`United States Patent and TrademarkOffice
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`Kenji OKANO
`SUITE 1200
`CLEVELAND,OH 44114-3108
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`Notice of the Office communication was sent electronically on above-indicated "Notification Date" to the
`following e-mail address(es):
`PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07)


`Disposition of Claims*
`1-19 is/are pending in the application.
`5a) Of the above claim(s) ___ is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`C] Claim(s)__ is/are allowed.
`Claim(s) 1-19 is/are rejected.
`(1 Claim(s)__is/are objectedto.
`C} Claim(s)
`are subjectto restriction and/or election requirement
`* If any claims have been determined allowable, you maybeeligible to benefit from the Patent Prosecution Highway program at a
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`) ) ) )
`Application Papers
`10) The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
`11)0) The drawing(s) filedon__ is/are: a)(J accepted or b)() objected to by the Examiner.
`Applicant may not request that any objection to the drawing(s) be held in abeyance. See 37 CFR 1.85(a).
`Replacement drawing sheet(s) including the correction is required if the drawing(s) is objected to. See 37 CFR 1.121 (d).
`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
`12)1) Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)-(d)or (f).
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`a)C All
`1.2 Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2.1.) Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No.
`3.1.) Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been receivedin this National Stage
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`* See the attached detailed Office action for a list of the certified copies not received.
`Notice of References Cited (PTO-892)
`2) (J Information Disclosure Statement(s) (PTO/SB/08a and/or PTO/SB/08b)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`3) (J Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date
`(Qj Other:
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 11-13)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mail Date 20210820
`Application No.
`OKANO etal.
`Office Action Summary Art Unit|AIA (FITF) StatusExaminer
`-- The MAILING DATEofthis communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address --
`Period for Reply
`Extensions of time may be available underthe provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a). In no event, however, may a reply betimely filed after SIX (6) MONTHSfrom the mailing
`date of this communication.
`If NO period for reply is specified above, the maximum statutory period will apply and will expire SIX (6) MONTHSfrom the mailing date of this communication.
`- Failure to reply within the set or extended period for reply will, by statute, cause the application to become ABANDONED (35 U.S.C. § 133}.
`Any reply received by the Office later than three months after the mailing date of this communication, evenif timely filed, may reduce any earned patent term
`adjustment. See 37 CFR 1.704(b).
`1) Responsive to communication(s) filed on 7/30/2021.
`C} A declaration(s)/affidavit(s) under 37 CFR 1.130(b) was/werefiled on
`2a)¥) This action is FINAL.
`2b) (J This action is non-final.
`3)02 An election was madeby the applicant in responseto a restriction requirement set forth during the interview
`; the restriction requirement and election have been incorporated into this action.
`4\0) Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordance with the practice under Exparte Quayle, 1935 C.D. 11, 453 O.G. 213.


`Application/Control Number: 16/548,048
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 2
`This action is responsive to the Applicant’s response filed on July 30, 2021. The Applicant in
`their response, amendedclaims 1, 2, 5-8, 10 and 11, canceled claim 9 and added new claims 12-19.
`Reissue Applications
`Forreissue applications filed before September 16, 2012, allreferences to 35 U.S.C. 251 and 37
`CFR 1.172, 1.175, and 3.73 are to the law and rules in effect on September 15, 2012. Wherespecific ally
`designated, these are “pre-AIA” provisions.
`Forreissue applications filed on or after September 16, 2012, allreferences to 35 U.S.C. 251 and
`37 CFR 1.172, 1.175, and 3.73 are to the current provisions.
`Applicant is reminded of the continuing obligation under 37 CFR 1.178(b), to timely apprise the
`Office of any prior or concurrent proceeding in which Patent No. 9,799,132 is or was involved. These
`proceedings would includeanytrial before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, interferences, reissues,
`reexaminations, supplemental examinations, andlitigation.
`Applicant is further reminded of the continuing obligation under 37 CFR 1.56, to timely apprise
`the Office of any information which is material to patentability of the claims under consideration in this
`reissue application.
`These obligations rest with each individual associated withthe filing and prosecution ofthis
`application for reissue. See also MPEP §§ 1404, 1442.01 and 1442.04.
`Response to Arguments
`Cited Prior Art: The Applicant provides a brief comment regarding priorart that was cited in
`form PTO-892 but not mentioned in the Office Action. The examinernotes that these references were
`cited as being pertinent to applicant’s disclosure. The Examiner will includea brief statement below.
`Claim 9: In view of the cancellation of claim 9, the previous rejection under 112 4'" paragraph
`has been withdrawn.


