a2) &5] 8S Fh Ma4 SAA Saea
`AlA A
`(19) Al] 4 alae)
`(10) =A SAAS
`(43) SABA
`2015 %41 12 29 & (29.01.2015)
`WO 2015/012622 Al
`HOAN 19/105 (2014.01)
`2014 ‘4 7 @ 24 4 (24.07.2014)
`6) ASEH:
`Sy dee pees 9]B44): AE, AG, AL, AM, AO,
`HOAN 19/51 (2014.01)
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`CA. CH, CL. CN. CO, CR. CU, CZ, DE. DK, DM. DO.
`Q) #AeauNsz.
`DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, Fl, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN,
`(22) ASU:
`LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG,
`25) AA:
`26) S7e:
`PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC,
`SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN,
`(0) FAAQH:
`TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`2013 A 724 24 Y (24.07.2013)
`Sy Wee] 2S 244): ARIPO (BW, GH, GM,
`ICS CO., LTD.) [KR/KR]; 443-742 @7]E Fa) @
`KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG,
`+t Abd 129, Gyeonggi-do (KR).
`2M, ZW)% fr 2b 4] ob (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,TJ,
`(72) B92}: eelS (PARK, Min-woo); 445-762 27] =. 3}
`(AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE,
`TM), #1

`MAL Bez
`3) 3 = 88 307 S 404 &, Gyeonggi-do (KR).
`Ao) eae
`al (LEE, Jin-young); 445-828
`@7|E. s}44])
`MK,MT, NL, NO,PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, $M, TR),

`2214 6-59 364 F 2502 &, Gyeonggi-do (KR). AsA OL
`ML, MR, NE, SN, TD. TG)
`Al (WEY, Ho-cheon); 463-705 @7)= 4444) SF
`oe eee ‘
`FU] & 50 212 $ 502 ©, Gyeonggi-do (KR).
`7 .
`(74 Heel: aS 58) (v.P.LEK, MOCK & PART. ® a:
`NERS); 135-971 41-24] 24S U#e 307 13 G8 — FAaSZABWAS} Sri] (ES 2] 21 4G)
`ok24 12 S, Seoul (KR).
`OA ol H
`eAq Hel ag gk 24 gal
`64 94 94.
`10 ... Motion vector determining apparatus
`11... Predicted candidate determining unit
`12 ... Motion vector determining unit
`(57) Abstract: Provided is a video decoding method, which comprises: whenafirst sample is one of a luma sample and a chroma
`sample and a second sampleis the other, determining one or more values of the second sample used for correcting the value of the
`first sample between the first sample and the second sample which have different color components; determiningaset offilter coef-
`ficients according to a band including the valueofthefirst sample among bands determined bypartitioning the total range of sample
`values at a predeterminedinterval; filtering the one or more values of the second sample determined by using the determinedset of
`filter coefficients; and correcting the value ofthe first sample using a value obtainedbyfiltering.
`[che & Als]


` So) 82 9 220) 8S % shou, a2 8@S2 Ge 4d a, ay Avo] Ge a1 PSMA sa
`ol SSE sh}clo] a2 ASS AAU, MS Qo] % VIS AA WAew RSs}
`] AAS WES $ a1 8S Ho] FIG Wea Ge} ge] AF aes AR, aaa Ba As aes ols
`Sle} Aalgl ahve o]4r2)2] 222} Ghol(Waa ee Feo, WARS Sa BST LE olBslel al as
`9] 2 BASS BSA} Uso]Fal


`‘faye lwo
`Stith Steet Sb Sle St leole WR Bt AIS S lvlh eo
`aes Shift & Ee bm hes Sth ble WE of So Bers
`‘pews BE Sle blot bt Sh bhblye 2hRSES
`‘hiiolva Saee
`HS Chie RRS SHA LE bin BES Sh bole WE & AWS
`‘hiiolva Saee
`louse Shla BRS SHA SE le SSSinbole VR Bees
`‘bls 25Sbiti ®z be Bes St leloWR & AIS
`‘els B56bk &Ebm oes Sthble Ve Batts
`he baz baa
`& in feb Sele
`oF Dp a1
`‘fis{olyek ta tain &
`fa tte Hh Shem oes bes b+ Sta & eSee Slla
`fat Ele kt
`io + fel Sita Hee Salm foes
`Selo bobekh+ Seta teste Chlutslo She bes
`Ike k&Slz
`& +bete Isa
`ABW loleRle leeBEEtele BE-AShia ‘Beh bbe Slals
`sch WlebS lo RE bsee Shla Heese hice
`Boke SSR Shla ee 2H SRler ‘fen baw
`falc elolsate ABSBEY RH BSB Ohla ets Sa Shier
`= (2 & lle
`lot it bk &hh S12&E
`Slate hes rbbert Beta Seek Chlt chi
`Ke CG bh Re be hes tee bar
`Lylly &
`0LL900/F 1T07U/Lod


`‘hqedoly Bk &
`fa fifa Se ei Sle folks vb’ b+ Sete Bee Slla
`be bRE Sb EWR bh
`‘aa BEL EBS bavi Ake 3b te Aleb lo Bk
`Se Shlaék& tek Chla Sh bbe & bh SL7S
`‘hiss Savly Sf Akb BSe lbvlyh Ss Btn lofia HS ITS
`‘Hels SBELHMw trEeteéls bebe SeB& lob Sea
`Cllla % fafa Se Chalabhiwe Sin lbbelve fo SSt Brea
`“hp ilya SEE & le & fo (uershs Ayddus juaquos) i = Jy BS SBE
`ls [Ade lk B@oates uornqiuysip JUD}UOD) > lay 4 SRE SETS
`‘iislva BHlo@aeEvh
`ols [deat Hleel4 Stelax bilo BEV SWS
`{42 |v le
`SE eee bevh B&l& lirCex Sh bbe SITS
`‘hielya Ble te
`sbhite & bAEb bAESH Sthbak aH fed bbl ESOS
`‘ela Blt ebAtté
`a bAzb bAES4Stn lbblye folohf A AOI GH 8I'LI
`‘faglwa 2bAES4 RSP St bbhWe 6 bh A AOLS
`‘ails SSek 64 RSP Pin kbble & bh A OSI S
`tq [vo
`Elkbbbhte6 bAEEH Sh bbe fobhA SPrIS
`ava stl & bhtee AIP St bbe & lbhRAAES
`(48 |\va Saee
`battete &h PEl4 bbe Sh bbl 6 bh ARTS
`hiilva Sae6
`beteete && PE bbRESH St bbhlWe 6 bbe AAIS
`‘fala Shlé eb AEESH Sin lb bWe f bbhfHo OILS
`fala Bee bk Sea
`Sala Pelé bbAESé St bE 2S tanbblWe B SOS
`fava Baezabeet ee
`Sladel4ébbAESS+ Bibee ba telob ®fb o8S
`‘alos bb deh Siuh Pa bea Se Sh ble WR AWS
`‘falofas 12 [dle heh felehiz te &
`2b al bbASE Shh &Ebe bes Shbb WR BSL [st]
`‘tela Salaly 4a
`Vial’ lo bith ke am o&s St lob WR Bt 49S [yl 29 4S


