`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`3 October 2013 (03.10.2013)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2013/144336 Al

` =—
`International Patent Classification:
`A23N 7/02 (2006.01)
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`28 March 2013 (28.03.2013)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`28 March 2012 (28.03.2012)
`[IE/IE}]; Unit 2005, City West Business Campus, Naas
`Road, Dublin, 24 (LE).
`Inventor: BRODERICK, Michael; Pollerton Big, Co.
`Carlow CIE).
`Agents: CATESBY,Olivia Joanneet al.; Tomkins & Co.,
`5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin, Dublin 6 (TE).
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
`BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP,
`KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD,
`RW, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ,
`TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA,
`ZM, ZW.
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ,
`UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,TJ,
`TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
`ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`with international search report (Art. 21(3))
`(57) Abstract: An agitator for a product peel removal system, the agitator comprising: a central axle having a plurality of outwardly
`projecting arms; and a productlifter at the distal end of at least one of said outwardly projecting arms; and an apparatus for product
`peel removal comprising: a drumhaving aninlet for receiving product, an outlet for dispensing of product; and a plurality of perfor -
`ations through which removed peel maypass; at least one agitator arranged within said drumandrotatablerelative to said drum for
`agitating the product passing between said inlet and outlet; and means for controlling the retention time of product within the rotat-
`able drum independently from the rotation speed of the agitator.


`WO 2013/144336
`A centrifugal product peel separation and removal apparatus.
`Field of the Invention
`The invention relates to product processing, in particular the processing of fruit and
`vegetable products. In particular, the invention relates to an improvementin dry peel
`Backgroundto the Invention
`The centrifugal effect gained by rotating articles within a container has been found to be
`useful in dry removal(i.e. no water used) of skin from skinned produce. Centrifugal
`separators comprising a rotating perforated drum have beenutilised within produce
`processing systems to removestarch and loosened peel after steam peeling from
`produce fed through the drum. The centrifugal action of the rotating drum separates
`loosened peel from the product andcarries or forces it through the perforations in the
`drum wall. An internal auger may be mounted within the drum to control the retention
`time of the product within the drum. An auger mayalso induce extra product mobility
`into the drum.Therolling and rubbing of product against the drum wall while passing
`through the drum loosens peel prior to removal through the perforations.
`During the process of peel separation, considerable amounts of starch or other product
`residue can attach to and build up upon the inside of a drum. This residual material can
`subsequently be transferred back to the product which can considerably reduce the
`efficiency of the unit. The build-up mayalso partially block the perforations in the drum
`and thus prevent passing of peel out through the perforations.
`Onesuchpriorart centrifugal separator comprises a central auger on which are provided
`lifters. The lifters agitate the product as the auger controls the residence time of the
`product in the drum.A result of the lifter being attached to the auger is that the amount
`of agitation is limited to the speed of the auger. For example, an auger speed of 20
`R.P.M. will give a maximum of20 lifts/tumblings of the product per minute, where one
`lifter is provided perflight of the auger.


`WO 2013/144336
`The speed of the auger in such a prior art system is limited by the minimum required
`retention time of product to achieve the required peel/starch removal.
`Existing equipment typically achieves only 80-85% removal of peel and starch.
`Thus whatis required is a centrifugal separator with improved efficiency of starch and
`peel separation. It is desired to remove 90-95% of peel and starch from product.
`Summaryof the Invention
`According to the present invention there is provided an apparatus for product peel
`removal/separation comprising a drum having an inlet for receiving product, an outlet
`for dispensing of product; and a plurality of perforations through which removed peel
`maypass, at least one agitator arranged within said drum and rotatable relative to said
`drum for agitating the product passing betweensaid inlet and outlet to encourage
`product-to-drum rubbing primarily but also product-to-product rubbing, and means for
`controlling the retention time of product within the rotatable drum independently from
`the rotation speed of the agitator.
`The apparatus acts as centrifugal deskinner/separator/scrubber. The agitator is formed
`and arranged so as not to impart substantial movementof productin the axial direction
`of the drum,unlike prior art agitators in centrifugal deskinners wherein the agitator is
`integrated with an auger arranged to move product through the drum.
`The centrifugal deskinnerof the present invention docs not require an internal auger.
`Residence time of product within the drum is controlled by other means. The drum is
`provided with a stand-alone dedicated agitator/lifter which can be run at any speed. As
`the residence time is independent from the speedofrotation of the agitator, the agitator
`maybe run at far higher speeds than the prior art systems wereable to achieve.
`According to one embodiment, the agitator may be rotated at a speed of up to
`approximately 40 R.P.M., whereasprior art speeds are typically in the range of 20-25
`R.P.M. The speed may bevariable.
`The drum is preferably rotatable. The at least one agitator may be rotatable
`independently from said drum. Preferably the drum andagitator rotate in the same