`Application/Control Number: 16/548,048
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 3
`Wakayamaand Ghneim: The Applicant argues that claim | requires that each of the first and
`second line segments, left and right planar predicted-trajectory guide marks are curved in a single
`direction in accordance with the turning angle of the steering mechanism. With respect to Wakayama,the
`Applicant argues that the expected driving track B and the steering wheel line C in Fig. 2 are not each
`curved in a single direction in accordance with a turning angle of the steering mechanism. The Applicant
`arguesthat the steering wheel line C describe in paragraphs [0032, 0033 and 0050] appearsto be the
`center line between the expected driving tracks B. The Applicant states that the center line between the
`expected driving tracks Bis not the sameas two line segments of length and right predicted-trajectory
`guide marks, which are both curved in a single direction in accordance with the steering turning angle of
`the steering mechanism.
`The Examiner notes that in paragraph [0022], Wakayamadiscloses the ECU calculates an
`expected backward driving line based on the sensor signal sequentially input from the steering wheel
`sensor. The expected backward divingline includesa pair of tracks corresponding to a vehicle width.
`Wakayamaalso discloses the expected backwards driving lines correspond to track curves of an utmost
`outer portion and an utmost inner portion of the vehicle.
`In paragraph [0023], Wakayamadiscloses the expected backward driving line may be obtained
`from a turning radius R in accordance with the steering wheelangle.
`In paragraph [0024], Wakayamadisclosesthe use of a steering wheel line andthat the curvature
`of the steering wheel line changes based onthe steering wheel angle.
`In paragraph [0026], Wakayamadisclosesthat the steering wheel angle may be obtained from the
`expected backward driving line. Wakayamadiscloses that the curvature of the steermg wheelline has
`characteristics similar to the characteristics of the curvature of the expected back warddrivingline.
`Thus both the expected back driving line (which as set forth aboveis a pair of tracks which correspond to
`track curves of the outer and inner portion of the vehicle) and the steering wheelline are calculated based
`on the turning center and turning radius.


`Application/Control Number: 16/548,048
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 4
`The Examiner thus maintains that although Figure 2 does not display any curvature of thelines,
`the specific ation of Wakayamadiscloses that the expected back driving line (which is depicted as B in
`Fig. 2) is obtained from a turning radius in accordance with a steering wheel angle. Thus, Wakayama
`discloses that the lines of the expected backward driving lines curved. See also where the curvature of the
`steering wheelline is similar to the curvature of the expected backward driving line.
`In view of the above discussion, the Examiner does not find the Applicant’s arguments
`In the alternative, in view of the amendment, the Exammernotesthatif it was still maintained
`that the lines of the expected backward driving lines are not curved, then it would have been obvious as
`set forth below.
`The Applicant further argues that Ghneim fails to also disclose the claims as amended. The
`Examiner agrees that Ghneim doesnotdisclose that its markers are curved in a single direction. However,
`as set forth above, the Examinernotes that at the very least, Wakayamadisclosesthat it was known to
`curvelines on a display based on the steering angle. See the backgroundof the invention of Wakayama
`(paragraphs [0003-0008])
`Kuboyama and Ghneim: The Applicant argues that the distance betweenthe left and right
`wheel routes TL_r and TR_r in Kuboyamais notsimilar to a width of a tow coupler. Rather, the distance
`between the left and right rear wheel routes TL_r and TR_r in Kuboyamacorrespondsto the distance
`between the left and right rear wheels of the vehicle. The Applicant further argues that because
`Kuboyama does not disclose a tow coupler, Kuboyama’s guide lines TL_r and TR_r cannot indicate an
`alignmentof a predicted-trajectory of the tow coupler with respect to the tow -target coupler of the tow -
`target vehicle.
`The Examiner notes that the claim recites “wherein a distance betweenthefirst line segments of
`the predic ted-trajectory guide marksis similar to a width of the tow coupler”. As set forth in the previous


