
`V i$ T
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
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`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`Notice of the Office communication was sent electronically on above—indicated "Notification Date" to the
`following e—mail address(es):
`PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07)


`0/7709 A0170” Summary
`Application No.
`TAN et al.
`Art Unit
`AIA (FITF) Status
`- The MAILING DA TE of this communication appears on the cover sheet wit/7 the correspondence address -
`Period for Reply
`Extensions of time may be available under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a). In no event, however, may a reply be timely filed after SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing
`date of this communication.
`|f NO period for reply is specified above, the maximum statutory period will apply and will expire SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`- Failure to reply within the set or extended period for reply will, by statute, cause the application to become ABANDONED (35 U.S.C. § 133).
`Any reply received by the Office later than three months after the mailing date of this communication, even if timely filed, may reduce any earned patent term
`adjustment. See 37 CFR 1.704(b).
`1). Responsive to communication(s) filed on 10/10/19.
`[:1 A declaration(s)/affidavit(s) under 37 CFR 1.130(b) was/were filed on
`2a). This action is FINAL.
`2b) C] This action is non-final.
`3)[:] An election was made by the applicant in response to a restriction requirement set forth during the interview on
`; the restriction requirement and election have been incorporated into this action.
`4)[:] Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordance with the practice under Expat/7e Quay/e, 1935 CD. 11, 453 O.G. 213.
`Disposition of Claims*
`1—12 is/are pending in the application.
`5a) Of the above claim(s)
`is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`Claim(s) 6 and 8 is/are allowed.
`Claim(s) 1—5,7 and 9—12 is/are rejected.
`C] Claim(s) _
`is/are objected to.
`) ) ) )
`6 7
`are subject to restriction and/or election requirement
`[:1 Claim(s)
`* If any claims have been determined allowable, you may be eligible to benefit from the Patent Prosecution Highway program at a
`participating intellectual property office for the corresponding application. For more information, please see
` events/pph/index.'sp or send an inquiry to
`Application Papers
`10):] The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
`11):] The drawing(s) filed on
`is/are: a)C] accepted or b)Ej objected to by the Examiner.
`Applicant may not request that any objection to the drawing(s) be held in abeyance. See 37 CFR 1.85(a).
`Replacement drawing sheet(s) including the correction is required if the drawing(s) is objected to. See 37 CFR 1.121 (d).
`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
`12)C] Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)-(d) or (f).
`Certified copies:
`a)C] All
`b)C] Some**
`c)C] None of the:
`1C] Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2C] Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No.
`3.[:] Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this National Stage
`application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)).
`** See the attached detailed Office action for a list of the certified copies not received.
`Notice of References Cited (PTO-892)
`Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`2) D Information Disclosure Statement(s) (PTO/SB/08a and/or PTO/SB/08b)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date_
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date 10/09/19.
`4) CI Other-
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 11-13)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mai| Date 20191022


`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 2
`Notice of Pre-AIA or AIA Status
`The present application, filed on or after March 16, 2013,
`is being examined under the
`first inventor to file provisions of the AIA.
`The Office Action is responsive to the communication filed on 10/10/2019.
`Claims 1—12 are pending in the application.
`Response to Arguments
`Applicant’s arguments filed have been fully considered and are persuasive with respect to
`the instant amendments; however, a new ground of rejection is entered, infra analysis.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 103
`The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. 103 which forms the basis for all obviousness
`rejections set forth in this Office action:
`A patent for a claimed invention may not be obtained, notwithstandingthat the claimed invention is not
`identically disclosed as set forthin section 102, if the differences between the claimed invention and the
`prior art are such that the claimed invention as a whole would have been obvious before the effective
`filing date of the claimed invention to a person having ordinary skill in the art to which the claimed
`invention pertains. Patentability shall not be negated by the manner in which the invention was made.
`The factual inquiries set forth in Graham v. John Deere C0. , 383 U.S. 1, 148 USPQ 459
`(1966), that are applied for establishing a background for determining obviousness under 35
`U.S.C. 103 are summarized as follows:
`1. Determining the scope and contents of the prior art.
`2. Ascertaining the differences between the prior art and the claims at issue.
`3. Resolving the level of ordinary skill
`in the pertinent art.