`WO 2015/012622
`9] AF]7}7] ABQ AFC] AMC} So]A] AH GAS BEA] A
`oF al
`Al Aol] the} 4b7] 7] ABB AbO| AS8x
`4 Wee Ay
`= Wal

`7| 7\
`Aq x
`] 2;°]
`x| 132
`ALO] ABU} ALT) a]
`9} 2] Apo) At S wy Ab) I
`a c
`A] jel] bet Ab7]
`Al] Oo)
`ME ag WHS Hl
`| ALO] AE 3}
`73 (parsing)
`] 2] 7H Abo] Z(width) 2} A] = Aro]

`919] Abo] 27k 7] ABA A+] Awe}S a] hr] |S GIS Bao]


`WO 2015/012622
`7\ 5H All ZF All CEI CH.
`9] AA
`Fe EH
`z 92
`A} o]] *4|
`3H] %7
`ye ol
`AS, oy] Fes}
`<4] (prediction unit), St <4] (transform
`+ 2}
`ol] 7]
`ALA] al] ol]
`4), +23} D4 (coding unit), 4
`&,£8u7) £20
`Uo]ELS] PSS Hal
`. ol]
`La urSAT Ai] ek
`78 RBs
`A] el] ol] uPEe] AS]
`a3} Ase) 71K
`HU oO Fos} 7H Rae Sess} 7) Yo] HA Acp Het, | 214) | 27S
`A 1)
`1(10)7} 4" 4


`WO 2015/012622
`aa Bt Bc} FA
`ag a
`+ A
`pot eae
`y HA, Bay Ste] Bal esol] ql
`2} aho|
`Wo] Ee
`4 Nt}, uefa] al BS] qd
`RIE] a]
`oll 21 a
`44 Qu 7} of ye} A
`SS 7h 7 2
`aE] 2 al 7)FS alo] ey a

`z aole|e =
` L =
`- Al
`AA eS]
`E] 2 az|ra
`Qc} deb Bal BSH Gl
`xe] All3
`2} aho|
`ol] 2]
`gle} al
`2.0LL Le
`le} ajo}oy a
`Foy all eo} de]
`a ol
`Wo] E]S
`Ee] aolel &
`gle] ao]
`a ol -&
`gle] aol]
`A]ol] UC
`te = SIE] eo]o] 4
`TE} ol
`= 1
`Zzlo) wi
`= 4) }(PU Merging) “=
`(Motion Vector Prediction),
`AMVP(Advanced Motion Vector Prediction)S 9] aA], SS 252] &
`AzAlol Ww
`$9] 2
`EI7} a4
`= q| °| of 2] =
`eo] A)
`aa a el 7]
`43 7% (10)
`~~ &TT
`8 7%2)(10)
`3} A$] (coding unit) 24] 2s]
`Al ej ol] Ut
`== 4]


`= {st aly wie lofe8 lo SE

`‘tats + f23 lo culeBEES ESlo lb=le fis “en aly Ske Aes
`ilo& tslololasib Ab WB lek Idle ke
`io Bb ab kB AODKE BE be SKS
`‘té =~ fReeaen ptlxla Bee & ble bes Velo al4lete
`Sabteeé fs + RE& 2bHlela Stele Slot oS
`S166 al Sf ‘lbvlo H2RBE RE BARRE
`Wh ebb ab Se Bee See eA Teahe +
`lo& tes Ab KE ab Aly £‘Im lo HE
`al Se Seélo bb Ab HB bleslo Shem ok
`lolola bio BLA Ak KE SOD EE bm k
`‘ge + fee SbHlols
`lle Ss Veis Hl4étet4 SbAb Ef ‘levi Heb
`& bbish ab Ke SAte ee bh + PRE SElola BH
`A =
`sSChe hb KA AL KB tba ab Se BRE REESE‘or ‘Ars
`S lof{x
`+ BBS lelbololaesha tbh ab KR ABE Ab SE |p lo tes
`+ PRE SBA Ab Se Sesh bb ab KB bes lo She bes
`2b (deele bio SKA Ab KB SOD&E bm ous HS Sle
`‘he + BSslo ae bes bh BRS lo=lb blola ats “SB Z\b als
`6+ Plata
`a ki +H ie lialh =l4lyla
`S28 Ek wea ke te Meee ESA Balo lo#s Se Shsla
`Sb bhté+e0% he belevb she bes
`‘ats + Be+ lo=slb
`to [olla ae=a 2lb io 2lb Sl 2H bt ab leizizhe AeA
`vH ata el BRR BEA
`146 ee lets HS Sle “ft
`jolla OF
`2aat betzly bewelsh ts
`d+ =
`aly blébedebe Zl lets lot telvlble vi 2 Ee&
`‘é+ BeA BSbh6 Gb lel¢et+a ies eb lets
`‘AS = lke ‘ts + Bied 2SBEbh aLv St =le ei lke [fe vik eh
`‘fats + S23 ve BA Boke
`Bist 2lb telé-e
`7 lx ise Zlak
`lp Bo [lo lle vik fo
`Aatk lowlé te elk
`4 f
`ls &
`0LL900/F 1T07U/Lod