`Application/Control Number: 16/548,048
`Art Unit: 3992
`and currentrejection, the Examiner notedthat the patent specification did not clearly define “similar” as it
`pertains to the distance between the tow-coupler andthe first lines. The Examiner maintained that there
`was no specific guidance as to the width threshold betweenthefirst two lines beforeit ceases to be within
`the “similar” rangeas set forth in the claim.
`The Examiner determinesthat the Applicant’s patent specification describes a pair of left and
`right guide marks (405, 406) which are located on the centerside of the vehicle width direc tion and are
`superimposedat a position in the outer edge direction from tow vehicle side coupler. The Examiner
`concludedthat the specification broadly described the range to be anywhere betweenthe first lines and
`the center of the vehicle.
`Furthermore, in review the drawings (which are not described in the specification to be drawn to
`scale) the Examiner notesthat there is a gap betweeneither side of the tow coupler and thefirst line
`segmentsof theleft and right planar trajectories. See col. 7, lines 6-25 of the Applicant’s specification.
`The Applicant maintains that the distance betweenthe left and right rear wheel routes in
`Kuboyamais not similar to a width of a tow coupler, rather the distance betweenthe left and right rear
`wheel routes TL_r and TR_r in Kuboyamacorrespondsto the distance betweenthe left and right rear
`wheels of the vehicle.
`The Examiner notes that the issue is how should the term “similar” with respect to the tow
`coupler be defined. Since the drawingsare not drawn to scale, the Examiner maintains that the drawings
`cannot be used as guidance to define the term “similar”. The Applicant’s specification discloses that the
`tow vehicle coupleris displayed in a gap betweenside 405a of the vehicle width directionofthe left-
`predicted guide mark 405 on the center side of the vehicle and side 406a of right predicted-trajectory
`guide marker 405 on the centerside of the vehicle.
`The Examinernotesthat the text of the specification doesn’t mention the term “similar” with
`respect to the first lines and the tow coupler. With respect to the drawings, Figures 4-6 illustrate a tow
`coupler 402 betweenthe first lines 405a and 406a. The figures shows that there is a space between the
`tow coupler itself and the first lines. The Examinernotesthat this is in contrast to Figure 7 which shows


`Application/Control Number: 16/548,048
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 6
`little to no space in the overhead view. As set forth in the rejection and above,the issueis that the
`specification and claims do not clearly define “similar”. That is, how muchdistance can the line
`segments be away from the tow coupler beforeit ceases to be “similar”. The distance betweenthelines
`and tow coupler in Figure 7 differs from the distance betweenthe lines and tow couplerin Figure 4
`(whichis greater) and yet, the Applicantstill maintained Figure 4 for support of the claims. Since the
`lines are not shown to be directly on the tow couplerit is clear that at least some space (or distance away
`from the two coupler) is acceptable. How much spaceis allowedis the issue of this argument and the
`reasons why the Examineris maintaining the rejection.
`Thus, the Examiner does not find the Applicant’s arguments persuasive.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 103
`In the event the determination of the status of the application as subject to AIA 35 U.S.C. 102 and
`103 (or as subject to pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 102 and 103) is incorrect, any correction of the statutory basis for
`the rejection will not be considered a new groundofrejection if the prior art relied upon,andtherationale
`supporting the rejection, would be the same undereitherstatus.
`The following is a quotation of pre- AIA 35 U.S.C. 103(a) which formsthe basis forall
`obviousness rejections set forth in this Office action:
`(a) A patent may not be obtained though the inventionis not identically disclosed or described as set
`forthin section 102, if the differences between the subject matter sought to be patented and the prior art
`are such that the subject matter as a whole would have been obviousat the time the invention was made
`toa person having ordinary skill in the art to which said subject matter pertains. Patentability shall not
`be negatived by the manner in which the invention was made.
`The factual inquiries for establishing a background for determining obviousness under pre-AIA
`35 U.S.C. 103(a) are summarizedas follows:
`1. Determining the scope and contents ofthe priorart.
`2. Ascertaining the differences betweenthe priorart and the claimsatissue.
`3. Resolving the level of ordinary skill in the pertinentart.


