estimation means.
`Since the azimuth and the direction at the vehicie are estimated based on the phase
`difference and the frequency deviation of the known signais received at the p-iuraiity of
`reception antennas, it is not necessary to provide equipment such as a GPS device or a
`sensor on the venicie side. Further. since a known signai transmitted from the in—vehicie
`terminai is sufficient for a short signai, it is possioie to reduce the amount of intonnation
`to be transmitted and to reduce the power consirmption and power consumption.
`{Sm iii}
`in the wireiess communication apparatus according to the present
`reception antenna is a directionai antenna, and each of the reception antennas has
`directivity in a ditierent direction.
`{firm i}
`in the wireiess communication apparatus according to the present invention
`attnough the reception antenna itseit has no directivity, a shieiding means for shieiding
`the radio wave is provided, and the reception antenna may be configured such that the
`reception antenna is shieided from the radio wave from the predetermined direction py
`the snieiding means whereby each of the reception antennas has directivity toward
`different directions. More specificatiy: it is possihie to adopt a configuration in wt‘iicn the
`shieiding means is a po-iygonai coiumn or a cyiindricai radio wave absorper, and a
`pidraiity of receiving antennas are arranged ciose to the radio wave ahsoroer so that the
`radio wave from the predetermined direction is shieided.
`{mi 2}
`As described shove, since the reception antenna has directivity so as to receive the radio
`wave trom the predetermined direction it is possihie to estimate the rough direction of
`the vehicie. Then, it is possihie to estimate a more detaiied azimuth based on the phase
`difference of the received signais at the pinraiity of reception antennas.
`{mi 3}
`it is preterahie that the wireiess communication apparatus of the present invention is
`arranged at an intersection, and that the pitiraiity of reception antennas have directivity
`with respect to the road direction, and that the determination means determines that the
`vehicte is in wireiess communication with the in—venicte terminai when the in—vehicie
`terminai approaches the corn apparatus from the predetermined road direction.
`According to this configuration,
`is possihie to appropriateiy estimate the traveiing
`direction of the vehicie at an intersection where the vehicie traveis in various directions
`and transmit the information oniy to the required vehicie.
`in addition, the present invention can he understood as a wireiess communication
`apparatus having at ieast a part of the above means. Further, the present invention may
`he understood as an inter—vehicie communication system comprising the above-
`mentioned wireiess communication device {roadside device} and the aforementioned in-
`vehicte terminat. Further.
`the present
`invention may he regarded as a wireiess
`communication method incioding at teast a part of the above processing or a program
`for reaiizing such a method. Each of the above means and processes can be combined
`as much as possioie to constitute the present invention.
`For exampie, a road-to—vehicie communication system according to an embodiment oi
`the present invention is a road-to—vehicie commnnication system that performs wireiess
`communication between a roadside unit and an in—vehicie terminai, wherein the in-
`vehicie terminat inciudes a transmission unit that transmits a known signai, and the
`roadside nnit inciodes a transmission unit that transmits a known signai. A position
`estimating means for estimating an azimuth of the on-vehicte terminai based on a phase
`difference of the known signat received at the pioraiity of receiving antennas ;A traveiing
`direction estimating means tor estimating whether the on—vehicie tenninai is approaching
`or away from the roadside machine based on a trednency deviation of the known signai
`received at the ninraiity of receiving antennas ; A determination means tor determining
`whether or not to oertorm wireiess communication with the in—vehicie terminai based on
`the estimation resuit by the oosition estimation means and the travei direction estimation
`{Effect of the invention}
`According to the present invention. it is oossihie to detect an arrivai direction of a vehicie
`in a simoie manner.
`{Best mode for carrying out the invention}
`{0m 8}
`Hereinafter, preferred embodiments of the oresent invention Witt he described in detait
`with reference to the accompanying drawings.
`{00? 9}
`<System configuration?»
`Fit}. 1 is a diagram iiinstrating a system overview of the road-to—vehicte communication
`system according to the present embodiment. A roadside device ‘i {corresponding to a
`wireiess communication device in the present invention} set at an intersection provides
`information to a vehicie approaching the device from a predetermined road direction. in
`this embodiment, a oredetermined road direction is a iett side in HQ. ”t, and a service
`providing area 3 is a range as shown in the drawing.
`it is.
