`EAST SearchHistory (Prior Art)
`‘Ref Hits —
`‘Lt 180
`‘12 477
`Search Query
`(adjacent with edge) same ((partitionor
`_ split$4) with block)
`(adjacent with edge) same((partitionor
`_ Split$4) with block)
`DBs Default Plurals
`' Stamp
`—_ US-
`-L3 34,943 (HO4N19/96 or HO4N19/124 or
`a _HO4N19/159 or HO4N19/176 or HO4N19/18 PGPUB;
`or HO4N19/66 or HO4N19/91).cpc.
`‘14 48=I2andL3 -USPAT OFF 2021/07/30
`L6 0
`_ determines same second same block same-US-
`plurality same second same blocks same
`located same adjacent same edge same
`- picture same dimensions same second
`- same block same condition
`‘7 1~~("20180109812").PN. OFF—2021/07/30.‘US- OR
`$1 0 OFF=2021/02/11._(16/874037).APP. -USPAT; OR
`$2 1.
`$3 33,099 (HO4N19/96 or HO4N19/124 or
`a -HO4N19/159 or HO4N19/176 or HO4N19/18 PGPUB;
`or HO4N19/66 or HO4N19/91).cpc.
`-near3 ("PROPERTY") near3
`("CORPORATION") near3 ("OF") near3
`$5 71 OFF—2021/02/11.((("KANOH") near3 ("Ryuichi"))).INV. -US- OR
`$6 373
`=. 2021/02/11.
`$7 720—((("NISHI") near3 ("Takahiro"))).INV. OFF—2021/02/11.-US- OR
`$8 365—((("TOMA") near3 ("Tadamasa"))).INV. OFF—2021/02/11._ US- OR
`=. 2021/02/11.
`((("ABE") near3 ("Kiyofumi"))). INV.
`=. 2021/02/11.
`S14 0
`$15 376 —_(split$4 near3 information) same ((add$3_—_-US-
`_orindicat$3) with bitstream)
`=. 2021/02/11.
`2021/02/12 :
`S17 andS3
`S18 282
`$19 3
`‘(first near3 partition near3 mode) same
`(second near3 partition near3 mode) same _PGPUB;
`$20 14,889 ((split$4 or divid$3) with block) same
`a tree)
`$23 1
`(CTU with square) same (prohibit$3 with
`_(qt or (quad near3 tree)))
`$25 14,754 block with adjacentwith edge
`$26 6
`(quad near3 tree) same(block with
`_adjacent with edge)
`§27 295
`—_ (pars$3 or extract$3) with (split$4 near3
`_(flag or syntax))
`2021/02/12 -
`=. 2021/02/12.
`=—-2021/02/12 :
`=. 2021/02/12.
`$31.8——(prohibit$3 or stop$4 or eliminat$3) with ON 2021/02/12.
`_((CTU or (coding near3 tree near3 unit)))
`_ with (split$4 or divid$3)
`$32 (24©(restrict$3) with (((CTUor (coding near3
`_ tree near3 unit))) or (quad near3 tree))
`_with (split$4 or divid$3)
`$33 362 —(pars$3 or extract$3) with ((split$4 or
`_divid$3) near3 (flag or syntax)
`$34 33,099 (HO4N19/96 or HO4N19/124 or
`a -HO4N19/159 or HO4N19/176 or HO4N9/18-
`or HO4N19/66 or HO4N19/91).cpc.
`$361 "16395100"USORON 2021/02/12.
`$37 236
`(flagor syntax) same(split$4 near3
`non-rectangularnear3 partition
`$41 25
`a |
`7/30/2021 11:09:08 PM