`EAST SearchHistory (Prior Art)
`Search Query
`DBs Default Plura Time
`Re Hit”
`Is Stamp |
`fo s.
`- or
`-US- OR
`= 2021/05/.
`S1 445.(reset$4 near4 (zero bit$1 flag command "0")) and
`_pusch and ((power db$1) with (adjust$5 incre$5 decre$5 PGPU |
`05 07:53 |
`-accumulat$4 value$1 correct$4)) and loop
`‘US- OR
`$2 274 S1 AND ( (HO4W52/146 OR H04W52/08 OR
`HO4W52/242 OR H04W52/10 OR H04W52/38 OR
`-HO4W16/28 OR H04W52/221 OR H04W52/36 OR
`-USPA ©
`-HO4W72/046 OR H04W52/362 OR HO4W52/58 OR
`-HO4W52/04 OR HO4W52/143 OR HO4W52/228 OR TO
`-HO4W40/08 OR H04W40/10 OR HO4W52/18 OR
`-HO4W52/226 OR H04W52/06 OR HO4W52/12 OR
`-HO4W52/32 OR H04W52/545 OR H04B7/0695 OR
`-H04B7/0617 OR H04B7/0413).CPC. )
`$3 1 ("20150124673").PN.
`‘US- OR
`-PGPU |
`05 07:59 ©
`= 2021/05/.
`05 08:00-
`OFF —2021/05/.
`S40 (("2and(panasoniciwaitakashitakatatomohumimakishotaro. US- OR
`inv." PN,
`‘PGPU 05 08:01
`$5 1.
`$2and (panasonic iwai takashitakata tomohumimaki
`=US- OR
`-PGPU |
`05 08:01 |
`-US- OR
`$6 122 (reset$4 near4 (zerobit$1 flag "0")) and pusch and
`-((power db$1) with (command adjust$5 incre$5 decre$5“-PGPU |
`-accumulat$4 value$1 correct$4)) and loop and beam$1__:B;
`= 2021/05/.
`05 08:14 :
`-US- OR
`$7 211 (reset$4 near4 (zero bit$1 flag "0")) and pusch and
`iG -((power db$1) with (command adjust$5 incre$5 decre$5 PGPU |
`:accumulat$4 value$1 correct$4 loop)) and beam$1
`OFF 2021/05/
`05 08:15 |
`‘US- OR OFF 2021/05)
`S8— 194 S7 and ((time slot interval period$4 duration) with
`(frame$i subframe beam$3 "fc(i)" phase width narrow$2 PGPU |
`05 08:59 ;
`Bo a |
`$9 124 S8 AND((HO4W52/146 OR H04W52/08 OR -US-=OR OFF = 2021/05/.
`© | HO4W52/242 OR H04W52/10 OR H04W52/38 OR
`“PGPU |
`05 09:00 |
`*HO4W16/28 OR H04W52/221 OR HO4W52/36 OR
`-H04W72/046 OR H04W52/362 OR H04W52/58 OR
`:USPA :
`: HO4W52/04 OR HO4W52/143 OR HO4W52/228 OR
`-HO4W40/08 OR H04W40/10 OR HO4W52/18 OR
`-HO4W52/226 OR H04W52/06 OR HO4W52/12 OR
`HO4W52/32 OR HO4W52/545 OR H04B7/0695 OR
`-H04B7/0617 OR H04B7/0413).CPC. )
`$1 197 :S7 and ((timeslot interval period$4 duration) with
`0 (division frame$1 subframe beam$3 "fc(i)" phase width
`‘narrow$2 wide$1))
`=. 2021/05/ .
`05 09:01 |
`= PGPU |
`$1 127 S10 AND ( (HO4W52/146 OR H04W52/08 OR
`1 HO4W52/242 OR HO4W52/10 OR H04W52/38 OR
`*HO4W16/28 OR H04W52/221 OR H04W52/36 OR
`: HO04W72/046 OR H04W52/362 OR H04W52/58 OR
`-HO4W52/04 OR H04W52/143 OR HO4W52/228 OR
`-H04W40/08 OR H04W40/10 OR H04W52/18 OR
`-H04W52/226 OR HO4W52/06 OR H04W52/12 OR
`HO04W52/32 OR H04W52/545 OR H04B7/0695 OR
`HO4B7/0617 OR H04B7/0413).CPC.)
`$1 40 $7and ((timeslotinterval period$4 duration) with
`2 (beam$3 near2 (switch$3 chang$3 differen$4 sweep)))
`OFF 2021/05/.
`05 09:02.
`‘US- OR
`-PGPU |
`:USPA :
`05 09:23 ;
`-US- OR
`= PGPU :
`$1 623 (reset$4 near4 (zero bit$1 value$1 flag "0")) and
`'US- OR
`= 2021/05/ |
`3 -((power db$1) with (command adjust$5 incre$5 decre$5 -“ PGPU
`05 10:24 |
`:accumulat$4 value$1 correct$4 loop)) and (beam$1
`-near4 switch$3)
`-USPA ;
`$1 238 ((reset$4 near4 (zero bit$1 value$1 flag "0")) with
`‘US- OR
`OFF 2021/05/
`4 :(period$4interval duration slot time$1)) and ((power
`= PGPU |
`05 10:29 |
`:db$1) with (command adjust$5 incre$5 decre$5
`-accumulat$4 value$1 correct$4 loop)) and (beam$1
`:USPA :
`$1 44 S14 AND ( (HO4W52/146 OR H04W52/08 OR
`OFF 2021/05/
`5 _- HO4W52/242 OR HO4W52/10 OR HO4W52/38 OR
`-PGPU |
`05 10:34 |
`*HO4W16/28 OR H04W52/221 OR H04W52/36 OR
`-HO4W72/046 OR H04W52/362 OR H04W52/58 OR
`*HO4W52/04 OR H04W52/143 OR H04W52/228 OR
`-H04W40/08 OR H04W40/10 OR H04W52/18 OR
`-H04W52/226 OR HO4W52/06 OR HO4W52/12 OR
`‘-HO4W52/32 OR HO4W52/545 OR H04B7/0695 OR
`*H04B7/0617 OR H04B7/0413).CPC. )
`S11 ("20140022961").PN.
`-USPA |
`‘US- OR
`OFF 2021/05)
`05 15:41
`$1 108 (power db$1 gain$1) with differen$4 with narrow$2 with US- OR
`7 -wide$1 with beam$1
`OFF 2021/05/.
`06 15:43
`-S1 76 $17 and (tpc (powerwith (command$1 indicat$4 OFF=2021/05/.‘US- OR
`8 -instruct$4 dci csi sci adjust$5)))
`-PGPU |
`06 15:45 |
`$1 5 (power db$1gain$1) with differen$4 with narrow$2 with US- OR
`-wide$1 with beam$1 with (value$1 db$1)
`06 15:50 |
`$2 7 (power db$1 gain$1) with differen$4 with narrow$2with :-US-
`0 ~——_wide$1 with beam$1 with (value$1 db$1 amount)
`-PGPU |
`| 2021/05/
`06:15:51 |
`$2 1 (("2011003828271") or ("20090175187")).PN.
`OFF 2021/05/.
`(21:12:28 |
`$2.0 ("201103828271").PN.
`‘US- OR
`-PGPU |
`(21:12:29 |
`$2 0 ("2011003828271").PN.
`‘US- OR
`OFF 2021/05/.
`5/25/2021 11:00:22 AM
`C:\Users\tnguyen51\Documents\EAST\Workspaces\16643760, 16643710 Sep 11 2017.wsp