`For exempts. wt‘ien the information provided by the road—side machine t is information
`of a traffic tight in the right direction in the figure, a vehicte that requires this information
`is a vehicie that enters the intersection from the iett side in the drawing. Therefore, the
`service providing area 3 has a range as shown in the drawing. Converseiy, whether or
`not a vehicie is present in the service providing area 3 can he determined based on
`whether or not the vehicie is encroaching the roadside device t from the ieit in the
`drawing. Then, the read-side machine 1 performs wireiess communication with such a
`in the exampie of HS.
`the roadside machine 'i performs wireiess
`communication with the vehieie A and does not nerton‘n wireiess communication with the
`vehicies B and C.
`<C~omoosition of a road-side machine>
`FiG. 2 is a diagram showing a configuration oi an antenna portion of the roadside
`apparatus 1. The roadside machine i has 4 antennas ANT t to ANT 4. The it antennas
`ANT “3 — ANT 4 are arranged ta term a square. Further, each at the antennas ANT 1 to
`ANT 4 is an omnidirectional antenna. However, each of the antennas ANT t to ANT it is
`disposed areund a cyiindricai radio wave ahsorher 3 that hiecks radin waves, and does
`not receive radio waves tram the direction at the radio; wave absorber 3‘. Thus, each is
`directed te a ditterent directien.
`As shown in HS. ii the road-side machine “3 is provided at an intersection {cross read}.
`The directiizity at each at the antennas ANT ‘i te ANT 4, is defined by the radie wave
`absorber 3 se as to strengty receive tactic waves train the respective read directiens. in
`other words, as a resutt ct shieiding the radie wave tram the predetermined directien by
`the radio wave ahscrher 3, each at the antennas ANT i te ANT 4 has a directivity with
`respect to the read direction”
`First. 3 is a diagram showing a tnnctienai configuration at the read-side machine i. The
`roadside machine 'i
`inctudes antennas ANT ‘i te ANT It, a synthesizer ii an arrivai
`directian estimatieh unit 12, a frequency detection unit t3, a, cemmunicatien centrei unit
`’34, and a ccmmnnicatien data precessihg unit i5.
`The synthesizer it caicuiates a comniex weight {weighting tacter} tar centreiiing the
`arnpiitude and phase of the received signai at the ninraiity at antennas ANT i te ANT 4,
`and synthesizes the signai adjusted by this weight. For caicuieti-en of the weights, tar
`exampte, a unique meduiatien Signet {khcwn signs!) may he used, er a wavetenn
`inserted into the transmissien signai periodicaity may he used, such as a guard intervai.
`The arrivai directien estimating unit t2 estimates the position at the vehieie based en the
`received signai strength or phase difference at” the unique meduiatien sighai tram the
`vehicte {in-vehicie terminai} received at each: antenna. Betaiis at” the vehicie nesitien
`estimatinn processing nerfcnned by the arrive! direction estimatien unit t2 Witt he
`described tater.
`A frequency detection unit
`ӣ3 caicuiates a trecinency shift antennt at an intrinsic
`rnedutatian signai received at each antenna. On the basis of this frequency shitt ameunt.
`the ccn‘rrnuhicatien centrei unit M can estimate whether the vehieie appreaches er
`metres away tram the vehicie, er farther estimates the mating speed at the vehicie.
`Detaiis of the process at detecting the frequency shitt ant-cunt performed by the
`frequency detection unit ӣ3 Witt he described tater.
`Communication controi unit “34 performs co-ntroi reiated to communication of roadside
`unit ”i
`in generai. and in particoiar, based on the position and the direction at movement
`of the vehicie estimated from directio-n-ot—arrivai estimation unit 12 and frequency
`detection unit 13 ;
`it is determined whether or not to perform wireiess communication. The communication
`data processing unit t5 processes the received data.
`in addition, in HS. 3, eniy the tonetionai unit reiated to reception of the roadside device
`“3 has been described, but the roadside device “3 aiso has a function reiated to
`transmission. However, the wireiess transmission function of the roadside device 1 may
`he impiernented in concrete manner. For exampie, there may he oniy one transmit
`antenna, and a pinraiity of transmit antennas.
`it may be configured to transmit radio waves oniy in the vehicie direction using an
`adaptive array technique.
`<Arrivai—directi-ons estimation processing?»