`WO 2015/012622
`Fe dB, 24a Me] 28 Baldo Aa AB des se] aolo
`Msb7] AA SAA MES oO] sho] Aa] qe Feo dee se WB
`UHs 424s + Ac. oc] W, aA AE US Aa AH D4] sh so] st
`lolojol] Sead + gkct.
`EUS, 24d Me a8 FA10c AA AH GAS Ve] asp] 4] se
`S4Ad MES Agst7) a, Aa AB a 7t Ss alo] o] S} Fe] St alo] of al]
`EGS $2 4H dele] Ve asl ol SE BAA MASoS Se + Act.
`2 al del eS Ae Ss Bay alojojo] SAas Ss] 7b we Sz) OF
`ASE SSS Yu) ets ghey.
`[73] a 2 J) el tS Aa Ae Sele aa Fes} HE Ses AB
`lS eye = oh
`E32 AA) ol FS AB SAS ME] NS AS Aa AB es] 9] Sle]
`os HES SIE] Bolo] SS Ha oS HE FR BAA MES ou] et
`Ee, 2 AA) aol US MS FS Aa AB se] HeaS Us] 9] Qe]
`oS HESIE] Bolo] SS ay OSHS FR BAA MES ou] eb pe
`Qe. 2 a) dol te dS FRE Gedy 4g Weds -ws
`EHS + Bh
`Tee, 2 AA) aol eS ze AS Say elolojol Beta aS Ula
`Hs SsSSS Yule = heh. se Uses Fal Bolo} Beha qe Qhat
`42% Wold 22 +e Vth. ds 24, 44 Ge AS seal asIe]
`a =HES SIE] Bolo] ASS Bap] Hah oS HS AA SSS ula
`ree, 2A) dol eS a4 AH Ue Fz AolelVAs gz A474
`wees) AGW SSS uls + gech.
`AVAe te |SB ARES Bal alo]ofell SF of 4] 9]
`we St = ght
`dS 34, dS FH S87dye Aa aol Se oS deo] Abo] 47h
`&xsEt se dds dae sarte MHHENSE WES + Wert, o] B+
`ol] = 9] 2] =17) 7b 8x8, 8x4 FES 4x82 BP aS GS AH GAS esp]
`Sa Ws SAS AA Melt aga + act
`FEdz, d5 Fe 2gtdhye a4 al ola Se ay Ae] 2] Abo] 274
`4x4bcp Se dS OS Sra AB dyes SSS + ath
`GS de, ds -R aged )e as dele] tz Abe] (width)S} Ai] =
`A+] Acheight)2] Ho] 127h obs HS AS Spe] Aad Se ess
`> Skt
`[82] = Az. a FH ABRUDS ass B42] 7S Abo] A(width)S} AE


`WO 2015/012622
`AL°| Acheight)2] 4°] 126c+ SW, |e 29S Sone] AH SASE LSS
`2 9) t}
`CE2, oS FB AAAIAS BAS Ab] 7h Sxdwe OfL] ST, ABE
`od Wh ol OAS BHA] AB GSE BSS + NC.
`Of] SL, 8x8 OY th oS BS BPS] AY OSE VAS + Uh.
`Fez, 1S Fa AARAYEAS B99 tela7hxdSe OfLY 5, x85
`Fe x, |S FB AVRAIYEAS GH] ol27t2Nx2N@ 744-94
`date] |Z AIS BEA] AB GYSR BSS + Ch.
`dete] |S ANS S479] 4H OSE BSS + ach.
`Q AA] oho] w= of Fy AQPAe oF do]o]ol27b7] BBs
`ALOlZ O39] 4% |S BSA ISR use &BS + Yeh. o] BH
`He] PSY EE yoo VSsVeoS Gy Aw el Mojo} oF LE
`2Nx2N, 2NxN, Nx2N, NxN& 2223} G9], | 39, 1B B49] SS] Aho ZS
`Qu] e -- Uc}.
`J SSH, Yes} 49/2] Abo] 47} 2Nx2N°] 31, 4S 3} A$] 2]
`=L7| = 8x80] 4} 64x64 ©] S19] A-?- NS 4, 8, 16, 32 SF S42] Bho] S + BCH.
`al] = U4] 2] Abo] A7t 2Nx2N@l
`ne |=, FSS} 44] 2] Abo] A7t 2Nx2N0] 51,
`S49] HSs+ Aol] ste] ol] = a9 we Aes <p ATH. HS
`an 9]2] Abo]A7}2Nx2N°]52,
`ol]SF 92]srels7tNx2N@l 4-7-
`ste] Fes} Ae]ol TAS] aS a9] 7E EMS + Sh
`SA) del te dS FR ABPay7t as AS Bao xB
`Use CSS ql as AB Ades] Ap4G7] BBA AboAS + ld.
`JSS qo 72 aagtap7tads sds =r7ie] Tease
`WES of AA YE AMS AFCA8x8 4 eh.
`Fede, qd+FR 237dp7 as dS sre] JB odes
`TSS Wasa AH BIS] AbO| A 4x4, 4x8, 8x4 SF Alte StUyS -F Ale
`SA) del te dS FR ABPdye as GAS Sr7ae| 4B
`GISL VTS GT, I AAS oF Aa] Apo] Aol wpe} 7] AQs Aes]
`oS Se, op 9] 2] Abo] A7t 116x169] A$ AS GM7) ABS NA
`42] AB OWYSHE eS += sher}
`OSoz, l= 9] 2] Abo) At 32x1691
`slo] AB AWS Wes + 9
`=a2, = 9] Abo] A7} 2Nx2N@l BT AS ASH 7] AAS ATA
`719] AH OISH EE +=
`US Wz, = 9] Abo] a7} 2NxN@) 234 SS AHS 7] BBA Ae)
`472] HH OYNSH LEA += dq
`2% AS AA 7] ABA Ae


