`United States Patent and TrademarkOffice
`P.O. Box 1450
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`Sivapathalingham SIVAVAKEESAR
`Seed IP Law Group LLP/Panasonic (PIPCA)
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`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
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`PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07)
`Disposition of Claims*
`1-8 is/are pending in the application.
`5a) Of the above claim(s) ___ is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`C} Claim(s)
`is/are allowed.
`Claim(s) 1-8 is/are rejected.
`) © Claim(s)____is/are objected to.
`Cj) Claim(s
`are subjectto restriction and/or election requirement
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`Application Papers
`10) The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
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`Replacement drawing sheet(s) including the correction is required if the drawing(s) is objected to. See 37 CFR 1.121 (d).
`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
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`1.2 Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2.1.) Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No.
`3.1.) Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been receivedin this National Stage
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`Notice of References Cited (PTO-892)
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`Paper No(s)/Mail Date 04/21/2022.
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`3) (J Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date
`(Qj Other:
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 11-13)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mail Date 20220503
`Application No.
`Office Action Summary Art Unit|AIA (FITF) StatusExaminer
`-- The MAILING DATEofthis communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address --
`Period for Reply
`Extensions of time may be available underthe provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a). In no event, however, may a reply betimely filed after SIX (6) MONTHSfrom the mailing
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`1) Responsive to communication(s) filed on 04/21/2022.
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`2a)L) This action is FINAL. 2b)¥)This action is non-final.
`3)02 An election was madeby the applicant in responseto a restriction requirement set forth during the interview
`; the restriction requirement and election have been incorporated into this action.
`4\0) Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordance with the practice under Exparte Quayle, 1935 C.D. 11, 453 O.G. 213.
`Application/Control Number: 16/992 377
`Art Unit: 2411
`Page 2
`Claims 1-8 in the present application, filed on or after March 16, 2013, is being examined
`under the first inventor tofile provisions of the AIA:
`- claims 1, 2, 7, and 8 are amended
`This is a second non final action on the merits based on Applicant's claims submitted on
`Information Disclosure Statement
`The information disclosure statement (IDS) submitted on 04/21/2022 is in compliance
`with the provisions of 37 CFR 1.97. Accordingly, the information disclosure statementis being
`considered by the examiner.
`Response to Arguments
`Regarding claims 1, 2, and 6-8 previously rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103, Applicant's
`arguments, see “Thus, in Cho’s disclosure the preamblesetis predetermined
`independently from the paging message. Chofails to disclose or suggest “the paging
`message indicat[es] a random access preamble to be used by the user equipment”as
`required by claim 1 andalso by claims 7 and 8.”on page 7, filed on 04/21/2022 with respect
`to Mukherjee et al. US Pub 2013/0301541 (hereinafter “Mukheree”), and in view of Cho etal.
`US Pub 2021/0212122 (hereinafter “Cho”), have beenfully considered and are persuasive.
`Therefore, the rejection has been withdrawn. However, upon further consideration, new
`grounds of rejection are made in viewof Yi et al. US Pub 2020/0229133 (hereinafter “Yi”), and
`further in view of Martin et al. US Pub 2020/00389868 (hereinafter “Martin”) , in combination with
`Application/Control Number: 16/992 377
`Art Unit: 2411
`Page 3
`previously applied references Mukherjee and Cho. See section 35 USC 103 rejection below for
`complete details.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 112
`The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. 112(b):
`(b) CONCLUSION.—The specification shall conclude with one or more claims particularly
`pointing out and distinctlyclaiming the subject matter which the inventor ora jointinventor
`regards as the invention.
`Claims 1, 7, and 8 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 112(b), as being indefinite for failing to
`particularly point out and distinctly claim the subject matter which the inventor or a joint inventor,
`or for pre-AlA the applicant regards as the invention. Claims 1, 7, and8recites the limitations
`“wherein the user equipment receiving the paging messageis in an inactive state, out of
`an idle state, a connected state and the inactivate state the user equipment can bein”
`(underlined emphasis). It is not clear for one skilled in the art howan UE can possibly receive
`a paging message while it is in multiple states at the same time. Appropriate correction is
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 103
`The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. 103 which formsthe basis for all obviousness
`rejections setforth in this Office action:
`A patent for a claimed invention maynotbe obtained, notwithstanding thatthe claimed
`invention is not identicallydisclosed as set forth insection 102 ofthis title, if the differences
`between the claimed invention andthe prior artare such thatthe claimed invention as a whole
`would have been obvious beforethe effective filing date of the claimed invention to a person
`having ordinaryskillin the art to which the claimed invention pertains. Patentabilityshall not
`be negated by the manner in whichthe invention was made.