`An arrivai direction estimation part 12 estimates the position of the vehicie en the basis
`at the unique medntation signai transmitted from each vehicie. Upon receiving a beacon
`periodicaiiy transmitted from the roadside unit
`“i, each vehicie transmits a unique
`medntatiori signai tea. a packet preamhie) identifying the type of its oven terrriinat.
`i-iereinatter, the vehicie position estimation processing performed by the arri‘vai direction
`estimation unit 12 wiii he described with reference to FiGS, 4 and 5. Here, an exampie
`wiii be described in which the position of the vehicie A is estimated based on the unique
`moduiation signai received from the vehicie A in Fits. ’i.
`in the unique moduiation signai transmitted from the vehicie A. the reception strength of
`the antenna ANT ‘i is highest among the 4 antennas of the roadside device ‘i.’i'heretore,
`it can he roughiy determined that the vehicie A is iocated on the iett side of the road-side
`machine “3. The arrivai direction estimating unit “32 estimates a more detaiied azimuth of
`the vehicie A based on the phase difference of the received signat at each of the
`receiving antennas. Here, as shown in HS. ”L4. an angie 8 a irom the direction aiong
`the road on the iett side in the drawing is estimated.
`The arrivai direction estirnaticn unit t2 detects the phase difference between the
`received signais in the ANT 2 and the ANT 3‘ based on the antenna ANT 1' having the
`iargest received newer. The angie d strewn in HS. 4 can be catcuiated item the phase
`difference between the received signais of the antenna ANT ‘i and the antenna ANT 2.
`in addition. the angie - it shcwn in FiG. it can he caicuiated fruit; the phase difference
`between the received signats of the antenna ANT “i and the antenna ANT 3. in the case
`shown in HQ. 1,4, the phase difference of the antenna ANT ‘t is as shown in RS. 5.
`i-iere. since a = nr‘ 4 8 a and — fl = tr ; 4 - e a. it is feund that e a = {d n} f 2 is attained.
`That is, the azimuth of the vehicie can be estimated based an the phase difference at
`the unique meduiated signat (trnewn signai} received at each receiving antenna.
`<The amount detecticn processing of frequency deviaticn>
`Next, a precess at detecting a frequency shift arncunt at an intrinsic meduiated signat
`transmitted by the vehicie, which is perfermed by the frequency detection unit t3, Witt he
`described. The frequency of the unique rncduiaticn signai transmitted by each vehicie is
`fixed, but is affected by Bonnier shift er the tike because the vehicie is moving. Then, the
`frequency at the received signai received in the roadside device 1 shifts. The frequency
`detection unit "t3 detects this frequency shift amount.
`FiG. 6 shows a detaiied functionai bidet: cf the frequency detecticn unit t3. The
`frequency detection unit 13 inctndevs a quadrature demeduiatcr 13d, a detection circuit
`“i32, and a phase difference caisuiatcr t33.
`The quadrature dentedutator t3t duadrature—demedniates a received signai at an
`antenna having the iargest recentidn intensity amend the piuraiity of antennas ANT ‘t to
`ANT 4. and outputs an crthogonat demeduiated Signet divided into an t signai {in—phase
`ccmecnent) and a Q signai {quadrature compenent}. The detection circuit "Z32 detects
`{demodutates} the received signai from the t signai and the Q signat.
`The phase difference catcuiatcr "t 33 caisuiates the ante-Lint cf deviation of the frequency
`the derncdiiiated received signai
`from the frequency of
`the transmitted
`eigenrncduiated signai. First,
`it is assumed that the intrinsic rncduiaticn signat V is
`excressed as foitews.
`{Mathe-mettcei tomuie “3}
`Here, fc is the earrter frequency, ahd e c is the inittet phase.
`Then, it is assumed that the receptteh Signet Vt' ctemeduieted by the detection circuit £32
`is expressett as tettows,
`{Methematteat termuia 2}
`Here, A 8 is a ftequehcy shtfi amount.
`Note that the tree tsehe’y‘ shift ametmt A e is determihed by the Beppter shift and the phase
`change due to the muttipeth.
`{Methametteei fermute 3}
`Here: 2 T! tdt represents a Doppter shift anthem, and 8 m represents a phase change
`amount due t0 e muittpath.