`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 3
`4. Considering objective evidence present in the application indicating obviousness or
`nonobvious ne s s .
`Claims 1—5, 7—8, and 12 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103 as being unpatentable over
`Kano (PG/PUB 2005/0250223)
`in view over Mori et al. (EP 3102018)
`As per claim 1, Kano et at. teaches a mounting board manufacturing system comprising:
`a component placing device that executes component placing worls: for :3 placing
`a component on a board (AB SIR/53C}: Figure l, (Kill 5 e g. “Embodiments of the
`invention will be described with reference to drawings. In FIG. 1 showing a plan
`view of an electronic component mounting apparatus 5, anumeral 11 designates
`a Y table moving in a Y direction driven by aY axis drive motor 12, and anumeral
`13 designates a XY table moving in X and Y directions by moving in the X
`direction on the Y table 11 driven by a X axis drive motor 14, where a printed
`board 9 to be mounted with a chip—type electronic component 8 is fixed by a fixing
`device (not shown)
`a Eibi'ai'y that stores a pluraiity of component data, each of the plurality of the
`component data including
`a control parameter for execatnig the component
`placing work by the component placing device and information regarding the
`component (0021 e. g “The RAM 41 is stored with mounting data on component
`mounting for each of types of the printed board 9, including information about X
`and Y directions (directed by X and Y) on the printed board 9 and an angle
`(directed by Z) of the component 8 in mounting order (in order of step number),


`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 4
`and alignment numbers of the component feeding units 18. Furthermore, the RAM
`41 is
`stored with information
`on the types of the electronic components
`(component ID) corresponding to the alignment numbers (lane numbers) of the
`component feeding units 18, that is, the component alignment
`information, and
`component library data on sizes and So on of the Stored electronic components
`for each of the component IDS”)
`an operation information counter that counts a score of the component (eg
`averaging position deviations andl'or calculating pick up rate based upon pickup
`error), ”Eiii'wheretn the sense includes a positive sneeess rate }} placing work for
`each of the plurality of component data based on operation information including
`a result of the work executed by the component placing device (ABSTRACT,
`Figure 4, 0051:) e. g “however, when the CPU 40 determines that the pickup error
`occurs, a fifth counter (not shown)
`for counting a pickup error number is
`incremented by 1 and calculates apickup rate R=(1-e/c) based on the pickup count
`number c and the pickup error count number e. Then, the CPU 40 determines
`whether or not the pickup count number reaches the predetermined sample number
`Sm as above. When the CPU 40 determines that the pickup count number does
`not reach the Sample number Sm, the Sampling operation is performed and the
`next pickup operation is performed,” see also positional shift average, i.e., error
`score, (EM-3417) and


`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 5
`GMeri et at, teaches 1. herein the senre includes a positive success rate rife ninnriting eperatieii
`ife. g, as ir1te1preted, the ineiusiun of {1 success rate in ndditiun tn the score reflects additional data.
`Here, Mari et ai. teaches a statistical means; for determining a positive success rate at a mounting
`epei‘atinn {001929, 0063-72). Kane teaches determining a scare, namely a. pesitienai deviatien,
`'i'hei‘efni'e, hefere the effective fiiing date «of the ciairned invention, One. 0f ordinary shit in the
`art applying the teachings of Mari teg. quantifying a statisticai deviatien.
`inciuding determining
`wiieti'ier deviatieris exceed a normal
`innit, see upper and inwer iii'riits),
`tn the teachings Di: Kane
`(eg, quantifying a pesitienni deviatiun under a pickup rate), weiiid achieve an expected and
`predictuhie i‘esuit at determining when prisitienai deviatinns and/er pickup rates; are abnnrniai fur
`the purpese 0i adjusting centred parai'rieters t0 minimize future deviatinns.
`Kane, as modified by Mei: teaches:
`a eurreeter that seieets cerrectien cenipeiient data that is a target tn be corrected
`item the piuraiity (if the ceinpnneiit data based (111 the scare eteaehet‘ the pinruiity
`{it eentpnnent data and enrreets the centre}. parameter ui the enrrectinn euinpnnent
`data (Kane, 003464, Figure 6 eg. as interpreted, eerreeting a pickup rate based
`ripen a pic imp cennt number c and the pickup eri‘ni‘ ceunt nuinnei‘ e. fer caieiiinting
`a. feedback value fer inni'iifying pickup effsets fer reducing subsequent inheriting
`deentiens, see airse rnndit‘ying feedback utilizing pusitinnai dtwiutien,
`see aise Mari, Figure 7 {3057, 007373, 008690 )