`In the event the determinationofthe status of the application as subjectto AIA 35 U.S.C. 102
`and 103 (or as subjectto pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 102 and 103) is incorrect, any correction of the
`Application/Control Number: 16/992 377
`Art Unit: 2411
`Page 4
`statutory basis for the rejection will notbe considered a new ground of rejection ifthe prior art
`relied upon, and the rationale supporting the rejection, would be the same under either status.
`Claims1, 2, and 6-8 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103 as being unpatentable over
`Mukherjee et al. US Pub 2013/0301541 (hereinafter “Mukherjee’), in view of Cho et al. US Pub
`2021/0212122 (hereinafter “Cho”), of Yi et al. US Pub 2020/0229133 (hereinafter“Yi’), and
`further in view of Martin et al. US Pub 2020/00389868 (hereinafter “Martin’).
`Regarding claim 1 (Currently Amended)
`Mukherjee discloses a2 user equipment (e.g. “UE 1400”in Fig. 14; [0232]),
`a receiver(i.e. “receiver 1412”in Fig. 14; [0233]), which in operation, receives a
`paging message froma basestation (“the UE receivesa paging message from the eNB on
`the downlink”[0031]) that controls a radio cell (e.g. “eNB 1310”in Fig. 13) of a mobile
`communication system in which the user equipmentis located (“Reference is now made to
`FIG. 13, which showsa simplified architecture for communication between various
`elements in a system.
`In particular, an eNB 1310 provides cell coverageto a first area
`and mayserve a UE 1320, which communicates with the eNB 1310 through
`communicationlink” [0227]; Fig. 13),
`a transmitter(i.e. “transmitter 1414”in Fig. 14; [0233]), which in operation, transmits
`the indicated random access preamble (i.e. “Preamble TX 220”in Fig. 2) to the base station
`(e.g. “eNB 212”in Fig. 2) as part of a random access procedure performed by the user
`equipment (e.g. “UE 210”in Fig. 2) with the base station (“The UE determinesthe next
`available subframe containing a PRACH resourceas defined by the prach-ConfigIndex
`and transmits the selected preamble in the selected PRACH resource, as shownby arrow
`220 in FIG. 2.” [0038]; Fig. 2).
`Application/Control Number: 16/992 377
`Art Unit: 2411
`Page 5
`Mukherjee does notspecifically teach wherein the user equipment receiving the paging
`message is in an inactive state, out of an idle state, a connected state and the inactivate state
`the user equipmentcan be in.
`In an analogous art, Cho discloses wherein the user equipment receiving the paging
`messageis outof an idle state (“ECM-IDLE” [0104]; [183]), and in a connected state (“ECM-
`CONNECTED”[0115]) and furthermore (“Two states of an EPS connection management
`(ECM)-IDLE state and an ECM-CONNECTED stateare defined in order to manage
`signaling connection between the UE and the EPC and the twostatesare applied to the
`UE and the MME. When the UE in the ECM-IDLEstate establishes the RRC connection
`with the E-UTRAN, the corresponding UE becomesin the ECM-connectedstate.” [0183]).
`Beforethe effectivefilling date of the claimed invention, it would have been obvious to
`one of ordinary skill in the art to modify Mukherjee’s method ofallocation of contention based
`uplink resources for wireless communications, to include Cho’s methodfor transmitting and
`receiving data in a wireless communication system, in order to facilitate wireless signal
`transmission and reception between a network device and a user equipment (Cho [0001]).
`Mukherjee and Cho do notspecifically teach wherein the user equipment receiving the
`paging message is in an inactive state.
`In an analogous art, Yidiscloses wherein the user equipment receiving the paging
`messageis in an inactive state (“In the present invention, a UE in RRC INACTIVE enters to
`an INACTIVE DRXstateif the UE receives, from a network, a paging message including
`an indication indicating that downlink data is to be transmitted to the UE. After reception
`of downlink data from the network in the INACTIVE DRXstate, the UE enters to a Paging
`DRXstate from the INACTIVE DRXstate.”[0123]).
