`(wireless ORradio ORrf) beacon wur(time OR interval OR period OR duration) schedule duty cycle - Google Patents
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`ta the .. avoids ures essary weke-up and heaean communication in static besean nodes .. Fourthly, we
`propese a iwownrve heasens soproach tu cope with the unbalanesd
`not Af ThingsChalonase
`.. Seventh, what shall be WUR beacon period? Power consumption analysie shows that in case of duty eyole operation if is
`not worth to wake up WUR only for tine ..so, is # better to use aperiodic hassons sent only during the tine intervals
`hen WURs of several STAs are an.
`~ FEMA, the STA listens an the primary channel only periodic WUR beacens and waits .. scheme te untformlydistribute the
`number of active STAs in beacon intervals .. data transmission delay, including the WUA frame tranemissions, and propose
`periodically braadeasting wake-up ..
` lorky 28
` acommunication
`a main connection radia POR clroult thet exchanges a wake-up radio WUR mode setting frames
`from the communication
`partner device iia wake-up slate: and a wake-up radie WUR circuit thet receives a wake-up frame
`pare device, whergin the communication device enters a WUR mode ...
` Priority 2078-03-23 ©
`» wherein the first WR FOMA operating chan
`el is different from the WUE beacen operating channel hased
`is capable of performing a channel switch. 18.
`arian indication by the
`fret station device that it
`transitory compute
`ag chann
`* Granted 2014-76-14 » Published 2014-10-74
`& wherein the master node Is Implemented to send out
`seriodic aynchronization signal and te send out a further Initiation signal, wherein the further intlation
`signal comprises infurniation on the tine of seredting out the synchronization signal,
`The prosassor alsa, Keep the counter variable, Ta
` ..
`ager variable with the iret counter walue in the WUR anarating element
`Published 2020
`determining wakeup operating parameters incluging a shart point of duty oycle schedule and entering WHR
`mode by communicating with a second communication apparatus; and receiving a WUR Beacon
`transenigsion, and wherein the starting point of the duty sycle schedule is datermined based on target WUR ..
`. events. At shorter wakeup intervals, the eneray improvements ara reduced, with performance equivalent to a Th duty
`syele perlodio wakeup network at approwimately 10... Al nodes would then sleep again, and on the following eyels, node B
`would pass the deta to node C..
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