`direction, however counter-rotation is also possible. In accordance with the present
`invention, an increase in rotation speed of the agitator may not result in a decrease in the
`retention time of the product with the drum.
`The apparatus of any preceding claim wherein said at least one agitator comprises a
`central axle having at least one outwardly projecting arm. The agitator may comprise a
`plurality of outwardly projecting arms. At least two of said arms maybe linked by a
`bridging member. The bridging member and arms may form a hollow frame about said
`central axle. Means may be provided for rotating said at least one agitator. Preferably
`said meansfor rotating said at least one agitator is controllable independently from any
`meansfor rotating said drum.It is advantageousfor the drum to rotate faster than the
`actuator. Control means to control the speed of rotation of at least the drum and or
`control means to control the speed of the agitator may be provided.
`Preferably at least one lifter is provided at the distal end of each outwardly projecting
`arm. At least one lifter may be pivotally mounted on its outwardly projecting arm. The
`or each pivotally mounted lifter may comprises a scraper adapted to contact an internal
`wall of the drum. The scraperis preferably located on a leading edge ofthe lifter. The
`scraper maybeintegral to the lifter or attached thereto or mounted thereon. A clamping
`plate may be used to mount the scraperto the lifter. The scraper may extend the whole
`or part of the length of the lifter. The scraper is preferable of a length so that it projects
`beyondthelifter to contact the internal surface of the drum. It may be replaceable.
`The pivotally mounted lifter may be arranged so that, in use, the scraper is biased
`against the internal wall of the lifter under the weight of product being lifted. As the
`lifter and scraper rotate relative to the drum, the produce hold the scraper in close
`contact with the drum to urge any removed peel or starch stuck to the drum wall out
`through the perforations.
`The claimed invention achieves an increase in performance by improvingthe efficiency
`of agitation of the product inside the drum. The present invention should achieve
`removalof 90-95% of peel and starch in use. The higher efficiency results from higher
`rotation speeds and increased agitation of the produce by the agitators. The efficiency


`WO 2013/144336
`may be improved further by increasing the numberofagitators within the drum. For
`example, three agitators orlifters would result in a three-fold increase in the separation
`Preferably there is also provided means for removing/detaching starch or peel that
`becomesattached to the internal wall of the drum. This feature reducesthe likelihood of
`removed peel/skin becoming re-attached to the product. Starch can actlike a glue to
`bond removed peel or skin to a previously peeled product.
`In one embodiment, a scraper or brush may be provided and arranged to make contact
`with the interior wall of the drum and scrapeor brush starch or other residue therefrom.
`The scraper may bestatic or moveable longitudinally to scrape the drum section by
`section. Means may beprovidedto transport removed peel/starch from the drum. A
`debris removal conduit having an outlet external to said drum for removal of debris
`separated from the interior wall of said drum by said brush may be provided. A auger
`may be provided within the conduit to assist removal. A spray may also be provided
`within the drum to spray liquid onto the interior wall of the drum to facilitate removal of
`build-up on the drum.
`In a preferred embodimentthe perforations themselvesare utilised to dispose of
`removedpeel that builds up on the internal wall of the drum.Toassist with the
`passage/propulsion of the build up from the internal wall of the drum to the outside,
`additional propulsion means may be provided. These means maytake the form of a
`scraper or similar whichis arranged to bear against the perforated wall of the drum. The
`rotation of the drum itself may be used to drive the propulsion means,alone or in
`combination with the counter-rotation of the actuator(s). The means for pushing are
`preferably located at the end of at least one outwardly projecting arm ofthe agitator.
`The propulsion meanswill act to push/force/urge any starch or residual productthatis
`attached to the drum out through the drum’s perforations, thereby increasing the effect
`of the centrifugal force.