`Beforethe effectivefilling date of the claimed invention, it would have been obvious to
`one of ordinary skill in the art to modify Mukherjee’s method ofallocation of contention based
`uplink resources for wireless communications, as modified by Cho, to include Yi’s method for
`Application/Control Number: 16/992 377
`Art Unit: 2411
`Page 6
`receiving downlink signals in a wireless communication system, in order to facilitate wireless
`signal transmission and reception between a network device and a user equipment (Yi [0013}).
`Yi discloses the paging message includes a random access preamble ([0127]) but
`Mukherjee, Cho, and Yi do not specifically teach the random access preamble to be usedbythe
`user equipment when performing a random access procedure with the basestation
`In an analogous art, Martin discloses the paging messageindicating a random access
`preamble to be used by the user equipment when performing a random access procedure with
`the basestation (“In step T2, having established there is data available for communication
`with the terminal device, the base station (radio network infrastructure element) 101A
`transmits a paging message for the terminal device 104 thatincludes an identifier for the
`terminal device that allows the terminal device to determineit is the intended recipient of
`the paging message... In this example, the paging messagefurther includes an
`indication of a preamble to be used by the terminal device in responding to the paging
`message.”[0083]; Fig. 5).
`Beforethe effectivefilling date of the claimed invention, it would have been obvious to
`one of ordinaryskill in the art to modify Mukherjee’s method of allocation of contention based
`uplink resources for wireless communications, as modified by Cho and Yi, to include Martin’s
`method for transmitting a paging to a terminal device, in order to facilitate wireless signal
`transmission and reception between a network device and a user equipment (Martin
`[Abstract]). Thus, a person of ordinary skill would have appreciated the ability to incorporate
`Martin’s method for transmitting a paging to a terminal device into Mukherjee’s methodof
`allocation of contention based uplink resources for wireless communications since the claimed
`invention is merely a combination of old elements, and in the combination each element merely
`would have performed the samefunction asit did separately, and one of ordinary skill in the art
`would have recognized that the results of the combination were predictable.
`Application/Control Number: 16/992 377
`Art Unit: 2411
`Regarding claim 2 (Currently Amended)
`Page 7
`Mukherjee, as modified by Cho, Yi, and Martin, previously discloses the user
`equipment according to claim 1,
`Cho further discloses wherein the paging messagefurther indicates that downlink data
`is available at the basestation (i.e. network node)fo be transmitted to the user equipment
`(“when thefirst data is UE verification data for transmitting downlink data, receivinga
`paging messagefrom the network node; and receiving the downlink data from the
`network node, and the paging message further includes a UE identifier indicating device
`receiving the downlink data and quality information indicating a quality of the downlink
`data.” [0019]),
`wherein a processor, whenin operation and uponfinishing the random access
`procedure, transitions from the inactive state (i.e. “ECM idle state”) fo the connectedstate(i.e.
`“ECM connectedstate”) so as fo receive downlink data available at the base station
`(“Further, when the UE is registered in the network but the traffic is inactivated and the
`radio resource is not thusallocated, the UE is in the ECM idle state and when new uplink
`or downlink traffic is generated in the UE, the UE and the MME is transitioned to the ECM
`connectedstate.” [0242]; [0384]), and
`wherein the receiver, when in operation, after transitioning to the connectedstate,
`receives the downlink data from the basestation (“When verification of the UE is completed,
`the network node transmits the downlink data to the UE (S19040).” [0334]; Fig. 19).
`Regarding claim 6
`Mukherjee, as modified by Cho, Yi, and Martin, previously discloses the user
`equipment according to claim 1,
`Mukherjee further discloses wherein the random access procedure, performed by the
`user equipment using the indicated random access preamble, is a contention-free random
`Application/Control Number: 16/992 377
`Art Unit: 2411
`Page 8
`access procedure (“the UE can accessthe uplink resourceseither through dedicated
`PUCCHresources, or through contention based or contention free RACH procedures,
`while either in an idle mode or a connected mode.” [0050] and furthermore “Contention-
`free RACH procedureshavethe samefirst steps as a contention based RACH procedure,
`but the procedure terminates when the UE receives the RAR.”[0047]).
`Regarding claim 7 (Currently Amended)
`A method comprising the following steps performed by a user equipment:
`receiving a paging message froma basestation that controls a radio cell of a mobile
`communication system in which the user equipment is located, the paging messageindicating a
`random access preamble to be used by the user equipment when performing a random access
`procedure with the base station, wherein the user equipment receiving the paging messageis in
`an inactive state, out of an idle state, a connected state and the inactivate state the user
`equipment can bein, and
`transmitting the indicated random access preamble to the base stationas part ofa
`random access procedure performedby the user equipment with the basestation.
