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`PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07)
`0/7709 A0170” Summary
`Application No.
`TAN et al.
`Art Unit
`AIA (FITF) Status
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`Disposition of Claims*
`1—11 is/are pending in the application.
`5a) Of the above claim(s)
`is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`E] Claim(s)
`is/are allowed.
`Claim(s) 1—5 and 7—11 is/are rejected.
`Claim(s) § is/are objected to.
`) ) ) )
`6 7
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`[:1 Claim(s)
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`Application Papers
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`Paper No(s)/Mail Datew.
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`3) C] Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date
`4) CI Other-
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 11-13)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mai| Date 20190703
`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 2
`Notice of Pre-AIA or AIA Status
`The present application, filed on or after March 16, 2013,
`is being examined under the
`first inventor to file provisions of the AIA.
`The Office Action is responsive to the communication filed on 05/30/18.
`Claims 1—11 are pending in the application.
`Information Disclosure Statement
`The information disclosure statements (IDS) submitted on 04/11/19 and 05/30/18 are in
`compliance with the provisions of 37 CFR 1.97. Accordingly,
`the information disclosure
`statements are being considered by the examiner.
`Claim Objections
`Claim 8 is objected to for insufficient antecedent basis for “wherein the corrector corrects the
`control parameter included in the similar component data similar to a selected correction
`component data.” Appropriate correction is required.
`Allowable Subject Matter
`Claim 6 is objected to as being dependent upon a rejected base claim, but would be
`allowable if rewritten in independent form including all of the limitations of the base claim and
`any intervening claims.
`Application/Control Number: l5/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 3
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 102
`The following is a quotation of the appropriate paragraphs of 35 USC. 102 that form the
`basis for the rejections under this section made in this Office action:
`A person shall be entitled to a patent unless —
`(a)(l) the claimed invention was patented, described in a printed publication, or in public use, on sale or
`otherwise available to the public before the effective filing date of the claimed invention.
`Claims 1— 5 and 7—8 are rejected under 35 USC. 102(a)(l) as being anticipated by Kano
`(PG/PUB 20050250223).
`As per claim 1, Kano et al. teaches a mounting board manufacturing system comprising:
`a. cornprment placing device that executes component placing work for 5 placing
`a component on a board (AESTRACT, Figure l, 00l5 eg “Embodiments of the
`invention will be described with reference to drawings. In FIG. 1 showing a plan
`view of an electronic component mounting apparatus 5, anumeral ll designates
`a Y table moving in a Y direction driven by aY axis drive motor 12, and anumeral
`l3 designates a XY table moving in X and Y directions by moving in the X
`direction on the Y table 11 driven by a X axis drive motor 14, where a printed
`board 9 to be mounted with a chip—type electronic component 8 is fixed by a fixing
`device (not shown)
`a library that stores a plurality of component data, each of the plurality of the
`component data including
`a. control parameter for executing the component
`placing work by the component placing device and information rcgniding the
`component {0021 eg “The RAM 41 is stored with mounting data on component
`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 4
`mounting for each of types of the printed board 9, including information about X
`and Y directions (directed by X and Y) on the printed board 9 and an angle
`(directed by Z) of the component 8 in mounting order (in order of step number),
`and alignment numbers of the component feeding units 18. Furthermore, the RAM
`41 is
`stored with information
`on the types of the electronic components
`(component ID) corresponding to the alignment numbers (lane numbers) of the
`component feeding units 18, that is, the component alignment
`information, and
`component library data on sizes and So on of the Stored electronic components
`for each of the component IDS”)
`an operation infoiination counter that counts a score of the component (eg
`averaging position deviations and/or calculating pick up rate based upon pickup
`error) placing work for each of the plurality of cornpt‘inent data based on operation
`a result of
`the work executed by the component
`placing device (ABSTRACT, Figure 4, 0050 eg “however, when the CPU 40
`determines that the pickup error occurs, a fifth counter (not shown) for counting a
`pickup error number is incremented by 1 and calculates a pickup rate R=(1-e/c)
`based on the pickup count number c and the pickup error count number e. Then,
`the CPU 40 determines whether or not
`the pickup count number reaches the
`predetermined sample number Sm as above. When the CPU 40 determines that
`the pickup count number does not reach the Sample number Sm, the Sampling
`operation is performed and the next pickup operation is performed,” see aiso
`positional shift a‘v'ei'age, i.e., error score, 0043-47) and
`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 5
`a cert‘ecter that selects eerrectien eernpenent data that is a target to be corrected
`trern the plurality at the cempenent data based en the scere and cerrects the
`central parameter at" the correction eunipenent data (0034—54, Figure 6 eg. as
`interpreted cerrecting a pickup rate based upen a pickup ceunt nurnher c and the
`pickup eirer ceunt number e ter calculating a feedback value fer nattlilying pickup
`Offsets fer reducing subserpient reprinting deviatiens. see aise ri;ie<_lilyi_ng t’eet’lhack
`utilizing pesitienai deviatien, 0043-47 )
`As per claim 2. Kane teaches the n‘ieunting heard manufacturing system at Claim i,
`wherein the eerrecter eerreets the centrel parameter using inferrnatien regarding
`a degree ef influence of the centrei paranreter with respect te the seere (004341 005G~54 e jfir!
