`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Atty. Dkt.: JRL-6631-0017
`Date: January 8, 2019
`Attached for filing is the UTILITY patent application of:
`First Named Inventor: SUGIO, Toshiyasu
`including the attachments as noted below:
`Application and Signed Documents
`69 pages of Specification, Claims and Abstract (including 4 numbered claims)
`36 sheets of Drawing(s) (Figures 1 — 35B)
`X Declaration I:I Combined Declaration and Assignment (submitted via EPAS) I:I Verified Translation of Declaration
`I:I Newly executed; X A copy from a prior application (37 CFR 1.63(d))
`I:I Assignment and Recordation Form Cover Sheet (paper filing) I:I Assignment (submitted via EPAS)
`X Power of Attorney |:I 37 CFR 3.73(b) or 37 CFR 3.73(c) Statement [I General Power of Attorney Transmittal Letter
`X Application Data Sheet
`|:I English Translation
`Priority Claim (Domestic and/or Foreign) (must be included in Application Data Sheet)
`X Provisional/Nonprovisional Application(s) are identified in attached Application Data Sheet
`X Continuation/Division/Continuation-In-Part parent application(s) are identified in attached Application Data Sheet
`X PCT/foreign application(s) is/are identified in attached Application Data Sheet
`X Incorporation by Reference statement is in the specification or Preliminary Amendment
`X Copy the incorporation by reference from the specification or Preliminary Amendment and insert text here:
`This application is a continuation of US. Application No. 15/851 ,870, filed December 22, 2017, which is a
`continuation of US. Application No. 14/957,886, filed December 3, 2015 (now US. Patent 9,877,038), which is a
`continuation of US. Application No. 13/814,564, filed February 6, 2013 (now US. Patent 9,300,961), which is a US
`National Stage of PCT/JP201 1/006517, filed November 22, 2011, and claims the benefit of US. Provisional
`Application No. 61/416,822, filed November 24, 2010, the entire contents of each of which are incorporated herein
`by reference
`Certified Copy/Copies
`|:I Certified copy(ies) of foreign application(s) attached
`I:I Certified copy(ies) filed on
`in prior Application No.
`I:I Interim copy(ies) of priority document(s) (effective March 16, 2013)
`I:I Request to Retrieve Electronic Priority Application(s) (for a non-EPO priority doc that is of record in an EPO application
`or a non-JPO priority document that is of record in a JPO application)
`Prior US. A Iication s
`I:I Request under 37 CFR 1.48(a) to delete inventor(s) named in prior application
`|:I Petition filed in prior application to extend its life to ensure co-pendency of parent application
`Preliminam Amendment
`|:I Preliminary Amendment (Please enterthe attached Preliminary Amendment priorto calculation of claims fees.)
`Information Disclosure Statement
`X Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) and Form(s) PTO/SB/08 or equivalent
`|:I Copies of newly cited publications, otherthan US. patents and US. patent application publications, are attached
`I:I English language and/or "concise explanation" is/was provided for each foreign language document
`X Form(s) PTO/SB/08 or equivalent listing the references cited in the parent application(s) (for continuing cases)
`Other Documents
`|:I Non-Publication Request
`|:I Nucleotide and/or Amino Acid Sequence Submission |:I Computer Readable Form (CRF)/|:I Specification Sequence
`Listing on |:I CD-ROM or CD-R (2 copies) or [I Paper/El Statements verifying identity of above copies
`|:I Authorization to Permit Access to Search Results by the European Patent Office (EPO) (Form PTO/SB/69 or
`|:I Other (itemize each attachment):
`Small Entity
`I:I Applicant claims "small entity" status. I:I "Small entity" statement(s) attached
`Micro Entity
`I:I Applicant claims "micro entity" status.
`I:I Micro entity certification statement filed herewith.
`Fee Calculation
`Utility Basic Filing Fee
`$300.00 (1011)/$150.00 (2011)/$75.00 (3011)
`$75.00 (4011)
`$660.00 (1111)/$330.00 (2111)/$165.00 (3111)
`Utility Search Fee
`$760.00 (1311)/$380.00 (2311)/$190.00 (3311)
`Utility Examination Fee
`Utility Application Size Fee ($400.00 (1081)/$200.00 (2081)/$100.00 (3081)
`)for each additional 50 pages that
`exceeds 100 pages):
`Paper filing: Total pages:
`-100 = 0
`$0.00 (1081)
`/$0.00 (2081)/$0.00
`$400.00 (1090)/$200.00 (2090)/$200.00 (3090) $
`Surcharge for Paper Filing
`/$0.00 (2081)/$0.00
`*.75 = 0—100 = 0/50
`Total pages:
`= $0. 00 (1202)/$0. 00 (2202)/$0. 00 (3202)
`0 x $100.00
`Total effective claims
`- 20 (at least 20)-—
`= $0.00 (1201)/$0. 00 (2201)/$0. 00 (3201)
`0 x $460. 00
`Independent claims
`- 3 (at least 3):
`If any proper multiple dependent claims now added for first time, add $820. 00 (1203)/$410. 00 (2203)/$205. 00 (3203)
`(ignore improper)
`Assignment Recording Fee
`Prepayment of Surcharge for Late Declaration
`English translation ofspecification and claims
`$50.00 (8021) [$0 if filed electronically
`$160.00 (1051)/$80.00 (2051)/$40.00 (3051)
`$140.00 (1053)/$70.00 (2053)/$35.00 (3053)
`Extension of Time
`Any future submission requiring an extension oftime is hereby stated to include a petition for such time extension.
`Deposit Account Authorization
`The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge any deficiency, or credit any overpayment, in the fee(s) filed, or
`asserted to be filed, or which should have been filed herewith (or with any paper hereafter filed in this application by this
`firm) to Deposit Account No. 14-1140. However, authorization is NOT given hereby to charge any extra claims fees
`or multiple dependent claims fees.
`Correspondence Address:
`Customer Number:
`(703) 816-4000
`(703) 816-4100
`By Attorney: John R. Lastova, Reg. No. 33,149
`/John R. Lastova/