`The scope and subject matter of method claim 7 is drawn to the method of using the
`corresponding apparatus claimed in claim 1. Therefore method claim 7 corresponds to
`apparatus claim 1 and is rejected for the same reasons of obviousnessas used in claim 1
`rejection above.
`Regarding claim 8 (Currently Amended)
`Cho disclosesa basestation(i.e. “eNB 3510”in Fig. 35; [0764]), comprising:
`a transmitter(i.e. “RF unit 3513” in Fig. 35; [0764]; “In the downlink, a transmitter
`maybepart of a base station” [0069]), which in operation, transmits a paging message toa
`user equipment whichis located in a radio cell of a mobile communication system that is
`Application/Control Number: 16/992 377
`Art Unit: 2411
`Page 9
`controlled by the base station, wherein the paging messageindicates a random access
`preamble to be used by the user equipment when performing a random access procedure with
`the base station, wherein the user equipment receiving the paging messageis in an inactive
`state, out of an idle state, a connectedstate andthe inactivate state the user equipment can be
`in (as afore-mentioned in Claim 1 discussion), and
`a receiver(i.e. “RF unit 3513” in Fig. 35; [0764]; “In the uplink, a transmitter may be
`part of a user equipment, and the receiver may be part ofa base station.” [0070]) , which in
`operation, receives the indicated random access preamble from the user equipmentas part of a
`random access procedure performedby the user equipment wih the basestation (as afore-
`mentionedin Claim 1 discussion).
`Beforethe effectivefilling date of the claimed invention, it would have been obvious to
`one of ordinaryskill in the art to modify Mukherjee’s method of allocation of contention based
`uplink resources for wireless communications, as modified by Cho and Yi, to include Martin’s
`method for transmitting a paging to a terminal device, in order to facilitate wireless signal
`transmission and reception between a network device and a user equipment (Martin
`[Abstract]). Thus, a person of ordinary skill would have appreciated the ability to incorporate
`Martin’s method for transmitting a paging to a terminal device into Mukherjee’s method of
`allocation of contention based uplink resources for wireless communications since the claimed
`invention is merely a combination of old elements, and in the combination each element merely
`would have performed the samefunction asit did separately, and one of ordinary skill in the art
`would have recognized that the results of the combination were predictable.
`Claim 3 is rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103 as being unpatentable over Mukherjee, in view
`of Cho, Yi, and Martin, and further in viewof Wu US Pub 2010/0124188(hereinafter “Wu’).
`Regarding claim 3
`Application/Control Number: 16/992 377
`Art Unit: 2411
`Page 10
`Mukherjee, as modified by Cho, Yi, and Martin, previously discloses the user
`equipment according to claim 1,
`Mukherjee, Cho, Yi, and Martin do not specifically teach wherein the paging message
`further indicates a preamble validity timer value that indicates for howlong the user equipment
`can usethe indicated random access preamble for performing the random access procedure
`with the base station, and wherein the processor, when in operation, determines whether to use
`the received random access preamble when performing a random access procedure based on
`the received preamble validity timer value.
`In an analogous art, Wu discloses a preamble validity timer value that indicates for how
`long (i.e. before the timer expires) the user equipment can use the indicated random access
`preamble for performing the random accessprocedurewith the basestation (“the eNB 105a
`starts a dedicated preamblevalidity timer. The eNB 105aexpects that the UE 110 should
`try to connect to the eNB 105a with the dedicated RA preamble RA’ until the dedicated
`preamblevalidity timer expires.” [0034]), and
`wherein the processor, when in operation, determines whetherto use the received
`random access preamble when performing a random access procedure based on the received
`preamble validity timer value (“Therefore, the control unit 1102 of the UE 110 resets the
`counter 1103 once a dedicated RA identifier is received. This can avoid a UE
`transmitting a dedicated RA preamble at a time(for initiating an RA procedure) and then
`deciding to not try to connect with an eNB if this RA procedurefails. For instance,
`supposethat the maximum valueis set as 4.
`If the UE 110 did notreset the counter 1103
`when receiving the dedicated RA identifier ID' and the second RA procedurefailed, the
`UE 110 might not try to initiate another RA procedure for re-transmitting the dedicated
`RA preamble RA'to the eNB 105a.” [0034)).
