`Patent No.
`Issue Date
`9584,264 B2
`February 28, 2017
`Seigo Naliao et a1.
`Docket No.
`: 733456.407C11
`: March 7, 2017
`Mail Stop Certificate of Correction
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313—1450
`Commissioner for Patents:
`A certificate of correction is respectfully requested in the above—identifi ed patent.
`The following errors have been made:
`Item (71) Applicant, “Panasonic Corporation, Osaka OT OP)” is incorrect. As set
`forth in the Corrective Application Data Sheet filed on November 3, 2016, with the United States
`Patent and Trademark Office, the correct Applicant should read, --Panasonic Corporation, Osaka
`In the claims, column 27, issued claim 1, line 6, “symbol also being multiplied by
`ej(it/2) when an” is incorrect. As set forth in the Amendment filed November 7, 2016, with the
`United States Patent and Trademark Office, the correct line should read, —-symbol also being
`multiplied by elm/2) when an—-.
`Attached is the certificate of correction, which indicates the corrections to be
`made, by reference to the item, column, and line numbers in the printed patent. Because the
`errors were made by the Patent Office, no fee is necessary. However if the errors are determined
`to be our errors, the Director is hereby authorized to charge payment of any fees associated with
`this communication to Deposit Account No. 19-1090.
`Respectfully submitted,
`SEED Intellectual Property Law Group LLP
`/Shoko Leeld
`Shoko I. Leek
`Registration No. 43,746
`Certificate of Correction
`SEED Intellectual Property Law Group LLP
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5400
`Seattle, Washington 98104-7092
`Phone: (206) 622-4900
`Fax: (206) 682-6031
`It is certified that errors appear in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent are
`hereby corrected as shown beiow:
`Item {71 )1
`“Panasonic Corporation, Osaka OT (JP)” shouId read, --Panasonic Corporation, Osaka (JP)—-.
`Coiumn 27 Line 6:
`“symboi aIso being muttiplied by ej(n/2) when an” shouId read, --symboI aIso being multipiied by
`: 9,584,264 82
`APPLICATION NO. : 15/098,249
`: February 28, 2017
`: Seigo Nakao et at.
`elm/2’ when an--.
`Shoko I. Leek
`Seed InteIiectuaI Property Law Group LLP
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5400
`SeattIe, Washington 98104
`PATENT NO. 9,584,264 B2
`No. of additional copies: 0
`SEND TO: Attention Certificate of Corrections Branch, Commissioner for Patents, PO. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450