`WO 2015/012622
`7| 28a Ase!
`|as] ‘ir
`TS ol] Z, ol] S 9] AO] A7ENXQNG] AS Gl
`162] MH UASS Pee + ae.
`2 Al) oll beAB So] AS APO AE Be] SBEQS + UT.
`AAV) dol] 4SSs Se AQPAS BS] Ab] 47} 2Nx2Ne
`WS USle7le| AB AAS Ura, lS a] Abo] A7t Nx2N°] 71 U4
`2NxN@ “4 oS US872] MB UNS He Fy
`aA) dol] de |S EH AQTUps Me U9 240] 27} 16x16, 16x8
`TE 8x169! B4 AAAS8x8 Ab49] AB AAS PSSA, MS ES
`ALO) AT} 8x8, 8x4 EE4x89] AP AIS UNS AB AAS TAS] SS +
`Fe dz,4 $B ASBUDS SSHE BA gol le tt
`R= 8x8 22] A Aro] MB NSS dS Use ees
`TE de, |S $e 2QRIDE SSHBA ol ee
`as ox
`R= 7] 298 Aholazel ess] Ad aro] MB eASS AS
`8Ps ey elt nud nuot
`IPS AMVs Wolss4e a
`AA) ol WE 7) ABS Aol 42e NIB+
`doe, da -B 2ghahpe7] 292 4bl4ae rag yeASYS
`a}4j sto] BSR 7] AVA Abo|A wroS AS] 2] AAAS wh oS AHS
`Spo] 1B OSE PSS + Ach.
`TE Je, We 283} BAQHE AS AAS SH Awaz
`PEA) US ABS Whose a Aaol = 7] AVA rp 2S
`EBAEDS Sa Nee FAs + Qc.
`2] ALA] aol]w= 7] 44 =) A+°] A=VPS(VideoParameter Set), SPS(Sequence
`Parameter Set), PPS(Picture Parameter Set) 2 @ret®]2s Al2EtE at|(Slice
`segment header) = 4] °] = ot-}ol] 2} af Aw Sp heh.
`a aA] de] = a SH 2ATID=E AH EAS =F steel Aa A
`2} SE] eo]o] AS 9] ay OS EE ASA Bololo] Set ASA AB GAINS
`nice 4y xo
`of om, (lo it 4} x 49, SS 2 2, 49, O om, thlo
`i ot ofot,ES — Brh. SF ay eojojo] Se Fy
`adfo32oo O|z
`iqueog~e2oyofShhON do ah , Si
`2 iv=
`Zojojo] Sa 4Zz A,B O97} oO] 24 +
`pisHe M2 ase] cel ols ae
`, |x ro ao 0roa
`W422 96 2219] AES
`al] ol] ube l= RP A2Qeape 44 AB Oso dese te
`sles Aaa ol olDalsfel wesoleat 4 del,ale alolotel aa
`jyjzt et
`1% do}ol2] 442 SSS SA] 4 a UAsele] ME)oO] 8S +


`WO 2015/012622
`Say St s]ol] a
`ALE ALB 9|7} Aah AB
`29}2] CIE] ao}o} al
`gall alloloqel] =

`AG} BE] S O]-S
`Fo] al AH A919] VEL al
`He as
`a heh,
`1e} of
`le] 4
`H Ai 1
`H All 2
`} SE} 7} ©]

`= °|
`“LAA oO 2, ol
`el] ol] et
`= BIT].
`23} BA) (20) HS BYU.
`= aa
`12] Le] al
`2Zz Q.=
`fo] lal AVS] 2] Q1E] ol
` Lva
`She |


`WO 2015/012622
`eal Al
`. OS We, Ve] a Bah
`l o) wi
`al Sp
`e] 247712)
`1 z
`ol] °]
`ajo zy
`} Oo]2NT
`17} al
`zlo)] wi
`1 A
`: 1
` Azlo)] wi
`= Oo
`71 OF
`E] 24712)
`A] ole] Ub
`=O] =A}
`=] 4247-12)
`ap wl
`pax S29] Wes AVMs + ach.
`Ae] at & 2A] FESS HES} ZO] HIT] Q. 4s 3S}
`le} ole}
`gle} al]
`| (10)
`gle} zo] 9]
`ThE u
`EV7t Sal Al
`GA] sa} a
`Ayo] 27} 7] AAR Abo] 2yu Uc} 2 Wy
`aAs 37]
`Ch. 7]
`Gal] Bo ofl] ee ol
`|asAl x
`ALO] AZ 8x8el 2-H
`9] 2] Abo) A 7} 8x8H.c} S
`ALO] AME} of
`FR A871)
`= 7]
`a7] Agel
`ol] ol] Up} = ol]


`WO 2015/012622
`#2 NHOWS Agee.
`[31] ASPs Ages a4 AH 5]Aol st Aoloo] VAM tA 4B
`GAS Ages Vo. 24 dS Ps Aged24a $2 SHS
`We 45S Ht S79 Hae 5aF aq
`MES Sate] Aa AH Gee] el Ss Hat ead Hel AS
`ER, & Tall] Hess Uys} Ho] HA AB G42] PSs} Aso] ClEst
`BEU 89 #248 O42] 8Sso) Aa AB aAS GSS EE Ses}
`3t7] Hat oS + QC.
`[135] wl sie" ol ve eerane Al S124] Age #2 ABa
`o]-S ate] Slay AH Ase] gle] aS
`q]So3+o AABIDE Aa 4
`Jz a
`en I)*
`f 2ulN,N dyOS40 wesdA] $124] 42a
`iho“i d oyEN
`& fy atilo‘
`to JN, de \ ASD) & IN jo,+$k4y rir re = NM 5 2Ny,
`a A}til|r ae, roe
`2oyaShofOPrayoefucSoeHEASOui4)20om otTt |
`IN, de Oo1B g
`” ta to
`2 X cr re a NM — Ww 2
`re a NM — a 2
`Oo12oTw a2feNNeyoy
`Ss)=fTRy ixmu25 10,
`mv x
`aa 7t be} AB ase) 29
`1 aA AH S92] Ve] SS
`-& 9 | A} o] HEE AAs
`rs ot 2Jy
`& [:
`4yiedo yoreIN ~7to
`SHE bs} Bo] BS sPA ES BS
`JE] ESo}-L3ho] Aa AB Aso] et SAI was Hae +H Ve.
`14°]] 74 ZB ALS 22) 9] a E] S Oo] 2 ok 22) 9] HAS Ear 6] ll AV
`o| ESBSHealt Ha Fle. Sala wae, aABa
`WE] S 0] 2 5 o] ZB Als] AE °
`ato} eal Bate]Bal BRSal
`[142] SME AN Ad Ge ead He 4248S paket yc]
`YA) (20)2] SS ES TA) sth.