`Application/Control Number: 16/548,048
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 7
`4. Considering objective evidence presentin the application indicating obviousness or
`Claims 1-3, 5, 6, 8-19 is/are rejected under pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable over
`Wakayama US Patent Pub. 201 1/0066329 in view of Ghneim US Patent Pub. 2011/0001614 and further
`in view of Kuboyamaet al. US Patent Pub. 2012/0158256..
`Regarding claim 1:
`A driving support apparatus comprising:
`Wakayamais directed to a driving support device which includes an in-vehicle camera
`for shooting an image of a driving direction of the vehicle. See the abstract and paragraph
`anon-transitory computer readable medium configured to store steps ofa control
`program and captured images ofan area behind a vehicle; a processor configured to
`execute the steps of the control program, the processor having a plurality of sections;
`See Figure 1 which discloses a parking support ECU 5 (which comprises a CPU, a ROM,
`a RAM and a backup RAM). Asset forth in paragraph [0021], the ECU 5 executes various
`control programs stored in the ROM according to various information input from the camera 1,
`the sensor 3 and the switch 4.
`As explained in paragraph [0026], both the expected backward driving line and the
`steering wheelline are displayed. The ECU 5 controls the display device 2 to display the
`backward image and to overlap the expected backward driving line and the expected backward
`driving area based on the expected backward driving line, the expected backward driving area
`and the steering wheel line, which are converted to the coordinate system same as the backward


`Application/Control Number: 16/548,048
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 8
`an image acquiring section that acquires a captured image of the area behind the
`vehicle supported by the driving support apparatus,
`See Figure 2 which discloses arear camera 11 (image acquiring section). See also
`paragraph [0017] which explains that a camera | shoots an image of a region behind the vehicle.
`See also Figure 2 (which shows an image of the area behind the vehicle).
`Asset forth above, paragraph [0026] explains that the ECU 5 controls the display device
`2 to display the backward image and to overlap the expected backward driving line and the
`expected backward driving area based on the expected backward driving line, the expected
`backward driving area and the steering wheel line, which are converted to the coordinate system
`same as the backward image.
`the area including a tow coupler at a rear portion of the vehicle and a tow-target
`coupler of a tow-target vehicle to be coupled to the tow coupler; and
`The Examiner notes that Wakayama does not specifically state that the display area
`includes atow coupler at the rear portion of the vehicle and a tow-target coupler of a tow-target
`Nonetheless, the Examiner notes that it would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill
`in the art that if the vehicle was equipped with a tow coupler then the rear area would include a
`tow coupler as well as the tow-target coupler of a tow-target vehicle.
`For example, Ghneim discloses of a vehicle with a rear camera and wherein the display
`shows a portion of the rear of the vehicle (e.g. bumper) as well asatrailer hitch 21 (See
`paragraph [0013]). As shown in Figure 6, both the trailer hitch and the tow-target vehicle can be
`seen. The tow-target coupler 27 is defined within target icon 28 as shown in Figure 4.