`WO 2013/144336
`The drum is intended for use with root vegetables, but could be used with any product.
`The suitability of the drum would only be limited by the size of the slots in the wall of
`the drum that could not be larger in size than the product to be processed. The size of
`the slots may be dictated by the size of the product — for example baby carrots would
`require smaller slots/perforations than potatoes.
`The drum maybetilted to encourage travel of product through the drum. A gate may be
`providedat the exit point of the drum, which may be used to control residence time. It
`may be possible to vary the position of the gate provided at the discharge of the drum to
`control the bed depth of product within the drum, together with the product retention
`A partial ribbon auger may be provided to induce movement through the drum. The
`partial ribbon auger may have a small helix angle. Desirably the ribbon augeris located
`near the entry point of the drum and function to keep the inlet/in feed clear by
`encouraging movement away.
`At least one product retarding plate may be provided to interrupt the progression of the
`product through the drum. Multiple plates may be provided along the length of the
`agitator. Preferably, each plate extends betweena pairoflifters. Preferably each plate is
`in a plane substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the drum. Preferably
`plates on adjacent armsare arranged to rotate out of synch with each other.
`Alternate residence time control means may further be provided. Through use of
`independentagitation means and independent residence time control means, increased
`agitation is possible without effecting residence time.
`The present invention permits the control of speed of the agitator independently from
`the product retention time within the drum. Preferably the meansfor rotating the or
`each agitator is controllable independently from any means for rotating said drum.
`Oneor more inspection door may be provided in the drum to facilitate
`service/maintenance of the machine. Hinges may be provided to enable the door(s) pivot


`WO 2013/144336
`between an open andclosed position. Locking meansare suitably provided to maintain
`the door(s) in a closed position while the machineis in use. The door(s) are suitably
`provided with slots so as to form functioning parts of the wall of the drum when closed.
`The invention further provides an agitator for a product peel removal system, the
`agitator comprising: a central axle having a plurality of outwardly projecting arms; and
`a productlifter at the distal end of at least one of said outwardly projecting arms.
`The agitator may comprise at least one set of at least three outwardly projecting arms.
`The agitator may comprise multiple sets of at least three outwardly projecting arms: and
`at least three lifters, cach lifter linking an arm from eachset.
`Each productlifter may be positioned substantially parallel to the central axle.
`Each arm may extend substantially perpendicularly from the central axle. Preferably at
`least one lifter is pivotally mounted on its outwardly projecting arms. At least one
`scraper may be mounted onat least one lifter. Preferably the scraper is located on a
`leading edge ofthelifter.
`The invention further provides a centrifugal separator comprising an agitator as
`described above, an apparatus substantially as described herein with reference to and as
`shownin any one or more of the accompanying drawings, a centrifugal separator
`substantially as described herein with reference to and as shown in any one or more of
`the accompanying drawings, and an agitator substantially as described herein with
`reference to and as shown in any one or more of the accompanying drawings.
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`Embodiments of the invention will be described, by way of example only, with
`reference to the accompanying drawings in which:
`Figure 1 is an end-on cross section view of one embodimentof an apparatus according
`to the present invention.
`Figure 2 is a cross section view of a further embodiment of an apparatus according to
`the present invention.
`Figure 3 shows the embodimentof figure 2 in use with produce within the drum.
`Figure 4 showsa perspective view of the agitator from the drum offigures 2 and 3.