`m LT)
`interpreted, determining that the current centrel parameter results in pesitienai
`tleviatiun? i.e..
`pickup eireiy which in effect ai’i’ec ts the pickup rate scere and results in adjusting the feedback
`centrei tu minimize subsequent pickup errur pesitien deviation see alse pickup rate equatien
`indicating a degree ef influence between desired and actual pickup errers)
`As per claim 3., Kane teaches the niuuntiug heard rnanulaeturing system of Claim 25 it'lierein the
`cerrecter corrects the centre} parameter using inferniatien regarding the degree er“ influence of
`similar cernpt‘inent tiara similar to the cerrectien cetnpt‘inent data. {8043-479 {Klfitlufifir eg. as
`interpreted based, ripen ebserviug previous pickup errers fer lernring an average displacement
`arneunt frenr prier cenipenent piaeernent, i.e,t degree ef influence ef similar cempunents adjust
`the teedliack . then adjust the central parameter t0 minimize future pusitienai
`tieviatiens. As
`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 6
`interpreted, a running count at previous pickups is eaieuiated for determining subsequent
`As per dairn 4, Kano teaches the mounting
`heard manufacturing system of Ciaiin 2
`further eernprising:
`a learning unit (egg. CPU settware) that iearns the degree {if influence at the enrnponent
`data (IRES-47,
`(KtSt’t-Sét eg as interpreted, observing pnsition deviations per eeniponent,
`eeu‘iponent data, for correcting subsequent eninponent nteuntihg, which in turn reduces the pickup
`As per claim 5, Kano teaches the
`heard manufacturing system nf Ciairn 4,
`further eernprising:
`a, learning data set for e; eh nt‘ the piuraiity of comprmeut data, used for learning by the
`learning unit, wherein the teaming data set is data obtained by aeeurnuiating a first pattern
`cementing the compenent
`tiata {eg averaging positional deviations over repetitive, repeating
`opera tious) and the score teg. pickup rate indieative 0i" pickup errors) when the cmnpunent data,
`is used, based, en a correction histery at“ the eonuannent data (GG43—47 e. 9, see aecutnuiating a first
`pattern of eeniponent data, itea average of pesitinn shifts, as part at“ a feedback: system,
`histt'iricai correction)
`As per claim 7, Kane teaches the mounting board manufacturing system ef Claim 5,
`wherein when the cen‘eeter corrects the central parameter, the iearning data set is updated
`and the teaming unit petfnn'ns learning at the degree (if influence based en the updated teaming
`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 7
`data set (004243.17,
`eg. as inteipreted, feedback represents a continuous iearning method
`in which positional deviations are constantly observed, new averages calculated, and new pickup
`rate scores determine, and where in response, the process is re peated')
`As per claim 3 Kano teaches the mounting board manufacturing system of (Iii-aim 1,
`wherein the corrector corrects the control parameter included in the similar component
`data similar
`to a selected correction component data (0043-44,
`(KiSt’i-Séi eg. as interpreted,
`correcting subsequent pickup operations based upon past pickup operations for similar components
`based upon acquiring positional deviations and calculating pickup rates indicative of error)
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 103
`In the event the determination of the status of the application as subject to AIA 35 U.S.C.
`102 and 103 (or as subject to pre—AIA 35 U.S.C. 102 and 103) is incorrect, any correction of the
`statutory basis for the rejection will not be considered a new ground of rejection if the prior art
`relied upon, and the rationale supporting the rejection, would be the same under either status.
`The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. 103 which forms the basis for all obviousness
`rejections set forth in this Office action:
`A patent for a claimed invention may not be obtained, notwithstandingthat the claimed invention is not
`identically disclosed as set forth in section 102, if the differences between the claimed invention and the
`prior art are such that the claimed invention as a whole would have been obvious before the effective
`filing date of the claimed invention to a person having ordinary skill in the art to which the claimed
`invention pertains. Patentability shall not be negated by the manner in which the invention was made.
`The factual inquiries set forth in Graham v. John Deere C0. , 383 US. 1, 148 USPQ 459
`(1966), that are applied for establishing a background for determining obviousness under 35
`U.S.C. 103 are summarized as follows:
`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 8
`1. Determining the scope and contents of the prior art.
`2. Ascertaining the differences between the prior art and the claims at issue.