`Beforethe effectivefilling date of the claimed invention, it would have been obvious to
`one of ordinaryskill in the art to modify Mukherjee’s method of allocation of contention based
`Application/Control Number: 16/992,377
`Art Unit: 2411
`Page 11
`uplink resources for wreless communications, as modified by Cho, Yi, and Martin, to include
`Wu’s method for transmitting a broadcasted random access (RA) preamble to a basestation for
`initiating a first RA procedure, in order to facilitate wireless signal transmission and reception
`between a network device and a user equipment (Wu [0006]). Thus, a person of ordinaryskill
`would have appreciated the ability to incorporate Wu's methodfor transmitting a broadcasted
`random access (RA) preamble to a basestation for initiating a first RA procedureinto
`Mukherjee’s method ofallocation of contention based uplink resources for wireless
`communications since the claimed invention is merely a combination of old elements, and in the
`combination each element merely would have performed the samefunction asit did separately,
`and one of ordinaryskill in the art would have recognized that the results of the combination
`were predictable.
`Claim 4 is rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103 as being unpatentable over Mukherjee, in view
`of Cho, Yi, and Martin, and further in view of Pani et al. US Pub 2011/0274040 (hereinafter
`Regarding claim 4
`Mukherjee, as modified by Cho, Yi, and Martin, previously discloses the user
`equipment according to claim 1,
`Cho further discloses wherein the processor determines random access parametersto
`be used for performing the random access procedure based on the indicated random access
`prioritization level (“The scheduling information may include the following information for
`allocating the resource to the UE by the network... Characteristics (e.g., QoS class,
`required packet delay, priority level, etc.) of the uplink data” [0465]),
`Mukherjee further discloses wherein the random access parameters comprise one or
`more of:
`Application/Control Number: 16/992,377
`Art Unit: 2411
`Page 12
`aback-off time, based on which a minimum time period is determined that the user
`equipment has to wait between two random access procedures (“Abackoffinterval
`field 1058 defines the backoff interval to be used following a failure to receive
`positive confirmation that a preamble transmission wasreceived. This
`corresponds to the rapp-Backoffinterval as described above.” [0221]), and
`arandomaccess response time window, during which the user equipment may
`validly receive a randomaccess response messagefrom the basestation in
`responseto the transmission of a random access preamble previously transmitted by
`the user equipment(“Aresponse windowsize field 1040 defines the maximum
`duration of the RAR windowfollowing the preamble transmission and
`corresponds to the rapp-ResponseWindowSize as described above.” [0218)]),
`Mukherjee, Cho, and Martin do not specifically teach wherein the paging message
`further indicates a random access prioritization level for performing the random access
`procedurewiththe basestation, transmission power parameters, to be used by the user
`equipment when determining transmission power for transmitting messages of the random
`access procedure, wherein the processor determining by the processor the random access
`parameters based on the indicated random accessprioritization level is further b ased on
`association information indicating which random access parametersare associated with which
`random accessprioritization level, wherein the receiver, when in operation, receives the
`association information via system information broadcasts from the basestation or viaa
`dedicated message from the base station.
`In an analogous art, Pani discloses wherein the paging messagefurtherindicates a
`random accessprioritization level for performing the random access procedure with the base
`station (“The priorities of the ASC may be provided to the WTRU by the network viaSl,
`paging or any form of dedicated signaling.” [0138]),
`Application/Control Number: 16/992 377
`Art Unit: 2411
`Page 13
`transmission power parameters, to be used by the user equipment when determining
`transmission powerfor transmitting messagesof the random access procedure(“Alternatively,
`for some types of WTRUs, the initial power of the preamble transmission may be
`optimized according to WTRU position. More specifically, certain non-mobile or
`stationary devices may determinetheinitial preamble power by one or a combination of
`the following methods. In one method, the non-mobile WTRUs mayusethe last
`preamble transmission power of the last access attempt, e.g., the WTRU storesthe last
`value used.
`If there is no value stored, the WTRU may use the normal preamble ramp up
`phase and then store the last value of the preamble. Alternatively, the WTRU may
`perform the preamble ramp-up phase onceat the beginning and then may use the same
`value for all initial accesses.” [0111]),
`wherein the processor determining by the processor the random access parameters
`basedon the indicated random accessprioritization level is further based on association
`information indicating which random access parameters are associated with which random
`accessprioritization level, wherein the receiver, when in operation, receives the association
`information via system information broadcasts from the basestation or via a dedicated message
`from the basestation (“The network may broadcastin the system information or signal at
`the RRC level using an RRC message, (e.g., in the paging message), or at the non-access
`stratum (NAS)level, (e.g., in the Attach Complete, Authentication Request, routing area
`update (RAU), location area update (LAU) or tracking area update (TAU) Accept), different
`values of T.sub.MAX.sub.—.sub.Backoff as follows: a list of different T.sub.MAX.sub.—
`-sub.Backoff durations each corresponding to a different priority, (e.g., T.sub.0,.