`WO 2013/144336
`Figure 2 is a side-on cross section view of one embodimentof an apparatus according to
`the present invention.
`Figure 3 is a cross section view of a further embodimentof an apparatus according to
`the present invention.
`Figure 4 is a cross section view of a further embodiment of an apparatus according to
`the present invention.
`Figure 5 is a cross section view of a further embodiment of an apparatus according to
`the present invention.
`Figure 6 is a cross section view of a further embodiment of an apparatus according to
`the present invention.
`Figure 7 is a cross section view of a further embodiment of an apparatus according to
`the present invention.
`Figure 8 an end view of an embodiment of an apparatus according to the present
`Figure 9 is a cross section view ofa further embodiment of an apparatus according to
`the present invention.
`Figure 10 is an end view of a drum in accordance with one embodimentof the
`Figure 11 is a cross section of a drum in accordance with a further embodimentof the
`Figure 12 is a perspective view of an agitator in accordance with one embodimentof the
`Figure 13 is a perspective view of the agitator of figure 12, with oneofits retarding |
`plates detached.
`Figure 14 is an end view of the agitator of Figures 12 and 13.
`Detailed Description of the Drawings
`Figure 1 shows one embodimentof the apparatus for product peel removal of the
`present invention. The perforated drum 2 is indicated by the broken line, the drum
`comprising a plurality of perforations 4 through which removed peel may pass. The
`drum comprises oneagitator 6 rotatable relative to the drum for agitating product 8
`within the drum to encourage product-to-product rubbing andto ensurethat all products
`make as muchcontact as possible with the drum surface. As shownby the arrow,the


`WO 2013/144336
`drum is also rotatable. Preferably speed of rotation of the drum is between around40 to
`100 RPM. Theagitator is rotatable independently from the drum.
`Asseen, the agitator in this embodimentof the invention comprises a central axle 10
`with multiple outwardly projecting arms 12. The arms project from multiple locations
`along the length of the central axle. In this embodiment, four agitator arms project from
`the central axle at each projection point along its length. 90 degrees separate each arm’s
`angle of projection. Lifters 14 act as bridging membersto link the arms along the length
`of the central axle. The lifters run parallel to the central axle and are located a short
`distance from the inner wall 16 of the drum.Fourlifters are shownin this embodiment
`however more orless are possible in alternative embodiments. Any reasonable number
`oflifters may be provided, including just one. In the embodiment showneachlifter has
`a triangular cross section, with one edge 18 ofthe lifter positioned substantially parallel
`to the inner wall of the drum, howeverother shapesoflifter are envisaged. Thelifters
`and arms form a hollow frame about said central axle through which product can
`A scraper 20 is shown attached to oneofthe lifters to push peel and other residue
`through the perforations as the lifter is displaced relative to the drum wall. Alternative
`forms and locations of the scraper are envisaged in alternative embodiments as
`described below in greater detail.
`Figure 2 is a cross section view of a further embodimentof an apparatus according to
`the present invention. Threelifters 14 are provided in this embodiment. At least one 15
`of thelifters is pivotally mounted on the end of its arm 13. The pivot 17 is loose so the
`lifter has freedom of movement. Attached to the leading edge 19 ofthe lifter 15 isa
`scraper 20, the end of whichis in contact with the internal wall of the drum. In use, the
`scraper is urged into contact with the wall to push removed skin present on the internal
`surface of the drum throughthe perforations. As shownin figure 3, the produce 8 on the
`lifter applies a force to the scraper, the force having a componentin the direction of the
`drum wall, to hold the scraper against the internal wall of the rotating drum. The scraper
`is preferably formed from a food-grade material and may havea resiliently flexible


`WO 2013/144336
`Figure 4 showsa perspective view of the agitator from the drum offigures 2 and 3. Four
`sets of three arms 12 are provided although more or less sets may be usedin alternative
`embodiments. The pivotally mountedlifter 15 is shownalso. It is possible that one,
`someorall of the lifters are mounted in this manner, with our without a corresponding
`scraper 20.
`A further optional feature shownin this drawingis a bendat the far end of the statically
`mountedlifters. This bent end portion 21 assists in pulling product in from the feeder
`end of the drum. One or more of the lifters may have this form.
`Figure 5 showsa similar embodimentto that shownin figure 1. Howeverin figure 5 at
`least one ofthe lifters 38 is provided with a spring mounted scraper. The scraperis
`spring-mounted and projects out from a cavity within the lifter 38. The spring biases the
`scraper against the wall of the drum to increase its scraping efficiency.
`Figure 6 showsanother similar embodiment to that shown in figure 1. Howeverin
`figure 6 the central axle of the agitator is off centre relative to the central axis of the
`drum. The agitator is smaller in size to accommodate a scparate drum cleaning device
`42 within the drum. The cleaning device incorporates a brush 44 which extends the
`length of the drum to clean the inner wall of the drum. Thelifters in this embodiment
`only near an arc of the circumference of the drum in the region where productcollects.
`Figure 7 shows a similar embodimentto that shown in figure 6. Howeverin figure 7 a
`scraper 46 is provided in place of the drum cleaning device, shielded from the product
`and agitator by a housing 50.
`Figure 8 shows another similar embodimentto that shown in figure 6. Howeverin
`figure 8 a rotating brush 52 with circular cross section is provided extending the length
`of the drum. A housing 54 is provided, within which a waste/debris removal auger 56 is
`also found. The waste augersits within a debris removal conduit (not shown) having an
`outlet external to said drum and acts in conjunction with the brush to clear away
`discharge removed from the drum wall by the brush.