`WO 2015/012622
`& 2a] =A) ¥1 Hts} Zo], BC] SS 3} A A}(20)=A] 2 Bole] 4S S}-F (18)
`RAL ole] FSS}HAP(24)Ss VAS +H eh.a] 2 Bo]o} FS SPH (18)
`57-22) R RSE eA} S}47- (23) SHS | Qc. a+Q2)= Y AA] aol
`Te +24] We] 248 aldo) 2 a2z7-S VAFQvs BSS + BW
`24 SAB TYRAUT FS TAIRA Ja HCY. 4pss} -42\(20)71
`TAS +E hal, EAPYRQSur} Fe TA QA) Saf HU] 2. Fss5}
`4A\(20)71 FAS FE Bh
`RIC] 2. 43} A) (20) ello] e} AEDS AVS + gr. woe Hes}
`4}A) (20)7} A439 Ss Go] E] 2B YS NAL(Network Abstraction Layer) #7 S =
`pad = ch.
`TAS + gr H] Ee} 2. oe 3}. 4+Al(20 Stu} Oo] A}2] NAL Suez 4 3]
`BoE AEX S Ihe SA + Wet.
`o] ALA) eo]ut}NAL HWS FBo)ES]Ae] AMS VSS +Qc. HS
`2 AA] ol] = HC]8 vetALA(20)= ZZ2] NAL 3-Wol] SAS =
`HStaql Bus oe + Qh
`eA) 74 222242] NAL att WAFS] Ao] efol] oy et
`o} a} YC] 2. 9} BA QO)7PSS FAAVTA Roy Thay
`CHR ALA] aol UEw} C9. 2B} a}a]Q0) = AAV wpe].
`1 (Scalable Video Coding) Yt2} ol] ue} U2] 344, HASdoldge
`Pato] 32} Ye aha, aolopAL Fels goles ERE WA
`AEYS SYS HY. LS, wo 9 VSI} AA]Holos Sa
`EASE hye) YEAS POR FesIshol SIG FE ae
`CR ALA] ool MEE w} C9 2} a}a]Q0)= AAV wpe]
`(Scalable VideoCoding) ¥}4} ol] tte} C= 2] BAA BASS Apoyo ses
`| 2442) Fe Ss} spa, Wolo HS FSS} el Woe S SAE BSI
`BS Se +eh. WC] os 5} 4A)(20) Al
`1 Bole] S44 Al zs}
`a] 2 do)o] SA AAAS AZ US dol4z2 Begs +
`al 1 Bolo] FSS}E(24)= A)
`1 Bolo] SAISS FSSSB, al 1 ao}e}
`al] 2 Ao} o} ASSAH(18)Al 2 Aol BYES PSlah, al2 ao}
`JS-39, S74 zqdawy#1 E](Spatial§Scalability] 7] bet 27] Yee
`yea}s]u1, ualyeyVeod al 22ahole)BSSA] PSPS sp] 1
`Fo} SYSs| FSS} 2x7} a] 1 Molo] ABY OS Sey yay, al 2 Aol


`JAE S of SSH= Ole] qlole}] ol] Bcinter-layerPrediction)= +4 & +
`SISS ASS + Wat, al 1 alo}al 2 ao]
`Pesta mW gaye
`ABWCe Saya, AHal, Ra, . aal ll 2 alo}o] Ss2] 4ssh
`BUTE ZZ AM all, ER all, ..., KEL Al 2qolo> ABYOe Sea + ct.
`HU2 SS} Aa)(20= zi 1 Bolo wanes AASOY Ai] 2 alol
`qe, eu2 Fes Ja](20)e Al 1 Bole eS FASO Al 222}9]
`ao}o}S ajas ~ ubetAq all 1 elo}c}= Ail] 2ao}ofo}], all 2 Boje}all
`1 eilo}oy ei] 2424 cH:
`ThESt Ala aj] oj] uc
`FA] (20), All
`1 ello}o] S~sol] Hy sy
`gle] a]FEClee} 459 EQthe t2 Ag S4SS TVs ae
`WO 2015/012622
`JUS ¥S3} As} a2 clo] AEPOR SY az Ve}
`EAR, O18 VO 7} Aaeleyyviele ag yao] wep Peat>
`eh SALA YES al 2 Holo] PAYS RA PAIS] a, Ply YHSL al
`| Wolo]AERA PSsFM ES, SA IAS, ala BPSsp
`qSea Bsaleja, aya olsJSSal] 2 dole] S4S, Fl 4a ates
`al 3 dlo]o] A4RSBA Bea + ght}
`t= USGa Sal rete TET2RERE ALE alo21 oSTemporal
`Hierarchical Prediction) +e} ~7| Ye] S 4] & ay yA} o) +a+ 2h
`= BUA Boles] Stes Yess Aga ys3} QS EAE aA
`1 dojo] AEH] S24 +rh. Saaol BS AlZt4 AlSctemporal
`level) ©) 37)
`32 Z} Al] ALSO] A Bol Ss HSS+ eh. 7B BAA
`WES StesF294 2S FAA BolesVGIesF Psst,
`a4 Sad goes] Yes} QRS¥ob=2] 2 Bolo ABH] Sea +
`re} |
`TES, Al 1 Bolo} e+ c=2] a] 2 aololSo] Het AA AVS Be ago]
`Ua = keh. all 2 volo) 7t 4°] eel 2-4-, al 1 alolo] S4AbSz} ALM al al] 2
`W°)o] SIS, THA al 2 wlolo] SAS, ..., KYA Al 2 Bolo] SPs]
`He shel Sch. ofl] ute} ai 1 alolo] SAS] +2} BB7I al 1 wolo]
`4rtoh ‘a om
`AES BYS + Ach. aS SO}, BO SS} BAI (20)%E, Al 1 Bole
`SIS aolel Uso] HSSHal lel lS Hie VE aS, WS,
`SASS -Bsto] ASAYS You 4 Sclolefo] Hal dqeLy
`Hess + Ys-o ali dojo] ABYS WVS >| gery.
`HU2 Hes} JAl20)e, Ex Teal+=5} a7]Sbo} Al 2 wi]o]
`Ys3} te2] HSS WalSs, ah eahs.Boo 4Saoe] SS
`Stes PSS + Arh. HU e Hs s} AA](20)E, al 2 aole] SseI
`ASA Hal AELI Pests += Yspo] al 2 dojo] ABS