`T.sub.N-1 where N is the number of priorities or groups); or a list of scaling parameters
`to apply to one T.sub.MAX.sub.—.sub.Backoff which may be configured as discussed
`above, (e.g., one value for all devices, one value per class, and the like), each
`corresponding to a differentpriority. Alternatively, these scaling parameters may be
`Application/Control Number: 16/992 377
`Art Unit: 2411
`Page 14
`fixed values and in this case the network may broadcastor signal the backoff value.”
`Beforethe effectivefilling date of the claimed invention, it would have been obvious to
`one of ordinaryskill in the art to modify Mukherjee’s method of allocation of contention based
`uplink resources for wireless communications, as modified by Cho, Yi, and Martin, to include
`Pani’s method for optimizing Random Access Channel (RACH) transmissions from wireless
`transmit/receive units (WT RUs), in order to facilitate wireless signal transmission and reception
`between a network device and a user equipment (Pani [0004]). Thus, a person of ordinaryskill
`would have appreciated the ability to incorporate Pani’s method for optimizing Random Access
`Channel (RACH) transmissions from wireless transmit/receive units (WTRUs) into Mukherjee’s
`method of allocation of contention based uplink resources for wireless communications since
`the claimed invention is merely a combination of old elements, and in the combination each
`element merely would have performed the samefunction asit did separately, and one of
`ordinary skill in the art would have recognized that the results of the combination were
`Claim 5 is rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103 as being unpatentable over Mukherjee, in view
`of Cho, Yi, and Martin, and further in view of Pelletier et al. US Pub 2020/0059345 (hereinafter
`Regarding claim5
`Mukherjee, as modified by Cho, Yi, and Martin, previously discloses the user
`equipment according to claim 1,
`Mukherjee, Cho, Yi, and Martin wherein the paging message further indicates a
`frequency bandwidth part within a system frequency bandwithofthe radio cell, wherein the
`processor, when in operation, determines a frequency bandwidth part to be used for performing
`the random access procedure based on the indicated frequency bandwidth part, and wherein
`Application/Control Number: 16/992,377
`Art Unit: 2411
`Page 15
`the processor, when determining the frequency bandwathpart, determinesa first frequency
`bandwidth part for the uplink and/or a second frequency bandwidth part for the downlink.
`In an analogous art, Pelletier discloses wherein the paging messagefurtherindicates a
`frequency bandwath part within a system frequency bandwithofthe radio cell, wherein the
`processor, whenin operation, determines a frequency bandwidth part to be used for performing
`the random access procedure based onthe indicated frequency bandweath part (“AWTRU may
`change its receiver bandwidth based on the reception of a paging indication/paging
`message from the TRP. AWTRU maybe configured with a first receiver bandwidth
`associated to reception ofa paging indication. A paging indication may, for example,
`comprise a pre-determined sequence and/or may contain a message(e.g., a paging
`message). AWTRU maybeconfigured with a second receiver bandwidth associated to
`reception of further control information or data assignmentfollowing the paging
`indication.” [0183]), and
`wherein the processor, when determining the frequency bandwith part, determines a
`first frequency bandwith partfor the uplink and/or a second frequency bandwidth partfor the
`downlink (“An increase and/or a decrease in the WTRU's receiver bandwidth may imply
`(e.g., further imply) a changein frequencylocation (e.g., center frequency). Such change
`may correspond to a change of BWP (e.g., UL, DL or both) or to a changeof the active
`set of BWPs (e.g., UL, DLor both). Achange in the WTRU's receiver bandwidth may be
`for downlink operation and/or determination of the WTRU's uplink bandwidth operation.”
`Beforethe effectivefilling date of the claimed invention, it would have been obvious to
`one of ordinaryskill in the art to modify Mukherjee’s method of allocation of contention based
`uplink resources for wireless communications, as modified by Cho, Yi, and Martin, to include
`Pelletier’s method for managing receiver BWPs, in order to facilitate wireless signal
`transmission and