`th an antenna with the strengest receptieh intensity. the ameuht et {leppiet shift
`demthaht in the frequency shift emeuhtm Accordihgty, £8. 9 represented by the feitowthg
`equation tepresents the Deppter shift amount.
`{Methematteat termuia 4}
`Benending on whether the frequency shitt amount thns determined is positive or negative,
`it is possihie to estimate whether the vehicie is approaching or moving away from the
`road side machine "i.
`FiG, I?“ shows a frequency shitt at the received signai from the vehicie A received try each
`of the antennas ANT 1 to ANT 4 in the situation of Fits. t. i-iere: since the reception
`intensity at the antenna ANT 1 is strongest, the frequency shift amount of the reception
`signai of the antenna ANT ”i
`is obtained. As shown in HS. 7 a, since the Bonnier shift
`amount id = tra ‘i - fc> 0,
`it can he determined that the vehicie A is approaching the
`roadside device ‘im
`in addition, the traveiing direction of the vehicie may be estimated taking into account
`not oniy’ the reception signai of the antenna having the highest reception intensity but
`aiso the frequency shitt of the other antenna.
`<Cornrnnnication chiect vehicies decision orccessing>
`As described above it is possihie to obtain the direction in which the vehicie is iocated
`and the direction of trave-i {whether the vehicie is anoroaching or moving away from each
`other} by the arrivai direction estimating unit t2 and the frequency detecting unit 13.
`Based on these resnits, the control unit 14 pertonns a process of determining a vehicie
`to be communicated. Hereinafter: this processing wiii he descrihed.
`As shown in HS. “i, when 3 vehicies of vehicies A to C exist, the processing resuits of
`the arrivai direction estimation unit t2 and the 1Frequency detection unit is obtained from
`the reception resuits at the unique moduiation signais transmitted from these vehicies
`are as shown in HQ at
`With respect to the vehicie A, it is estimated that the vehicie A is present in an azimuth
`of 0 to rr r“ 2 from the phase difference of the received signai, and it is estimated that the
`vehicie A is approaching the road-side machine “i
`trorn the Bonnier shift. About the
`vehicies 8, existing in the direction at 0 — pit? from the phase contrast of a reception
`signai is presented and keeping away from the road—side machine ‘i is presumed from
`a Bonnier shift. For the vehicie C,
`it is estimated that the vehioie C is present in an
`azimuth of tr f 2 to n from the phase difference of the received signai, and it is estimated
`that the vehicte C is approaching the road—side machine i from the Doppier shift.
`Since the service providing area 3 of the road-side machine ”i
`is as shown in HQ. i. it
`can be determined that the vehicie approaching the road-side machine ‘i from the teit in
`the drawing is a vehicte to he oomrnunicated. Then‘ in accordance with the fiowchart
`shown in HS. 8, the communication controi unit 14 determines whether or not each
`vehicie is to he communicated.
`in other words. the communication controi unit it sets a vehicie whose arrivai direction
`is within a range of {I} to rr 3 2 and whose Doppier shift is positive {approaching the road
`side machine i} as an ohiect of communication. Here, the vehicie A is iocatect in a range
`of i} to n i 2 {8 t - YES}, and is a communication target because the Doppier shift is
`positive {8 2 - YES}. On the other hand, aithoogh the vehioie 8 is iocated in the range of
`0 to rr .5 2 {S ‘i - YES}, since the Boppier shift is negative {8 2 - N0}, the vehicie B is not
`a communication target. Further, since the vehicie C is not iocated within the range of C}
`to n g 2 {S ’i - NO}, the vehioie C is not a communication target.
`«at working effect and effect of an emhodiment>
`in this way. the road—side machine “i can estimate the position and direction of the vehicie‘
`and can easii’y‘ determine the vehioie to he communicated.
`Here, the vehicie side mereiy transmits a unique modniation signai {preamhie}, and it is
`not necessary to provide a GPS device, a sensor. or the titre and it is possihie to easiiy
`and inexpensiveiy configure the vehicie. Further. since the vehic-te side transmits a short
`inherent modoiation signai rather than transmitting a packet whose payioad is the
`position information,
`its own it}, and the titre,
`it is possihie to reduce the amount of
`communication and reduce the use hand and power consumption.
`{ Modification}
`in addition to the configuration shown in Fit}. 2, various configurations can he emit-toyed
`tor the antenna of the road-side machine ”i
`in consideration at a road a shape oi the
`service providing area, and the titre. Some exampies are shown in HQ. it}. For examoie.