`WO 2015/012622
`Teor St AA] ool]
`= HU] oO 4S 3} 42](20)%, al 1 Bolo] SAS]
`°rte, ze ruililofy 2, of Ol!oua
`Ssh= UE golo] Jes faye
`FAT. BU] 2. FBSs} 42)
`(20)=, PEI Holey als LAE Sal a2 golo}
`BAIA AA S a2 gol AKVstSs Fsstsp7| 2] a, al 1 Bolo
`He] SAPS 0]-2 65} zi] 2 Bolo] 84S ASEaz, a] 2 Wolo] A Hay Aba
`Al 2 A O]o] AES 4Z| = PALS PS SSF By
`HU] 2. FSS} AA] (20), A] 2 Bolo] SAS Ss} ch9]LES of]c}9] 9}
`#2 S582 Ie goldea fas += gtr}.al 2ae
`apo} aad a2} saaabo} slabayee a1 ajolol o)e
`HAE All aol St SSS 429s - ath ds
`ajo] o}
`S2S50] 242 + eth yc] 2. Fes} 42)(20)%, Al 2 Bole] SS]
`J3-SHE All Bolo] SPSSS o]-Fsho, al 2 Alo Sess 2ge =

`AR} VE Yolo] as
`Alot ==Var, al 1 Bods
`oj] = zi] 2 al oO] =- S| Ay al o]o] @}a2 2]
`Jo] eo] haz 4) Al== 9) ch,
`col] uz, Stzllo]o] 7} 7] Aol S
`ol]@ al go] o}s= 84 eojojojaz, 4
`}Zaho] QE] ole] Se
`Joo} 7] ao]o} el +
`1 dol =A#Aspo] Sle] Bolo] Ses
`i} BITS “23} 4A\(20)A) 1 AMole] Sats a] 2 Bolo] Bec
`sot Qhch
`ool] wpe}, Sb eo]o]7}7B Bolo
`Sa AAs] eel Bolo] dee
`A| eS} et

`chay A) allel whe}, a 2 ao]o} 7} al 1 Bolo sS
`syNo syWl
`x24)Stomytt ene= ool] ube}, xi] 2 eo] oy7F ai]
`©Henhwstewaefo= &
`= 8] TY2. FSSBalaors 718 ale
`sot 4 els.-Aen2os oe
`om,112, ue=O)tuwkHuf »tr fol
`—off xfF
`2 MoM26oeSyS
`tofirao Ss~iyaomBw&
`oIN ne,
`IHtofoSSpy S clr i, ox, cit +e te rusy Ae, to a ne, & a rif SS of cy & rot NSel ~ mywesy Ae,
`0 nl, wae
`2, roa w
`yoHe aoihio myNoy=[=rir roweaoth olyin 2ig=e rot 2 ea
`SS aun Lu au) | ue ax, uo», & & a mill to N n°? ez,
`Tf &
`cirizr r 0
`JE Ast nia i, on, eu
`xo ot
`clr = off
`au of.
`1SNy 42,
`oF = htt.
`So Ol!ot 23 a Lo e
`2.5}DAO FBS TAAL ABST 9} Olay


`WO 2015/012622
`of 0%,
`1atPew Zz
`x °Jojo]
`Saha = keh.
`of UE a2|S BYPAa SH Ato] S Aolojol] SSa
`ZS AA ee 9] area ales AGS + ac. de Saw
`aaa AaFey
`Aq ME] 28 SAl(lojellA| 28a aaa Melt
`UL, Aa Ae B99} BA BS 9] aEa
`& Aa AB O9e Bal dojoja], Fz BSS
`ot ~otol
`s 2, z1 E| cn, 43 Al (10) 2] Tall 4] 2) St
`eo » x4 24 2
`2&2»YH megUi Hu
`A274 832s AAS
`al 23.2] 2) 9) 9] e] 7}
`Bry xX40yewiecirwete ox
`= Zt2| daze aol SsAve
`otWNot uy)sy xoiWlo oo x nt = x||ZnF do 2%| :* tq4n r1 =
`i 22z)9) MEI BALAFA1UOVoN?2] BA
`&tyBd 0
`NI-o awoy& oIb2 OoWhfy

`AZ zlojoo
`upebAy of S22
`AW, SS2=2 Wl
`AB Gye lel gd
`Hoes 2aa = ec.
`Q AA) aol] upE BIS Oks}(23)= S34(22)7k SHI
`Ch. BSF Zz} 3} 4723), IS PRQVDEPEY HAs SS
`Eo) Elo] tHe St R Chats}S4=Yspo} eee a]Sty
`a WIS BASS Ys], Ses ayaa AlSS BS
`19. 28) BAlQ0ee, Mase aIM Tal ash
`8 Sa] 4-0] dla] dees Pegs fas Yeas yezeus
`== cp, HS, a Se(22)=4E] azelaxn22 Z2)0]) HE] SES
`n\e19. 9-234 Al anys, aatabe abel WE hye aha
`Wee] Hays IE Ss) Vee Paso] EAE CS ae
`22 JE ASE 2
`2) A) ofall GSveo. 85} AAABAA SAL
`WES ASS a scmerge) B= HI AMVP(Advanced Motion Vector
`Prediction) o}-¢-% 4kh. Y BAI lal HZ 3] c] ge. FSI} AR]Q0)E
`8A WES Aap] He FY VSS] TAGS PYay, qaE wa
`lo 2 g OltSe x = a
`2 Qu AB Aus yoo Fes}
`2A} -Zz]9) Wel wjolelo] HS Sel + Ach Wek, alc] o
`3} HA\(20)S YE SE HS AMVPSOB 3h]
`19] Quo] HS SY +Hlech. SAY Awe S2lq wejo] ae gus
`uts=tyjySEae xo o
`2 2