`Application/Control Number: 16/548,048
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 9
`Therefore, it would have been obvious include a tow coupler in the vehicle so that the
`driver can connect a trailer (or other towable vehicle) to their car. See paragraph [0013] of
`Ghneim. The Examiner notes that both Wakayama and Ghneim disclose a vehicle with a rear
`camerathat will assist the driver in reversing. Since tow couplers were knownto be added to
`vehicles, as disclosed by Ghneim, and since Wakayama and Ghneim both display the rear
`portion of the vehicle and the background area around the vehicle, then it would have been
`predictable to one of ordinary skill
`in the art that that both the tow coupler andthe trailer would
`be visible.
`a superimposing section that superimposesa pair of left and right planar predicted-
`trajectory guide marksin accordance with steering operation ofthe vehicle supported by
`the driving support apparatus, on the captured image acquired by the image acquiring
`section and that outputs a superimposed image,
`See below Figure 2


`Application/Control Number: 16/548,048
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 10
`FIG. 2
`In FIG. 2, A represents the backward image of the vehicle, B represents the expected
`driving track, and C represents the steermg wheel line. D represents an image of the rear side of
`the body of the vehicle. As explained in paragraph [0032], the curvature of the steering wheel
`line increases as the steering wheel angle becomes larger from the neutral position. The steering
`wheel line is displayed at the center of the expected driving track B.
`wherein each of the pair of left and right planar predicted-trajectory guide marks
`comprises at least a first line segmentthat formsa first side ofthe predicted-trajectory
`guide mark located toward a center of the vehicle's rear width and a second line segment
`that forms a second side of the predicted-trajectory guide mark located toward an outer
`edge of the vehicle's rear width, the first line segment being separated from the secondline


`Application/Control Number: 16/548,048
`Art Unit: 3992
`See below annotated Figure 5
`Page 11
`As also shown in the above figure the first lines are separated by a distance form the
`second lines (first lines being closer to the center of the vehicle and the secondlines being closer
`to the edge of the vehicle). The area C also shows a separation between the twofirst lines.
`the superimposing section superimposesfirst line segments of the predicted-
`trajectory guide marksstarting at positions on either side of the tow coupler, such that the
`first line segmentsof the predicted-trajectory guide marks indicate an alignment of a
`predicted-trajectory of the tow coupler with respect to the tow-target coupler ofthe tow-
`target vehicle,
`Asset forth abovethe first lines of the guide marks of Wakayamais positon on either
`side of the tow hitch (combination with Ghneim which adds a tow coupler to Wakayama). The
`Examiner notes that the first lines will indicate alignment of the predicted trajectory of the tow
`coupler to the target coupler of the tow-target vehicle (such asa trailer as described by Ghneim).
`wherein a distance between thefirst line segments of the predicted-trajectory guide
`marksis similar to a width of the tow coupler,
`The examiner notes that the term “similar” is not specifically defined to beaset distance
`around the tow coupler nonetheless, as shown in the above figure, Wakayamadiscloses that the


`Application/Control Number: 16/548,048
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 12
`distance betweenthe first lines is similar to the width that includes the area around the tow
`Asshown in below figure 2, a left and right planar projections are shown with a gap “C”
`between the two projections.
`FIG. 2
`See paragraphs [0029-0032]
`the superimposing section superimposes secondline segmentsin of the predicted-
`trajectory guide marksstarting near both rear corners of the vehicle, said second line
`segments indicating a predicted trajectory of the vehicle's rear width,
`The Examiner notes that Wakayama does not specifically discloses superimposing
`second lines starting near both rear corners of the vehicle.
`Nonetheless, Ghneim discloses that it was known to superimpose secondlines (vehicle
`distance markers) along the projected path See Figure 6.
`Therefore, it would have been obvious to include second lines near both the rear corners
`of the vehicle as shown above by Ghneim. As explained in paragraph [0018], the secondlines
`(i.e. the distance makers) are used to improve the driver’s perception for the vehicle maneuver.


