`Approved for use farough2018 OMB O861-827
`US. Patent aad Trademark CificeLS, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Ureter the Panenwak ReshicionAci of T0285. no. persons anenequined to resporsdto. a nadlierion of infomation uness. if disnisys a valid OMS contrat murnier.
`[0° PCNatone
`intarnaticanal Anciicatioag Na.
`Tite of invention
`Intemational Fading Cate
`26 October 2018
`Pray Date Chaaneadt
`22 Devernber 2047
`First Named Jnventar
`Yuko Ogawa
`Applicant herewith submits to the United States Designated/Elected Office (DO/EQVUS} the following items and ofher information.
`This is an express request io begin national examination procedures (35 US.C. a7 niR) NOTE: The express request uncer
`S5 LSC. S77 C7 will sof be effective unless the requirements under 35 U.S.C. 37 dick 4}, (2), and £4) for ceyrnent of the basic
`netional fee, copyof the Infernational Agpication and Enaitch transiation thereof (7 required, and the caih or dectaration of
`the inventor(s) have beanreceived.
`2[| A copy of the Intemational Apphostion (35 L520. 37ieN2h is atteched herete tnot required # the Intemational Apptiestion
`was previously communicated by the hviemetional Burear: or was fied in the Unded States Receiving Office (ROAIS))
`.[| 27 CFR 3.73ic} Statement fivien there is an Assignee}.
`Cancalation of amendments macie in the inemational phase
`ast.[| Geo not enter the amendment mace in the mitemefionsl phese under PCT Article 12.
`ab.[| Geo not enterthe amendment mace in the mitemefionsl phese under PCT Article 34.
`3A proper amercinvent raade in English under Anicie 19 or 34 wil be entered in the LS. nations phase apniication abserd a clear
`gistnuction frora anolicant not ip enter the armendment{s).
`The following ems 9 to 17 concern a docunpentis} or information inchided.
`9.[| An information Disclosure Statement under 37 CFR 1.97 and 7.98.
`A preliminary armencdmerd.
`4n Enoch language transiation of the inernational Apolication (35 USC. SF Uich2ap
`is afilached hereto.
`.[| has been previously submilied under 35 LES. Pad}
`An oath or declaration of the inventor(s} (35 U.S.C. 37 dick4y
`is attached.
`B.[| was previously Hed in the infermational phase under PT Rute 4.17dvh
`ems & to 8 below concern amendments made in the international phase.
`PCT Artele 19 and 34 amendments
`5 [| Amendmentsio the clsams under POT Article 19 are attached (not required # comraunicated by the International Bureau}
`(35 USC. SPiNS.
`[| Enolish Gansiation af ihe PACT Articie $9 amendment is atached G5 LES.C. BFdea
`Englsh transiation of annexes (Ariicie 19 andor 34 amendmenis any} of fhe Intemational Pretiminary Examination Report is
`attached (25 U S.C. 37 HeKSh.
`An Anplicetion Date Sheet under 37 CFR 176.
`12. [| A subside specification. NOTE: A substitute sgeciication cannal inchide claims. See 3/7 CFR tisain}
`A power of atlomey andor change of address teller.
`4a[] A computerraadabie form of ihe sequence listing in accordance with PCT Rule ?3ier3 and 37 CFR 1824-1 825 {nat required
`if sequence ksting in text farnal was incicafed on the PCT Raquest as part of the international Application and the sequence
`Bsfing was published as par cf ihe international agpicatian}.
`a.[] Assignment papers (cover sheet and document(sh. Name of Assignec:
`PTO-T3S0 (01-13)
`Approved for use farough2018 OMB O861-827
`US. Patent aad Trademark CificeLS, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Ureter the Panenwak ReclucionAci of TO85. no. persons anenequined to resporsdto a nadlierion of infomation uness. if disnisys a valid OMS contol murier.
`US. APELN. Noo ii irmwn — see OF CFR LS}
`Not Yat Assigned
`Oier feays-or information:
`Drawings 4 sheelaPCTAR/S08 (Secand Notios). POHISAGIO
`Fhefollowing Tees have been submitted:
` pF
`38. Basic national fee GF CFR (AGMAeect tent s300|$ 300.00
`Examination fee (37 CFR 149%0}}
`«if fhe wriffen opinion prepared by SASS or the infemationsl preliminary examinaBon report
`prepared by IPEAVUS indicates sl claims satisfy provisions af PICT ArBele FACT Hi4} oo.
`2AB other SRUGHONSee $
`Searchfee (7 CFR 1492)
`Hf the written opinion prepared by ISA/US or the infemational preiminary examination report
`prepared by IPEAASS indicates aif claims safsfy provisions of PITT Ariicie STH$o
`«Search fee G7 CFR 1 445{a¥27) has been paid an the mtemational appiicstion tc the USPTO 8
`an infemational Searcher ARRHORDY occ cece ens cette sete wens ceteveeteueneu senses
`«intemational Search Renard prepared by an BSA other than the US and provided te the Office
`oF previously commmunicsied te the US by the 1Bcette ener, GOZO
`«AR other sluaiions
`wo. SESE
`Aviditional fee for specification and drawings fled in paper over 100 sheets (exchiding sequence fisting
`in compliance ath GY CFR 1 82iic) or fe} in an electronic meven or computer programfishing in an
`electronic medium} 7 CFR 1 4977).
`Fee for each addiiensl 50 sheets of paperor fraction thereof.
`Total Sheets
`Exava Sheets
`Number of each addition 50 or fraction
`thereat (round upto a whole number}
`26 . = -
`Surcharge for fumishing any of he search fee, examination fee, or the oath or declaration
`after the date of commencement of the nafional stage (37 CFR TAQ cece cece $140
`Fee for submission of Sequence Listing text He of 300 MB io 600 MB GS? CFR OVONONTR.oo.
`Fee for submission of Sequence Listing text fle af more than BOG MB (G7 CFR PT 2HEXM2B0
`Procesaing fee for furmmshing the English insnslatien tater than 3G months from the
`earliest claimed poonty date (37 GFR TAS cece cece cece cee cette cote tte eeseagecsagecsesueneeesn!$440 +
`[| Applicant asserts small entity status. See 3¢ CFR 127. Pees above are reduced by 14
`Applicant certifies micro entity status. See U7 CFR 1.28. Fees shove are reduced by 4. Applicant must
`afiach form PTOMSE154 or B or equivalent,
`Fee for recording the enclosed ssaignment (47 CFR T2Whh. The sesignment must be
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`PTO-T3S0 (01-13)
`Approved for use through 20/2019 OMB 08675024
`US. Patent aad Trademark CificeLS, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Ureter the Panenwak ReclucionAci of TO85. no. persons anenequined to resporsdto a nadlierion of infomation uness. if disnisys a valid OMS contol murier.
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`Statement under 37 CFR 1.55 or 1.72 for ALA iFirst inventor to File}Transition Applications
`This apptication (4) claims priority to of ihe benefit of an application fled before March 16, 7043, and (2) alse contains, or confainad at
`any Bme, a claim fo a claimed invention thal has sn effective fling date on ar afer March 76, 2043.
`NOTE t: By providing this statement under 37 CFR 1.55 or 1.75, this application, with a Bling date on or affer March 18. 2073, will be
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`NOTE 2: AUS. national stage application may not claim orionty to the intemational application of which # is the national phase. The fling date
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