`EAST SearchHistory (Prior Art)
`-(US-20200162738-$ or US-
`-20120128065-$ or US-20180302621-
`- $).did.
`_ Operator |
`$26 and (divid$3 near8 second$3
`_near8 integer)
`- (HO4N19/126 or HO4N19/12 or
`-HO4N19/176 or HO4N19/157 or
`: HO4N19/60).cpc.
`($29 $30) and (@ad<"20170728"or
`- @rlad<"20170728"or
`_ @prad<"20170728")
`$31 and (divid$3 near8 second$3
`nea r8 integer)
`2021/01/04 —
`2021/01/04 ©
`2021/01/04 —
`2021/01/04 —
`2021/01/04 ©
`-near2 coefficient near8 integer)
`$31 and (divid$3 near8 second$3.
`“ near2 coefficient near8 common near2.
`_ integer)
`_divid$3 near8 second$3 near2
`- coefficient near8 common near2
`: integer
`2021/01/04 —
`EAST SearchHistory (Interference)
`<This searchhistory is empty>
`1/5/2021 9:30:56 AM