`Idififlatéa 0f publication 0f application
`{31}Applicatitm number
`{2231733 fie offiiing
`3058 4mm
`360}: 25420 @wwz)
`135%? 35/04
`36033 35430
`(29915“. (11}
`PRCIBLEt-I TC? BE SQLVED: Tits mmida an arkmtmnic he); SVStflm whisth prevent-s the
`0+:mrmnce 01‘ .iflegafi mm‘atim of a communimtim (Meet due m relay attack
`SULIETI‘IUNZ In this; Memire‘n'fiti key system, ID nhmking thmugh Smart mmn":limitation
`tar making an Mastwnic key 1 return an I D Grade signai Sid mm ail vehicle 2 Is pt:1‘i’01'1t1t:d
`Whé‘rfl the «aim-titanic kit-s5;
`ii mmima :1 mqmmt sigma} Stir; transmitted from the whichzs 2?
`and the ommtfion 0F
`{loot lock am? an {engine mnuutefi on. {hi-x which! .2 bemmma‘;
`possfl'fie if
`the ID thanking is; amtiafiefi, Thia eimflmonie key Bystam includeté a
`trammfiasimn control, part lib In}? trmmnfitting a Eignai to the vehicle. 2. at: a spacifit;
`pattm‘n Fur immezaming 01' {lucrflasmg sign-2.5} strength hit-t:nitim‘uitfly in 2:: scum: summit! (I?
`li’8(3E‘I\"Ing Sigma! SIT-li’fil‘l‘lgIZI't at the s} gm} when tramsmittimg the signal :11 the which} 2
`from the. z-zitrctrunix: key I. through smart (50maxmn:'u::e1tism and it pant-urn dett—rrzmming part
`Bid {in- rfimuhing a sigma} strength patttem to detm‘mme whether tht: aeg'aetftfiu pattern is
`Ctn‘rtset 01‘ nut when renaming the signal having the spmifin pzsztten'x am} mrmittmg the
`{It‘mi‘atiml {II the dam tack and the engine 013 the minimum that the {:11 eating of" the 551mm!
`mmngih pattern is satisfied and the {I} «hacking if»; Satisflwi.
`* NOTICE} ""
`JPD and INPIT are net mspmsibles for any
`damages ssauseé. by the: use of this translation
`ii Whigs: (ILKIUIBBHI "has bet-121 tm 3155123 ted by {fittingnuten Sn the ‘Lt’analatian may {mt
`reflett the mtg; r131 z'gi‘ecisely.
`2““ Shows the ward whit}: tan rmt In?» trzémslzétted.