`WO 2013/144336
`Figure 9 showsa similar embodimentto that shown in figure 6, howeverin figure 9 the
`scraper 58 does not extend the length of the drum,insteadit is carricd along the length
`of the drum by a trolley 60 arranged to transverse the length of the drum. The scraper
`scraps peel and starch etc 61 onto a collection tray 62.
`Figure 10 showsan arrangement 64 suitable for controlling product retention time. A
`pivotable gate 72 is moveable betweena fully open position wherein the outlet of the
`drum is fully exposed and discharge of the product is not impeded and a fully closed
`position where the outlet is sealed. The extent of restriction of flow of product from the
`outlet 78 by the discharge gate can be varied, which in turn permits the depth of the
`productin the drum to be controlled and varied.
`Figure 11 shows a cross section of a drum in accordance with a further embodiment of
`the invention. Between drum inlet 22 and an outlet 24, an augered agitator extends
`throughoutthe length of the drum comprising fourlifters. The agitator arms 26 extend
`at an angle from the longitudinal axis of the central axle. The angle of extension of each
`arm of each set is skewed so the distal ends 28 of each arm of the set meetthelifter at
`different positions. There are sets of arms in this embodiment. The armsare flat like
`ribbons. Each of these two sets 30 form a segmentof a ribbon auger to control the flow
`of product away from theinlet into the body of the drum. In the region ofthe outlet of
`the drum a further ribbon auger 36 is provided to control the rate of discharge.
`In each embodiment the hollow frame form of the agitator means that an increase in
`rotation speed of the agitator does not result in a decrease in the retention time of the
`product with the drum. The produceis not driven substantially though the drum bythe
`agitator. The main role of the agitatoris to lift and drop the product. Separate means are
`provided to control the movementof product through the drum.
`Figures 12 and 13 show a further embodimentof agitator 40 in accordance with the
`present invention. The agitator in this embodimentshares a similar form to that shown
`in Figure 4, however in this embodiment the agitator is provided with at least one plate
`42, 43, 44 whose purposeit is to slow the movement of product through the drum. The
`2013144336A1_I >


`WO 2013/144336
`plate acts therefore as a product retardcr plate, interrupting the free passage of produce
`though the drum. Theplate, or disc, acts to retain the product in the drum, in contrast to
`letting it pass directly through the drum. It may be desirable to retain the product within
`the drum to ensure sufficient time is given to fully peel the product. There may be one
`or multiple retarder plates/retainer discs incorporated within the agitator. In the example
`shownin Figure 12, three plates 42, 43, 44 are provided, but any number maybeused.
`As shown,twoofthe plates 42, 44 link the samepairs oflifters 45, 46, and are
`positioned on non-consecutive arms. Between these two plates is arranged a middle
`plate 43 linking an alternative pair oflifters 46, 47. As shown,thefirst plate 42 is
`located on the second set of arms coincidental with the second projection point 48 along
`the length of the central axle 49. The second plate 42 is located on the third set of arms
`coincidental with the third projection point 50 along the length of the central axle, while
`the third plate is located on the third set of arms coincidental with the fourth projection
`point 51 along the length of the central axle. However the plates may be provided on
`any of the arms. While both first and third plates is arranged betweenlifters 45 and 46,
`the second plate is arranged between lifters 46 and 47 in this embodiment. Figure 13
`showsthe third plate 44 detached from the agitator.
`Figure 14 shows an end view ofthe agitator of figure 12. Only the first plate 42 and the
`secondplate 43 are visible in Figure 12. As shown,lifters 45 and 47 have no retarder
`plate(s) between them.It will be appreciated that this is required to ensure that
`progression of the product through the drum is only slowed and not stopped completely.
`Theplates therefore form a broken or segmented spiral along the length of the agitator.
`In use, the retarder plates act to impart a stop-start progression to product through the
`drum. Product is momentarily held up by eachplate until the plate rotates out of the
`way.If a plate is provided on the next set of arms, that next plate (and consecutive
`plates) will stall the progress of the product in the same manner. The plate may take any
`numberof forms, as long asit stalls the progression of product. In this embodiment each
`plate has an arcuate form to link adjacentlifters whilst allowing the agitator to rotate
`freely in the drum. The shape of the outside edge 52 of the plate is complimentary to the
`shapeof the internal wall of the drum to ensure maximum effectiveness of the plates in
`use. In this embodiment the inner edge 53 of each plate is also arcuate. As shown best in