`Application/Control Number: 16/548,048
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 13
`the superimposing section superimposes eachof thefirst line segment of the left
`predicted-trajectory guide mark, the first line segment of the right planar predicted-
`trajectory guide mark, and the second line segmentofthe right planar predicted-trajectory
`guide mark, being curved in a single direction in accordance with a turning angle of the
`steering mechanism.
`The Examiner notes that in paragraph [0022], Wakayamadiscloses the ECU calculates an
`expected backward driving line based on the sensor signal sequentially input from the steering wheel
`sensor. The expected backward drivingline includesa pair of tracks corresponding to a vehicle width.
`Wakayamaalso discloses the expected backwardsdriving lines correspondto track curves of an utmost
`outer portion and an utmost inner portion of the vehicle. In paragraph [0023], Wakayamadiscloses the
`expected backward driving line may be obtain from a turning radius R in accordance with the steering
`wheel angle.
`In paragraph [0024], Wakayamadisclosesthe use of a steering wheel line andthat the curvature
`of the steering wheel line changes based onthe steering wheel angle. In paragraph [0026], Wakayama
`discloses that the steering wheel angle may be obtained from the expected backward driving line.
`Wakayamadisclosesthat the curvature of the steering wheel line has characteristics similar to the
`characteristics of the curvature of the expected backwarddriving line.
`Thus both the expected back driving line (whichasset forth aboveis a pair of tracks which
`correspond to track curves of the outer and inner portion of the vehicle) and the steering wheel line are
`calculated based on the turning center and turning radius.
`The Examiner thus maintains that Wakayamadisclosesthat the expected back driving line (which
`is depicted as B in Fig. 2) is obtained from a turning radius in accordance with a steering wheel angle.
`Thus, Wakayamadisc loses that the lines of the expected backward driving lines curved. See also where
`the curvature of the steermg wheelline is similar to the curvature of the expected backwarddriving line.


`Application/Control Number: 16/548,048
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 14
`Nonetheless, if it is considered that both the first and second segmentline segments of the
`left and right projected trajectories are not curved in a single direction,
`the Examiner notes that it
`would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill
`in the art to curve the lines.
`Kuboyama in paragraph [0075] discloses that the displayed wheel route is based on the
`steering angle of the vehicle. See also paragraph [0045] which discloses a steering sensor 12
`which detects the steering angle of the vehicle.
`As shown in below annotated Figure 11 of Kuboyama shows the first and second line
`segments of both the left and right trajectories are curved in a single direction.
`Second Line
`Pek 8
`” First Side Lines
`Second Line
`Therefore, it would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill
`in the art to curve the
`projected trajectories. As set in paragraphs [0003-0008] of Wakayama, conventional art in this


`Application/Control Number: 16/548,048
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 15
`field of endeavor already discloses that it was known for expected driving tracks to be
`changeable in accordance with a steering angle of a steering wheel. Wakayama further discloses
`calculating the track curves in paragraphs [0023-0025] and determining the steering wheel angle.
`The Examiner determines that each prior art includes teachings directed to determining a
`steering angle and curving line segments based on the steermg angle. The Examiner finds that
`one of ordinary skill
`in the art could have combined the teachings using known methods since
`Wakayama already discloses that it was known to including a steering sensor. Thus, the
`combination of the prior art references would have been predictable to one of ordinary skill
`the art.
`Regarding claim 2:
`The driving support apparatus according to claim 1, further comprising a display that
`displays the superimposed imageprovided by the superimposingsection, wherein the display
`displays the tow coupler in a gap between thefirst line segmentof the left planar predicted-
`trajectory guide mark andthefirst line segmentof the right predicted-trajectory guide mark.
`See Figure 2 of Wakayama. As set forth above, it would have been obviousto include a tow
`coupler as taught by Ghneim.In Figure 2 (annotated below) of Wakayamaa gap is shown between the
`first line ofthe left planar guide andthefirst line of the right guide. Since there is a gap between the two
`projections, the combination with Ghneim would show that the tow coupler of the vehicle will be
`displayed in the gap area since the tow coupleris in the center of the rear end of the vehicle.