`as shown in HS. 30 a. the shape of the radio wave absorber 3 may he a attadrangniar
`prism instead of a cyiindricai shape. As a resuit, simiiar ettects can he obtained.
`addition. the numher of antennas need not he 4, and may he 3 or more and 5 or more.
`in case of 3 antennas. it is nreterahie to use a trianguiar have absorber as shown in HG.
`it} h. in addition, in case of 5 antennas, as shown in Fit}. it} c, it is preterahie to use a 5
`orism radio wave absorber. Further, the shape of the radio wave absorber is not iirnited
`to a cyiindricai shape or a poiygonai coiumn shade, and as shown in HS. ti) dc a piste-
`shaged radio wave absorber may he nrovided behind each antenna. Further. the
`antenna itseit may have directivity.
`in the above described embodiment, the service providing area 3 is ciose to one of the
`However, the present invention is not iirnited thereto. For exampie, in RE. i a vehieie
`{approaching the roadside device ‘i from the iett direction and the right direction may he
`a communication target.
`it is oossihie to anoronriateiy set nhether or not to perform
`communication on the basis of any other vehicie in accordance with information provided
`by the roadside device “i.
`in addition, in the above described embodiment, the road side machine ”i
`is orovided
`with aii road directions at intersections.
`Each of the antennas has an antenna having directivity. However, it is not necessary to
`have an antenna for some directions. For examoie, the antenna ANT 4 may be omitted
`in the shove description.
`in addition, in the description of the embodiment, the wireiess communication device
`according to the present invention is contigured as the roadside device t. in other words
`in the inter-vehicie communication, it is oossihie to determine the presence direction and
`the travei direction of the oncoming vehicie based on the unique moduiation signai as
`described above.
`{Brief Description of the Drawings}
`{Fig tiFtG. “i is a diagram showing an overview of an entire system of a road-to-vehicie
`communication system according to the present embodiment ;.
`{Fig EiFiG. 4 is a diagram showing a structure of an antenna inciuded in a roadside
`device ;.
`{Fig 33Fit‘3. 3 is a diagram shoeing a functionai configuration of a roadside machine ;.
`{Fig did is the tigure showing the phase contrast in the arrivai directions and each
`antenna of a reception signai.
`{Fig 53Fii3. 4 is a diagram iiiustraiing a phase difference of received signais received £33;
`each antenna ;.
`{Fig 63FiG. 3 is a detaiied iunetionai bieek diagram of a frequency detection unit inciuded
`in a roadside apparatus ;.
`{Fig ?{FiG. 4 shows Bonnier shift amount of a received Signet received at each; antenna ;.
`{Fig SiFiG. 4 is a diagram showing detection resuits of an arrivai direction and a Doppier
`sniii amount at a venicie ;.
`{Fig 9}FiG. 4 is a flowchart showing a flow of processing for determining whether or not
`a venicie is to be communicated :.
`{Fig "ifijFiG. 4 is a diagram showing another exampie of the stnietnre of an antenna
`incinded in a roadside device ;.
`{Expianation of Setters or numerais}
`Road-Side Machine
`“ii synthesize-r
`“32 arrival direction estimation unit
`’33 frequency detection unit
`13’: quadrature demoduiater
`332 Uetector Circuit
`F‘nase Contrast Comeiiter
`Communication Contrei Part
`’35 communicaiien data processing unit
`.3? 2388*23391? A 2038. 33.2
`113,1 333-333(39)
`(12.; {3 Ba 43 3F ’1} $0!)
`(431 33 El 33203133231303.1113)
`F 1
`{51'} 113111.
`60 I s 33
`so 3 s 33
`H043 was
`808G 139
`6086 139
`H0 I (3
`H010 352 mm)
`H910 21/3 may;
`HO 1 Q 21523
`3333: 333: 3333.33 3 UL
`I313 33
`3—32— F (33%}
`SH I 80
`5 ms 7
`(21) ifififi‘g
`(22) Efififi
`13533200?— ?6T31 {PZUOT TERM)
`E—EE13$3B 2313 (20013 .23)
`$3396.33 F a; l ’l‘fififit >25?“
`{33A33333 331833 33333333tfiufi3313w33