`WO 2013/144336
`Figure 14, each plate in this embodimentdoes notfully fill the space between the arms
`to whichit is attached. The width of each plate is less than the length of the arms,
`permitting product to pass inside of the plate in the region of the central axis of the
`agitator. In alternative embodiments the plates may extend the full length of the arms to
`the central axle to fully block the region between the arms. In this embodiment, the
`plates are attached to the armsat a location distal to the central axle 49 to coincide with
`the outer region of the drum where most product will be located due to centrifugal
`forces as the drum rotated. The plates in figures 12, 13 and 14 are attached by way of
`bracket 54, although any suitable attachment meansis envisaged, or the plates and arms
`may beintegral.
`The agitator in Figures 12, 13 and 14 is further provided with brackets 55 between the
`armsat each arm projection point. The brackets purposeis to strengthen the arm/axle
`connection / prevent product from passing freely along the central axis of the drum.
`It will be appreciated that it is not cssential that the brackets 55 and plates are provided
`together. The plates may be used on any agitator, with or without these brackets.
`Likewise,it is possible that any of the agitators described herein may be provided with
`one or more ofthese brackets, but without the plates.
`It will be appreciated that this embodiment of agitator allows the movement of product
`through the drum to be controlled. The plates may be used in conjunction with, or as an
`alternative to, the gate shown in figure 10 to control product retention time.
`The words “‘comprises/comprising” and the words “having/including” when used herein
`with reference to the present invention are used to specify the presenceof stated
`features, integers, steps or components but does not preclude the presence or addition of
`one or more other features, integers, steps, components or groups thereof.
`It is appreciated that certain features of the invention, which are, for clarity, described in
`the context of separate embodiments, may also be provided in combination in a single
`embodiment. Conversely, various features of the invention that are, for brevity,
`20131 44336A1_I_>


`WO 2013/144336
`described in the context of a single embodiment, may also be provided separately or in
`any suitable sub-combination.


`WO 2013/144336
`1. Anapparatus for product peel removal comprising:
`a drum having an inlet for receiving product, an outlet for dispensing of
`product; and a plurality of perforations through which removedpeel may pass;
`at least one agitator arranged within said drum androtatable relative to said
`drum for agitating the product passing between said inlet and outlet; and
`means for controlling the retention time of product within the rotatable drum
`independently from the rotation speed ofthe agitator.
`The apparatus of claim 1 wherein the drum is a rotatable drum.
`The apparatus of claim 1 or 2 wherein said at least one agitator is rotatable
`independently from said drum.
`The apparatus of any preceding claim wherein an increase in rotation speed of the
`agitator does not result in a decrease in the retention time of the product with the
`The apparatus of any preceding claim wherein said at least one agitator comprises a
`central axle having at least one outwardly projecting arm.
`The apparatus of claim 4 wherein said at least one agitator comprises a plurality of
`outwardly projecting arms.
`The apparatus of claim 5 or claim 6 wherein at least onelifter is provided at the
`distal end of each outwardly projecting arm.
`The apparatus of claim 7 wherein at least onelifter is pivotally mountedonits
`outwardly projecting arm.
`The apparatus of claim 8 wherein the pivotally mounted lifter comprises a scraper
`adapted to contact an internal wall of the drum.


`WO 2013/144336
`The apparatus of claim 9 wherein the scraper is located on a leading edge of the
`The apparatus of claim 9 or claim 10 wherein the scraperis integral to the lifter.
`The apparatus of any of claims 9 to 11 wher

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