`Application/Control Number: 16/548,048
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 16
`FIG. 2
`Regarding claim 3:
`The driving support apparatus according to claim 2, further comprising a back ward
`imagingsection that captures an imageof the area behindthe vehicle supported by the driving
`support apparatus and that outputs the captured imageto an image processing section.
`See Figure 2 of Wakayama. In addition See Figure 6 of Ghneim
`Regarding claim 5:
`The driving support apparatus according to claim 1, wherein a colorof thefirst line
`segment anda color of an area between thefirst line segment and the second line segment are
`different from each other.
`See paragraph [0103] of Wakayama which describes the use of different colors for the
`superimposed images. In addition, see paragraph [0017] of Ghneim whichalso discloses the use of color
`for the superimposed image.
`Regarding claim 6:
`The driving support apparatus according to claim 1, further comprising a display that
`displays the superimposed imageprovided by the superimposingsection, wherein the display


`Application/Control Number: 16/548,048
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 17
`displays the captured image acquired by the image acquiring section in an area betweenthefirst
`line segmentand the second line segment in the superimposed image.
`See Figure 2 of Wakayama. In addition, See Figure 6 of Ghnem.
`Regarding claim 7:
`The driving support apparatus according to claim 6, wherein the display does not display
`the captured image onthefirst line segment in the superimposed image.
`The examinernotesthat it is not clear within the teachings of Wakayama whetherthe display
`does not display the captured imageonthe first line in the superimposed image.
`Nonetheless, Kuboyama in Figure 9 shows that a captured imageis not displayed onthefirst lines
`of the superimposed image (projected imagetrajectories). See also Figure 12.
`Therefore, it would have been obviousto one of ordinary skill in the art to not display the
`captured image onthefirst lines of the superimposed image. The Examiner notes that as shown in the
`Figures of Kuboyama the superimposed imagesare clearly shown relative to the captured image and
`therefore, it would have been obviousto notdisplay the captured imageonthefirst line so that the driver
`can moreclearly see the projected trajectory path that they are traversing.
`Regarding claim 8:
`The driving support apparatus according to claim 1, wherein thefirst line segments of each
`of the predicted-trajectory guide marksare located on a center side of the vehicle's rear width, on
`each side of the tow coupler.
`See Figure 2 of Wakayama and the annotated Figure 2 set forth above in claim 1.
`Regarding claim 10:


`Application/Control Number: 16/548,048
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 18
`The driving support apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the superimposing section
`superimposesthefirst line segmentof the left predicted-trajectory guide mark, not crossing the
`secondline segmentof the left predicted- trajectory guide mark.
`See Figure 2 of Wakayama and the annotated Figure 2 set forth above in claim 1.
`Regarding claim 11:
`The driving support apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the superimposing section
`superimposesthefirst line segmentof the right predicted-trajectory guide mark, not crossing the
`secondline segmentof the right predicted- trajectory guide mark.
`See Figure 2 of Wakayama andthe annotated Figure 2 set forth above in claim 1.
`Regarding claim 12:
`The driving support apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the superimposing section
`superimposesthe eachofthefirst line segmentof the left planar predicted-trajectory guide mark,
`the second line segmentof the left planar predicted-trajectory guide mark,thefirst line segment of
`the right planar predicted-trajectory guide mark, and the second line segmentof the right planar
`predicted-trajectory guide mark, being curvedin atleast a right direction in accordance with the
`turning angle of the steering mechanism.
`See also below Figure 11 of Kuboyama (cropped and annotated):


`Application/Control Number: 16/548,048
`Art Unit: 3992

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