`WO 2015/012622
`BE Yaoh, Aa] BSS] Hye] YAP ss
`oO} Ala
`RE2} et a, Ay
`] (20) 8S} BE ol 2]
`a, 4A wojopel) =
`A QAO, AS AA 2BAE 10°]z4}
`*| ol] t+AMVP
`SHE o]-B8
`Fo} Alay 2
`} ME] 21-9] 40] Zkol] U-S-SHe
`=} 2] 3}
`AS ot
`zlol wi
`“TQ 771
`ee2 TSS
`& EF olk
`| 3
`JABS yeasae. SS,
`‘Al, LI
`ZL2o =
`A] jel] tt


`WO 2015/012622
`ad KImeSOiOlfoHiof!tinetyrentx0a
`Fa AE ys] #2 AS eps law

`fo} 21SetWHBY St Ol el ~(merge index)=
`an on x
`a 2
`a wie
`iy 0oft uta) 2 ofp ta
`>» & 12,oy9
`aek 28} JA\(20)= 2489 SAG Meo et
`=eTLfotnidtote ai,02 I
`ra =tOful.
`8 |r “e!te aio sy mu ohashoy"Jt ald &fujc.
`&E ae) 2“
`soya Ae = QU
`afo aiofyFOfo
`nome fl =
`3&3} 42)(20)= AMVP=: o| g3}o] aA
`iNou dt
`2a | ol
`yo my©IN=
`7| HAA 2Re & 414) ME], AA BAI =
`SheSA I808a + Wey.
`oOJo] We
`SS AA 20)S24 Mel Bs tA)(10),
`STE + Wt. LE, £44 He 424 F210), AaATs
`AAHQ) R wt spas)}(O3y71 24249] AbAl]AYA(H] S24]91 2] SH
`ASA, MBAAANSADNSS] GS 77 FL S ASS] ue} ce Fs s}
`+2)(20)7) AAA OS ZAG FE UC EE, 2 AA do] HS Ue Yes}
`ALA] (20)2] 2}4t BSAA] EAS] Alolo] abet, eae VE] Ay zt] (10),
`AAS BATA) BS abs}(23)71 AOS Ee ACH.
`2 Al ao] w= Oe PSs} AA]20s #44 He Ay t4)(10),
`aAzl7S AA FQD R Ws SATEEORT S]44 glo] e} 7tA eae= ort
`Fo] Ee] 44aL(H]&4])9] elo} e}9]2} eh ps a2) a)O}LCu] ANE
`HE TE Meh.
`2 AA) oo) We yo ss} FA)20)E, Ue Hoes} Avs
`uso Baa yode dag =BaqA fe ye woe Va
`EBAAS AAs] 4S POleW, WHS VSS yc o Hoes FAS
`THe +=Wey. Y AAl ajo] w= aco ss} 4Aal(20)9] WE ce dag
`ZB BA BSAA 2ofUe}, HC] & Ss} 4Al(20) HE
`At 4A], 2H] AA 44) 7} yo 2dag ZeA4A Bw
`& be SG 8)do Ge 24d Me]ag ws Suet a
`BA\(25)2] SRS EAA,
`& 2bel] SA) 3) He}Zo), He SSS} A4Al(25)= 71H Bolo]BS}-F(29)
`BZ st gojo]SS aLdgns YAS| Ve.Ht Aolo]
`vathonesaaa adee2


`WO 2015/012622
`olspu Qu, 24 £Aje TYRAur Be fy aro] Say yc se.
`}(25)7}Hae +eQlar, SA]
`3S B} 42) (25)7} 7 al =
`= WS Wo + Ss} Blase Aal So] Hal Sess
`ut}. dal SS

`Mw ne ine]
` o%4} NI
`lx,xy, = & Ss & a
`om4} .Ose
`“2 i dig|ttno(0 a19 4y 21?
`FX 2 ro a9, nn bg
`a og rou > ma & &
`(n mg
`mn (iitboiioa4yfet BY
`FA (Q5)=, ZAVAS FSS} HAI] oO]
`742ofoe[>tlfm °
`»4 ml
`lo[Mm4o|»ff ot
`[mo o&Immut {2 & 2 2,
`+ Uc. HU] L. Bes} AA] (25)7+
`NUog =
`7 MARS AL Uc. sf] at,
`+2](25)2] Al 1 Bolo] BS S}27-(29)74
`ot zz a Lo a 4h on
`o2& dizrotifoak
`to}|rSou ayot >»&#H
`43tho i4)Of>
`ol!at &
`Al 2 Bolo] BSS} (19)7} A 2
`ol] of]
`tH ay Abe Str},
`rdT ro 3 a Lo
`oNthyiaomad ie) |» NwT yt
`(tn fol ‘oe oxNy PpY fir xy Hu
`[mli(32,lo + c riot
`|> (m1 ot Ito iz tol ‘okot&cin eas ot ox, tn of ob» ru |» a 4
`a > wu 4u rol + rie
`ay om tn Lof o% > ru, |» N™— iz
`[>[> m neue
`BY} 2 as |»
`OS aA
`Lt}. A] 1 ajolo
`ol!ot &
`Wolo ABWS S23}
`Ce AS, 44142 4] 27}
`Qo, AWNWge2Aay yd Ae
`Wolo ASAS FVZs}spol 4) 4
`ZEA a2 Ao ABS Uae
`tee U4) 2 BC] 8. 2B ol cy-F A
`2 qoABAS US estoto] 44/4
`O| ©
`ABWA3 Aelo ABS Ses
`2) = Qh,
`9. AQ w4lolwpe} Bs Sel |=
`= au
`+ wh =|
`oo] Ale] 4-?-ol, a1
`cp, Al 1 lolol
`+50] 4-2) 2) ==Q)ch.
`ol}, al 1 ao]o
`» WwW
`ole] AEP
`Qlt}, al 1
`(10 aut +r
`4h ol!Ot 2 so|> wy of, om
`=o] 322
`ay o&&&‘oomotmnt
`4) x2af‘oO
`>»oa autkt,2& i al my=oy |» Mw ne, EY wz, ab om zs N r= roe '~ ee ne, ab mui m oO Lo KH of of, 1» Sox2ow Ct} a) 1 dojo] AE
`4y reo aur » 2 & {> (im me itfo iz folot,eb
`jtomMtofInotoluct4)&Sok2 nwoOoysrerie
`~te &
`o& a=
`m aOo 2Lo 2se of(ot on,“ot idom Ne
`— oO—_
`A q
`=A] doles) S4tsee] Sala + alc.
`7t Al Ol 4a) BP, a] 1 Blo
`Woe tel al 1 aelo
`,Al 1 FolSASASS HxAsfe] al 2 Aolo 2ABAS
`{| 2 Bolo] B4ArSeol ue] SAS + Vc.Al2 Bole] SAU4AtS
`dole] AEYS c] SSsspa KY al Bjolo] Y4so] c]
`7 ri
`1A roe a» x
`tn y
`}(25)%=, a] 1 Wo]o] 2B Y FF Al 2 glojo] ABW OR HE
`RR AL2 Bolo] SASS] FLSA AES =] S-Gha1,