`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 6
`As per eiairn 2, Kane, as niritiiiied by Mari, teaches the mounting board. manufaetining
`s ystem at Ciaim 1,
`wherein the eerreeter corrects the eentrei parameter using interniatien regarding
`which centre} parameter has a greatest degree ef influence on the seere (Kane,OO43—47,
`eg. as interpreted, determining that the current centre} parameter resuits in pesitirinai deviatieni
`ie, pickup error, which in effect affects the pickup rate genre and resnits in adjusting the
`feedback enntrei tn minimize subsequent pieknp errer pesitinn deviatinn,
`see aise pieinip rate
`edtiatinn indicating a degree «of influence between desired and aetnai pieigttp errors“ supra claim
`I. wherein Mari teaches determining a eerreiatien between the centrei parameter and the
`deviation such. that an identified centre} parameter is adjusted tr} minimize ahnerinai dtwiatiens)
`As per eiairn 3, Kane teaches the rnennting heard manufacturing system of Claim, 2, wherein the
`eerreeter enrreets the eentrni parameter using interrnatien regarding the degree at” influence of
`similar eempenent data sirniiar te the enrreetien eempenent data (0043—47, 005G~54 e. g, as
`interpreted, based ripen Observing previens pickup errors for forming an average displacement
`ameunt trnni prier eernpenent placement, i.e.. degree (if influence (if simiiai' eeinpenents adjust
`the feedbaek , then adittst the eentrei parameter te minimize future pesitienai deviations. As
`interpreted, a running eennt of previens pickups is eaieuiated for determining subsequent


`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 7
`As per ciaini 4, Kane teaches the mounting heard ri'ianui’acurring
`system of Claim 2,
`further comprising:
`a {earning unit reg. CPU srdtware) that iearns the degree {if influence of the cempenent
`data {0&43‘4‘7,
`(Kifitisfilt eg. as interpreted, ohserving pesition de'viatinns per cen‘ipeneht,
`cemponent data, fur correcting subsequent eemponent munnting, whieh in turn reduces the pickup
`rate errer, see aisn Mari, supra claim 1, for determining a correiation between machine parameters
`and ahnerniaiity fer irnpienientiug cerreetive aetien)
`As per claim 5, Kane teaches the mounting heard manufacturing system «of Claim 4,
`further cuihprising:
`a learning data set fer eaeh Of the piuraiity at“ cen‘ipeneht data, used for iearning hy the
`teaming unit; wherein the iearning data set is data ehtaihed by aecumuiating a first pattern
`cnmbining the eempnnent data (eg, averaging positienai deviations ever repetitive repeating
`operations) and the scere (eg pickup rate indicative of pickup errnrs) when the cempenent data
`is used, based en a cerrection histery of the cornpeuent data {(36343—47 eg see aecurnniating a first,
`pattern 0f compunent data? ice, average uf pnsitien shifts, as part er" a Teedbaci; system,
`historieai enrrectinh, supra ciaiin i eg. see Mari fer performing eerrective aetinn based upen
`"erre iatien a naiysis :3
`As per ciairn Kane teaches the metinting heard manufacturing system of Ciaim 5;,
`wherein when the cerreetnr enrrects the centre} parameter, the learning data set is updated
`and the iearning unit perfnrtns {earning {if the degree of influence based en the updated learning
`data set (titiizlifi, 005054 eg. as interpreted, feedback represents a continnens learning methmi