`3. Resolving the level of ordinary skill
`in the pertinent art.
`4. Considering objective evidence present in the application indicating obviousness or
`nonobvious ne s s .
`Claims 9—11 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103 as being unpatentable over Kano (PG/PUB
`2005/0250223) in view over Yano et al. (USPN 8086338).
`As per claim ‘53. Kano teaches the mounting board manufacturing system of Claim 15
`wherein the score [[includes data of a suction ratefl of the component in the component
`placing worlz. Yano te-gches wherein data includes a suction rate of the component (Figure 22—
`“Suetion Rate”) Kano teaches iniplernenting leedliack control responsive to determining pickup
`rate does not reach a desired pickup rate. the piclcup rate using a pickup error value (005064)
`'llheret'rn‘e, before the effective filing date of the claimed invention. one of ordinary sltill
`in the art using a Stitcllt‘lll rate count. as per Yano, in place as representative of a pieloip error
`count, as per Kano. would achieve an expected and predictable result of indicating a pickup rate
`anomaly based upon counting suction rate errors. Kano teaches adjusting positional deviations
`responsive to determining pic {nip rates based upon a pickup error count, Yano teaches a pic kup
`error count, conmrising a suction rate. Since adiusting positional deviations responsive to
`determining suctions rates contribute to a piclqup rate help minimize future pickup deviations
`tog. component position is calibrated for exact pickup via suction), an improved invention is
`realized lay expanding upon potential sources of ct‘irnponent pickup error.
`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 9
`As per ciaim it), Kano te: cites the trimming board manufacturing system of Ciairn i, wherein
`the score inciudcs data of a [[rccognition rate of the component in the component piacing workfl
`‘r'ano teaches a recognition rate of the component during pickup (i?’igtu‘e 22 “recognition errors”)
`Therefore, before the effective t’iiing date of the claimed invention, one of ordinary ski},
`in the art using a recognition error count, as per Yano, in place as representative of a pickup error
`count, as per Kanoi wouid achieve an expected and predictaiiie re suit of indicating a pickup rate
`anoniaiy based upon counting suction rate errors. Kano teaches adjusting positional deviations
`responsive to determining pickup rates based upon a pickup error count. Yano teaches a pickup
`error count comprising a recognition count, Since adjusting positionai deviations responsive to
`determining recognition errors iteips minimize t‘uttn‘e pickup deviations {eg crm‘iponent position
`is Itaiibrated for exact pickup and minimize comprment ioss. improper position, etc, during image
`capture), an improved invention is reaiizcd. by expanding upon potential sonnes of component
`picitup error.
`As per ciaim it, Kano te-gches the mounting, board manufacturing system of tiiiaint 1, wherein the
`score includes data of a [floss rate of the component in the component piacing workfl
`Yano teaches a loss rate of components (Figure 22 e. g. “suction errors, recognition errors,
`standing suction errors, etc”)
`Therefore“ before the ef iective fiiing date of the ciairneti invention, one of ordinary skiii
`in the art using a suction rate count, as per Yano, in piace as representative of a picioip error
`count, as per Ka no, wouiii achieve an expected and predictatiie result of irniicating a pickup rate
`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 10
`anomaly ba sed upon counting suction rate EXTGYS, Kano teaches adjusting posiijmal deviations
`responsive to deternfinfing pickup rates based upon a pickup error count. Yano teaches a pickup
`error count comprising a suction rate. Since adjusting positional deviations responsive to
`determining auctions rates contribute to a pickup rate help minimize. future pickup deviations
`(cg. component positimi
`is calibraied for cxactpickup via suction). an. improved invention is
`realized by expandng upon potential sources of component pickup error.
`Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the
`examiner should be directed to DARRIN D DUNN whose telephone number is (571)270—1645.
`The examiner can normally be reached on M—Sat (10—8) PST.
`Examiner interviews are available via telephone,
`in—person, and video conferencing using
`a USPTO supplied web—based collaboration tool. To schedule an interview, applicant is
`encouraged to use the USPTO Automated Interview Request (AIR) at
`If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner’s
`supervisor, Robert Fennema can be reached on 571—272—2748. The fax phone number for the
`organization where this application or proceeding is assigned is 571—273—8300.
`Information regarding the status of an application may be obtained from the Patent
`Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system. Status information for published applications
`may be obtained from either Private PAIR or Public PAIR. Status information for unpublished
`applications is available through Private PAIR only. For more information about the PAIR
`system, see htth/pair—direct.uspto.gov. Should you have questions on access to the Private PAIR
`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 11
`system, contact the Electronic Business Center (EBC) at 866—217—9197 (toll—free). If you would
`like assistance from a USPTO Customer Service Representative or access to the automated
`information system, call 800—786—9199 (IN USA OR CANADA) or 571—272—1000.
`Patent Examiner, Art Unit 2118