`WO 2015/012622
`Fate] gle] aol] Sa BY BA Be] BR ele} woo} ajSol] cla Aya
`= 2] HC Ses} BA|(25) = 4 Aol se Ve ASA Boys
`= of om,
`& as sn ue
`On A iio wotot OffouOE cee = Om ox, Jc, diz re
`folAhoff oy Sy S rt 0, a aye) 7° 2 2
`a Avs gases gu.
`}alayeyae] le} dlo}o] Se HOES Sess —- gh
`Pos Os He WS US 7) 48 24] 4 B(Motion Compensation) 3 aley
`2re Boge Ss BM] -AS +E ed
`F elo] o] awl Hele ea eo] oy 2} ele}
`= orfeA
`ONomuhoe st
`omiSly 4y7: 2 -wt os
`71 Sako} Ce Ao|ohe) 4
`2 Sly Awe APA SHS
`2 of ox,
`Ss On ro > > 2
`25)3= All 2 ajo]o] SISs
`] u}=a] Cc] 9. Bs 5} 4
`Al3 alo]o] SASS HWS}7
`7 9
`QE] Bolo) Se PAG EE38 ASO gees
`o&tn Ot, nw
`SIE] Wolo]ee FB stupa alsStal eal"4 st oFeS +41stl Of St},
`4, AS As, wet eSSa) 290
`All aol?) S2349=, Als all 1 gjo]o}] B4be] RSs ABSes
`Oo) Sto], Al 1 Bolo] BAS SSSA | Ae.
`yr] L. |Ss} YAl(25)7} Ex]
`FR| 2829} OSH 712 VRIY AEYSS FAGTS, a allo}
`2S52(29), A) 1 Holo] 2EBes] Ad) PSs Bon}, Ez] pz
`A]1 Bo] SS s}FQ9=, dq FSS G9 F}r} MEey SSasS
`eS mur
`JA] joy] uF =a] 2 Blo]o] SS 5}(19)7}, al 1 a
`7] Fa, Al2 Bolo] ASYS BSA FE Qe}
`of om a ru | mult oN
`S3}44(19)7} A] 2 Bolo] BA AAAS HBSS) HA,
`Peeled Fast Qual vasa elelele Sa 4 Shei. alelele
`SESH29), SRHOEHE BS wae H}o] E] oi] cH aH aan,
`lala FAHY, WS Vewe
` EA ceasaa ee
`Ho] o] 4SS47(29), MAbs} WISEA)39) ol
`s.r), hehe Wabaeeol aa 0Aha}, YAS RY AT, Yarso|
`ae Jeo] Balad He Veh.


`WO 2015/012622
`Al 1 Bo SSSA) S, FSH Bole] VAs Zo] SAG HAS Sa,
`WS84s 2xXea, |S 94ts AazlFe AUS Stato a] 1 Bolo
`1 Bole}
`Al 2 Bol FSsh(19) SVE] Bolo] al Ao] MEY, A]
`BUSte] HSE421-8Se] a] 2 Bole] aSy4ts ve ot = Qhc}, al] 2
`A84to] d= 9A2bs 2yso=] A2 Bole] alee ANAT SE 4= QUeH,
`alole] S2s}-F(19 4] 2 Bolo] AEBS Fessfo], Ve] Aole] sal
`Y= fs 92}S 83S = ghrp, al 2 Bolo] SSSA(19) =, Al 2 Bo]
`Al 2 Blo) e] SSSA, A 1 Aol SSSEQIA FSS Al
`Aloo] SAGAS oO] 8 so] a] 2 Aol] A SSAS AVS = alch. al 2
`q°]o] SS s}-E(19), VE] Bolo] AS 7Ao} ape}, a] 2 aloo] S4te]
`Pos Us HE Ws ase ee So] FASE A 1 aoele] S4te] 2S
`AAY + Uc. SS, a2 aole] SAA Aal Sse] Flo Aesho}
`HAls= all dole] S4te] SUSS0] Aaa + ach. al 2 Bole
`SSeS, Al 2 Bole] So] Ae SkeAl 1 Bolo] SASSsO]-B sho},
`Al 2 a9 ASSESS 2Re + oleh.
`All 2 2°] oJ Saher SLE] elo] o] a] Xo} upc} ai 1 aloo]
`Qe] Aol] ASS W]eMannewy Oo]-2-St =m Qkr}, oO] A-f-o}] Al] 2
`BUSS ees AAA a] 2 aol ASSESSSs, A 2 ole] HESS
`ao] e] Bea, Al 1 Bole] Sl BArS oc] Bsheo] AQ sta2

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