`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 8
`in which pesitirmai deviatirms are constantly ehsewed. new averages eakaiated, and new pickup
`rate seeres determine, and where iii respehse the preeess is repeated supra eiairrr i, e
`a. see Meri
`for impieriiehtiiig eerreetive aetieri based ripen aeerreiatiert anaivsis')
`As per Claim 3 Katie teaches the riieahtirrg heard manufacturing system (if (Iii-aim 1,
`wherein the eerreeter eerreets the eerrtrei parameter irreiuded,
`in the simihir eeihperieht
`data similar
`te a seieetecl correction etiritperreht data (tKE43-44,
`(Kifit’i-Sét eg. as interpreted,
`"sweating subsequent pickup eperatiehs ha sed apart pa st pickup eperatirms fer sirriiiar er‘m‘ipehehts
`based upon aequir‘ihg pesitieriai deviatieiis arid eaieuiatihg pickup rates iridieative 0f errer)
`As per claim 12, Merit as triedified by Katie teaches a rrreuritiiig heard manufacturing
`systemceiriprisirig: a cerripeiieht piaeirrg device that executes cerirperierit placing, werk
`for piacirig a r:raripeiierit err 21. heard (Sepia eiaim 1)
`a library that stares a piuraiitj et eempertent datai eaeh 0f the pira‘ahty 0f the eemperreht
`data including. a phrraiity (if centre} parameters fer executing the cemperteiit piacihg weri; by the
`erirripeheiiti placing device, and hiftjt‘fiifli‘ifi33 regarding the cerhperteht (supra claim. 3)
`art eperatitiii infermatieii eerrhter that ceunts a scare (if the cemperieitt placing werk for
`each at the phiraiity 0f eeriipenerrt data {supra eiaim I)
`a iearriihg unit, C(31‘1fi§l!1‘€ti
`tr; iearrt which centre} pararrieter {if the pieraiity at centre}
`parameters has a greatest degree er" graduerrce en the see‘e (supra eiairhs 1—2); and,


`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 9
`a etiireetor that selects COI‘ft'CCtiOI'l cei'riporierit data. from the plurality of the compenerit data
`based on the score and corrects the control parameter of the correction component data that has
`been learned to have the greatest degree of influence on the score {supra claims l-Z}
`Claims 9—11 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103 as being unpatentable over Kano (PG/PUB
`2005/0250223) in View over Mori (EP 3 102 018) in View over Yano et a1. (USPN 8086338).
`As per ciairn ‘53., Kano teaches the mounting heard manufacturing system of Claim 15
`wherein the score Elihclndes data of a. suction ratell of the cen‘ipohent
`in the ceinpoheht
`placing \t'orie Yane teaches wlrereii't data inclndes a suction rate of the cmnpenent (Figure 22—
`“Snction Rate”). Kano teaches implementing feedback control responsive to determining pielaip
`rate does not reach a desired pickup rate, the pic knp rate using a pickup error vaiue {@5054},
`Mori teaches performing a et'irrelation analysis hetween machine parameters and implementing
`corrective aetiens based 0!"! a deternsinatien of which i'nachine parameter centrihiites t0 the
`abnerniality, supra claim It.
`'l7heret'ere, bett'ire the eit'ective tiling date {if the claimed invention, one oi" ordinary shili
`in the art using a suction rate count, as per Yano? in place as representative of a piclrnp eiror
`count, as per Kane“ and applying a correlation analysis, as per Mari would achieve an expected.
`and predictabie result of indicating a pickup rate anomaly based upon counting suction rate
`ermrs such that iriacliirie parameters associated with picirtip rate errors rnay he eeireeted Ka no


`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 10
`teaches adjusting positional deviations responsive to determining pickup rates based upon a
`pickup error count, Yano te; clies a pickup error count comprising a suction rate. Mori teaches
`adiustiug coutroi parameters based on a determined correlation between sairl control parameters
`and an abnormality, Since adjusting positional deviations responsive to determining suetions
`rates ta'mtribute to a pickup rate help ruii'iirnize future pickup iterations (eg component posititm
`is calibrated for exact pickup Via suction}, an improved invention is realized by expanding upon
`potential sources of component pickup error
`As per claim it), Kano te; cites the i'nounting board nianufacurring system of Clairn i, wherein
`the score includes data of a [[recognition rate of {lie component in the component placing world]
`‘r'ano teaches a recognition rate of the component dining pickup (EE’igure 22 “recognition errors”)
`Mori teaci'tes per'fturning a cr,ii'*i,'elatitm analysis between niacliine parameters and irnplen'ienting
`corrective actions based on a determination of wl ‘cli rnaciiine parameter contributes to the
`abnormality. supra clairn i.
`Tl‘ieret‘ore, before the effective filing {late of the claimed intentioiu one of ordinary skill
`in the art using a recognition error count, as per Yano, in place as representative of a piclcup error
`count, as per Kano, and adjusting control parameters based on a correlation analysis as per Mort
`wouid achieve an expected and predictable resuit of indicating a pickup rate anomaly ba sea upon
`counting suction rate errors. Kano te‘» clies adjusting positional deviations responsive to
`determining pickup rates based upon a piclcup error count Yano teaches a pickup error count
`comprising a recognition count. Mori teaches adjusting, control parameters based on a
`determined correlation between said emitrol parameters and an abnorrnaiity.
`Sit‘lfif: adjusting


`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 11
`positional deviations i,'espt';nsive to determining rect'ignition errors helps minimize future pickup
`deviations {ex-r, comaonent
`iosition is caiibrated for exact
`and minimize coniionent loss,
`improper position, etc. during image capture}, an improved invention is realized by expanding
`upon potential sources of component pickup ern‘sr.
`As per ciaim iii Kano teaches the mounting board manufacturing system of Ciainr 1, wherein the
`score includes data of a [floss rate of the component in the component placing workll
`Yano teaches a loss rate of components (Figure 22 e. g. “suction errors, recognition errors,
`standing suction errors, etc”)
`Mori teaches performing a correlation analysis between machine parameters and
`implementing corrective actions based on a determination of which machine parameter
`contributes to the abnorinality, supra clairn i.
`Therefore, before the effective filing date or" the claimed inventiorL one of ordinary skili
`in the art using a suction rate count, as per Yano. in place as representative of a pickup error
`count, as per Kano, and applying the pertinent function of adjusting controi parameters based on
`identifying a cor elation between said. control parameters and an abnormality, as per Mori, would
`achieve an expected and predictahie resuit of indicating a pickup rate anomaiy based upon
`counting suction rate errors. Kano teaches adjusting positional deviations responsive to
`determining pickup rates based upon a pickup error count. Yano teaches a pickup error count
`comprising a suction rate. Since adjusting positionai deviations responsive to determining
`suctions rates contribute to a picltup rate neip ininiinize future pickup deviations (cg component
`position is caiioratetl for exactpiciuip via suction), an improved invention is reaiized by
`expanding upon potential sources of component pickup error.


`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 12
`Applicant's amendment necessitated the new ground(s) of rejection presented in this
`Office action. Accordingly, THIS ACTION IS MADE FINAL. See MPEP § 706.07(a).
`Applicant is reminded of the extension of time policy as set forth in 37 CFR 1.136(a).
`A shortened statutory period for reply to this final action is set to expire THREE
`MONTHS from the mailing date of this action.
`In the event a first reply is filed within TWO
`MONTHS of the mailing date of this final action and the advisory action is not mailed until after
`the end of the THREE—MONTH shortened statutory period, then the shortened statutory period
`will expire on the date the advisory action is mailed, and any extension fee pursuant to 37
`CFR 1.136(a) will be calculated from the mailing date of the advisory action.
`In no event,
`however, will the statutory period for reply expire later than SIX MONTHS from the date of this
`final action.
`Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the
`examiner should be directed to DARRIN D DUNN whose telephone number is (571)270—1645.
`The examiner can normally be reached on M—Sat (10—8) PST.
`Examiner interviews are available via telephone,
`in—person, and video conferencing using
`a USPTO supplied web—based collaboration tool. To schedule an interview, applicant is
`encouraged to use the USPTO Automated Interview Request (AIR) at


`Application/Control Number: 15/992,259
`Art Unit: 2118
`Page 13
`If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner’s
`supervisor, Robert Fennema can be reached on 571—272—2748. The fax phone number for the
`organization Where this application or proceeding is assigned is 571—273—8300.
`Information regarding the status of an application may be obtained from the Patent
`Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system. Status information for published applications
`may be obtained from either Private PAIR or Public PAIR. Status information for unpublished
`applications is available through Private PAIR only. For more information about the PAIR
`system, see htth/pair— Should you have questions on access to the Private PAIR
`system, contact the Electronic Business Center (EBC) at 866—217—9197 (toll—free). If you would
`like assistance from a USPTO Customer Service Representative or access to the automated
`information system, call 800—786—9199 (IN USA OR CANADA) or 571—272—1000.
`Patent Examiner, Art Unit 2118

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